Source code for desitarget.ToO


Targets of Opportunity.

.. _`moving average`:
.. _`rolling sum`:
import os
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table

from desiutil.log import get_logger

from desitarget import io
from desitarget.mtl import get_utc_date
# ADM the data model for ToO, similar to that of secondary targets...
from desitarget.secondary import indatamodel
from desitarget.secondary import outdatamodel
# ADM ...but the OVERRIDE column isn't necessary...
indtype = [tup for tup in indatamodel.dtype.descr if "OVERRIDE" not in tup]
outdtype = [tup for tup in outdatamodel.dtype.descr if "OVERRIDE" not in tup]
# ADM ...and some extra columns are necessary.
indatamodel = np.array([], dtype=indtype + [
    ('CHECKER', '>U7'), ('TOO_TYPE', '>U5'),
    ('TOO_PRIO', '>U2'), ('OCLAYER', '>U6'),
    ('MJD_BEGIN', '>f8'), ('MJD_END', '>f8'), ('TOOID', '>i4')])
outdatamodel = np.array([], dtype=outdtype + [
    ('CHECKER', '>U7'), ('TOO_TYPE', '>U5'),
    ('TOO_PRIO', '>U2'), ('OCLAYER', '>U6'),
    ('MJD_BEGIN', '>f8'), ('MJD_END', '>f8'), ('TOOID', '>i4')])
# ADM columns to only include in the output for Main Survey files.
msaddcols = np.array([], dtype=[('TIMESTAMP', 'U25')])

# ADM when using basic or csv ascii writes, specifying the formats of
# ADM float32 columns can make things easier on the eye.
tooformatdict = {"PARALLAX": '%16.8f', 'PMRA': '%16.8f', 'PMDEC': '%16.8f'}

# ADM This RELEASE means Target of Opportunity in TARGETID.
release = 9999

log = get_logger()

[docs]def get_filename(toodir=None, ender="ecsv", outname=False): """Construct the input/output ToO filenames (with full directory path). Parameters ---------- toodir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` The directory to treat as the Targets of Opportunity I/O directory. If ``None`` then look up from the $TOO_DIR environment variable. ender : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "ecsv" File format (in file name), likely either "ecsv" or "fits". outname : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` return the output ToO filename. Otherwise return the input ToO filename. Returns ------- :class:`str` The directory to treat as the Targets of Opportunity I/O directory. """ # ADM retrieve the $TOO_DIR variable, if toodir wasn't passed. tdir = get_too_dir(toodir) dr = release//1000 fn = io.find_target_files(tdir, flavor="ToO", ender="ecsv", nohp=True) # ADM change the name slightly to make this the "input" ledger. if outname: return fn return fn.replace(".{}".format(ender), "-input.{}".format(ender))
[docs]def _write_too_files(filename, data, ecsv=True, survey="main"): """Write ToO ledgers and files. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` Full path to filename to which to write Targets of Opportunity. data : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or `~astropy.table.Table` Table or array of Targets of Opportunity to write. ecsv : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then write as a .ecsv file, if ``False`` then write as a .fits file. survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``'main'`` If survey is "main", create a separate file that holds the fiber observations, which resembles the output file but with ToO. replaced by ToO-fiber. in the filename. Also, again if survey is main append new entries to files rather than writing a full, new file. Performs a look up on TARGETID to find existing entries in the ToO. and Too-fiber. files to only append new entries. Returns ------- None But `data` is written to `filename` with standard ToO formalism. """ # ADM grab the standard header. hdr = _get_too_header() # ADM io.write_with_units expects an array, not a Table. if isinstance(data, Table): data = data.as_array() # ADM if survey is main, separate out the FIBER observations and # ADM append to the files. if survey == "main": # ADM the filename for FIBER observations. fiberfn = filename.replace("ToO.", "ToO-fiber.") # ADM whether an obervations is a FIBER observation. isfiber = data["TOO_TYPE"] == "FIBER" # ADM write once for the FIBER ToOs, once for the TILE ToOs. for fn, isfibornot in zip([filename, fiberfn], [~isfiber, isfiber]): done = data[isfibornot] # ADM we only need to append to the old data if there is any. if os.path.exists(fn): olddata = # ADM a second check that there is some old data. if len(olddata) > 0: s = set(olddata["TARGETID"]) isnew = ~np.array([tid in s for tid in done["TARGETID"]]) # ADM append any new data to the old data. if np.any(isnew): done = np.concatenate([olddata, done[isnew]]) else: done = olddata # ADM create necessary directories, if they don't exist. os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fn), exist_ok=True) # ADM write the file. io.write_with_units(fn, done, extname="TOO", header=hdr, ecsv=ecsv)"Wrote {} ToOs to {}".format(len(done), fn)) # ADM if survey isn't main, just write out a monolithic file. else: # ADM create necessary directories, if they don't exist. os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) # ADM write the file. io.write_with_units(filename, data, extname="TOO", header=hdr, ecsv=ecsv)"Wrote {} ToOs to {}".format(len(data), filename)) return
[docs]def _get_too_header(): """Convenience function that returns a standard header for ToO files. """ from . import __version__ as desitarget_version from desiutil import depend hdr = {} depend.setdep(hdr, 'desitarget', desitarget_version) depend.setdep(hdr, 'desitarget-git', io.gitversion()) hdr["RELEASE"] = release return hdr
[docs]def get_too_dir(toodir=None): """Convenience function to grab the TOO_DIR environment variable. Parameters ---------- toodir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` The directory to treat as the Targets of Opportunity I/O directory. If ``None`` then look up from the $TOO_DIR environment variable. Returns ------- :class:`str` The directory to treat as the Targets of Opportunity I/O directory. """ if toodir is None: toodir = os.environ.get("TOO_DIR") msg = "Pass toodir or set $TOO_DIR." if toodir is None: log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) msg = "{} does not exist. Make it or..." .format(toodir) + msg if not os.path.exists(toodir): log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return toodir
[docs]def make_initial_ledger(toodir=None): """Set up the initial ToO ledger with one ersatz observation. Parameters ---------- toodir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` The directory to treat as the Targets of Opportunity I/O directory. If ``None`` then look up from the $TOO_DIR environment variable. Returns ------- :class:`~astropy.table.Table` A Table of the initial, example values for the ToO ledger. The initial (.ecsv) ledger is also written to toodir or $TOO_DIR. """ # ADM get the ToO directory (or check it exists). tdir = get_too_dir(toodir) # ADM retrieve the file name to which to write. fn = get_filename(tdir) # ADM make a single line of the ledger with some indicative values. data = np.zeros(3, dtype=indatamodel.dtype) data["RA"] = 359.999999, 101.000001, 201.5 data["DEC"] = -89.999999, -89.999999, -89.999999 data["PMRA"] = 13.554634, 4.364553, 12.734214 data["PMDEC"] = 10.763842, -10.763842, -10.763842 data["REF_EPOCH"] = 2015.5, 2015.5, 2015.5 data["CHECKER"] = "ADM", "AM", "ADM" data["TOO_TYPE"] = "TILE", "FIBER", "TILE" data["TOO_PRIO"] = "HI", "LO", "HI" data["MJD_BEGIN"] = 40811.04166667, 41811.14166667, 42811.14 data["MJD_END"] = 40811.95833333, 41811.85833333, 42811.85 data["OCLAYER"] = "BRIGHT", "DARK", "DARK" # ADM write out the results. _write_too_files(fn, data, ecsv=True) return data
[docs]def rolling_sum(array, n): """ Sum each value in an array across itself and the next n-1 values. Parameters ---------- array : :class:`array_like` A 1-D array of integers. n : :class:`int` A window over which to sum. Returns ------- :class:`array_like` Each value in the input summed with the next `n`-1 values in the array. By definition, the output array will have `n`-1 fewer indexes than the input array. Notes ----- - h/t `moving average`_ and `rolling sum`_ on stack overflow. """ # ADM n=0 is meaningless, here. if n == 0: msg = "n must be 1 or greater to calculate a rolling sum" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM a rolling sum can't be calculated if the window exceeds # ADM the array length. if n > len(array): msg = "window exceeds array length, zero-length array will result" log.warning(msg) ret = np.cumsum(array) ret[n:] = ret[n:] - ret[:-n] return ret[n - 1:]
[docs]def all_integers_between_many_limits(ibegin, iend): """ Return array of all integers between arrays of start/end limits. Parameters ---------- ibegin : :class:`array_like` Array of beginning integers. iend : :class:`array_like` Array of ending integers. Returns ------- :class:`array_like` 1-D, sorted array of all integers in all [ibegin, iend] ranges. Ranges are inclusive, so `iend` is included for every pair. """ ranges = [np.arange(ib, ie+1) for ib, ie in zip(ibegin, iend)] return np.sort(np.concatenate(ranges))
[docs]def max_integers_in_interval(ibegin, iend, narray): """ Maximum across [ibegin, iend] ranges totalled over intervals. Parameters ---------- ibegin : :class:`array_like` Array of beginning integers. iend : :class:`array_like` Array of ending integers. narray : :class:`array_like` or :class:`int` or :class:`list` Intervals over which to sum and return the maximum. Returns ------- :class:`array_like` The maximum number of integers across all of the ranges [`ibegin`, `iend`] in each of the intervals in `narray`. Notes ----- - Ranges are inclusive, so `iend` is included for every pair. - An example use would be: for a series of ranges of days [0, 365], [180, 456], [90, 565] what is the maximum number of days that occurs in any rolling 365-day period? The answer would clearly be 3, in this case, as, say, day 181, occurs in all three ranges. """ # ADM grab all integers occuring in all ranges. iall = all_integers_between_many_limits(ibegin, iend) # ADM count the occurence of all the integers between the smallest # ADM ibegin and the largest iend, include missing entries as zeros. bins = np.arange(iall.min()-0.5, iall.max()+1.5) isum, _ = np.histogram(iall, bins) # ADM in case an integer was passed. narray = np.atleast_1d(narray) # ADM n should not be longer than the array-length for a rolling sum. narray = narray.clip(0, len(isum)) # ADM calculate the maximum of the rolling sum over each n in narray. maxes = np.array([np.max(rolling_sum(isum, n)) for n in narray]) # ADM return the maximum of the rolling sum. return maxes
[docs]def _check_ledger(inledger, survey="main"): """Perform checks that the ledger conforms to requirements. Parameters ---------- inledger : :class:`~astropy.table.Table` A Table of input Targets of Opportunity from the ToO ledger. survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``'main'`` Certain extra checks are only conducted if survey is ``'main'``. None But a series of checks of the ledger are conducted. """ # ADM check that every entry has been vetted by-eye. checkers = np.array(list(set(inledger["CHECKER"]))) checkergood = np.array([len(checker) > 1 for checker in checkers]) if not np.all(checkergood): msg = "An entry in the ToO ledger ({}) has not been checked!".format( checkers[~checkergood]) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM check that TOO_TYPE's are all either TILE or FIBER. # ADM and the observing condiations are all either DARK or BRIGHT. # ADM and the priorities are all LO or HI. allowed = {"TOO_TYPE": {'FIBER', 'TILE'}, "TOO_PRIO": {'LO', 'HI'}, "OCLAYER": {'BRIGHT', 'DARK'}} for col in allowed: if not set(inledger[col]).issubset(allowed[col]): msg = "Some {} entries in the ToO ledger are not one of {}!".format( col, allowed[col]) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM for main survey ToOs check that there are not high-priority # ADM fiber-override observations. if survey == "main": ii = (inledger["TOO_TYPE"] == "FIBER") & (inledger["TOO_PRIO"] == "HI") if np.any(ii): msg = "High-priority fiber-overrides disallowed in {} survey".format( survey) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM basic check that the dates are formatted correctly. if np.any(inledger["MJD_BEGIN"] > inledger["MJD_END"]): msg = "Some MJD_BEGINs are later than their associated MJD_END!" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return
[docs]def finalize_too(inledger, survey="main"): """Add necessary targeting columns to a ToO ledger. Parameters ---------- inledger : :class:`~astropy.table.Table` A Table of input Targets of Opportunity from the ToO ledger. survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``'main'`` Specifies which target masks yaml file to use for bits, and which column names to add in the output file. Options are ``'main'`` and ``'svX``' (where X is 1, 2, 3 etc.) for the main survey and different iterations of SV, respectively. Returns ------- :class:`~astropy.table.Table` A Table of targets generated from the ToO ledger, with the necessary columns added for fiberassign to run. """ # ADM add extra columns that are just for the Main Survey. dt = outdatamodel.dtype.descr if survey == 'main': dt += msaddcols.dtype.descr # ADM create the output data table. outdata = Table(np.zeros(len(inledger), dtype=dt)) # ADM change column names to reflect the survey. if survey[:2] == "sv": bitcols = [col for col in outdata.dtype.names if "_TARGET" in col] for col in bitcols: outdata.rename_column(col, "{}_{}".format(survey.upper(), col)) # ADM grab the appropriate masks and column names. from desitarget.targets import main_cmx_or_sv cols, Mxs, surv = main_cmx_or_sv(outdata, scnd=True) dcol, bcol, mcol, scol = cols dMx, bMx, mMx, sMx = Mxs # ADM add the input columns to the output table. for col in inledger.dtype.names: outdata[col] = inledger[col] # ADM add the output columns. ntoo = len(outdata) # ADM assign a TARGETID for each input targets. from desiutil import brick from desitarget.targets import encode_targetid bricks = brick.Bricks(bricksize=0.25) brickid = bricks.brickid(outdata["RA"], outdata["DEC"]) objid = np.arange(ntoo) targetid = encode_targetid(objid=objid, brickid=brickid, release=release) outdata["TARGETID"] = targetid # ADM assign the target bitmasks and observing condition for # ADM each of the possible observing conditions. from desitarget.targetmask import obsconditions outdata[dcol] = dMx["SCND_ANY"] for oc in set(outdata["OCLAYER"]): # ADM there are multiple possible priorities. for prio in set(outdata["TOO_PRIO"]): ii = (outdata["OCLAYER"] == oc) & (outdata["TOO_PRIO"] == prio) bitname = "{}_TOO_{}P".format(oc, prio) outdata[scol][ii] = sMx[bitname] outdata["PRIORITY_INIT"][ii] = sMx[bitname].priorities["UNOBS"] outdata["NUMOBS_INIT"][ii] = sMx[bitname].numobs outdata["OBSCONDITIONS"][ii] = obsconditions.mask( sMx[bitname].obsconditions) # ADM assign a SUBPRIORITY. np.random.seed(616) outdata["SUBPRIORITY"] = np.random.random(ntoo) # ADM finally, add a processing timestamp. # ADM I only remembered to do this starting with the Main Survey. if survey == 'main': outdata["TIMESTAMP"] = get_utc_date(survey="main") return outdata
[docs]def ledger_to_targets(toodir=None, survey="main", ecsv=True, outdir=None): """Convert a ToO ledger to a file of ToO targets. Parameters ---------- toodir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` The directory to treat as the Targets of Opportunity I/O directory. If ``None`` then look up from the $TOO_DIR environment variable. survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``'main'`` Specifies which target masks yaml file to use for bits, and which column names to add in the output file. Options are ``'main'`` and ``'svX``' (where X is 1, 2, 3 etc.) for the main survey and different iterations of SV, respectively. ecsv : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then write as a .ecsv file, if ``False`` then write as a .fits file. outdir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` If passed and not ``None``, then read the input ledger from `toodir` but write the file of targets to `outdir`. Returns ------- :class:`~astropy.table.Table` A Table of targets generated from the ToO ledger. The output targets are also written to `toodir` (or $TOO_DIR) or `outdir`. Notes ----- - One purpose of this code is to add all of the necessary columns for fiberassign to run. - Another purpose is to run some simple checks that the ToO targets do not exceed allowed specifications. """ # ADM get the ToO directory (or check it exists). tdir = get_too_dir(toodir) # ADM read in the ToO ledger. fn = get_filename(tdir) indata =, comment='#', format='ascii.basic', guess=False) # ADM check the ledger conforms to requirements. _check_ledger(indata, survey=survey) # ADM add the output targeting columns. outdata = finalize_too(indata, survey=survey) # ADM determine the output filename. # ADM set output format to ecsv if passed, or fits otherwise. form = 'ecsv'*ecsv + 'fits'*(not(ecsv)) if outdir is None: fn = get_filename(tdir, outname=True, ender=form) else: fn = get_filename(outdir, outname=True, ender=form) # ADM write out the results. _write_too_files(fn, outdata, ecsv=ecsv) return outdata