Source code for desitarget.gaiamatch

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Useful Gaia matching and manipulation routines.

.. _`Gaia Collaboration/Babusiaux et al. (2018)`:
.. _`borrowed shamelessly from Sergey Koposov`:
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn
import fitsio
import requests
import pickle
from glob import glob
from time import time
import healpy as hp
from . import __version__ as desitarget_version
from desiutil import depend
from desitarget import io
from import check_fitsio_version, gitversion
from desitarget.internal import sharedmem
from desitarget.geomask import hp_in_box, add_hp_neighbors, pixarea2nside
from desitarget.geomask import hp_beyond_gal_b, nside2nside, rewind_coords
from desimodel.footprint import radec2pix
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy import units as u
from import ascii

# ADM set up the DESI default logger
from desiutil.log import get_logger
log = get_logger()

# ADM start the clock
start = time()

# ADM the current data model for Gaia columns for READING from Gaia files
ingaiadatamodel = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('SOURCE_ID', '>i8'), ('REF_CAT', 'S2'), ('RA', '>f8'), ('DEC', '>f8'),
    ('PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', '>f4'), ('PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG', '>f4'), ('PHOT_BP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG', '>f4'), ('PHOT_RP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PHOT_BP_RP_EXCESS_FACTOR', '>f4'),
    ('PARALLAX', '>f4'), ('PARALLAX_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PMRA', '>f4'), ('PMRA_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PMDEC', '>f4'), ('PMDEC_ERROR', '>f4')

# ADM the current data model for Gaia columns for WRITING to target files
gaiadatamodel = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('REF_ID', '>i8'), ('REF_CAT', 'S2'), ('GAIA_RA', '>f8'), ('GAIA_DEC', '>f8'),
    ('PARALLAX', '>f4'), ('PARALLAX_IVAR', '>f4'),
    ('PMRA', '>f4'), ('PMRA_IVAR', '>f4'),
    ('PMDEC', '>f4'), ('PMDEC_IVAR', '>f4')

# ADM the current data model for READING from Gaia EDR3 files.
inedr3datamodel = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('SOURCE_ID', '>i8'), ('REF_CAT', 'S2'), ('REF_EPOCH', '>f4'), ('RA', '>f8'),
    ('RA_ERROR', '>f8'), ('DEC', '>f8'), ('DEC_ERROR', '>f8'),
    ('PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', '>f4'), ('PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG', '>f4'), ('PHOT_BP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG', '>f4'), ('PHOT_RP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PHOT_BP_RP_EXCESS_FACTOR', '>f4'), ('PHOT_G_N_OBS', '>i4'),
    ('ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED', '>i1'), ('RUWE', '>f4'),
    ('PARALLAX', '>f4'), ('PARALLAX_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PMRA', '>f4'), ('PMRA_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PMDEC', '>f4'), ('PMDEC_ERROR', '>f4')

# ADM the current data model for WRITING to Gaia EDR3 files.
edr3datamodel = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('REF_ID', '>i8'), ('REF_CAT', 'S2'), ('REF_EPOCH', '>f4'), ('EDR3_RA', '>f8'),
    ('EDR3_RA_IVAR', '>f8'), ('EDR3_DEC', '>f8'), ('EDR3_DEC_IVAR', '>f8'),
    ('EDR3_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', '>f4'), ('EDR3_PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('EDR3_PHOT_BP_RP_EXCESS_FACTOR', '>f4'), ('EDR3_PHOT_G_N_OBS', '>i4'),
    ('EDR3_ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED', '>i1'), ('EDR3_RUWE', '>f4'),
    ('EDR3_PARALLAX', '>f4'), ('EDR3_PARALLAX_IVAR', '>f4'),
    ('EDR3_PMRA', '>f4'), ('EDR3_PMRA_IVAR', '>f4'),
    ('EDR3_PMDEC', '>f4'), ('EDR3_PMDEC_IVAR', '>f4')

# ADM the current data model for READING from Gaia EDR3 files.
indr3datamodel = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('SOURCE_ID', '>i8'), ('REF_CAT', 'S2'), ('REF_EPOCH', '>f4'), ('RA', '>f8'),
    ('RA_ERROR', '>f8'), ('DEC', '>f8'), ('DEC_ERROR', '>f8'),
    ('PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', '>f4'), ('PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG', '>f4'), ('PHOT_BP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG', '>f4'), ('PHOT_RP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PHOT_BP_RP_EXCESS_FACTOR', '>f4'), ('PHOT_G_N_OBS', '>i4'),
    ('ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED', '>i1'), ('RUWE', '>f4'),
    ('PARALLAX', '>f4'), ('PARALLAX_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PMRA', '>f4'), ('PMRA_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PMDEC', '>f4'), ('PMDEC_ERROR', '>f4')

# ADM the current data model for WRITING to Gaia EDR3 files.
dr3datamodel = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('REF_ID', '>i8'), ('REF_CAT', 'S2'), ('REF_EPOCH', '>f4'), ('DR3_RA', '>f8'),
    ('DR3_RA_IVAR', '>f8'), ('DR3_DEC', '>f8'), ('DR3_DEC_IVAR', '>f8'),
    ('DR3_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', '>f4'), ('DR3_PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('DR3_PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG', '>f4'), ('DR3_PHOT_BP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('DR3_PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG', '>f4'), ('DR3_PHOT_RP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('DR3_PHOT_BP_RP_EXCESS_FACTOR', '>f4'), ('DR3_PHOT_G_N_OBS', '>i4'),
    ('DR3_ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED', '>i1'), ('DR3_RUWE', '>f4'),
    ('DR3_PARALLAX', '>f4'), ('DR3_PARALLAX_IVAR', '>f4'),
    ('DR3_PMRA', '>f4'), ('DR3_PMRA_IVAR', '>f4'),
    ('DR3_PMDEC', '>f4'), ('DR3_PMDEC_IVAR', '>f4')

# ADM the data model for reading ALL columns from Gaia EDR3 files.
indr3datamodelfull = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('SOLUTION_ID', '>i8'), ('DESIGNATION', '<U26'), ('SOURCE_ID', '>i8'),
    ('RANDOM_INDEX', '>i8'), ('REF_CAT', 'S2'), ('REF_EPOCH', '>f4'), ('RA', '>f8'),
    ('RA_ERROR', '>f8'), ('DEC', '>f8'), ('DEC_ERROR', '>f8'),
    ('PARALLAX', '>f4'), ('PARALLAX_ERROR', '>f4'), ('PARALLAX_OVER_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PM', '>f4'), ('PMRA', '>f4'), ('PMRA_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PMDEC', '>f4'), ('PMDEC_ERROR', '>f4'), ('RA_DEC_CORR', '>f4'),
    ('RA_PARALLAX_CORR', '>f4'), ('RA_PMRA_CORR', '>f4'), ('RA_PMDEC_CORR', '>f4'),
    ('DEC_PARALLAX_CORR', '>f4'), ('DEC_PMRA_CORR', '>f4'), ('DEC_PMDEC_CORR', '>f4'),
    ('PARALLAX_PMRA_CORR', '>f4'), ('PARALLAX_PMDEC_CORR', '>f4'), ('PMRA_PMDEC_CORR', '>f4'),
    ('IPD_FRAC_ODD_WIN', '|u1'), ('RUWE', '>f4'), ('SCAN_DIRECTION_STRENGTH_K1', '>f4'),
    ('SCAN_DIRECTION_MEAN_K1', '>f4'), ('SCAN_DIRECTION_MEAN_K2', '>f4'), ('SCAN_DIRECTION_MEAN_K3', '>f4'),
    ('SCAN_DIRECTION_MEAN_K4', '>f4'), ('DUPLICATED_SOURCE', '?'), ('PHOT_G_N_OBS', '>i4'),
    ('PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX', '>f8'), ('PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX_ERROR', '>f4'), ('PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', '>f4'), ('PHOT_BP_N_OBS', '>i4'), ('PHOT_BP_MEAN_FLUX', '>f8'),
    ('PHOT_RP_N_OBS', '>i4'), ('PHOT_RP_MEAN_FLUX', '>f8'), ('PHOT_RP_MEAN_FLUX_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PHOT_RP_N_BLENDED_TRANSITS', '>i2'), ('PHOT_PROC_MODE', '|u1'), ('BP_RP', '>f4'),
    ('BP_G', '>f4'), ('G_RP', '>f4'), ('RADIAL_VELOCITY', '>f4'),
    ('RADIAL_VELOCITY_ERROR', '>f4'), ('RV_METHOD_USED', '|u1'), ('RV_NB_TRANSITS', '>i2'),
    ('RV_RENORMALISED_GOF', '>f4'), ('RV_CHISQ_PVALUE', '>f4'), ('RV_TIME_DURATION', '>f4'),
    ('RV_AMPLITUDE_ROBUST', '>f4'), ('RV_TEMPLATE_TEFF', '>f4'), ('RV_TEMPLATE_LOGG', '>f4'),
    ('RV_TEMPLATE_FE_H', '>f4'), ('RV_ATM_PARAM_ORIGIN', '>i2'), ('VBROAD', '>f4'),
    ('VBROAD_ERROR', '>f4'), ('VBROAD_NB_TRANSITS', '>i2'), ('GRVS_MAG', '>f4'),
    ('GRVS_MAG_ERROR', '>f4'), ('GRVS_MAG_NB_TRANSITS', '>i2'), ('RVS_SPEC_SIG_TO_NOISE', '>f4'),
    ('PHOT_VARIABLE_FLAG', '<U13'), ('L', '>f8'), ('B', '>f8'),
    ('ECL_LON', '>f8'), ('ECL_LAT', '>f8'), ('IN_QSO_CANDIDATES', '<U5'),
    ('HAS_XP_SAMPLED', '<U5'), ('HAS_RVS', '<U5'), ('HAS_EPOCH_PHOTOMETRY', '<U5'),
    ('HAS_EPOCH_RV', '<U5'), ('HAS_MCMC_GSPPHOT', '<U5'), ('HAS_MCMC_MSC', '<U5'),
    ('TEFF_GSPPHOT_UPPER', '>f4'), ('LOGG_GSPPHOT', '>f4'), ('LOGG_GSPPHOT_LOWER', '>f4'),
    ('LOGG_GSPPHOT_UPPER', '>f4'), ('MH_GSPPHOT', '>f4'), ('MH_GSPPHOT_LOWER', '>f4'),
    ('AZERO_GSPPHOT_UPPER', '>f4'), ('AG_GSPPHOT', '>f4'), ('AG_GSPPHOT_LOWER', '>f4'),

[docs]def check_gaia_survey(dr): """Convenience function to check allowed Gaia Data Releases Parameters ---------- dr : :class:`str` Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3", "dr3". If one of those options isn't passed, a ValueError is raised. """ # ADM allowed Data Releases for input. droptions = ["dr2", "edr3", "dr3"] if dr not in droptions: msg = "input dr must be one of {}".format(droptions) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]def get_gaia_dir(dr="dr2"): """Convenience function to grab the Gaia environment variable. Parameters ---------- dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3", "dr3" Returns ------- :class:`str` The directory stored in the $GAIA_DIR environment variable. """ # ADM check for valid Gaia DR. check_gaia_survey(dr) # ADM check that the $GAIA_DIR environment variable is set. gaiadir = os.environ.get('GAIA_DIR') if gaiadir is None: msg = "Set $GAIA_DIR environment variable!" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM the specific meaning of the GAIA_DIR is the DR2 directory, # ADM so reconstruct for other DRs. if dr != "dr2": gaiadir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gaiadir), "gaia_{}".format(dr)) return gaiadir
[docs]def _get_gaia_nside(): """Grab the HEALPixel nside to be used throughout this module. Returns ------- :class:`int` The HEALPixel nside number for Gaia file creation and retrieval. """ nside = 32 return nside
[docs]def get_gaia_nside_brick(bricksize=0.25): """Grab the HEALPixel nside that corresponds to a brick. Parameters ---------- bricksize : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 0.25 Size of the brick, default is the Legacy Surveys standard. Returns ------- :class:`int` The HEALPixel nside number that corresponds to a brick. """ return pixarea2nside(bricksize*bricksize)
[docs]def gaia_psflike(aen, g, dr="dr2"): """Whether an objects is PSF-like based on Gaia quantities. Parameters ---------- aen : :class:`array_like` or :class`float` Gaia Astrometric Excess Noise. g : :class:`array_like` or :class`float` Gaia-based g MAGNITUDE (not Galactic-extinction-corrected). dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3" Returns ------- :class:`array_like` or :class`float` A boolean that is ``True`` for objects that are psf-like based on Gaia quantities. Notes ----- - Input quantities are the same as in `the Gaia data model`_. """ # ADM check for valid Gaia DR. check_gaia_survey(dr) if dr == "dr2": psflike = np.logical_or( (g <= 19.) * (aen < 10.**0.5), (g >= 19.) * (aen < 10.**(0.5 + 0.2*(g - 19.))) ) elif dr == "edr3": psflike = np.logical_or( (g <= 19.) * (aen < 10.**0.3), (g >= 19.) * (aen < 10.**(0.3 + 0.2*(g - 19.))) ) return psflike
[docs]def sub_gaia_edr3(filename, objs=None, suball=False): """Substitute Gaia EDR3 "astrometric" columns into DR9 sweeps. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` Full path to a sweeps file e.g. `legacysurvey/dr9/south/sweep/9.0/sweep-210p015-220p020.fits`. objs : :class:`array_like`, optional, defaults to ``None`` The contents of `filename`. If ``None``, read from `filename`. suball : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` substitute all of the Gaia EDR3 columns, not just the "astrometric" set used for targeting. Returns ------- :class:`array_like` `objs` (or the contents of `filename`) is returned but with the PARALLAX, PARALLAX_IVAR, PMRA, PMRA_IVAR, PMDEC, PMDEC_IVAR columns substituted with their Gaia EDR3 values. Notes ----- - The GAIA_DIR environment variable must be set. - The input `objs` will be altered (it it is not ``None``). """ # ADM if "objs" wasn't sent, read in the sweeps file. if objs is None: objs =, "SWEEP") # ADM construct the GAIA sweep file location. ender = filename.split("dr9/")[-1].replace(".fits", '-gaiaedr3match.fits') gd = get_gaia_dir("edr3") gsweepfn = os.path.join(gd, "sweeps", ender) # ADM read the gaia sweep. if suball: cols = [col for col in objs.dtype.names if col in gaiadatamodel.dtype.names] else: cols = ["PARALLAX", "PARALLAX_IVAR", "PMRA", "PMRA_IVAR", "PMDEC", "PMDEC_IVAR", "GAIA_DUPLICATED_SOURCE", "GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED", "GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_SIGMA5D_MAX", "GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE"] gaiacols = [col.replace("GAIA", "EDR3") if "GAIA" in col or "REF" in col else "EDR3_{}".format(col) for col in cols] gswobjs, gswhdr =, "GAIA_SWEEP", header=True) # ADM substitute the appropriate columns. g3 = gswobjs["REF_CAT"] == 'G3' for col, gaiacol in zip(cols, gaiacols): objs[col][g3] = gswobjs[gaiacol][g3] # ADM may also need to update the REF_EPOCH. objs["REF_EPOCH"][g3] = gswhdr["REFEPOCH"] # ADM if substituting everything, add vital 'PHOT_G_N_OBS' column. if suball: dt = objs.dtype.descr + [('GAIA_PHOT_G_N_OBS', '>i4')] objsout = np.empty(len(objs), dtype=dt) for col in objs.dtype.names: objsout[col] = objs[col] objsout['GAIA_PHOT_G_N_OBS'][g3] = gswobjs['EDR3_PHOT_G_N_OBS'][g3] return objsout return objs
[docs]def unextinct_gaia_mags(G, Bp, Rp, ebv, scaling=0.86): """Correct gaia magnitudes based for dust. Parameters ---------- G : :class:`array_like` or :class`float` Gaia-based G MAGNITUDE (not Galactic-extinction-corrected). Bp : :class:`array_like` or :class`float` Gaia-based Bp MAGNITUDE (not Galactic-extinction-corrected). Rp : :class:`array_like` or :class`float` Gaia-based Rp MAGNITUDE (not Galactic-extinction-corrected). ebv : :class:`array_like` or :class`float` E(B-V) values from the SFD dust maps. scaling : :class:`int` Multiply `ebv` by this scaling factor. Set to 0.86 to apply Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011) correction. Returns ------- :class:`array_like` or :class`float` Gaia-based G MAGNITUDE (with Galactic-extinction correction). :class:`array_like` or :class`float` Gaia-based Bp MAGNITUDE (not Galactic-extinction correction). :class:`array_like` or :class`float` Gaia-based Rp MAGNITUDE (not Galactic-extinction correction). Notes ----- - See eqn1/tab1 of `Gaia Collaboration/Babusiaux et al. (2018)`_. - First version `borrowed shamelessly from Sergey Koposov`_. """ # ADM correction coefficient for non-linear dust. gaia_poly_coeff = {"G": [0.9761, -0.1704, 0.0086, 0.0011, -0.0438, 0.0013, 0.0099], "BP": [1.1517, -0.0871, -0.0333, 0.0173, -0.0230, 0.0006, 0.0043], "RP": [0.6104, -0.0170, -0.0026, -0.0017, -0.0078, 0.00005, 0.0006]} # ADM dictionaries to hold the input and output magnitudes. inmags = {"G": G, "BP": Bp, "RP": Rp} outmags = {} # ADM apply the extinction corrections in each band. gaia_a0 = 3.1 * ebv * scaling for i in range(2): if i == 0: bprp = Bp - Rp else: bprp = outmags["BP"] - outmags["RP"] for band in ['G', 'BP', 'RP']: curp = gaia_poly_coeff[band] dmag = ( np.poly1d(gaia_poly_coeff[band][:4][::-1])(bprp) + curp[4]*gaia_a0 + curp[5]*gaia_a0**2 + curp[6]*bprp*gaia_a0 )*gaia_a0 # ADM populate the per-band extinction-corrected magnitudes. outmags[band] = inmags[band] - dmag return outmags["G"], outmags["BP"], outmags["RP"]
[docs]def is_in_Galaxy(objs, radec=False): """An (l, b) cut developed by Boris Gaensicke to avoid the Galaxy. Parameters ---------- objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of objects. Must contain at least the columns "RA" and "DEC". radec : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then the passed `objs` is an [RA, Dec] list instead of a rec array. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` A boolean array that is ``True`` for objects that are close to the Galaxy and ``False`` for objects that aren't. """ # ADM which flavor of RA/Dec was passed. if radec: ra, dec = objs else: ra, dec = objs["RA"], objs["DEC"] # ADM convert to Galactic coordinates. c = SkyCoord(ra*, dec* gal = c.galactic # ADM and limit to (l, b) ranges. ii = np.abs(gal.b.value) < np.abs(gal.l.value*0.139-25) return ii
[docs]def gaia_dr_from_ref_cat(refcat): """Determine the Gaia DR from an array of values, check it's unique. Parameters ---------- ref_cat : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or `str` A `REF_CAT` string or an array of `REF_CAT` strings (e.g. b"G2"). Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The corresponding Data Release number (e.g. 2) Notes ----- - In reality, only strips the final integer off strings like "X3". So, can generically be used for that purpose. """ # ADM if an integer was passed. refcat = np.atleast_1d(refcat) # ADM in case old-style byte strings were passed. if isinstance(refcat[0], bytes): return np.array([int(i.decode()[-1]) for i in refcat]) else: return np.array([int(i[-1]) for i in refcat]) return gaiadr
[docs]def scrape_gaia(dr="dr2", nfiletest=None): """Retrieve the bulk CSV files released by the Gaia collaboration. Parameters ---------- dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3", "dr3". For "edr3" the directory used is actually $GAIA_DIR/../gaia_edr3 For "dr3" the directory used is actually $GAIA_DIR/../gaia_dr3 nfiletest : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to ``None`` If an integer is sent, only retrieve this number of files, for testing. Returns ------- Nothing But the archived Gaia CSV files are written to $GAIA_DIR/csv. For "edr3" the directory actually written to is $GAIA_DIR/../gaia_edr3. For "dr3" the written directory is $GAIA_DIR/../gaia_dr3. Notes ----- - The environment variable $GAIA_DIR must be set. - Runs in about 26 hours for 61,234 Gaia DR2 files. - Runs in about 19 hours for 3,386 Gaia EDR3 files. """ # ADM check that the GAIA_DIR is set and retrieve it. gaiadir = get_gaia_dir(dr) gdict = {"dr2": "", "edr3": "", "dr3": ""} url = gdict[dr] # ADM construct the directory to which to write files. csvdir = os.path.join(gaiadir, 'csv') # ADM the directory better be empty for the wget! if os.path.exists(csvdir): if len(os.listdir(csvdir)) > 0: msg = "{} should be empty to wget Gaia csv files!".format(csvdir) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM make the directory, if needed. else:'Making Gaia directory for storing CSV files') os.makedirs(csvdir) # ADM pull back the index.html from the url. index = requests.get(url) # ADM retrieve any file name that starts with GaiaSource. # ADM the [1::2] pulls back just the odd lines from the split list. filelist = index.text.split("GaiaSource")[1::2] # ADM if nfiletest was passed, just work with that number of files. test = nfiletest is not None if test: filelist = filelist[:nfiletest] nfiles = len(filelist) # ADM loop through the filelist. t0 = time() stepper = nfiles//600 for nfile, fileinfo in enumerate(filelist): # ADM make the wget command to retrieve the file and issue it. cmd = 'wget -q {}/GaiaSource{} -P {}'.format(url, fileinfo[:-2], csvdir) os.system(cmd) nfil = nfile + 1 if test or nfil % stepper == 0: elapsed = time() - t0 rate = nfil / elapsed '{}/{} files; {:.1f} files/sec; {:.1f} total mins elapsed' .format(nfil, nfiles, rate, elapsed/60.) )'Done...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-t0)) return
[docs]def hpx_pickle_from_fits(dr="dr2"): """Make $GAIA_DIR/fits/hpx-to-files.pickle independently of gaia_csv_to_fits Parameters ---------- dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3", "dr3". For "edr3" the directory used is actually $GAIA_DIR/../gaia_edr3 For "dr3" the directory used is actually $GAIA_DIR/../gaia_dr3 Returns ------- Nothing But a look-up table for which each index is a get_gaia_nside(), nested scheme HEALPixel and each entry is a list of the FITS files that touch that HEALPixel is written to $GAIA_DIR/fits/hpx-to-files.pickle. Notes ----- - The environment variable $GAIA_DIR must be set. - Runs in ~25 minutes for 3,386 Gaia DR3 files. """ # ADM the resolution at which the Gaia HEALPix files should be stored. nside = _get_gaia_nside() # ADM check that the GAIA_DIR is set. gaiadir = get_gaia_dir(dr) # ADM retrieve the FITS files to be read. fitsdir = os.path.join(gaiadir, 'fits') fitsfns = sorted(glob("{}/GaiaSource*fits".format(fitsdir))) nfiles = len(fitsfns) # ADM make sure the output file doesn't already exist. outfilename = os.path.join(fitsdir, "hpx-to-files.pickle") if os.path.exists(outfilename): msg = "Cowardly: Can't make {} as it already exists".format(outfilename) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM loop through the files and create the lookup table. t0 = time() stepper = 5 pixinfile = [] for nfile, fn in enumerate(fitsfns): objs = pix = set(radec2pix(nside, objs["RA"], objs["DEC"])) pixinfile.append([pix, os.path.basename(fn)]) if nfile > 0 and nfile % stepper == 0: rate = nfile / (time() - t0) elapsed = time() - t0 '{}/{} files; {:.1f} files/sec; {:.1f} total mins elapsed' .format(nfile, nfiles, rate, elapsed/60.) ) # ADM create a list for which each index is a HEALPixel and each # ADM entry is a list of files that touch that HEALPixel. npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) pixlist = [[] for i in range(npix)] for pixels, file in pixinfile: for pix in pixels: pixlist[pix].append(file) # ADM write out the HEALPixel->files look-up table. outfile = open(outfilename, "wb") pickle.dump(pixlist, outfile) outfile.close()'Wrote hpx file to {}...t={:.1f}s'.format(outfilename, time()-t0)) return
[docs]def gaia_csv_to_fits(dr="dr2", numproc=32, mopup=False, full=False, boolfix=False, outdir=None): """Convert files in $GAIA_DIR/csv to files in $GAIA_DIR/fits. Parameters ---------- dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3", "dr3". For "edr3" the directory used is actually $GAIA_DIR/../gaia_edr3 For "dr3" the directory used is actually $GAIA_DIR/../gaia_dr3 numproc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 32 The number of parallel processes to use. mopup : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then just convert any remaining files, rather than all of the the csv files. The $GAIA_DIR/fits/hpx-to-files.pickle file is not produced in this case, and will need to be run separately with the hpx_pickle_from_fits function. full : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then write out all of the columns in the Gaia csv files rather than just those in the Gaia data model. Also, if ``True``, write to a directory named "fits-full" instead of to a directory named "fits". This is ONLY IMPLEMENTED for dr="dr3". The code will flag an error for other values of `dr`. boolfix : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` Files generated with this code before version 2.7.0 of desitarget included a parsing bug where ALL Boolean columns for edr3 or dr3 would be set to ``False``. For backward compatibility, the old behavior is retained for dr2 and edr3 UNLESS `boolfix` is passed as ``True``. The old behavior is retained for edr3 because DESI target files were generated with the buggy code version. outdir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to writing to $GAIA_DIR Write to the passed directory instead of to $GAIA_DIR. Returns ------- Nothing But the archived Gaia CSV files in $GAIA_DIR/csv are converted to FITS files in the directory $GAIA_DIR/fits. Also, a look-up table is written to $GAIA_DIR/fits/hpx-to-files.pickle for which each index is an nside=_get_gaia_nside(), nested scheme HEALPixel and each entry is a list of the FITS files that touch that pixel. Notes ----- - The environment variable $GAIA_DIR must be set. - if numproc==1, use the serial code instead of the parallel code. - Runs in 1-2 hours with numproc=32 for 61,234 Gaia DR2 files. - Runs in 1-2 hours with numproc=32 for 3,386 Gaia EDR3 files. - Runs in ~4.5 hours with numproc=16 for 3,386 Gaia DR3 files. - Runs in 1-2 hours with numproc=64 for DR3 on Perlmutter CPUs. """ # ADM the resolution at which the Gaia HEALPix files should be stored. nside = _get_gaia_nside() # ADM check that the GAIA_DIR is set. gaiadir = get_gaia_dir(dr)"running on {} processors".format(numproc)) # ADM construct the directories for reading/writing files. csvdir = os.path.join(gaiadir, 'csv') fitsdir = os.path.join(gaiadir, 'fits') if full: if dr != "dr3": msg = "Writing full files (full=True) is only implemented for dr3!" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) fitsdir = os.path.join(gaiadir, 'fits-full') # ADM if requested, write to a different directory than $GAIA_DIR. if outdir is not None: fitsdir = fitsdir.replace(gaiadir, outdir) # ADM relevant directory already exists if we're "mopping up". if not mopup: # ADM make sure the output directory is empty. if os.path.exists(fitsdir): if len(os.listdir(fitsdir)) > 0: msg = "{} should be empty to make Gaia FITS files!".format( fitsdir) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM make the output directory, if needed. else:'Making Gaia directory for storing FITS files') os.makedirs(fitsdir) # ADM construct the list of input files. infiles = sorted(glob("{}/GaiaSource*csv*".format(csvdir))) # ADM if we're "mopping up", only process the remaining subset. if mopup: donefiles = sorted(glob("{}/GaiaSource*fits".format(fitsdir))) donefns = [fn.replace("fits", "csv") + ".gz" for fn in donefiles] infiles = list(set(infiles) - set(donefns)) nfiles = len(infiles) # ADM the critical function to run on every file. def _write_gaia_fits(infile): """read an input name for a csv file and write it to FITS""" outbase = os.path.basename(infile) outfilename = "{}.fits".format(outbase.split(".")[0]) outfile = os.path.join(fitsdir, outfilename) fitstable =, format='csv', comment='#') # ADM need to convert 5-string values to boolean. cols = np.array(fitstable.dtype.names) boolcols = cols[np.hstack(fitstable.dtype.descr)[1::2] == '<U5'] # ADM this was a bug for dr="edr" that led to Boolean columns # ADM being parsed as False. It is not fixed unless specified # ADM to retain backward compatibility. if dr in ["dr2", "edr3"] and not boolfix: for col in boolcols: fitstable[col] = fitstable[col] == 'true' else: for col in boolcols: fitstable[col] = ((fitstable[col] == 'true') | (fitstable[col] == 'True')) # ADM only write out the columns we need for targeting. nobjs = len(fitstable) if dr == "dr2": done = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype=ingaiadatamodel.dtype) elif dr == "edr3": done = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype=inedr3datamodel.dtype) elif dr == "dr3": done = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype=indr3datamodel.dtype) if full: done = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype=indr3datamodelfull.dtype) for col in done.dtype.names: if col == 'REF_CAT': if dr == "dr2": done[col] = 'G2' elif dr == "edr3": done[col] = 'G3' elif dr == "dr3": done[col] = 'GW' else: # ADM as of dr3, Gaia writes empty columns as "null". if dr != "dr2" and dr != "edr3": ii = np.array([val == "null" for val in fitstable[col.lower()]]) fitstable[col.lower()][ii] = 0 done[col] = fitstable[col.lower()] fitsio.write(outfile, done, extname='GAIAFITS') # ADM return the HEALPixels that this file touches. pix = set(radec2pix(nside, fitstable["ra"], fitstable["dec"])) return [pix, os.path.basename(outfile)] # ADM this is just to count processed files in _update_status. nfile = np.zeros((), dtype='i8') t0 = time() stepper = nfiles//600 def _update_status(result): """wrapper function for the critical reduction operation, that occurs on the main parallel process""" if nfile % stepper == 0 and nfile > 0: rate = nfile / (time() - t0) elapsed = time() - t0 '{}/{} files; {:.1f} files/sec; {:.1f} total mins elapsed' .format(nfile, nfiles, rate, elapsed/60.) ) nfile[...] += 1 # this is an in-place modification return result # - Parallel process input files... if numproc > 1: pool = sharedmem.MapReduce(np=numproc) with pool: pixinfile =, infiles, reduce=_update_status) # ADM ...or run in serial. else: pixinfile = list() for file in infiles: pixinfile.append(_update_status(_write_gaia_fits(file))) # ADM create a list for which each index is a HEALPixel and each # ADM entry is a list of files that touch that HEALPixel. npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) pixlist = [[] for i in range(npix)] for pixels, file in pixinfile: for pix in pixels: pixlist[pix].append(file) # ADM write out the HEALPixel->files look-up table. We don't want # ADM to produce this if we're only processing a subset of files. if mopup:"You're mopping up! Remember to run hpx_pickle_from_fits() " "to make the pickle/lookup file!") else: outfilename = os.path.join(fitsdir, "hpx-to-files.pickle") outfile = open(outfilename, "wb") pickle.dump(pixlist, outfile) outfile.close()'Done...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-t0)) return
[docs]def gaia_fits_to_healpix(dr="dr2", numproc=32): """Convert files in $GAIA_DIR/fits to files in $GAIA_DIR/healpix. Parameters ---------- dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3", "dr3". For "edr3" the directory used is actually $GAIA_DIR/../gaia_edr3 For "dr3" the directory used is actually $GAIA_DIR/../gaia_dr3 numproc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 32 The number of parallel processes to use. Returns ------- Nothing But the archived Gaia FITS files in $GAIA_DIR/fits are rearranged by HEALPixel in the directory $GAIA_DIR/healpix. The HEALPixel sense is nested with nside=_get_gaia_nside(), and each file in $GAIA_DIR/healpix is called healpix-xxxxx.fits, where xxxxx corresponds to the HEALPixel number. Notes ----- - The environment variable $GAIA_DIR must be set. - if numproc==1, use the serial code instead of the parallel code. - Runs in 1-2 hours with numproc=32 for 61,234 Gaia DR2 files. - Runs in ~15 minutes with numproc=32 for 3,386 Gaia EDR3 files. - Runs in ~20 minutes with numproc=32 for 3,386 Gaia DR3 files. """ # ADM the resolution at which the Gaia HEALPix files should be stored. nside = _get_gaia_nside() # ADM check that the GAIA_DIR is set. gaiadir = get_gaia_dir(dr) # ADM construct the directories for reading/writing files. fitsdir = os.path.join(gaiadir, 'fits') hpxdir = os.path.join(gaiadir, 'healpix') # ADM make sure the output directory is empty. if os.path.exists(hpxdir): if len(os.listdir(hpxdir)) > 0: msg = "{} should be empty to make Gaia HEALPix files!".format(hpxdir) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM make the output directory, if needed. else:'Making Gaia directory for storing HEALPix files') os.makedirs(hpxdir) # ADM read the pixel -> file look-up table. infilename = os.path.join(fitsdir, "hpx-to-files.pickle") infile = open(infilename, "rb") pixlist = pickle.load(infile) npixels = len(pixlist) # ADM include the pixel number explicitly in the look-up table. pixlist = list(zip(np.arange(npixels), pixlist)) # ADM the critical function to run on every file. def _write_hpx_fits(pixlist): """from files that touch a pixel, write out objects in each pixel""" pixnum, files = pixlist # ADM only proceed if some files touch a pixel. if len(files) > 0: # ADM track if it's our first time through the files loop. first = True # ADM Read in files that touch a pixel. for file in files: filename = os.path.join(fitsdir, file) objs = # ADM only retain objects in the correct pixel. pix = radec2pix(nside, objs["RA"], objs["DEC"]) if first: done = objs[pix == pixnum] first = False else: done = np.hstack([done, objs[pix == pixnum]]) # ADM construct the name of the output file. outfilename = io.hpx_filename(pixnum) outfile = os.path.join(hpxdir, outfilename) # ADM write out the file. hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() hdr['HPXNSIDE'] = nside hdr['HPXNEST'] = True fitsio.write(outfile, done, extname='GAIAHPX', header=hdr) return # ADM this is just to count processed files in _update_status. npix = np.zeros((), dtype='i8') t0 = time() def _update_status(result): """wrapper function for the critical reduction operation, that occurs on the main parallel process""" if npix % 100 == 0 and npix > 0: rate = npix / (time() - t0) elapsed = time() - t0 '{}/{} files; {:.1f} files/sec; {:.1f} total mins elapsed' .format(npix, npixels, rate, elapsed/60.) ) npix[...] += 1 # this is an in-place modification return result # - Parallel process input files... if numproc > 1: pool = sharedmem.MapReduce(np=numproc) with pool: _ =, pixlist, reduce=_update_status) # ADM ...or run in serial. else: for pix in pixlist: _update_status(_write_hpx_fits(pix))'Done...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-t0)) return
[docs]def make_gaia_files(dr="dr2", numproc=32, download=False): """Make the HEALPix-split Gaia DR2 files used by desitarget. Parameters ---------- dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3". For "edr3" the directory used is actually $GAIA_DIR/../gaia_edr3. numproc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 32 The number of parallel processes to use. download : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then wget the Gaia DR2 csv files from ESA. Returns ------- Nothing But produces: - Full Gaia DR2 CSV files in $GAIA_DIR/csv. - FITS files with columns from `ingaiadatamodel` or `inedr3datamodel` in $GAIA_DIR/fits. - FITS files reorganized by HEALPixel in $GAIA_DIR/healpix. The HEALPixel sense is nested with nside=_get_gaia_nside(), and each file in $GAIA_DIR/healpix is called healpix-xxxxx.fits, where xxxxx corresponds to the HEALPixel number. Notes ----- - The environment variable $GAIA_DIR must be set. - if numproc==1, use the serial code instead of the parallel code. - Runs in ~26/20 hours for "dr2"/"edr3" if download is ``True``. - Runs in 1-2 hours with numproc=32 if download is ``False``. """ t0 = time()'Begin making Gaia files...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-t0)) # ADM check that the GAIA_DIR is set. gaiadir = get_gaia_dir(dr) # ADM a quick check that the fits and healpix directories are empty # ADM before embarking on the slower parts of the code. fitsdir = os.path.join(gaiadir, 'fits') hpxdir = os.path.join(gaiadir, 'healpix') for direc in [fitsdir, hpxdir]: if os.path.exists(direc): if len(os.listdir(direc)) > 0: msg = "{} should be empty to make Gaia files!".format(direc) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if download: scrape_gaia(dr=dr)'Retrieved Gaia files from ESA...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-t0)) gaia_csv_to_fits(dr=dr, numproc=numproc)'Converted CSV files to FITS...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-t0)) gaia_fits_to_healpix(dr=dr, numproc=numproc)'Rearranged FITS files by HEALPixel...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-t0)) return
[docs]def pop_gaia_coords(inarr): """Pop (DR2 and/or EDR3) GAIA_RA and GAIA_DEC columns off an array. Parameters ---------- inarr : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Structured array with various column names. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Input array with Gaia RA/Dec columns removed. """ posscols = ['GAIA_RA', 'GAIA_DEC', 'EDR3_RA', 'EDR3_DEC'] return rfn.drop_fields(inarr, posscols)
[docs]def pop_gaia_columns(inarr, popcols): """Convenience function to pop columns off an input array. Parameters ---------- inarr : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Structured array with various column names. popcols : :class:`list` List of columns to remove from the input array. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Input array with columns in cols removed. """ return rfn.drop_fields(inarr, popcols)
[docs]def read_gaia_file(filename, header=False, addobjid=False, dr="dr2"): """Read in a Gaia healpix file in the appropriate format for desitarget. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` File name of a single Gaia "healpix-" file. header : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then return (data, header) instead of just data. addobjid : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` Include, in the output, two additional columns. A column "GAIA_OBJID" that is the integer number of each row read from file and a column "GAIA_BRICKID" that is the integer number of the file itself. dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3". Used to format the output data model. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Gaia data translated to targeting format (upper-case etc.) with the columns corresponding to `desitarget.gaiamatch.gaiadatamodel` Notes ----- - A better location for this might be in ``? """ # ADM check for an epic fail on the the version of fitsio. check_fitsio_version() # ADM prepare to read in the Gaia data by reading in columns. fx = fitsio.FITS(filename, upper=True) fxcolnames = fx[1].get_colnames() hdr = fx[1].read_header() # ADM read appropriate columns and convert output data model names. if dr == "edr3": readcolumns = list(inedr3datamodel.dtype.names) try: outdata = fx[1].read(columns=readcolumns) # ADM basic check for mismatched files. except ValueError: msg = "{} is a dr2 file, but the dr input is {}".format(filename, dr) log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) outdata.dtype.names = edr3datamodel.dtype.names prefix = "EDR3" # ADM the ERRORS need to be converted to IVARs. # ADM remember to leave 0 entries as 0. for col in ['RA_IVAR', 'DEC_IVAR', 'PMRA_IVAR', 'PMDEC_IVAR', 'PARALLAX_IVAR']: outcol = "{}_{}".format(prefix, col) w = np.where(outdata[outcol] != 0)[0] outdata[outcol][w] = 1./(outdata[outcol][w]**2.) else: readcolumns = list(ingaiadatamodel.dtype.names) outdata = fx[1].read(columns=readcolumns) # ADM basic check for mismatched files. if 'G3' in outdata["REF_CAT"]: msg = "{} is a dr3 file, but the dr input is {}".format(filename, dr) log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) outdata.dtype.names = gaiadatamodel.dtype.names prefix = "GAIA" # ADM the proper motion ERRORS need to be converted to IVARs. # ADM remember to leave 0 entries as 0. for col in ['PMRA_IVAR', 'PMDEC_IVAR', 'PARALLAX_IVAR']: w = np.where(outdata[col] != 0)[0] outdata[col][w] = 1./(outdata[col][w]**2.) # ADM if requested, add an object identifier for each file row. if addobjid: newdt = outdata.dtype.descr for tup in [('{}_BRICKID'.format(prefix), '>i4'), ('{}_OBJID'.format(prefix), '>i4')]: newdt.append(tup) nobjs = len(outdata) newoutdata = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype=newdt) for col in outdata.dtype.names: newoutdata[col] = outdata[col] newoutdata['{}_OBJID'.format(prefix)] = np.arange(nobjs) nside = _get_gaia_nside() hpnum = radec2pix(nside, outdata["{}_RA".format(prefix)], outdata["{}_DEC".format(prefix)]) # ADM int should fail if HEALPix in the file aren't unique. newoutdata['{}_BRICKID'.format(prefix)] = int(np.unique(hpnum)) outdata = newoutdata # ADM return data from the Gaia file, with the header if requested. if header: fx.close() return outdata, hdr else: fx.close() return outdata
[docs]def find_gaia_files(objs, neighbors=True, radec=False, dr="dr2"): """Find full paths to Gaia healpix files for objects by RA/Dec. Parameters ---------- objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of objects. Must contain at least the columns "RA" and "DEC". neighbors : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` Also return all neighboring pixels that touch the files of interest in order to prevent edge effects (e.g. if a Gaia source is 1 arcsec away from a primary source and so in an adjacent pixel). radec : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then the passed `objs` is an [RA, Dec] list instead of a rec array. dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3" Returns ------- :class:`list` A list of all Gaia files that need to be read in to account for objects at the passed locations. Notes ----- - The environment variable $GAIA_DIR must be set. """ # ADM the resolution at which the Gaia HEALPix files are stored. nside = _get_gaia_nside() # ADM check that the GAIA_DIR is set and retrieve it. gaiadir = get_gaia_dir(dr) hpxdir = os.path.join(gaiadir, 'healpix') return io.find_star_files(objs, hpxdir, nside, neighbors=neighbors, radec=radec)
[docs]def find_gaia_files_hp(nside, pixlist, neighbors=True, dr="dr2"): """Find full paths to Gaia healpix files in a set of HEALPixels. Parameters ---------- nside : :class:`int` (NESTED) HEALPixel nside. pixlist : :class:`list` or `int` A set of HEALPixels at `nside`. neighbors : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` Also return files corresponding to all neighbors that touch the pixels in `pixlist` to prevent edge effects (e.g. a Gaia source is 1 arcsec outside of `pixlist` and so in an adjacent pixel). dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3" Returns ------- :class:`list` A list of all Gaia files that need to be read in to account for objects in the passed list of pixels. Notes ----- - The environment variable $GAIA_DIR must be set. """ # ADM the resolution at which the healpix files are stored. filenside = _get_gaia_nside() # ADM check that the GAIA_DIR is set and retrieve it. gaiadir = get_gaia_dir(dr) hpxdir = os.path.join(gaiadir, 'healpix') # ADM work with pixlist as an array. pixlist = np.atleast_1d(pixlist) # ADM determine the pixels that touch the passed pixlist. pixnum = nside2nside(nside, filenside, pixlist) # ADM if neighbors was sent, then retrieve all pixels that touch each # ADM pixel covered by the provided locations, to prevent edge effects... if neighbors: pixnum = add_hp_neighbors(filenside, pixnum) # ADM reformat in the Gaia healpix format used by desitarget. gaiafiles = [os.path.join(hpxdir, io.hpx_filename(pn)) for pn in pixnum] return gaiafiles
[docs]def find_gaia_files_box(gaiabounds, neighbors=True, dr="dr2"): """Find full paths to Gaia healpix files in an RA/Dec box. Parameters ---------- gaiabounds : :class:`list` A region of the sky bounded by RA/Dec. Pass as a 4-entry list to represent an area bounded by [RAmin, RAmax, DECmin, DECmax] neighbors : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` Also return files corresponding to all neighboring pixels that touch the files that touch the box in order to prevent edge effects (e.g. if a Gaia source might be 1 arcsec outside of the box and so in an adjacent pixel) dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3" Returns ------- :class:`list` A list of all Gaia files that need to be read in to account for objects in the passed box. Notes ----- - Uses the `healpy` routines that rely on `fact`, so the usual warnings about returning different pixel sets at different values of `fact` apply. See: - The environment variable $GAIA_DIR must be set. """ # ADM the resolution at which the healpix files are stored. nside = _get_gaia_nside() # ADM check that the GAIA_DIR is set and retrieve it. gaiadir = get_gaia_dir(dr) hpxdir = os.path.join(gaiadir, 'healpix') # ADM determine the pixels that touch the box. pixnum = hp_in_box(nside, gaiabounds, inclusive=True, fact=4) # ADM if neighbors was sent, then retrieve all pixels that touch each # ADM pixel covered by the provided locations, to prevent edge effects... if neighbors: pixnum = add_hp_neighbors(nside, pixnum) # ADM reformat in the Gaia healpix format used by desitarget. gaiafiles = [os.path.join(hpxdir, io.hpx_filename(pn)) for pn in pixnum] return gaiafiles
[docs]def find_gaia_files_beyond_gal_b(mingalb, neighbors=True, dr="dr2"): """Find full paths to Gaia healpix files beyond a Galactic b. Parameters ---------- mingalb : :class:`float` Closest latitude to Galactic plane to return HEALPixels (e.g. send 10 to limit to pixels beyond -10o <= b < 10o). neighbors : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` Also return files corresponding to neighboring pixels that touch in order to prevent edge effects (e.g. if a Gaia source might be 1 arcsec beyond mingalb and so in an adjacent pixel). dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3". Returns ------- :class:`list` All Gaia files that need to be read in to account for objects further from the Galactic plane than `mingalb`. Notes ----- - The environment variable $GAIA_DIR must be set. - :func:`desitarget.geomask.hp_beyond_gal_b()` is already quite inclusive, so you may retrieve some extra files along the `mingalb` boundary. """ # ADM the resolution at which the healpix files are stored. nside = _get_gaia_nside() # ADM check that the GAIA_DIR is set and retrieve it. gaiadir = get_gaia_dir(dr) hpxdir = os.path.join(gaiadir, 'healpix') # ADM determine the pixels beyond mingalb. pixnum = hp_beyond_gal_b(nside, mingalb, neighbors=True) # ADM if neighbors was sent, retrieve all pixels that touch each # ADM retrieved, to prevent edge effects... if neighbors: pixnum = add_hp_neighbors(nside, pixnum) # ADM reformat in the Gaia healpix format used by desitarget. gaiafiles = [os.path.join(hpxdir, io.hpx_filename(pn)) for pn in pixnum] return gaiafiles
[docs]def find_gaia_files_tiles(tiles=None, neighbors=True, dr="dr2"): """ Parameters ---------- tiles : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of tiles, or ``None`` to use all DESI tiles from :func:``. neighbors : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` Also return all neighboring pixels that touch the files of interest in order to prevent edge effects (e.g. if a Gaia source is 1 arcsec away from a primary source and so in an adjacent pixel). dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3". Returns ------- :class:`list` A list of all Gaia files that touch the passed tiles. Notes ----- - The environment variables $GAIA_DIR and $DESIMODEL must be set. """ # ADM check that the DESIMODEL environment variable is set. if os.environ.get('DESIMODEL') is None: msg = "DESIMODEL environment variable must be set!!!" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM the resolution at which the healpix files are stored. nside = _get_gaia_nside() # ADM check that the GAIA_DIR is set and retrieve it. gaiadir = get_gaia_dir(dr) hpxdir = os.path.join(gaiadir, 'healpix') # ADM determine the pixels that touch the tiles. from desimodel.footprint import tiles2pix pixnum = tiles2pix(nside, tiles=tiles) # ADM if neighbors was sent, then retrieve all pixels that touch each # ADM pixel covered by the provided locations, to prevent edge effects... if neighbors: pixnum = add_hp_neighbors(nside, pixnum) # ADM reformat in the Gaia healpix format used by desitarget. gaiafiles = [os.path.join(hpxdir, io.hpx_filename(pn)) for pn in pixnum] return gaiafiles
[docs]def match_gaia_to_primary(objs, matchrad=0.2, retaingaia=False, gaiabounds=[0., 360., -90., 90.], dr="edr3"): """Match objects to Gaia healpix files and return Gaia information. Parameters ---------- objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Must contain at least "RA", "DEC". ASSUMED TO BE AT A REFERENCE EPOCH OF 2015.5 and EQUINOX J2000/ICRS. matchrad : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 0.2 arcsec The matching radius in arcseconds. retaingaia : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to False If set, return all of the Gaia information in the "area" occupied by `objs` (whether a Gaia object matches a passed RA/Dec or not.) THIS ASSUMES THAT THE PASSED OBJECTS ARE FROM A SWEEPS file and that integer values nearest the maximum and minimum passed RAs and Decs fairly represent the areal "edges" of that file. gaiabounds : :class:`list`, optional, defaults to the whole sky Used with `retaingaia` to determine the area over which to retrieve Gaia objects that don't match a sweeps object. Pass a 4-entry (corresponding to [RAmin, RAmax, DECmin, DECmax]). dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "edr3" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3". Specifies which output data model to use. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Gaia information for each matching object, in a format like `gaiadatamodel` (for `dr=dr2`) or `edr3datamodel` (`dr=edr3`). Notes ----- - The first len(`objs`) objects correspond row-by-row to `objs`. - For objects that do NOT have a match in Gaia, the "REF_ID" column is set to -1, and all other columns are zero. - If `retaingaia` is ``True`` then objects after the first len(`objs`) objects are Gaia objects that do not have a sweeps match but are in the area bounded by `gaiabounds`. """ # ADM retain all Gaia objects in a sweeps-like box. if retaingaia: ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax = gaiabounds # ADM convert the coordinates of the objects to a SkyCoord object. cobjs = SkyCoord(objs["RA"]*, objs["DEC"]* nobjs = cobjs.size # ADM catch the special case that only a single object was passed. if nobjs == 1: return match_gaia_to_primary_single(objs, matchrad=matchrad, dr=dr) # ADM set up the output arrays, contingent on the Gaia Data Release. if dr == "edr3": gaiainfo = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype=edr3datamodel.dtype) suppgaiainfo = np.zeros(0, dtype=edr3datamodel.dtype) prefix = "EDR3" else: gaiainfo = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype=gaiadatamodel.dtype) suppgaiainfo = np.zeros(0, dtype=gaiadatamodel.dtype) prefix = "GAIA" # ADM objects without matches should have REF_ID of -1. gaiainfo['REF_ID'] = -1 # ADM determine which Gaia files need to be considered. if retaingaia: gaiafiles = find_gaia_files_box(gaiabounds, dr=dr) else: gaiafiles = find_gaia_files(objs, dr=dr) # ADM loop through the Gaia files and match to the passed objects. gracol, gdeccol = "{}_RA".format(prefix), "{}_DEC".format(prefix) for fn in gaiafiles: gaia = read_gaia_file(fn, dr=dr) # ADM rewind the coordinates in the case of Gaia EDR3, which is # ADM at a reference epoch of 2016.0 not 2015.5. if dr == 'edr3': rarew, decrew = rewind_coords(gaia["EDR3_RA"], gaia["EDR3_DEC"], gaia["EDR3_PMRA"], gaia["EDR3_PMDEC"], epochnow=2016.0, epochpast=2015.5) gaia["EDR3_RA"] = rarew gaia["EDR3_DEC"] = decrew cgaia = SkyCoord(gaia[gracol]*, gaia[gdeccol]* idobjs, idgaia, _, _ = cgaia.search_around_sky(cobjs, matchrad*u.arcsec) # ADM assign the Gaia info to the array that corresponds to the passed objects. gaiainfo[idobjs] = gaia[idgaia] # ADM if retaingaia was set, also build an array of Gaia objects that # ADM don't have sweeps matches, but are within the RA/Dec bounds. if retaingaia: # ADM find the Gaia IDs that didn't match the passed objects. nomatch = set(np.arange(len(gaia)))-set(idgaia) noidgaia = np.array(list(nomatch)) # ADM which Gaia objects with these IDs are within the bounds. if len(noidgaia) > 0: suppg = gaia[noidgaia] winbounds = np.where( (suppg[gracol] >= ramin) & (suppg[gracol] < ramax) & (suppg[gdeccol] >= decmin) & (suppg[gdeccol] < decmax) )[0] # ADM Append those Gaia objects to the suppgaiainfo array. if len(winbounds) > 0: suppgaiainfo = np.hstack([suppgaiainfo, suppg[winbounds]]) if retaingaia: gaiainfo = np.hstack([gaiainfo, suppgaiainfo]) return gaiainfo
[docs]def match_gaia_to_primary_single(objs, matchrad=0.2, dr="edr3"): """Match ONE object to Gaia "chunks" files and return the Gaia information. Parameters ---------- objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Must contain at least "RA" and "DEC". MUST BE A SINGLE ROW. matchrad : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 0.2 arcsec The matching radius in arcseconds. dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "edr3" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3". Specifies which output data model to use. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The matching Gaia information for the object, where the returned format and columns correspond to `desitarget.secondary.gaiadatamodel` Notes ----- - If the object does NOT have a match in the Gaia files, the "REF_ID" column is set to -1, and all other columns are zero """ # ADM convert the coordinates of the input objects to a SkyCoord object. cobjs = SkyCoord(objs["RA"]*, objs["DEC"]* nobjs = cobjs.size if nobjs > 1: log.error("Only matches one row but {} rows were sent".format(nobjs)) # ADM set up the output arrays, contingent on the Gaia Data Release. if dr == "edr3": gaiainfo = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype=edr3datamodel.dtype) prefix = "EDR3" else: gaiainfo = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype=gaiadatamodel.dtype) prefix = "GAIA" # ADM an object without matches should have REF_ID of -1. gaiainfo['REF_ID'] = -1 # ADM determine which Gaia files need to be considered. gaiafiles = find_gaia_files(objs, dr=dr) # ADM loop through the Gaia files and match to the passed object. gracol, gdeccol = "{}_RA".format(prefix), "{}_DEC".format(prefix) for fn in gaiafiles: gaia = read_gaia_file(fn, dr=dr) # ADM rewind the coordinates in the case of Gaia EDR3, which is # ADM at a reference epoch of 2016.0 not 2015.5. if dr == 'edr3': rarew, decrew = rewind_coords(gaia["EDR3_RA"], gaia["EDR3_DEC"], gaia["EDR3_PMRA"], gaia["EDR3_PMDEC"], epochnow=2016.0, epochpast=2015.5) gaia["EDR3_RA"] = rarew gaia["EDR3_DEC"] = decrew cgaia = SkyCoord(gaia[gracol]*, gaia[gdeccol]* sep = cobjs.separation(cgaia) idgaia = np.where(sep < matchrad*u.arcsec)[0] # ADM assign the Gaia info to the array that corresponds to the passed object. if len(idgaia) > 0: gaiainfo = gaia[idgaia] return gaiainfo
[docs]def write_gaia_matches(infiles, numproc=4, outdir=".", matchrad=0.2, dr="edr3", merge=False): """Match sweeps files to Gaia and rewrite with the Gaia columns added Parameters ---------- infiles : :class:`list` or `str` A list of input filenames (sweep files) OR a single filename. The files must contain at least the columns "RA" and "DEC". numproc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 4 The number of parallel processes to use. outdir : :class:`str`, optional, default to the current directory The directory to write the files. matchrad : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 0.2 arcsec The matching radius in arcseconds. dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "edr3" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3" merge : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, merge the Gaia columns into the original sweeps file. Otherwise, just write the Gaia columns. Returns ------- Nothing But columns in `gaiadatamodel` or `edr3datamodel` that match the input sweeps files are written to file (if `merge=False`) or written after merging with the input sweeps columns (if `merge=True`). The output filename is the input filename with ".fits" replaced by "-gaia$DRmatch.fits", where $DR is `dr`. Notes ----- - if numproc==1, use the serial code instead of the parallel code. - The environment variable $GAIA_DIR must be set. """ # ADM check that the GAIA_DIR is set and retrieve it. gaiadir = get_gaia_dir(dr) # ADM convert a single file, if passed to a list of files. if isinstance(infiles, str): infiles = [infiles, ] # ADM check that files exist before proceeding. for filename in infiles: if not os.path.exists(filename): msg = "{} doesn't exist".format(filename) log.critical(msg) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) nfiles = len(infiles) ender = '-gaia{}match.fits'.format(dr) # ADM the critical function to run on every file. def _get_gaia_matches(fnwdir): '''wrapper on match_gaia_to_primary() given a file name''' # ADM extract the output file name. fn = os.path.basename(fnwdir) outfile = '{}/{}'.format(outdir, fn.replace(".fits", ender)) # ADM read in the objects. objs, hdr = io.read_tractor(fnwdir, header=True) # ADM add relevant header information. hdr["SWEEP"] = fnwdir hdr["MATCHRAD"] = matchrad hdr["GAIADR"] = dr # ADM match_gaia_to_primary always rewinds the epoch to 2015.5. hdr["REFEPOCH"] = 2015.5 depend.setdep(hdr, 'desitarget', desitarget_version) depend.setdep(hdr, 'desitarget-git', gitversion()) # ADM match to Gaia sources. gaiainfo = match_gaia_to_primary(objs, matchrad=matchrad, dr=dr)'Done with Gaia match for {} primary objects...t = {:.1f}s' .format(len(objs), time()-start)) # ADM the extension name for the output file. if merge: # ADM if we are writing sweeps columns, remove GAIA_RA/DEC # ADM as they aren't in the imaging surveys data model. gaiainfo = pop_gaia_coords(gaiainfo) # ADM for EDR3, change column names to mimic the Legacy # ADM Surveys if we're updating the Legacy Surveys files. # ADM nothing will happen if the EDR3 fields aren't present. colmapper = {"EDR3_"+col.split("GAIA_")[-1]: col for col in gaiadatamodel.dtype.names if "REF" not in col} gaiainfo = rfn.rename_fields(gaiainfo, colmapper) # ADM add the Gaia column information to the sweeps array. scols = set(gaiainfo.dtype.names).intersection(set(objs.dtype.names)) for col in scols: objs[col] = gaiainfo[col] # ADM write out the file, atomically. fitsio.write(outfile+".tmp", objs, extname="GAIA_SWEEP", header=hdr, clobber=True) else: # ADM we're just writing the gaiainfo. But, include object # ADM identification information (RELEASE, BRICKID, OBJID). outdm = [desc for desc in objs.dtype.descr if 'RELEASE' in desc[0] or 'BRICKID' in desc[0] or 'OBJID' in desc[0]] outdm += gaiainfo.dtype.descr outobjs = np.empty(len(objs), dtype=outdm) for col in ['RELEASE', 'BRICKID', 'OBJID']: outobjs[col] = objs[col] for col in gaiainfo.dtype.names: outobjs[col] = gaiainfo[col] # ADM write out the file, atomically. fitsio.write(outfile+".tmp", outobjs, extname="GAIA_SWEEP", header=hdr, clobber=True) # ADM rename the atomically written file. os.rename(outfile+'.tmp', outfile) return True # ADM this is just to count sweeps files in _update_status. nfile = np.zeros((), dtype='i8') t0 = time() def _update_status(result): """wrapper function for the critical reduction operation, that occurs on the main parallel process""" if nfile % 20 == 0 and nfile > 0: elapsed = time() - t0 rate = elapsed / nfile'{}/{} files; {:.1f} secs/file; {:.1f} total mins elapsed' .format(nfile, nfiles, rate, elapsed/60.)) nfile[...] += 1 # this is an in-place modification. return result # - Parallel process input files. if numproc > 1: pool = sharedmem.MapReduce(np=numproc) with pool: _ =, infiles, reduce=_update_status) else: for fn in infiles: _ = _update_status(_get_gaia_matches(fn)) return