Source code for desitarget.geomask

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Utility functions for geometry on the sky, masking, matching, etc.

.. _`this post on Stack Overflow`:
.. _`by way of Stack Overflow`:
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division)
import numpy as np
import os
import fitsio
from time import time

from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy import units as u

from desiutil import depend, brick
from desitarget.targetmask import desi_mask, targetid_mask
from desitarget.targets import encode_targetid, finalize
from desitarget.internal import sharedmem

import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn

import healpy as hp

# ADM set up the DESI default logger.
from desiutil.log import get_logger
log = get_logger()

[docs]def match_to(A, B): """Return indexes where B matches A, holding A in place. Parameters ---------- A : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or `list` Array of integers to match TO. B : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or `list` Array of integers matched to `A` Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The integer indexes in A that B matches to. Notes ----- - Result should be such that for ii = match_to(A, B) np.all(A[ii] == B) is True. - We're looking up locations of B in A so B can be a shorter array than A (provided the B->A matches are unique) but A cannot be a shorter array than B. """ # ADM grab the integer matchers. Aii, Bii = match(A, B) # ADM return, restoring the original order. return Aii[np.argsort(Bii)]
[docs]def match(A, B): """Return matching indexes for two arrays on a unique key. Parameters ---------- A : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or `list` An array of integers. B : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or `list` An array of integers. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The integer indexes in A to match to B. :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The integer indexes in B to match to A. Notes ----- - Result should be such that for Aii, Bii = match(A, B) np.all(A[Aii] == B[Bii]) is True. - Only works if there is a unique mapping from A->B, i.e if A and B do NOT contain duplicates. - h/t Anand Raichoor `by way of Stack Overflow`_. """ # AR sorting A,B tmpA = np.sort(A) tmpB = np.sort(B) # AR create mask equivalent to np.in1d(A,B) and np.in1d(B,A) for unique elements maskA = ( np.searchsorted(tmpB, tmpA, "right") - np.searchsorted(tmpB, tmpA, "left") ) == 1 maskB = ( np.searchsorted(tmpA, tmpB, "right") - np.searchsorted(tmpA, tmpB, "left") ) == 1 # AR to get back to original indexes return np.argsort(A)[maskA], np.argsort(B)[maskB]
[docs]def get_imaging_maskbits(bitnamelist=None): """Return MASKBITS names and bits from the Legacy Surveys. Parameters ---------- bitnamelist : :class:`list`, optional, defaults to ``None`` If not ``None``, return the bit values corresponding to the passed names. Otherwise, return the full MASKBITS dictionary. Returns ------- :class:`list` or `dict` A list of the MASKBITS values if `bitnamelist` is passed, otherwise the full MASKBITS dictionary of names-to-values. Notes ----- - For the definitions of the mask bits, see, e.g., """ bitdict = {"BRIGHT": 1, "ALLMASK_G": 5, "ALLMASK_R": 6, "ALLMASK_Z": 7, "BAILOUT": 10, "MEDIUM": 11, "GALAXY": 12, "CLUSTER": 13} # ADM look up the bit value for each passed bit name. if bitnamelist is not None: return [bitdict[bitname] for bitname in bitnamelist] return bitdict
[docs]def get_default_maskbits(bgs=False, mws=False): """Return the names of the default MASKBITS for targets. Parameters ---------- bgs : :class:`bool`, defaults to ``False``. If ``True`` load the "default" scheme for Bright Galaxy Survey targets. Otherwise, load the default for other target classes. mws : :class:`bool`, defaults to ``False``. If ``True`` load the "default" scheme for Milky Way Survey targets. Otherwise, load the default for other target classes. Returns ------- :class:`list` A list of the default MASKBITS names for targets. Notes ----- - Only one of `bgs` or `mws` can be ``True``. """ if bgs and mws: msg = "Only one of bgs or mws can be passed as True" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if bgs: return ["BRIGHT", "CLUSTER"] if mws: return ["BRIGHT", "GALAXY"] return ["BRIGHT", "GALAXY", "CLUSTER"]
[docs]def imaging_mask(maskbits, bitnamelist=get_default_maskbits(), bgsmask=False, mwsmask=False): """Apply the 'geometric' masks from the Legacy Surveys imaging. Parameters ---------- maskbits : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or ``None`` General array of `Legacy Surveys mask`_ bits. bitnamelist : :class:`list`, defaults to func:`get_default_maskbits()` List of Legacy Surveys mask bits to set to ``False``. bgsmask : :class:`bool`, defaults to ``False``. Load the "default" scheme for Bright Galaxy Survey targets. Overrides `bitnamelist`. bgsmask : :class:`bool`, defaults to ``False``. Load the "default" scheme for Milky Way Survey targets. Overrides `bitnamelist`. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` A boolean array that is the same length as `maskbits` that contains ``False`` where any bits in `bitnamelist` are set. Notes ----- - Only one of `bgsmask` or `mwsmask` can be ``True``. """ # ADM default for the BGS or MWS.. if bgsmask or mwsmask: bitnamelist = get_default_maskbits(bgs=bgsmask, mws=mwsmask) # ADM get the bit values for the passed (or default) bit names. bits = get_imaging_maskbits(bitnamelist) # ADM Create array of True and set to False where a mask bit is set. mb = np.ones_like(maskbits, dtype='?') for bit in bits: mb &= ((maskbits & 2**bit) == 0) return mb
[docs]def ellipse_matrix(r, e1, e2): """Calculate transformation matrix from half-light-radius to ellipse Parameters ---------- r : :class:`float` or `~numpy.ndarray` Half-light radius of the ellipse (ARCSECONDS) e1 : :class:`float` or `~numpy.ndarray` First ellipticity component of the ellipse e2 : :class:`float` or `~numpy.ndarray` Second ellipticity component of the ellipse Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` A 2x2 matrix to transform points measured in coordinates of the effective-half-light-radius to RA/Dec offset coordinates Notes ----- - If a float is passed then the output shape is (2,2,1) otherwise it's (2,2,len(r)) - The parametrization is explained at - Much of the math is taken from: """ # ADM derive the eccentricity from the ellipticity # ADM guarding against the option that floats were passed e = np.atleast_1d(np.hypot(e1, e2)) # ADM the position angle in radians and its cos/sin theta = np.atleast_1d(np.arctan2(e2, e1) / 2.) ct = np.cos(theta) st = np.sin(theta) # ADM ensure there's a maximum ratio of the semi-major # ADM to semi-minor axis, and calculate that ratio maxab = 1000. ab = np.zeros(len(e))+maxab w = np.where(e < 1) ab[w] = (1.+e[w])/(1.-e[w]) w = np.where(ab > maxab) ab[w] = maxab # ADM convert the half-light radius to degrees r_deg = r / 3600. # ADM the 2x2 matrix to transform points measured in # ADM effective-half-light-radius to RA/Dec offsets T = r_deg * np.array([[ct / ab, st], [-st / ab, ct]]) return T
[docs]def ellipse_boundary(RAcen, DECcen, r, e1, e2, nloc=50): """Return RA/Dec of an elliptical boundary on the sky Parameters ---------- RAcen : :class:`float` Right Ascension of the center of the ellipse (DEGREES) DECcen : :class:`float` Declination of the center of the ellipse (DEGREES) r : :class:`float` Half-light radius of the ellipse (ARCSECONDS) e1 : :class:`float` First ellipticity component of the ellipse e2 : :class:`float` Second ellipticity component of the ellipse nloc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 50 the number of locations to generate, equally spaced around the periphery of the ellipse Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Right Ascensions along the boundary of (each) ellipse :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Declinations along the boundary of (each) ellipse Notes ----- - The parametrization is explained at - Much of the math is taken from: """ # ADM Retrieve the 2x2 matrix to transform points measured in # ADM effective-half-light-radius to RA/Dec offsets T = ellipse_matrix(r, e1, e2) # ADM create a circle in effective-half-light-radius angle = np.linspace(0, 2.*np.pi, nloc) vv = np.vstack([np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]) # ADM transform circle to elliptical boundary dra, ddec =[..., 0], vv) # ADM return the RA, Dec of the boundary, remembering to correct for # ADM spherical projection in Dec decs = DECcen + ddec # ADM note that this is only true for the small angle approximation # ADM but that's OK to < 0.3" for a < 3o diameter galaxy at dec < 60o ras = RAcen + (dra/np.cos(np.radians(decs))) return ras, decs
[docs]def is_in_ellipse(ras, decs, RAcen, DECcen, r, e1, e2): """Determine whether points lie within an elliptical mask on the sky Parameters ---------- ras : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of Right Ascensions to test decs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of Declinations to test RAcen : :class:`float` Right Ascension of the center of the ellipse (DEGREES) DECcen : :class:`float` Declination of the center of the ellipse (DEGREES) r : :class:`float` Half-light radius of the ellipse (ARCSECONDS) e1 : :class:`float` First ellipticity component of the ellipse e2 : :class:`float` Second ellipticity component of the ellipse Returns ------- :class:`boolean` An array that is the same length as RA/Dec that is ``True`` for points that are in the mask and False for points that are not in the mask Notes ----- - The parametrization is explained at - Much of the math is taken from: """ # ADM Retrieve the 2x2 matrix to transform points measured in # ADM effective-half-light-radius to RA/Dec offsets... G = ellipse_matrix(r, e1, e2) # ADM ...and invert it Ginv = np.linalg.inv(G[..., 0]) # ADM remember to correct for the spherical projection in Dec # ADM note that this is only true for the small angle approximation # ADM but that's OK to < 0.3" for a < 3o diameter galaxy at dec < 60o dra = (ras - RAcen)*np.cos(np.radians(decs)) ddec = decs - DECcen # ADM test whether points are larger than the effective # ADM circle of radius 1 generated in half-light-radius coordinates dx, dy =, [dra, ddec]) return np.hypot(dx, dy) < 1
[docs]def is_in_ellipse_matrix(ras, decs, RAcen, DECcen, G): """Determine whether points lie within an elliptical mask on the sky Parameters ---------- ras : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of Right Ascensions to test decs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of Declinations to test RAcen : :class:`float` Right Ascension of the center of the ellipse (DEGREES) DECcen : :class:`float` Declination of the center of the ellipse (DEGREES) G : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` A 2x2 matrix to transform points measured in coordinates of the effective-half-light-radius to RA/Dec offset coordinates as generated by, e.g., :mod:`desitarget.geomask.ellipse_matrix` Returns ------- :class:`boolean` An array that is the same length as ras/decs that is ``True`` for points that are in the mask and False for points that are not in the mask Notes ----- - The parametrization is explained at - Much of the math is taken from: - G should have a shape of (2,2) (i.e. np.shape(G) gives (2,2) """ # ADM Invert the transformation matrix Ginv = np.linalg.inv(G) # ADM remember to correct for the spherical projection in Dec # ADM note that this is only true for the small angle approximation # ADM but that's OK to < 0.3" for a < 3o diameter galaxy at dec < 60o dra = (ras - RAcen)*np.cos(np.radians(decs)) ddec = decs - DECcen # ADM test whether points are larger than the effective # ADM circle of radius 1 generated in half-light-radius coordinates dx, dy =, [dra, ddec]) return np.hypot(dx, dy) < 1
[docs]def is_in_circle(ras, decs, RAcens, DECcens, r): """Whether a set of points is in a set of circular masks on the sky. Parameters ---------- ras : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of Right Ascensions to test. decs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of Declinations to test. RAcen : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Right Ascension of the centers of the circles (DEGREES). DECcen : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Declination of the centers of the circles (DEGREES). r : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Radius of the circles (ARCSECONDS). Returns ------- :class:`boolean` An array that is the same length as RA/Dec that is ``True`` for points that are in any of the masks and False for points that are not in any of the masks. """ # ADM all matches start as False (nothing is yet in a circular mask). in_mask = np.zeros(len(ras), dtype=bool) # ADM coordinates of masks and targets into SkyCoord objects. ctargs = SkyCoord(ras*, decs* cstars = SkyCoord(RAcens*, DECcens* # ADM this is the largest search radius we should need to consider # ADM in the future an obvious speed up is to split on radius # ADM as large radii are rarer but take longer. maxrad = max(r)*u.arcsec # ADM coordinate match the star masks and the targets. idtargs, idstars, d2d, d3d = cstars.search_around_sky(ctargs, maxrad) # ADM catch the case where nothing fell in a mask. if len(idstars) == 0: return in_mask # ADM for a match, find separations less than the mask radius. w_in = np.where(d2d.arcsec < r[idstars]) # ADM matches at less than the radius are in a mask (at least one). in_mask[idtargs[w_in]] = True return in_mask
[docs]def circles(x, y, s, c='b', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """Make a scatter plot of circles. Similar to plt.scatter, but the size of circles are in data scale Parameters ---------- x, y : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Input data s : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Radius of circles. c : color or sequence of color, optional, default : 'b' `c` can be a single color format string, or a sequence of color specifications of length `N`, or a sequence of `N` numbers to be mapped to colors using the `cmap` and `norm` specified via kwargs. Note that `c` should not be a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence because that is indistinguishable from an array of values to be colormapped. (If you insist, use `color` instead.) `c` can be a 2-D array in which the rows are RGB or RGBA, however. vmin, vmax : scalar, optional, default: None `vmin` and `vmax` are used in conjunction with `norm` to normalize luminance data. If either are `None`, the min and max of the color array is used. kwargs : `~matplotlib.collections.Collection` properties Eg. alpha, edgecolor(ec), facecolor(fc), linewidth(lw), linestyle(ls), norm, cmap, transform, etc. Returns ------- paths : `~matplotlib.collections.PathCollection` Examples -------- >>> a = np.arange(11) >>> circles(a, a, s=a*0.2, c=a, alpha=0.5, ec='none') >>> plt.colorbar() References ---------- With thanks to """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Circle from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection if np.isscalar(c): kwargs.setdefault('color', c) c = None if 'fc' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', kwargs.pop('fc')) if 'ec' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', kwargs.pop('ec')) if 'ls' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('linestyle', kwargs.pop('ls')) if 'lw' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', kwargs.pop('lw')) # You can set `facecolor` with an array for each patch, # while you can only set `facecolors` with a value for all. patches = [Circle((x_, y_), s_) for x_, y_, s_ in np.broadcast(x, y, s)] collection = PatchCollection(patches, **kwargs) if c is not None: collection.set_array(np.asarray(c)) collection.set_clim(vmin, vmax) ax = plt.gca() ax.add_collection(collection) ax.autoscale_view() plt.draw_if_interactive() if c is not None: plt.sci(collection) return collection
[docs]def ellipses(x, y, w, h=None, rot=0.0, c='b', vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """Make a scatter plot of ellipses Parameters ---------- x, y : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Center of ellipses. w, h : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Total length (diameter) of horizontal/vertical axis. `h` is set to be equal to `w` by default, ie. circle. rot : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Rotation in degrees (anti-clockwise). c : color or sequence of color, optional, default : 'b' `c` can be a single color format string, or a sequence of color specifications of length `N`, or a sequence of `N` numbers to be mapped to colors using the `cmap` and `norm` specified via kwargs. Note that `c` should not be a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence because that is indistinguishable from an array of values to be colormapped. (If you insist, use `color` instead.) `c` can be a 2-D array in which the rows are RGB or RGBA, however. vmin, vmax : scalar, optional, default: None `vmin` and `vmax` are used in conjunction with `norm` to normalize luminance data. If either are `None`, the min and max of the color array is used. kwargs : `~matplotlib.collections.Collection` properties Eg. alpha, edgecolor(ec), facecolor(fc), linewidth(lw), linestyle(ls), norm, cmap, transform, etc. Returns ------- paths : `~matplotlib.collections.PathCollection` Examples -------- >>> a = np.arange(11) >>> ellipses(a, a, w=4, h=a, rot=a*30, c=a, alpha=0.5, ec='none') >>> plt.colorbar() References ---------- With thanks to """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection if np.isscalar(c): kwargs.setdefault('color', c) c = None if 'fc' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('facecolor', kwargs.pop('fc')) if 'ec' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', kwargs.pop('ec')) if 'ls' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('linestyle', kwargs.pop('ls')) if 'lw' in kwargs: kwargs.setdefault('linewidth', kwargs.pop('lw')) # You can set `facecolor` with an array for each patch, # while you can only set `facecolors` with a value for all. if h is None: h = w zipped = np.broadcast(x, y, w, h, rot) patches = [Ellipse((x_, y_), w_, h_, rot_) for x_, y_, w_, h_, rot_ in zipped] collection = PatchCollection(patches, **kwargs) if c is not None: c = np.broadcast_to(c, zipped.shape).ravel() collection.set_array(c) collection.set_clim(vmin, vmax) ax = plt.gca() ax.add_collection(collection) ax.autoscale_view() plt.draw_if_interactive() if c is not None: plt.sci(collection) return collection
[docs]def box_area(radecbox): """Determines the area of an RA, Dec box in square degrees. Parameters ---------- radecbox : :class:`list` 4-entry list of coordinates [ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax] forming the edges of a box in RA/Dec (degrees). Returns ------- :class:`list` The area of the passed box in square degrees. """ ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax = radecbox # ADM check for some common mistakes. if decmin < -90. or decmax > 90. or decmax <= decmin or ramax <= ramin: msg = "Strange input: [ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax] = {}".format(radecbox) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) sindecmin, sindecmax = np.sin(np.radians(decmin)), np.sin(np.radians(decmax)) spharea = (ramax-ramin)*np.degrees(sindecmax-sindecmin) return spharea
[docs]def cap_area(theta): """True area of a circle of a given radius drawn on the surface of a sphere Parameters ---------- theta : array_like (angular) radius of a circle drawn on the surface of the unit sphere (in DEGREES) Returns ------- area : array_like surface area on the sphere included within the passed angular radius Notes ----- - The approximate formula pi*theta**2 is only accurate to ~0.0025% at 1o, ~0.25% at 10o, sufficient for bright source mask purposes. But the equation in this function is more general. - We recast the input array as float64 to circumvent precision issues with np.cos() when radii of only a few arcminutes are passed - Even for passed radii of 1 (0.1) arcsec, float64 is sufficiently precise to give the correct area to ~0.00043 (~0.043%) using np.cos() """ # ADM recast input array as float64 theta = theta.astype('<f8') # ADM factor to convert steradians to sq.deg. st2sq = 180.*180./np.pi/np.pi # ADM return area return st2sq*2*np.pi*(1-(np.cos(np.radians(theta))))
[docs]def sphere_circle_ra_off(theta, centdec, declocs): """Offsets in RA needed for given declinations in order to draw a (small) circle on the sphere Parameters ---------- theta : :class:`float` (angular) radius of a circle drawn on the surface of the unit sphere (in DEGREES) centdec : :class:`float` declination of the center of the circle to be drawn on the sphere (in DEGREES) declocs : array_like declinations of positions on the boundary of the circle at which to calculate RA offsets (in DEGREES) Returns ------- raoff : array_like offsets in RA that correspond to the passed dec locations for the given dec circle center (IN DEGREES) Notes ----- - This function is ambivalent to the SIGN of the offset. In other words, it can only draw the semi-circle in theta from -90o->90o, which corresponds to offsets in the POSITIVE RA direction. The user must determine which offsets are to the negative side of the circle, or call this function twice. """ # ADM convert the input angles from degrees to radians # ADM cast theta as float 64 to help deal with the cosine of very small angles thetar = np.radians(theta).astype('<f8') centdecr = np.radians(centdec) declocsr = np.radians(declocs) # ADM determine the offsets in RA from the small circle equation (easy to derive from, e.g. converting # ADM to Cartesian coordinates and using dot products). The answer is the arccos of the following: cosoffrar = (np.cos(thetar) - (np.sin(centdecr)*np.sin(declocsr))) / (np.cos(centdecr)*np.cos(declocsr)) # ADM catch cases where the offset angle is very close to 0 offrar = np.arccos(np.clip(cosoffrar, -1, 1)) # ADM return the angular offsets in degrees return np.degrees(offrar)
[docs]def circle_boundaries(RAcens, DECcens, r, nloc): """Return RAs/Decs of a set of circular boundaries on the sky Parameters ---------- RAcens : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Right Ascension of the centers of the circles (DEGREES) DECcens : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Declination of the centers of the circles (DEGREES) r : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` radius of the circles (ARCSECONDS) nloc : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` the number of locations to generate, equally spaced around the periphery of *each* circle Returns ------- ras : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The Right Ascensions of nloc equally spaced locations on the periphery of the mask dec : array_like. The Declinations of nloc equally space locations on the periphery of the mask """ # ADM radius in degrees with a 0.1% kick to push beyond the edge. radius = 1.001*r/3600. # ADM nloc Dec offsets equally spaced around the circle perimeter. offdec = np.array([rad*np.sin(np.arange(ns)*2*np.pi/ns) for ns, rad in zip(nloc, radius)], dtype=object).transpose() # ADM use offsets to determine DEC positions. decs = DECcens + offdec # ADM offsets in RA at these Decs given the mask center Dec. # ADM astype, here, to ensure inputs are floats rather than objects. offrapos = [sphere_circle_ra_off(th, cen, declocs.astype('<f8')) for th, cen, declocs in zip(radius, DECcens, decs.transpose())] # ADM determine which RA offsets are in the positive direction. sign = [np.sign(np.cos(np.arange(ns)*2*np.pi/ns)) for ns in nloc] # ADM add RA offsets with the right sign to the the circle center. offra = np.array([o*s for o, s in zip(offrapos, sign)], dtype=object).transpose() ras = RAcens + offra # ADM return results as 1-D arrays, converting from object to float. return np.hstack(ras).astype('<f8'), np.hstack(decs).astype('<f8')
[docs]def bundle_bricks(pixnum, maxpernode, nside, brickspersec=1., prefix='targets', gather=False, surveydirs=None, extra=None, seed=None, nchunks=10): """Determine the optimal packing for bricks collected by HEALpixel integer. Parameters ---------- pixnum : :class:`np.array` List of integers, e.g., HEALPixel numbers occupied by a set of bricks (e.g. array([16, 16, 16...12 , 13, 19]) ). maxpernode : :class:`int` The maximum number of pixels to bundle (e.g., if you were trying to pass `maxpernode` bricks, delineated by the HEALPixels they occupy, parallelized across a set of nodes). nside : :class:`int` The HEALPixel nside number thaat was used to generate `pixnum` (NESTED scheme). brickspersec : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 1. The rough number of bricks processed per second by the code (parallelized across a chosen number of nodes) prefix : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to 'targets' Corresponds to the executable "X" that is run as select_X for a target type. This could be 'randoms', 'skies', 'targets', 'gfas'. Also, 'supp-skies' can be passed to cover supplemental skies. gather : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` add a command to combine all the HEALPix-split files into one large file. If ``False``, do not provide that command. ONLY creates correct file names to gather RANDOMS files! surveydirs : :class:`list` Root directories for a Legacy Surveys Data Release. Item 1 is used as the main directory. IF the list is length-2 then the second directory is added as "-s2" in the output script (e.g. ["/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo/data/legacysurvey/dr6"]). extra : :class:`str`, optional Extra command line flags to be passed to the executable lines in the output slurm script. seed : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 1 Random seed for file name. Only relevant for `prefix='randoms'`. nchunks : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 10 Number of smaller catalogs to split the random catalog into. Only relevant for `prefix='randoms'`. Returns ------- Nothing, but prints commands that would facilitate running a set of bricks by HEALPixel integer with the total number of bricks not to exceed `maxpernode`. Also prints total bricks on each node. Notes ----- - For the packing algorithm see `this post on Stack Overflow`_. """ # ADM interpret the passed directories. surveydir = os.path.normpath(surveydirs[0]) surveydir2 = None if len(surveydirs) == 2: surveydir2 = os.path.normpath(surveydirs[1]) # ADM the number of pixels (numpix) in each pixel (pix). pix, numpix = np.unique(pixnum, return_counts=True) # ADM the indices needed to reverse-sort the array on number of pixels, reverse_order = np.flipud(np.argsort(numpix)) numpix = numpix[reverse_order] pix = pix[reverse_order] # ADM iteratively populate lists of the numbers of pixels # ADM and the corrsponding pixel numbers, # ADM only allow true bundling for skies and randoms. if prefix in ['skies', 'randoms']: bins = [] for index, num in enumerate(numpix): # Try to fit this sized number into a bin for bin in bins: if np.sum(np.array(bin)[:, 0]) + num <= maxpernode: # print 'Adding', item, 'to', bin bin.append([num, pix[index]]) break else: # item didn't fit into any bin, start a new bin. bin = [] bin.append([num, pix[index]]) bins.append(bin) # ADM print to screen in the form of a slurm bash script, and # ADM other useful information. print("#######################################################") print("Numbers of bricks or files in each set of HEALPixels:") print("") # ADM the estimated margin for writing to disk in minutes. margin = 30 if prefix == 'skies': margin = 5 if prefix == 'randoms': margin = 90 margin /= 60. maxeta = 0 for bin in bins: num = np.array(bin)[:, 0] pix = np.array(bin)[:, 1] wpix = np.where(num > 0)[0] if len(wpix) > 0: goodpix, goodnum = pix[wpix], num[wpix] sorter = goodpix.argsort() goodpix, goodnum = goodpix[sorter], goodnum[sorter] outnote = ['{}: {}'.format(pix, num) for pix, num in zip(goodpix, goodnum)] # ADM add the total across all of the pixels outnote.append('Total: {}'.format(np.sum(goodnum))) # ADM a crude estimate of how long the script will take to run # ADM brickspersec is bricks/sec. Extra delta is minutes to write to disk. delta = 3./60. eta = delta + np.sum(goodnum)/brickspersec/3600 outnote.append('Estimated time to run in hours (for 32 processors per node): {:.2f}h' .format(eta)) # ADM track the maximum estimated time for shell scripts, etc. if (eta+margin).astype(int) + 1 > maxeta: maxeta = (eta+margin).astype(int) + 1 print(outnote) print("") if gather: print('Estimated additional margin for writing to disk in hours: {:.2f}h' .format(margin)) print("") nnodes = len(bins) else: nbins = hp.nside2npix(nside) bins = [[[i, j]] for i, j in zip(np.ones(nbins, dtype='int'), np.arange(nbins))] maxeta = 1 nnodes = min(16, len(bins)) if prefix == 'supp-skies': nnodes = 4 # ADM more than 48 nodes is a mistake! if nnodes > 48: nnodes = 48 print("#######################################################") print("Possible salloc command if you want to run on the Cori interactive queue:") print("") print("salloc -N {} -C haswell -t 0{}:00:00 --qos interactive -L SCRATCH,project" .format(nnodes, maxeta)) print("") print("#######################################################") print('Example shell script for slurm:') print('') print('#!/bin/bash -l') print('#SBATCH -q regular') print('#SBATCH -N {}'.format(nnodes)) print('#SBATCH -t 0{}:00:00'.format(maxeta)) print('#SBATCH -L SCRATCH,project') print('#SBATCH -C haswell') print('') # ADM extract the Data Release number from the survey directory dr = surveydir.split("dr")[-1].split(os.path.sep)[0] # ADM if an integer can't be extracted, use X instead. try: drstr = "-dr{}".format(int(dr)) except ValueError: drstr = "" # ADM to handle inputs that look like "svX_targets". prefix2 = prefix if prefix[0:2] == "sv": prefix2 = "sv_targets" s2 = "" if surveydir2 is not None: s2 = "-s2 {}".format(surveydir2) cmd = "select" if prefix == "supp-skies": cmd = "supplement" prefix2 = "skies" from import _check_hpx_length, find_target_files pixtracker = [] for bin in bins: num = np.array(bin)[:, 0] pix = np.array(bin)[:, 1] wpix = np.where(num > 0)[0] if len(wpix) > 0: goodpix = pix[wpix] goodpix.sort() # ADM check that we won't overwhelm the pixel scheme. _check_hpx_length(goodpix) strgoodpix = ",".join([str(pix) for pix in goodpix]) pixtracker.append(strgoodpix) if extra is not None: strgoodpix += extra print("srun -N 1 {}_{} {} $CSCRATCH {} --nside {} --healpixels {} &" .format(cmd, prefix2, surveydir, s2, nside, strgoodpix)) print("wait") print("") if gather: ddrr = drstr.replace("-", "") for resolve, region, skip in zip([True, False, False], [None, "north", "south"], ["", "--skip", "--skip"]): outfiles = [] for pix in pixtracker: outfn = find_target_files( "$CSCRATCH", dr=ddrr, flavor=prefix, seed=seed, hp=pix, resolve=resolve, region=region) outfiles.append(outfn) outfn = find_target_files( "$CSCRATCH", dr=ddrr, flavor=prefix, seed=seed, nohp=True, resolve=resolve, region=region) print("") # ADM split each pixel-file into 10 smaller catalogs. for fn in outfiles: adder = "" # ADM we'll need to add the MTL columns if they aren't # ADM added when the randoms are initially constructed. if "addmtl" not in extra: adder = "--addmtl" print("srun -N 1 split_randoms {} -n {} {} {} &".format( fn, nchunks, adder, skip)) print("") print("wait") print("") for nchunk in range(nchunks): ofs = [fn.replace(".fits", "-{}.fits".format(nchunk)) for fn in outfiles] ofn = outfn.replace(".fits", "-{}.fits".format(nchunk)) print("srun -N 1 gather_targets '{}' {} {} {} &".format( ";".join(ofs), ofn, prefix2.split("_")[-1], skip)) print("") print("wait") print("") return
[docs]def add_hp_neighbors(nside, pixnum): """Add all neighbors in the NESTED scheme to a set of HEALPixels. Parameters ---------- nside : :class:`int` (NESTED) HEALPixel nside. pixnum : :class:`list` or `int` or `~numpy.ndarray` HEALPixel numbers (or a single HEALPixel number). Returns ------- :class:`list` The passed list of pixels with all neighbors added to the list. Only unique pixels are returned, so any duplicate integers in the passed `pixnum` are removed. Notes ----- - Syntactic sugar around `healpy.pixelfunc.get_all_neighbours()`. """ # ADM convert pixels to theta/phi space and retrieve neighbors. theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, pixnum, nest=True) # ADM remember to retain the original pixel numbers, too. pixnum = np.hstack( [pixnum, np.hstack( hp.pixelfunc.get_all_neighbours(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) )] ) # ADM retrieve only the UNIQUE pixel numbers. It's possible that only # ADM one pixel was produced, so guard against pixnum being non-iterable. if not isinstance(pixnum, np.integer): pixnum = list(set(pixnum)) else: pixnum = [pixnum] # ADM there are pixels with no neighbors, which returns -1. Remove these: if -1 in pixnum: pixnum.remove(-1) return pixnum
[docs]def brick_names_touch_hp(nside, numproc=1, fact=2**20): """Determine which of a set of brick names touch a set of HEALPixels. Parameters ---------- nside : :class:`int` (NESTED) HEALPixel nside. numproc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 1 The number of parallel processes to use. fact : :class:`int`, optional defaults to 2**20 see documentation for `healpy.query_polygon()`. Returns ------- :class:`list` A list of lists of input brick names that touch each HEALPixel at `nside`. So, e.g. for `nside=2` the returned list will have 48 entries, and, for example, output[0] will be a list of names of bricks that touch HEALPixel 0. Notes ----- - Runs in ~65 (10) secs for numproc=1 (32) at nside=2 (fact=4). - Runs in ~325 (20) secs for numproc=1 (32) at nside=64 (fact=4). - Takes ~2x as long at the default fact=2**20 compared to fact=4, but fact=2**20 returns far fewer bricks for small `nside`. """ t0 = time() # ADM grab the standard table of bricks. bricktable = brick.Bricks(bricksize=0.25).to_table() def _make_lookupdict(indexes): """for a set of indexes that correspond to bricktable rows, make a look-up dictionary of which pixels touch each brick""" lookupdict = {bt["BRICKNAME"]: hp_in_box( nside, [bt["RA1"], bt["RA2"], bt["DEC1"], bt["DEC2"]], fact=fact ) for bt in bricktable[indexes]} return lookupdict # ADM split the length of the bricktable into arrays of indexes. indexes = np.array_split(np.arange(len(bricktable)), numproc) if numproc > 1: pool = sharedmem.MapReduce(np=numproc) with pool: lookupdict =, indexes) lookupdict = {key: val for lud in lookupdict for key, val in lud.items()} else: lookupdict = _make_lookupdict(indexes[0]) # ADM change the pixels-in-brick look-up table to a # ADM bricks-in-pixel look-up table. bricksperpixel = [[] for pix in range(hp.nside2npix(nside))] for brickname in lookupdict: for pixel in lookupdict[brickname]: bricksperpixel[pixel].append(brickname)"Done...t = {:.1f}s".format(time()-t0)) return bricksperpixel
[docs]def sweep_files_touch_hp(nside, pixlist, infiles): """Determine which of a set of sweep files touch a set of HEALPixels. Parameters ---------- nside : :class:`int` (NESTED) HEALPixel nside. pixlist : :class:`list` or `int` A set of HEALPixels at `nside`. infiles : :class:`list` or `str` A list of input (sweep filenames) OR a single filename. Returns ------- :class:`list` A list of lists of input sweep files that touch each HEALPixel at `nside`. So, e.g. for `nside=2` the returned list will have 48 entries, and, for example, output[0] will be a list of files that touch HEALPixel 0. :class:`list` The input `pixlist` reduced to just those pixels that touch the area covered by the input `infiles`. :class:`~numpy.ndarray` A flattened array of all HEALPixels touched by the input `infiles`. Each HEALPixel will appear multiple times if it's touched by multiple input sweep files. """ # ADM convert a single filename to list of filenames. if isinstance(infiles, str): infiles = [infiles, ] # ADM work with pixlist as an array. pixlist = np.atleast_1d(pixlist) # ADM sanity check that nside is OK. check_nside(nside) # ADM a list of HEALPixels that touch each file. from import decode_sweep_name pixelsperfile = [decode_sweep_name(fn, nside=nside) for fn in infiles] # ADM a flattened array of all HEALPixels touched by the input # ADM files. Each HEALPixel will appear multiple times if it's # ADM touched by multiple input sweep files. pixnum = np.hstack(pixelsperfile) # ADM restrict input pixels to only those that touch an input file. ii = [pix in pixnum for pix in pixlist] pixlist = pixlist[ii] # ADM create a list of files that touch each HEALPixel. filesperpixel = [[] for pix in range(hp.nside2npix(nside))] for ifile, pixels in enumerate(pixelsperfile): for pix in pixels: filesperpixel[pix].append(infiles[ifile]) return filesperpixel, pixlist, pixnum
[docs]def hp_in_box(nside, radecbox, inclusive=True, fact=4): """Determine which HEALPixels touch an RA, Dec box. Parameters ---------- nside : :class:`int` (NESTED) HEALPixel nside. radecbox : :class:`list` 4-entry list of coordinates [ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax] forming the edges of a box in RA/Dec (degrees). inclusive : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` see documentation for `healpy.query_polygon()`. fact : :class:`int`, optional defaults to 4 see documentation for `healpy.query_polygon()`. Returns ------- :class:`list` HEALPixels at the passed `nside` that touch the RA/Dec box. Notes ----- - Uses `healpy.query_polygon()` to retrieve the RA geodesics and then :func:`hp_in_dec_range()` to limit by Dec. - When the RA range exceeds 180o, `healpy.query_polygon()` defines the range as that with the smallest area (i.e the box can wrap-around in RA). To avoid any ambiguity, this function will only limit by the passed Decs in such cases. - Only strictly correct for Decs from -90+1e-3(o) to 90-1e3(o). """ ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax = radecbox # ADM area enclosed isn't well-defined if RA covers more than 180o. if np.abs(ramax-ramin) <= 180.: # ADM retrieve RA range. The 1e-3 prevents edge effects near poles. npole, spole = 90-1e-3, -90+1e-3 # ADM convert RA/Dec to co-latitude and longitude in radians. rapairs = np.array([ramin, ramin, ramax, ramax]) decpairs = np.array([spole, npole, npole, spole]) thetapairs, phipairs = np.radians(90.-decpairs), np.radians(rapairs) # ADM convert to Cartesian vectors remembering to transpose # ADM to pass the array to query_polygon in the correct order. vecs = hp.dir2vec(thetapairs, phipairs).T # ADM determine the pixels that touch the RA range. pixra = hp.query_polygon(nside, vecs, inclusive=inclusive, fact=fact, nest=True) else: log.warning('Max RA ({}) and Min RA ({}) separated by > 180o...' .format(ramax, ramin)) log.warning('...will only limit to passed Declinations' .format(nside)) pixra = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)) # ADM determine the pixels that touch the Dec range. pixdec = hp_in_dec_range(nside, decmin, decmax, inclusive=inclusive) # ADM return the pixels in the box. pixnum = list(set(pixra).intersection(set(pixdec))) return pixnum
[docs]def hp_in_dec_range(nside, decmin, decmax, inclusive=True): """HEALPixels in a specified range of Declination. Parameters ---------- nside : :class:`int` (NESTED) HEALPixel nside. decmin, decmax : :class:`float` Declination range (degrees). inclusive : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` see documentation for `healpy.query_strip()`. Returns ------- :class:`list` (Nested) HEALPixels at `nside` in the specified Dec range. Notes ----- - Just syntactic sugar around `healpy.query_strip()`. - `healpy.query_strip()` isn't implemented for the NESTED scheme in early healpy versions, so this queries in the RING scheme and then converts to the NESTED scheme. """ # ADM convert Dec to co-latitude in radians. # ADM remember that, min/max swap because of the -ve sign. thetamin = np.radians(90.-decmax) thetamax = np.radians(90.-decmin) # ADM determine the pixels that touch the box. pixring = hp.query_strip(nside, thetamin, thetamax, inclusive=inclusive, nest=False) pixnest = hp.ring2nest(nside, pixring) return pixnest
[docs]def hp_beyond_gal_b(nside, mingalb, neighbors=True): """Find HEALPixels with centers and neighbors beyond a Galactic b. Parameters ---------- nside : :class:`int` (NESTED) HEALPixel nside. mingalb : :class:`float` Closest latitude to Galactic plane to return HEALPixels (e.g. send 10 to limit to pixels beyond -10o <= b < 10o). neighbors : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``False``, return all HEALPixels with *centers* beyond the passed `mingalb`. If ``True`` also return the neighbors of these pixels (to avoid edge effects). Returns ------- :class:`list` HEALPixels at the passed `nside` that lie north and south of the passed `mingalb`. Notes ----- - Pixels are in the NESTED scheme. """ # ADM retrieve all pixels at this nside. allpix = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)) # ADM convert pixels to RA/Dec centers. theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, allpix, nest=True) ra, dec = np.degrees(phi), 90-np.degrees(theta) # ADM combine pixels north and south of passed mingalb into one set. isnpix = is_in_gal_box([ra, dec], [0., 360., mingalb, 90.], radec=True) isspix = is_in_gal_box([ra, dec], [0., 360., -90, -mingalb], radec=True) pix = list(allpix[isnpix | isspix]) # ADM add neighbors, if requested. if neighbors: pix = add_hp_neighbors(nside, pix) return pix
[docs]def is_in_box(objs, radecbox): """Determine which of an array of objects are inside an RA, Dec box. Parameters ---------- objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of objects. Must include at least the columns "RA" and "DEC". radecbox : :class:`list` 4-entry list of coordinates [ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax] forming the edges of a box in RA/Dec (degrees). Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` ``True`` for objects in the box, ``False`` for objects outside of the box. Notes ----- - Tests the minimum RA/Dec with >= and the maximum with < """ ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax = radecbox # ADM check for some common mistakes. if decmin < -90. or decmax > 90. or decmax <= decmin or ramax <= ramin: msg = "Strange input: [ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax] = {}".format(radecbox) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) ii = ((objs["RA"] >= ramin) & (objs["RA"] < ramax) & (objs["DEC"] >= decmin) & (objs["DEC"] < decmax)) return ii
[docs]def hp_in_cap(nside, radecrad, inclusive=True, fact=4): """Determine which HEALPixels touch an RA, Dec, radius cap. Parameters ---------- nside : :class:`int` (NESTED) HEALPixel nside. radecrad : :class:`list`, defaults to `None` 3-entry list of coordinates [ra, dec, radius] forming a cap or "circle" on the sky. ra, dec and radius are all in degrees. inclusive : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` see documentation for `healpy.query_disc()`. fact : :class:`int`, optional defaults to 4 see documentation for `healpy.query_disc()`. Returns ------- :class:`list` A list of HEALPixels at the passed `nside` that touch the cap. Notes ----- - Just syntactic sugar around `healpy.query_disc()`. """ ra, dec, radius = radecrad # ADM RA/Dec to co-latitude/longitude, everything to radians. theta, phi, rad = np.radians(90.-dec), np.radians(ra), np.radians(radius) # ADM convert the colatitudes to Cartesian vectors remembering to # ADM transpose to pass the array to query_disc in the correct order. vec = hp.dir2vec(theta, phi).T # ADM determine the pixels that touch the box. pixnum = hp.query_disc(nside, vec, rad, inclusive=inclusive, fact=fact, nest=True) return pixnum
[docs]def is_in_cap(objs, radecrad): """Determine which of an array of objects lie inside an RA, Dec, radius cap. Parameters ---------- objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of objects. Must include at least the columns "RA" and "DEC". radecrad : :class:`list`, defaults to `None` 3-entry list of coordinates [ra, dec, radius] forming a cap or "circle" on the sky. ra, dec and radius are all in degrees. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` ``True`` for objects in the cap, ``False`` for objects outside of the cap. Notes ----- - Tests the separation with <=, so include objects on the cap boundary. - See also is_in_circle() which handles multiple caps. """ ra, dec, radius = radecrad cobjs = SkyCoord(objs["RA"]*, objs["DEC"]* center = SkyCoord(ra*, dec* ii = center.separation(cobjs) <= radius* return ii
[docs]def is_in_hp(objs, nside, pixlist, radec=False): """Determine which of an array of objects lie inside a set of HEALPixels. Parameters ---------- objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of objects. Must include at columns "RA" and "DEC". nside : :class:`int` The HEALPixel nside number (NESTED scheme). pixlist : :class:`list` or `int` or `~numpy.ndarray` The list of HEALPixels in which to find objects. radec : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` `objs` is an [RA, Dec] list instead of a rec array. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` ``True`` for objects in pixlist, ``False`` for other objects. """ # ADM if an integer is passed, convert it to an array. pixlist = np.atleast_1d(pixlist) if radec: ra, dec = objs else: ra, dec = objs["RA"], objs["DEC"] # ADM check whether ra, dec are in the pixel list theta, phi = np.radians(90-dec), np.radians(ra) pixnums = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) w = np.hstack([np.where(pixnums == pix)[0] for pix in pixlist]) ii = np.zeros(len(pixnums), dtype='bool') ii[w] = True return ii
[docs]def pixarea2nside(area): """Closest HEALPix nside for a given area. Parameters ---------- area : :class:`float` area in square degrees. Returns ------- :class:`int` HEALPix nside that corresponds to passed area. Notes ----- - Only considers 2**x nside values (1, 2, 4, 8 etc.) """ # ADM loop through nsides until we cross the passed area. nside = 1 while (hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True) > area): nside *= 2 # ADM there is no nside of 0 so bail if nside is still 1. if nside > 1: # ADM is the nside with the area that is smaller or larger # ADM than the passed area "closest" to the passed area? smaller = hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True) larger = hp.nside2pixarea(nside//2, degrees=True) if larger/area < area/smaller: return nside//2 return nside
[docs]def check_nside(nside): """Flag an error if nside is not OK for NESTED HEALPixels. Parameters ---------- nside : :class:`int` or `~numpy.ndarray` The HEALPixel nside number (NESTED scheme) or an array of such numbers. Returns ------- Nothing, but raises a ValueRrror for a bad `nside`. """ if nside is None: msg = "need to pass the NSIDE parameter?" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) nside = np.atleast_1d(nside) good = hp.isnsideok(nside, nest=True) if not np.all(good): msg = "NSIDE = {} not valid in the NESTED scheme" \ .format(np.array(nside)[~good]) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]def nside2nside(nside, nsidenew, pixlist): """Change a list of HEALPixel numbers to a different NSIDE. Parameters ---------- nside : :class:`int` The current HEALPixel nside number (NESTED scheme). nsidenew : :class:`int` The new HEALPixel nside number (NESTED scheme). pixlist : :class:`list` or `~numpy.ndarray` The list of HEALPixels to be changed. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The altered list of HEALPixels. Notes ----- - The size of the input list will be altered. For instance, nside=2, pixlist=[0,1] is covered by only pixel [0] at nside=1 but by pixels [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] at nside=4. - Doesn't check that the passed pixels are valid at `nside`. """ # ADM sanity check that we're in the nested scheme. check_nside([nside, nsidenew]) pixlist = np.atleast_1d(pixlist) # ADM remember to use integer division throughout. # ADM if nsidenew is smaller (at a lower resolution), then # ADM downgrade the passed pixel numbers. if nsidenew <= nside: fac = (nside//nsidenew)**2 pixlistnew = np.array(list(set(pixlist//fac))) else: # ADM if nsidenew is larger (at a higher resolution), then # ADM upgrade the passed pixel numbers. fac = (nsidenew//nside)**2 pixlistnew = [] for pix in pixlist: pixlistnew.append(np.arange(pix*fac, pix*fac+fac)) pixlistnew = np.hstack(pixlistnew) return pixlistnew
[docs]def is_in_gal_box(objs, lbbox, radec=False): """Determine which of an array of objects are in a Galactic l, b box. Parameters ---------- objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or `list` An array of objects. Must include at least the columns "RA" and "DEC". radecbox : :class:`list` 4-entry list of coordinates [lmin, lmax, bmin, bmax] forming the edges of a box in Galactic l, b (degrees). radec : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then the passed `objs` is an [RA, Dec] list instead of a rec array. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` ``True`` for objects in the box, ``False`` for objects outside of the box. Notes ----- - Tests the minimum l/b with >= and the maximum with < """ lmin, lmax, bmin, bmax = lbbox # ADM check for some common mistakes. if bmin < -90. or bmax > 90. or bmax <= bmin or lmax <= lmin: msg = "Strange input: [lmin, lmax, bmin, bmax] = {}".format(lbbox) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM convert input RA/Dec to Galactic coordinates. if radec: ra, dec = objs else: ra, dec = objs["RA"], objs["DEC"] c = SkyCoord(ra*, dec* gal = c.galactic # ADM and limit to (l, b) ranges. ii = ((gal.l.value >= lmin) & (gal.l.value < lmax) & (gal.b.value >= bmin) & (gal.b.value < bmax)) return ii
[docs]def radec_match_to(matchto, objs, sep=1., radec=False, return_sep=False): """Match objects to a catalog list on RA/Dec. Parameters ---------- matchto : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or `list` Coordinates to match TO. Must include columns "RA" and "DEC". objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or `list` Objects matched to `matchto`. Must include "RA" and "DEC". sep : :class:`float`, defaults to 1 arcsecond Separation at which to match `objs` to `matchto` in ARCSECONDS. radec : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then `objs` and `matchto` are [RA, Dec] lists instead of rec arrays. return_sep : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then return the separation between each object, not just the indexes of the match. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (of integers) Indexes in `matchto` where `objs` matches `matchto` at < `sep`. :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (of integers) Indexes in `objs` where `objs` matches `matchto` at < `sep`. :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (of floats) The distances in ARCSECONDS of the matches. Only returned if `return_sep` is ``True``. Notes ----- - Sense is important. Every coordinate pair in `objs` is matched to `matchto`, but NOT every coordinate pair in `matchto` is matched to `objs`. `matchto` is the "parent" catalog being matched to, i.e. we're looking for the instances where `objs` has a match in `matchto`. The array of returned indexes thus can't be longer than `objs`. Consider this example: >>> mainra, maindec = [100], [30] >>> ras, decs = [100, 100, 100], [30, 30, 30] >>> >>> radec_match_to([mainra, maindec], [ras, decs], radec=True) >>> Out: (array([0, 0, 0]), array([0, 1, 2])) >>> >>> radec_match_to([ras, decs], [mainra, maindec], radec=True) >>> Out: (array([0]), array([0])) - Only returns the CLOSEST match within `sep` arcseconds. """ if radec: ram, decm = matchto ra, dec = objs else: ram, decm = matchto["RA"], matchto["DEC"] ra, dec = objs["RA"], objs["DEC"] cmatchto = SkyCoord(ram*, decm* cobjs = SkyCoord(ra*, dec* idmatchto, d2d, _ = cobjs.match_to_catalog_sky(cmatchto) idobjs = np.arange(len(cobjs)) ii = d2d < sep*u.arcsec if return_sep: return idmatchto[ii], idobjs[ii], d2d[ii].arcsec return idmatchto[ii], idobjs[ii]
[docs]def rewind_coords(ranow, decnow, pmra, pmdec, epochnow=2015.5, epochnowdec=None, epochpast=1991.5, epochpastdec=None): """Shift coordinates into the past based on proper motions. Parameters ---------- ranow : :class:`flt` or `~numpy.ndarray` Right Ascension (degrees) at "current" epoch. decnow : :class:`flt` or `~numpy.ndarray` Declination (degrees) at "current" epoch. pmra : :class:`flt` or `~numpy.ndarray` Proper motion in RA (mas/yr). pmdec : :class:`flt` or `~numpy.ndarray` Proper motion in Dec (mas/yr). epochnow : :class:`flt` or `~numpy.ndarray`, optional The "current" epoch (years). Defaults to Gaia DR2 (2015.5). epochnowdec : :class:`flt` or `~numpy.ndarray`, optional If passed and not ``None`` then epochnow is interpreted as the epoch of the RA and this is interpreted as the epoch of the Dec. epochpast : :class:`flt` or `~numpy.ndarray`, optional Epoch in the past (years). Defaults to Tycho DR2 mean (1991.5). epochpastdec : :class:`flt` or `~numpy.ndarray`, optional If passed and not ``None`` then epochpast is interpreted as the epoch of the RA and this is interpreted as the epoch of the Dec. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Right Ascension in the past (degrees). :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Declination in the past (degrees). Notes ----- - All output RAs will be in the range 0 < RA < 360o. - Only called "rewind_coords" to correspond to the default `epochnow` > `epochpast`. "fast forwarding" works fine, too, i.e., you can pass `epochpast` > `epochnow` to move coordinates to a future epoch. - Inaccurate to ~0.1" for motions as high as ~10"/yr (Barnard's Star) after ~200 years because of the simplified cosdec term. """ # ADM allow for different RA/Dec coordinates. if epochnowdec is None: epochnowdec = epochnow if epochpastdec is None: epochpastdec = epochpast # ADM enforce "double-type" precision for RA/Dec floats. if isinstance(ranow, float): ranow = np.array([ranow], dtype='f8') if isinstance(decnow, float): decnow = np.array([decnow], dtype='f8') # ADM "rewind" coordinates. cosdec = np.cos(np.deg2rad(decnow)) ra = ranow - ((epochnow-epochpast) * pmra / 3600. / 1000. / cosdec) dec = decnow - ((epochnowdec-epochpastdec) * pmdec / 3600. / 1000.) # ADM % 360. is to deal with wraparound bugs. return ra % 360., dec
[docs]def shares_hp(nside, objs1, objs2, radec=False): """Check if arrays of objects occupy the same HEALPixels. Parameters ---------- nside : :class:`int` HEALPixel nside integer (NESTED scheme). objs1 : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or `list` First set of objects. Must include columns "RA" and "DEC". objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or `list` Second set of objects. Must include "RA" and "DEC". radec : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then `objs1` and `objs2` are [RA, Dec] lists instead of rec arrays. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (of booleans) ``True`` for objects in `objs1` that share a HEALPixel with objects in ``objs2`` at `nside`. Same length as `objs1` :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (of booleans) ``True`` for objects in `objs2` that share a HEALPixel with objects in ``objs1`` at `nside`. Same length as `objs2` """ if radec: ra1, dec1 = objs1 ra2, dec2 = objs2 else: ra1, dec1 = objs1["RA"], objs1["DEC"] ra2, dec2 = objs2["RA"], objs2["DEC"] theta1, phi1 = np.radians(90-dec1), np.radians(ra1) pix1 = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta1, phi1, nest=True) spix1 = set(pix1) theta2, phi2 = np.radians(90-dec2), np.radians(ra2) pix2 = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta2, phi2, nest=True) spix2 = set(pix2) one = np.array([pix in spix2 for pix in pix1]) two = np.array([pix in spix1 for pix in pix2]) return one, two