Source code for desitarget.gfa


Guide/Focus/Alignment targets
import fitsio
import numpy as np
import os.path
import glob
import os
from time import time
import healpy as hp

import desimodel.focalplane
from desimodel.footprint import is_point_in_desi

from desitarget.internal import sharedmem
from desitarget.gaiamatch import read_gaia_file, find_gaia_files_beyond_gal_b
from desitarget.gaiamatch import find_gaia_files_tiles, find_gaia_files_box
from desitarget.gaiamatch import find_gaia_files_hp, check_gaia_survey
from desitarget.gaiamatch import _get_gaia_nside, gaia_psflike, sub_gaia_edr3
from desitarget.uratmatch import match_to_urat
from desitarget.targets import encode_targetid, resolve
from desitarget.geomask import is_in_gal_box, is_in_box, is_in_hp
from desitarget.geomask import bundle_bricks, sweep_files_touch_hp, rewind_coords
from desitarget.randoms import get_dust

from desiutil import brick
from desiutil.log import get_logger

# ADM set up the Legacy Surveys bricks object.
bricks = brick.Bricks(bricksize=0.25)
# ADM set up the default DESI logger.
log = get_logger()

# ADM the current data model for columns in the GFA files.
gfadatamodel = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('RELEASE', '>i4'), ('TARGETID', 'i8'),
    ('BRICKID', 'i4'), ('BRICK_OBJID', 'i4'),
    ('RA', 'f8'), ('DEC', 'f8'), ('RA_IVAR', 'f4'), ('DEC_IVAR', 'f4'),
    ('TYPE', 'S4'), ('MASKBITS', '>i2'),
    ('FLUX_G', 'f4'), ('FLUX_R', 'f4'), ('FLUX_Z', 'f4'),
    ('FLUX_IVAR_G', 'f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_R', 'f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_Z', 'f4'),
    ('REF_ID', 'i8'), ('REF_CAT', 'S2'), ('REF_EPOCH', 'f4'),
    ('PARALLAX', 'f4'), ('PARALLAX_IVAR', 'f4'),
    ('PMRA', 'f4'), ('PMDEC', 'f4'), ('PMRA_IVAR', 'f4'), ('PMDEC_IVAR', 'f4'),
    ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE', '>f4'), ('URAT_ID', '>i8'), ('URAT_SEP', '>f4')

# ADM if we're using Gaia EDR3, there's an extra column.
edr3addons = np.array([], dtype=[('GAIA_PHOT_G_N_OBS', '>i4')])

[docs]def gaia_morph(gaia, dr="dr2"): """Retrieve morphological type for Gaia sources. Parameters ---------- gaia: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Numpy structured array containing at least the columns, `GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG` and `GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE`. dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3" Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` An array of strings that is the same length as the input array and is set to either "GPSF" or "GGAL" based on a morphological cut with Gaia. """ # ADM check for valid Gaia DR. check_gaia_survey(dr) # ADM determine which objects are Gaia point sources. g = gaia['GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG'] aen = gaia['GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE'] psf = gaia_psflike(aen, g, dr=dr) # ADM populate morphological information. morph = np.zeros(len(gaia), dtype=gfadatamodel["TYPE"].dtype) morph[psf] = b'GPSF' morph[~psf] = b'GGAL' return morph
[docs]def gaia_gfas_from_sweep(filename, maglim=18., dr="dr2"): """Create a set of GFAs for one sweep file. Parameters ---------- filename: :class:`str` A string corresponding to the full path to a sweep file name. maglim : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 18 Magnitude limit for GFAs in Gaia G-band. dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3" Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` GFA objects from Gaia, formatted according to `desitarget.gfa.gfadatamodel`. """ # ADM check for valid Gaia DR. check_gaia_survey(dr) # ADM read in the objects. objects = # ADM if Gaia EDR3 was requested, update the Gaia columns. if dr == "edr3": objects = sub_gaia_edr3(filename, objs=objects, suball=True) # ADM As a mild speed up, only consider sweeps objects brighter than 3 mags # ADM fainter than the passed Gaia magnitude limit. Note that Gaia G-band # ADM approximates SDSS r-band. ii = ((objects["FLUX_G"] > 10**((22.5-(maglim+3))/2.5)) | (objects["FLUX_R"] > 10**((22.5-(maglim+3))/2.5)) | (objects["FLUX_Z"] > 10**((22.5-(maglim+3))/2.5))) objects = objects[ii] # ADM only retain objects with Gaia matches. # ADM It's fine to propagate an empty array if there are no matches # ADM The sweeps use 0 for objects with no REF_ID. objects = objects[objects["REF_ID"] > 0] # ADM determine a TARGETID for any objects on a brick. targetid = encode_targetid(objid=objects['OBJID'], brickid=objects['BRICKID'], release=objects['RELEASE']) # ADM format everything according to the data model. dt = gfadatamodel.dtype.descr # ADM if we're using Gaia EDR3 there's an extra column. if dr == "edr3": dt += edr3addons.dtype.descr gfas = np.zeros(len(objects), dtype=dt) # ADM make sure all columns initially have "ridiculous" numbers. gfas[...] = -99. gfas["REF_CAT"] = "" gfas["REF_EPOCH"] = 2015.5 # ADM remove the TARGETID, BRICK_OBJID, REF_CAT, REF_EPOCH columns # ADM and populate them later as they require special treatment. cols = list(gfas.dtype.names) for col in ["TARGETID", "BRICK_OBJID", "REF_CAT", "REF_EPOCH", "URAT_ID", "URAT_SEP"]: cols.remove(col) for col in cols: gfas[col] = objects[col] # ADM populate the TARGETID column. gfas["TARGETID"] = targetid # ADM populate the BRICK_OBJID column. gfas["BRICK_OBJID"] = objects["OBJID"] # ADM REF_CAT and REF_EPOCH didn't exist before DR8. for refcol in ["REF_CAT", "REF_EPOCH"]: if refcol in objects.dtype.names: gfas[refcol] = objects[refcol] # ADM cut the GFAs by a hard limit on magnitude. ii = gfas['GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG'] < maglim gfas = gfas[ii] # ADM remove any sources based on LSLGA (retain Tycho/T2 sources). # ADM the try/except/decode catches both bytes and unicode strings. try: ii = np.array([rc.decode()[0] == "L" for rc in gfas["REF_CAT"]], dtype=bool) except AttributeError: ii = np.array([i[0] == "L" for rc in gfas["REF_CAT"]], dtype=bool) gfas = gfas[~ii] return gfas
[docs]def gaia_in_file(infile, maglim=18, mindec=-30., mingalb=10., nside=None, pixlist=None, addobjid=False, addparams=False, test=False, dr="dr2"): """Retrieve the Gaia objects from a HEALPixel-split Gaia file. Parameters ---------- infile : :class:`str` File name of a single Gaia "healpix" file. maglim : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 18 Magnitude limit for GFAs in Gaia G-band. mindec : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to -30 Minimum declination (o) to include for output Gaia objects. mingalb : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 10 Closest latitude to Galactic plane for output Gaia objects (e.g. send 10 to limit to areas beyond -10o <= b < 10o)" nside : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None` (NESTED) HEALPix `nside` to use with `pixlist`. pixlist : :class:`list` or `int`, optional, defaults to `None` Only return sources in a set of (NESTED) HEALpixels at the supplied `nside`. addobjid : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, include, in the output, a column "GAIA_OBJID" that is the integer number of each row read from file. addparams : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, include some additional Gaia columns: "GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE", "GAIA_DUPLICATED_SOURCE", "GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED', "EBV". test : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, then we're running unit tests and don't have to find the dust maps. dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3" Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Gaia objects in the passed Gaia file brighter than `maglim`, formatted according to `desitarget.gfa.gfadatamodel`. Notes ----- - A "Gaia healpix file" here is as made by, e.g. :func:`~desitarget.gaiamatch.gaia_fits_to_healpix()` """ # ADM check for valid Gaia DR. check_gaia_survey(dr) # ADM read in the Gaia file. objs = read_gaia_file(infile, addobjid=addobjid, dr=dr) # ADM need to change the data model to Gaia DR2 for Gaia EDR3. if dr == "edr3": # ADM first, rewind the coordinates from 2016.0 to 2015.5. rarew, decrew = rewind_coords(objs["EDR3_RA"], objs["EDR3_DEC"], objs["EDR3_PMRA"], objs["EDR3_PMDEC"], epochnow=2016.0, epochpast=2015.5) objs["EDR3_RA"] = rarew objs["EDR3_DEC"] = decrew gaiacols = [col.replace("EDR3", "GAIA") for col in objs.dtype.names] objs.dtype.names = [col.replace("GAIA_", "") if "PARALLAX" in col or "PMRA" in col or "PMDEC" in col else col for col in gaiacols] # ADM rename GAIA_RA/DEC to RA/DEC, as that's what's used for GFAs. for radec in ["RA", "DEC"]: objs.dtype.names = [radec if col == "GAIA_"+radec else col for col in objs.dtype.names] # ADM limit to the passed magnitude. ii = objs['GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG'] < maglim objs = objs[ii] # ADM initiate the GFA data model. dt = gfadatamodel.dtype.descr # ADM if we're using Gaia EDR3 there's an extra column. if dr == "edr3": dt += edr3addons.dtype.descr if addobjid: for tup in ('GAIA_BRICKID', '>i4'), ('GAIA_OBJID', '>i4'): dt.append(tup) if addparams: for tup in [('GAIA_DUPLICATED_SOURCE', '?'), ('GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED', '>i1'), ('EBV', '>f4')]: dt.append(tup) gfas = np.zeros(len(objs), dtype=dt) # ADM make sure all columns initially have "ridiculous" numbers. gfas[...] = -99. for col in gfas.dtype.names: if isinstance(gfas[col][0].item(), (bytes, str)): gfas[col] = 'U' if isinstance(gfas[col][0].item(), int): gfas[col] = -1 # ADM some default special cases. Default to REF_EPOCH of Gaia DR2, # ADM make RA/Dec very precise for Gaia measurements. # ADM MASKBITS should default to zero indicating no flags are set. gfas["REF_EPOCH"] = 2015.5 gfas["RA_IVAR"], gfas["DEC_IVAR"] = 1e16, 1e16 gfas["MASKBITS"] = 0 # ADM populate the common columns in the Gaia/GFA data models. cols = set(gfas.dtype.names).intersection(set(objs.dtype.names)) for col in cols: gfas[col] = objs[col] # ADM update the Gaia morphological type. gfas["TYPE"] = gaia_morph(gfas, dr=dr) # ADM populate the BRICKID columns. gfas["BRICKID"] = bricks.brickid(gfas["RA"], gfas["DEC"]) # ADM retrieve E(B-V) from the SFD maps. if addparams: # ADM if we're running unit tests, make up some E(B-V) values. if test: gfas["EBV"] = 0.5 else: gfas["EBV"] = get_dust(gfas["RA"], gfas["DEC"]) # ADM limit by HEALPixel first as that's the fastest. if pixlist is not None: inhp = is_in_hp(gfas, nside, pixlist) gfas = gfas[inhp] # ADM limit by Dec first to speed transform to Galactic coordinates. decgood = is_in_box(gfas, [0., 360., mindec, 90.]) gfas = gfas[decgood] # ADM now limit to requesed Galactic latitude range. if mingalb > 1e-9: bbad = is_in_gal_box(gfas, [0., 360., -mingalb, mingalb]) gfas = gfas[~bbad] return gfas
[docs]def all_gaia_in_tiles(maglim=18, numproc=4, allsky=False, tiles=None, mindec=-30, mingalb=10, nside=None, pixlist=None, addobjid=False, addparams=False, test=False, dr="dr2"): """An array of all Gaia objects in the DESI tiling footprint Parameters ---------- maglim : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 18 Magnitude limit for GFAs in Gaia G-band. numproc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 4 The number of parallel processes to use. allsky : :class:`bool`, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, assume that the DESI tiling footprint is the entire sky regardless of the value of `tiles`. tiles : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Array of DESI tiles. If None, then load the entire footprint. mindec : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to -30 Minimum declination (o) to include for output Gaia objects. mingalb : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 10 Closest latitude to Galactic plane for output Gaia objects (e.g. send 10 to limit to areas beyond -10o <= b < 10o). nside : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None` (NESTED) HEALPix `nside` to use with `pixlist`. pixlist : :class:`list` or `int`, optional, defaults to `None` Only return sources in a set of (NESTED) HEALpixels at the supplied `nside`. addobjid : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, include, in the output, a column "GAIA_OBJID" that is the integer number of each row read from each Gaia file. addparams : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, include some additional Gaia columns: "GAIA_DUPLICATED_SOURCE" and "GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED'. test : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, then we're running unit tests and don't have to find the dust maps. dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3" Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Gaia objects within the passed geometric constraints brighter than `maglim`, formatted like `desitarget.gfa.gfadatamodel`. Notes ----- - The environment variables $GAIA_DIR and $DESIMODEL must be set. """ # ADM check for valid Gaia DR. check_gaia_survey(dr) # ADM to guard against no files being found. if pixlist is None: dummyfile = find_gaia_files_hp(_get_gaia_nside(), [0], neighbors=False, dr=dr)[0] else: # ADM this is critical for, e.g., unit tests for which the # ADM Gaia "00000" pixel file might not exist. dummyfile = find_gaia_files_hp(nside, pixlist[0], neighbors=False, dr=dr)[0] dummygfas = np.array([], gaia_in_file( dummyfile, addparams=addparams, test=test, dr=dr).dtype) # ADM grab paths to Gaia files in the sky or the DESI footprint. if allsky: infilesbox = find_gaia_files_box([0, 360, mindec, 90], dr=dr) infilesgalb = find_gaia_files_beyond_gal_b(mingalb, dr=dr) infiles = list(set(infilesbox).intersection(set(infilesgalb))) if pixlist is not None: infileshp = find_gaia_files_hp(nside, pixlist, neighbors=False, dr=dr) infiles = list(set(infiles).intersection(set(infileshp))) else: infiles = find_gaia_files_tiles(tiles=tiles, neighbors=False, dr=dr) nfiles = len(infiles) # ADM the critical function to run on every file. def _get_gaia_gfas(fn): '''wrapper on gaia_in_file() given a file name''' return gaia_in_file(fn, maglim=maglim, mindec=mindec, mingalb=mingalb, nside=nside, pixlist=pixlist, test=test, addobjid=addobjid, addparams=addparams, dr=dr) # ADM this is just to count sweeps files in _update_status. nfile = np.zeros((), dtype='i8') t0 = time() def _update_status(result): """wrapper function for the critical reduction operation, that occurs on the main parallel process""" if nfile % 100 == 0 and nfile > 0: elapsed = (time()-t0)/60. rate = nfile/elapsed/60.'{}/{} files; {:.1f} files/sec...t = {:.1f} mins' .format(nfile, nfiles, rate, elapsed)) nfile[...] += 1 # this is an in-place modification. return result # - Parallel process Gaia files. if numproc > 1 and nfiles > 0: pool = sharedmem.MapReduce(np=numproc) with pool: gfas =, infiles, reduce=_update_status) else: gfas = list() for file in infiles: gfas.append(_update_status(_get_gaia_gfas(file))) if len(gfas) > 0: gfas = np.concatenate(gfas) else: # ADM if nothing was found, return an empty np array. gfas = dummygfas'Retrieved {} Gaia objects...t = {:.1f} mins' .format(len(gfas), (time()-t0)/60.)) return gfas
[docs]def add_urat_pms(objs, numproc=4): """Add proper motions from URAT to a set of objects. Parameters ---------- objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of objects to update. Must include the columns "PMRA", "PMDEC", "REF_ID" (unique per object) "URAT_ID" and "URAT_SEP". numproc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 4 The number of parallel processes to use. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The input array with the "PMRA", PMDEC", "URAT_ID" and "URAT_SEP" columns updated to include URAT information. Notes ----- - Order is retained using "REF_ID": The input and output arrays should have the same order. """ # ADM check REF_ID is indeed unique for each object. assert len(objs["REF_ID"]) == len(np.unique(objs["REF_ID"])) # ADM record the original REF_IDs so we can match back to them. origids = objs["REF_ID"] # ADM loosely group the input objects on the sky. NSIDE=16 seems # ADM to nicely balance sample sizes for matching, with the code # ADM being quicker for clumped objects because of file I/O. theta, phi = np.radians(90-objs["DEC"]), np.radians(objs["RA"]) pixels = hp.ang2pix(16, theta, phi, nest=True) # ADM reorder objects (and pixels themselves) based on pixel number. ii = np.argsort(pixels) objs, pixels = objs[ii], pixels[ii] # ADM create pixel-split sub-lists of the objects. # ADM here, np.diff marks the transition to the next pixel number. splitobjs = np.split(objs, np.where(np.diff(pixels))[0]+1) nallpix = len(splitobjs) # ADM function to run on each of the HEALPix-split input objs. def _get_urat_matches(splitobj): '''wrapper on match_to_urat() for rec array (matchrad=0.5")''' # ADM also return the REF_ID to track the objects. return [match_to_urat(splitobj, matchrad=0.5), splitobj["REF_ID"]] # ADM this is just to count pixels in _update_status. npix = np.zeros((), dtype='i8') t0 = time() def _update_status(result): """wrapper function for the critical reduction operation, that occurs on the main parallel process""" if npix % 200 == 0 and npix > 0: elapsed = (time()-t0)/60. rate = npix/elapsed/60.'{}/{} pixels; {:.1f} pix/sec...t = {:.1f} mins' .format(npix, nallpix, rate, elapsed)) npix[...] += 1 # this is an in-place modification. return result # - Parallel process pixels. if numproc > 1: pool = sharedmem.MapReduce(np=numproc) with pool: urats =, splitobjs, reduce=_update_status) else: urats = [] for splitobj in splitobjs: urats.append(_update_status(_get_urat_matches(splitobj))) # ADM remember to grab the REFIDs as well as the URAT matches...and # ADM to catch the corner case where objects occupy only one pixel. if len(urats) == 1: refids = urats[0][1] urats = urats[0][0] else: refids = np.concatenate(np.array(urats, dtype=object)[:, 1]) urats = np.concatenate(np.array(urats, dtype=object)[:, 0]) # ADM sort the output to match the input, on REF_ID. ii = np.zeros_like(refids) ii[np.argsort(origids)] = np.argsort(refids) assert np.all(refids[ii] == origids) return urats[ii]
[docs]def select_gfas(infiles, maglim=18, numproc=4, nside=None, pixlist=None, bundlefiles=None, extra=None, mindec=-30, mingalb=10, addurat=True, dr="dr2"): """Create a set of GFA locations using Gaia and matching to sweeps. Parameters ---------- infiles : :class:`list` or `str` A list of input filenames (sweep files) OR a single filename. maglim : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 18 Magnitude limit for GFAs in Gaia G-band. numproc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 4 The number of parallel processes to use. nside : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None` (NESTED) HEALPix `nside` to use with `pixlist` and `bundlefiles`. pixlist : :class:`list` or `int`, optional, defaults to `None` Only return targets in a set of (NESTED) HEALpixels at the supplied `nside`. Useful for parallelizing. bundlefiles : :class:`int`, defaults to `None` If not `None`, then, instead of selecting gfas, print the slurm script to run in pixels at `nside`. Is an integer rather than a boolean for historical reasons. extra : :class:`str`, optional Extra command line flags to be passed to the executable lines in the output slurm script. Used in conjunction with `bundlefiles`. mindec : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to -30 Minimum declination (o) for output sources that do NOT match an object in the passed `infiles`. mingalb : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 10 Closest latitude to Galactic plane for output sources that do NOT match an object in the passed `infiles` (e.g. send 10 to limit to regions beyond -10o <= b < 10o)". addurat : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then substitute proper motions from the URAT catalog where Gaia is missing proper motions. Requires that the :envvar:`URAT_DIR` is set and points to data downloaded and formatted by, e.g., :func:`~desitarget.uratmatch.make_urat_files`. dr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "dr2" Name of a Gaia data release. Options are "dr2", "edr3" Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` GFA objects from Gaia with the passed geometric constraints limited to the passed maglim and matched to the passed input files, formatted according to `desitarget.gfa.gfadatamodel`. Notes ----- - If numproc==1, use the serial code instead of parallel code. - If numproc > 4, then numproc=4 is enforced for (just those) parts of the code that are I/O limited. """ # ADM check for valid Gaia DR. check_gaia_survey(dr) # ADM the code can have memory issues for nside=2 with large numproc. if nside is not None and nside < 4 and numproc > 8: msg = 'Memory may be an issue near Plane for nside < 4 and numproc > 8' log.warning(msg) # ADM force to no more than numproc=4 for I/O limited processes. numproc4 = numproc if numproc4 > 4:'Forcing numproc to 4 for I/O limited parts of code') numproc4 = 4 # ADM convert a single file, if passed to a list of files. if isinstance(infiles, str): infiles = [infiles, ] # ADM check that files exist before proceeding. for filename in infiles: if not os.path.exists(filename): msg = "{} doesn't exist".format(filename) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM if the pixlist option was sent, we'll need to # ADM know which HEALPixels touch each file. if pixlist is not None: filesperpixel, _, _ = sweep_files_touch_hp( nside, pixlist, infiles) # ADM if the bundlefiles option was sent, call the packing code. if bundlefiles is not None: # ADM were files from one or two input directories passed? surveydirs = list(set([os.path.dirname(fn) for fn in infiles])) bundle_bricks([0], bundlefiles, nside, gather=False, prefix='gfas', surveydirs=surveydirs, extra=extra) return # ADM restrict to input files in a set of HEALPixels, if requested. if pixlist is not None: infiles = list(set(np.hstack([filesperpixel[pix] for pix in pixlist]))) if len(infiles) == 0:'ZERO sweep files in passed pixel list!!!')"Processing files in (nside={}, pixel numbers={}) HEALPixels" .format(nside, pixlist)) nfiles = len(infiles) # ADM a little more information if we're slurming across nodes. if os.getenv('SLURMD_NODENAME') is not None:'Running on Node {}'.format(os.getenv('SLURMD_NODENAME'))) # ADM the critical function to run on every file. def _get_gfas(fn): '''wrapper on gaia_gfas_from_sweep() given a file name''' return gaia_gfas_from_sweep(fn, maglim=maglim, dr=dr) # ADM this is just to count sweeps files in _update_status. t0 = time() nfile = np.zeros((), dtype='i8') def _update_status(result): """wrapper function for the critical reduction operation, that occurs on the main parallel process""" if nfile % 20 == 0 and nfile > 0: elapsed = (time()-t0)/60. rate = nfile/elapsed/60.'{}/{} files; {:.1f} files/sec...t = {:.1f} mins' .format(nfile, nfiles, rate, elapsed)) nfile[...] += 1 # this is an in-place modification. return result # - Parallel process input files. if len(infiles) > 0: if numproc4 > 1: pool = sharedmem.MapReduce(np=numproc4) with pool: gfas =, infiles, reduce=_update_status) else: gfas = list() for file in infiles: gfas.append(_update_status(_get_gfas(file))) gfas = np.concatenate(gfas) # ADM resolve any duplicates between imaging data releases. gfas = resolve(gfas) # ADM there may be a few objects removed from Gaia DR2 in EDR3. if dr != "dr2": ii = (gfas["REF_CAT"] != b"G2") & (gfas["REF_CAT"] != "G2") gfas = gfas[ii] # ADM retrieve Gaia objects in the DESI footprint or passed tiles.'Retrieving additional Gaia objects...t = {:.1f} mins' .format((time()-t0)/60)) gaia = all_gaia_in_tiles(maglim=maglim, numproc=numproc4, allsky=True, mindec=mindec, mingalb=mingalb, nside=nside, pixlist=pixlist, dr=dr) # ADM remove any duplicates. Order is important here, as np.unique # ADM keeps the first occurence, and we want to retain sweeps # ADM information as much as possible. if len(infiles) > 0: gfas = np.concatenate([gfas, gaia]) _, ind = np.unique(gfas["REF_ID"], return_index=True) gfas = gfas[ind] else: gfas = gaia # ADM for zero/NaN proper motion objects, add URAT proper motions. if addurat: ii = ((np.isnan(gfas["PMRA"]) | (gfas["PMRA"] == 0)) & (np.isnan(gfas["PMDEC"]) | (gfas["PMDEC"] == 0)))'Adding URAT for {} objects with no PMs...t = {:.1f} mins' .format(np.sum(ii), (time()-t0)/60)) urat = add_urat_pms(gfas[ii], numproc=numproc)'Found an additional {} URAT objects...t = {:.1f} mins' .format(np.sum(urat["URAT_ID"] != -1), (time()-t0)/60)) for col in "PMRA", "PMDEC", "URAT_ID", "URAT_SEP": gfas[col][ii] = urat[col] # ADM there are a couple of cases where Tycho has zero REF_EPOCH. # When these match to URAT, it's likely a mismatch. nore = gfas["REF_EPOCH"] == 0 gfas["PMRA"][ii & nore] = 0. gfas["PMDEC"][ii & nore] = 0. # ADM restrict to only GFAs in a set of HEALPixels, if requested. if pixlist is not None: ii = is_in_hp(gfas, nside, pixlist) gfas = gfas[ii] return gfas