Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Functions for reading, writing and manipulating files related to targeting.

.. _`desitarget issue 784`:
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division)
import numpy as np
# import pandas as pd
import fitsio
from astropy.table import Table
from import ascii
import os
import re
from . import __version__ as desitarget_version
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn
import healpy as hp
from glob import glob, iglob
from time import time
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
import yaml
import hashlib

from desiutil import depend
from desitarget.geomask import hp_in_box, box_area, is_in_box
from desitarget.geomask import hp_in_cap, cap_area, is_in_cap, add_hp_neighbors
from desitarget.geomask import is_in_hp, nside2nside, pixarea2nside
from desitarget.targets import main_cmx_or_sv, decode_targetid
from desimodel.footprint import is_point_in_desi, tiles2pix
from desitarget.targetmask import obsconditions

# ADM set up the DESI default logger
from desiutil.log import get_logger
log = get_logger()

# ADM this is a lookup dictionary to map RELEASE to a simpler "North" or "South".
# ADM photometric system. This will expand with the definition of RELEASE in the
# ADM Data Model (e.g.
# ADM 7999 were the dr8a test reductions, for which only 'S' surveys were processed.
releasedict = {3000: 'S', 4000: 'N', 5000: 'S', 6000: 'N', 7000: 'S', 7999: 'S',
               8000: 'S', 8001: 'N', 9000: 'S', 9001: 'N', 9002: 'S', 9003: 'N',
               9004: 'S', 9005: 'N', 9006: 'S', 9007: 'N', 9008: 'S', 9009: 'N',
               9010: 'S', 9011: 'N', 9012: 'S', 9013: 'N', 10000: 'S'}

# ADM This is an empty array of most of the TS data model columns and
# ADM dtypes. Note that other columns are added in read_tractor and
# ADM from the "addedcols" data models below.
basetsdatamodel = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('RELEASE', '>i2'), ('BRICKID', '>i4'), ('BRICKNAME', 'S8'),
    ('OBJID', '>i4'), ('TYPE', 'S4'), ('RA', '>f8'), ('RA_IVAR', '>f4'),
    ('DEC', '>f8'), ('DEC_IVAR', '>f4'), ('DCHISQ', '>f4', (5,)), ('EBV', '>f4'),
    ('FLUX_G', '>f4'), ('FLUX_R', '>f4'), ('FLUX_Z', '>f4'),
    ('FLUX_IVAR_G', '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_R', '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_Z', '>f4'),
    ('MW_TRANSMISSION_G', '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_R', '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_Z', '>f4'),
    ('FRACFLUX_G', '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_R', '>f4'), ('FRACFLUX_Z', '>f4'),
    ('FRACMASKED_G', '>f4'), ('FRACMASKED_R', '>f4'), ('FRACMASKED_Z', '>f4'),
    ('FRACIN_G', '>f4'), ('FRACIN_R', '>f4'), ('FRACIN_Z', '>f4'),
    ('NOBS_G', '>i2'), ('NOBS_R', '>i2'), ('NOBS_Z', '>i2'),
    ('PSFDEPTH_G', '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_R', '>f4'), ('PSFDEPTH_Z', '>f4'),
    ('GALDEPTH_G', '>f4'), ('GALDEPTH_R', '>f4'), ('GALDEPTH_Z', '>f4'),
    ('FLUX_W1', '>f4'), ('FLUX_W2', '>f4'), ('FLUX_W3', '>f4'), ('FLUX_W4', '>f4'),
    ('FLUX_IVAR_W1', '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_W2', '>f4'),
    ('FLUX_IVAR_W3', '>f4'), ('FLUX_IVAR_W4', '>f4'),
    ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W1', '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W2', '>f4'),
    ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W3', '>f4'), ('MW_TRANSMISSION_W4', '>f4'),
    ('ALLMASK_G', '>i2'), ('ALLMASK_R', '>i2'), ('ALLMASK_Z', '>i2'),
    ('FIBERFLUX_G', '>f4'), ('FIBERFLUX_R', '>f4'), ('FIBERFLUX_Z', '>f4'),
    ('FIBERTOTFLUX_G', '>f4'), ('FIBERTOTFLUX_R', '>f4'), ('FIBERTOTFLUX_Z', '>f4'),
    ('REF_EPOCH', '>f4'), ('WISEMASK_W1', '|u1'), ('WISEMASK_W2', '|u1'),
    ('MASKBITS', '>i2')

# ADM columns that have updated dtypes in the DR10 data model.
dr10replacecols = {('MASKBITS', '>i2'): ('MASKBITS', '>i4'),
                   ('LC_FLUX_W1', '>f4', (15,)): ('LC_FLUX_W1', '>f4', (17,)),
                   ('LC_FLUX_W2', '>f4', (15,)): ('LC_FLUX_W2', '>f4', (17,)),
                   ('LC_FLUX_IVAR_W1', '>f4', (15,)): ('LC_FLUX_IVAR_W1', '>f4', (17,)),
                   ('LC_FLUX_IVAR_W2', '>f4', (15,)): ('LC_FLUX_IVAR_W2', '>f4', (17,)),
                   ('LC_NOBS_W1', '>i2', (15,)): ('LC_NOBS_W1', '>i2', (17,)),
                   ('LC_NOBS_W2', '>i2', (15,)): ('LC_NOBS_W2', '>i2', (17,)),
                   ('LC_MJD_W1', '>f8', (15,)): ('LC_MJD_W1', '>f8', (17,)),
                   ('LC_MJD_W2', '>f8', (15,)): ('LC_MJD_W2', '>f8', (17,))}

# ADM columns that are new for the DR9 data model.
dr9addedcols = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('LC_FLUX_W1', '>f4', (15,)), ('LC_FLUX_W2', '>f4', (15,)),
    ('LC_FLUX_IVAR_W1', '>f4', (15,)), ('LC_FLUX_IVAR_W2', '>f4', (15,)),
    ('LC_NOBS_W1', '>i2', (15,)), ('LC_NOBS_W2', '>i2', (15,)),
    ('LC_MJD_W1', '>f8', (15,)), ('LC_MJD_W2', '>f8', (15,)),
    ('SHAPE_R', '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E1', '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E2', '>f4'),
    ('SHAPE_R_IVAR', '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E1_IVAR', '>f4'), ('SHAPE_E2_IVAR', '>f4'),
    ('SERSIC', '>f4'), ('SERSIC_IVAR', '>f4')

# ADM columns that were deprecated in the DR8 data model.
dr8addedcols = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('FRACDEV', '>f4'), ('FRACDEV_IVAR', '>f4'),
    ('SHAPEDEV_R', '>f4'), ('SHAPEDEV_E1', '>f4'), ('SHAPEDEV_E2', '>f4'),
    ('SHAPEDEV_R_IVAR', '>f4'), ('SHAPEDEV_E1_IVAR', '>f4'), ('SHAPEDEV_E2_IVAR', '>f4'),
    ('SHAPEEXP_R', '>f4'), ('SHAPEEXP_E1', '>f4'), ('SHAPEEXP_E2', '>f4'),
    ('SHAPEEXP_R_IVAR', '>f4'), ('SHAPEEXP_E1_IVAR', '>f4'), ('SHAPEEXP_E2_IVAR', '>f4'),

[docs]def desitarget_nside(): """Default HEALPix Nside for all target selection algorithms.""" nside = 64 return nside
[docs]def desitarget_resolve_dec(): """Default Dec cut to separate targets in BASS/MzLS from DECaLS.""" dec = 32.375 return dec
[docs]def add_photsys(indata): """Add the PHOTSYS column to a sweeps-style array. Parameters ---------- indata : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Numpy structured array to which to add PHOTSYS column. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Input array with PHOTSYS added (and set using RELEASE). Notes ----- - The PHOTSYS column is only added if the RELEASE column is available in the passed `indata`. """ # ADM only add the PHOTSYS column if RELEASE exists. if 'RELEASE' in indata.dtype.names: # ADM add PHOTSYS to the data model. # ADM the fitsio check is a hack for the v0.9 to v1.0 transition # ADM (v1.0 now converts all byte strings to unicode strings). from packaging.version import Version if Version(fitsio.__version__) >= Version('1'): pdt = [('PHOTSYS', '<U1')] else: pdt = [('PHOTSYS', '|S1')] dt = indata.dtype.descr + pdt # ADM create a new numpy array with the fields from the new data model... nrows = len(indata) outdata = np.empty(nrows, dtype=dt) # ADM ...and populate them with the passed columns of data. for col in indata.dtype.names: outdata[col] = indata[col] # ADM add the PHOTSYS column. photsys = release_to_photsys(indata["RELEASE"]) outdata['PHOTSYS'] = photsys else: outdata = indata return outdata
[docs]def read_tractor(filename, header=False, columns=None, gaiasub=False): """Read a tractor catalogue or sweeps file. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` File name of one Tractor or sweeps file. header : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, return (data, header) instead of just data. columns: :class:`list`, optional Specify the desired Tractor catalog columns to read; defaults to + most of the columns in desitarget.gaiamatch.gaiadatamodel.dtype.names, where tsdatamodel is, e.g., basetsdatamodel + dr9addedcols. gaiasub : :class:`boolean`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, substitute Gaia EDR3 proper motion and parallax columns over the sweeps values. If ``True``, then the GAIA_DIR environment variable must be set to find the Gaia sweeps files, and `filename` must be the full path to a DR9 sweeps file. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array with the tractor schema, uppercase field names. """ check_fitsio_version() # ADM read in the file information. Due to fitsio header bugs # ADM near v1.0.0, make absolutely sure the user wants the header. if header: indata, hdr =, upper=True, header=True, columns=columns) else: indata =, upper=True, columns=columns) # ADM if requested, sub-in Gaia EDR3 proper motions and parallaxes. if gaiasub: from desitarget.gaiamatch import sub_gaia_edr3 indata = sub_gaia_edr3(filename, objs=indata) # ADM form the final data model in a manner that maintains # ADM backwards-compatibility with earlier data releases. if "FRACDEV" in indata.dtype.names: tsdatamodel = np.array( [], dtype=basetsdatamodel.dtype.descr + dr8addedcols.dtype.descr) else: newdt = basetsdatamodel.dtype.descr + dr9addedcols.dtype.descr if "FLUX_I" in indata.dtype.names: # ADM i-fluxes were added for DR10. newdt = [dr10replacecols.get(tup, tup) for tup in newdt] tsdatamodel = np.array([], dtype=newdt) # ADM the full data model including Gaia columns. from desitarget.gaiamatch import gaiadatamodel from desitarget.gaiamatch import pop_gaia_coords, pop_gaia_columns gaiadatamodel = pop_gaia_coords(gaiadatamodel) # ADM special handling of the pre-DR7 Data Model. for gaiacol in ['GAIA_PHOT_BP_RP_EXCESS_FACTOR', 'GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_SIGMA5D_MAX', 'GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED', 'REF_CAT']: if gaiacol not in indata.dtype.names: gaiadatamodel = pop_gaia_columns(gaiadatamodel, [gaiacol]) dt = tsdatamodel.dtype.descr + gaiadatamodel.dtype.descr dtnames = tsdatamodel.dtype.names + gaiadatamodel.dtype.names # ADM limit to just passed columns. if columns is not None: dt = [d for d, name in zip(dt, dtnames) if name in columns] # ADM set-up the output array. nrows = len(indata) data = np.zeros(nrows, dtype=dt) # ADM if REF_ID was requested, set it to -1 in case there is no Gaia data. if "REF_ID" in data.dtype.names: data['REF_ID'] = -1 # ADM populate the common input/output columns. for col in set(indata.dtype.names).intersection(set(data.dtype.names)): data[col] = indata[col] # ADM MASKBITS used to be BRIGHTSTARINBLOB which was set to True/False # ADM and which represented the SECOND bit of MASKBITS. if "BRIGHTSTARINBLOB" in indata.dtype.names: if "MASKBITS" in data.dtype.names: data["MASKBITS"] = indata["BRIGHTSTARINBLOB"] << 1 # ADM To circumvent whitespace bugs on I/O from fitsio. # ADM need to strip any white space from string columns. for colname in data.dtype.names: kind = data[colname].dtype.kind if kind == 'U' or kind == 'S': data[colname] = np.char.rstrip(data[colname]) # ADM add the PHOTSYS column to unambiguously check whether we're using imaging # ADM from the "North" or "South". data = add_photsys(data) if header: return data, hdr return data
[docs]def fix_tractor_dr1_dtype(objects): """DR1 tractor files have inconsistent dtype for the TYPE field. Fix this. Args: objects : numpy structured array from target file. Returns: structured array with TYPE.dtype = 'S4' if needed. If the type was already correct, returns the original array. """ if objects['TYPE'].dtype == 'S4': return objects else: dt = objects.dtype.descr for i in range(len(dt)): if dt[i][0] == 'TYPE': dt[i] = ('TYPE', 'S4') break return objects.astype(np.dtype(dt))
[docs]def release_to_photsys(release): """Convert RELEASE to PHOTSYS using the releasedict lookup table. Parameters ---------- objects : :class:`int` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` RELEASE column from a numpy rec array of targets. Returns ------- :class:`str` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` 'N' if the RELEASE corresponds to the northern photometric system (MzLS+BASS) and 'S' if it's the southern system (DECaLS). Notes ----- Flags an error if the system is not recognized. """ # ADM arrays of the key (RELEASE) and value (PHOTSYS) entries in the releasedict. releasenums = np.array(list(releasedict.keys())) photstrings = np.array(list(releasedict.values())) # ADM explicitly check no unknown release numbers were passed. unknown = set(release) - set(releasenums) if bool(unknown): msg = 'Unknown release number {}'.format(unknown) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM an array with indices running from 0 to the maximum release number + 1. r2p = np.empty(np.max(releasenums)+1, dtype='|S1') # ADM populate where the release numbers exist with the PHOTSYS. r2p[releasenums] = photstrings # ADM return the PHOTSYS string that corresponds to each passed release number. return r2p[release]
[docs]def _bright_or_dark(filename, hdr, data, obscon, mockdata=None): """modify data/file name for BRIGHT or DARK survey OBSCONDITIONS Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` output target selection file. hdr : class:`str` header of the output target selection file. data : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` numpy structured array of targets. obscon : :class:`str` Can be "DARK" or "BRIGHT" to only write targets appropriate for "DARK" or "BRIGHT" observing conditions. The relevant `PRIORITY_INIT` and `NUMOBS_INIT` columns will be derived from `PRIORITY_INIT_DARK`, etc. and `filename` will have "bright" or "dark" appended to the lowest DIRECTORY in the input `filename`. mockdata : :class:`dict`, optional, defaults to `None` Dictionary of mock data to write out (only used in `` via `select_mock_targets`). Returns ------- :class:`str` The modified file name. :class:`data` The modified data. """ # ADM determine the bits for the OBSCONDITIONS. obsbits = obsconditions.mask(obscon) hdr["OBSCON"] = obscon # ADM only retain targets appropriate to the conditions. ii = (data["OBSCONDITIONS"] & obsbits) != 0 data = data[ii] # Optionally subselect the mock data. if len(data) > 0 and mockdata is not None: truthdata, trueflux, _objtruth = mockdata['truth'], mockdata['trueflux'], mockdata['objtruth'] truthdata = truthdata[ii] objtruth = {} for obj in sorted(set(truthdata['TEMPLATETYPE'])): objtruth[obj] = _objtruth[obj] for key in objtruth.keys(): keep = np.where(np.isin(objtruth[key]['TARGETID'], truthdata['TARGETID']))[0] if len(keep) > 0: objtruth[key] = objtruth[key][keep] if len(trueflux) > 0 and trueflux.shape[1] > 0: trueflux = trueflux[ii, :] mockdata['truth'] = truthdata mockdata['trueflux'] = trueflux mockdata['objtruth'] = objtruth # ADM construct the name for the bright or dark directory. newdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), obscon.lower()) filename = os.path.join(newdir, os.path.basename(filename)) # ADM modify the filename with an obscon prefix. filename = filename.replace("targets-", "targets-{}-".format(obscon.lower())) # ADM change the name to PRIORITY_INIT, NUMOBS_INIT. for col in "NUMOBS_INIT", "PRIORITY_INIT": rename = {"{}_{}".format(col, obscon.upper()): col} data = rfn.rename_fields(data, rename) # ADM remove the other BRIGHT/DARK NUMOBS, PRIORITY columns. names = np.array(data.dtype.names) dropem = list(names[['_INIT_' in col for col in names]]) data = rfn.drop_fields(data, dropem) if mockdata is not None: return filename, hdr, data, mockdata else: return filename, hdr, data
[docs]def write_with_units(filename, data, extname=None, header=None, ecsv=False): """Write a FITS file with units from the desitarget data model. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` The output file. data : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The numpy structured array of data to write. extname, header optional Passed through to `fitsio.write()`. `header` can be either a FITShdr object or a dictionary. ecsv : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then write as a .ecsv file instead of FITS. Returns ------- Nothing, but writes the `data` to the `filename` in chunks with units added from the desitarget units yaml file (see `/data/units.yaml`). Notes ----- - Always OVERWRITES existing files! - Writes atomically. Any files that died mid-write will be appended by ".tmp". - If `ecsv` is ``True`` then a (potentially slow) Table conversion is applied to `data`. """ # ADM read the desitarget units yaml file. fn = resource_filename('desitarget', os.path.join('data', 'units.yaml')) with open(fn) as f: unitdict = yaml.safe_load(f) if ecsv: data = Table(data) # ADM loop through the data and create a list of units. units = [] for col in data.dtype.names: try: if unitdict[col] is None: units.append("") else: units.append(unitdict[col]) if ecsv: data[col].unit = unitdict[col] except KeyError: units.append("") # ADM write the file for either ecsv or fits.. if ecsv: if header is not None: data.meta = dict(header) if extname is not None: data.meta['EXTNAME'] = extname data.write(filename+'.tmp', format='ascii.ecsv', overwrite=True) else: fitsio.write(filename+'.tmp', data, units=units, extname=extname, header=header, clobber=True) os.rename(filename+'.tmp', filename) return
[docs]def write_targets(targdir, data, indir=None, indir2=None, nchunks=None, qso_selection=None, nside=None, survey="main", nsidefile=None, hpxlist=None, scndout=None, resolve=True, maskbits=True, obscon=None, mockdata=None, supp=False, extra=None, extradeps=None, nosec=False, infiles=None, checkbright=False, subpriority=True): """Write target catalogues. Parameters ---------- targdir : :class:`str` Path to output target selection directory (the directory structure and file name are built on-the-fly from other inputs). data : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` numpy structured array of targets to save. indir, indir2, qso_selection : :class:`str`, optional, default to `None` If passed, note these as the input directory, an additional input directory, and the QSO selection method in the output file header. nchunks : :class`int`, optional, defaults to `None` The number of chunks in which to write the output file, to save memory. Send `None` to write everything at once. nside : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None` If passed, add a column to the targets array popluated with HEALPixels at resolution `nside`. survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "main" Written to output file header as the keyword `SURVEY`. nsidefile : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None` Passed to indicate in the output file header that the targets have been limited to only certain HEALPixels at a given nside. Used in conjunction with `hpxlist`. hpxlist : :class:`list`, optional, defaults to `None` Passed to indicate in the output file header that the targets have been limited to only this list of HEALPixels. Used in conjunction with `nsidefile`. resolve, maskbits : :class:`bool`, optional, default to ``True`` Written to the output file header as `RESOLVE`, `MASKBITS`. scndout : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to `None` If passed, add to output header as SCNDOUT. obscon : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to `None` Can pass one of "DARK" or "BRIGHT". If passed, don't write the full set of data, rather only write targets appropriate for "DARK" or "BRIGHT" observing conditions. The relevant `PRIORITY_INIT` and `NUMOBS_INIT` columns will be derived from `PRIORITY_INIT_DARK`, etc. and `filename` will have "bright" or "dark" appended to the lowest DIRECTORY in the input `filename`. mockdata : :class:`dict`, optional, defaults to `None` Dictionary of mock data to write out (only used in `` via `select_mock_targets`). supp : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` Written to the header of the output file as "BACKUP" to indicate whether this is a file of backup targets (targets that are based only on Gaia data). extra : :class:`dict`, optional If passed (and not None), write these extra dictionary keys and values to the output header. extradeps : :class:`dict`, optional If not None, add extra DEPNAMnn/DEPVERnn keywords to output header nosec : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` Written to the output file header as `NOSEC`. If both this kwarg and `supp` are ``True``, add a `SCND_TARGET` column to the file. infiles : :class:`list` or `~numpy.ndarray`, optional If passed (and not None), write a second extension "INFILES" that contains the files in `infiles` and their SHA-256 checksums. If `infiles` is a list, func:`` is called to look-up the checksums, if `infiles` is a numpy array it's assumed to be in the format returned by `get_checksums()`. checkbright : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then log a warning about targets that are being written to file and that could be too bright. subpriority : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` and a `SUBPRIORITY` column is in the input `data`, then `SUBPRIORITY==0.0` entries are overwritten by a random float in the range 0 to 1, using either seed 716, or seed 716 + the first value in `hpxlist`, if `hpxlist` is passed and not ``None``. Returns ------- :class:`int` The number of targets that were written to file. :class:`str` The name of the file to which targets were written. Notes ----- - Various columns and header keywords are updated when writing, so take care. For instance, pass `subpriority=False` unless you really want to update the `SUBPRIORITY` column. """ # ADM create the header and add the DESI dependencies. hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() depend.add_dependencies(hdr) # ADM limit to just BRIGHT or DARK targets, if requested. # ADM Ignore the filename output, we'll build that on-the-fly. if obscon is not None: if mockdata is not None: _, hdr, data, mockdata = _bright_or_dark( targdir, hdr, data, obscon, mockdata=mockdata) else: _, hdr, data = _bright_or_dark( targdir, hdr, data, obscon) # ADM if passed, use the indir to determine the Data Release # ADM integer and string for the input targets. drint = None if supp and len(data) > 0: _, _, _, _, _, gaiadr = decode_targetid(data["TARGETID"]) # ADM cmx targets can have the First Light targets, which # ADM have an invented Gaia DR. if survey != "cmx": if len(set(gaiadr)) != 1: msg = "Targets are based on multiple Gaia DRs:".format(set(gaiadr)) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) gaiadr = gaiadr[0] else: gaiadr = np.max(gaiadr) drstring = "gaiadr{}".format(gaiadr) else: try: drint = int(indir.split("dr")[1].split(os.path.sep)[0]) drstring = "dr{}".format(drint) except (ValueError, IndexError, AttributeError): drstring = "X" # ADM catch cases where we're writing-to-file and there's no hpxlist. hpx = hpxlist if hpxlist is None: hpx = "X" # ADM construct the output file name. if mockdata is not None: filename = find_target_files(targdir, flavor="targets", obscon=obscon, hp=hpx, nside=nside, mock=True) truthfile = find_target_files(targdir, flavor="truth", obscon=obscon, hp=hpx, nside=nside, mock=True) else: filename = find_target_files(targdir, dr=drstring, flavor="targets", survey=survey, obscon=obscon, hp=hpx, resolve=resolve, supp=supp) ntargs = len(data) # ADM die if there are no targets to write. if ntargs == 0: return ntargs, filename # ADM write versions, etc. to the header. depend.setdep(hdr, 'desitarget', desitarget_version) depend.setdep(hdr, 'desitarget-git', gitversion()) depend.setdep(hdr, 'photcat', drstring) if indir is not None: depend.setdep(hdr, 'tractor-files', indir) if indir2 is not None: depend.setdep(hdr, 'tractor-files-2', indir2) if qso_selection is None: log.warning('qso_selection method not specified for output file') depend.setdep(hdr, 'qso-selection', 'unknown') else: depend.setdep(hdr, 'qso-selection', qso_selection) # SB add extra dependencies if requested if extradeps is not None: for key, value in extradeps.items(): depend.setdep(hdr, key, value) # ADM in case we need to add a SCND_TARGET column. from desitarget.secondary import outdatamodel as sdm desicols, _, _ = main_cmx_or_sv(data, scnd=True) _, scnd_target = desicols[0], desicols[3] stdt = sdm["SCND_TARGET"].dtype # ADM add HEALPix column, if requested by input. if nside is not None: theta, phi = np.radians(90-data["DEC"]), np.radians(data["RA"]) hppix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) flds, vals = [], [] # ADM to save time/memory, can add SCND_TARGET if needed, too. if supp and nosec: flds.append(scnd_target) vals.append(np.zeros(len(data), dtype=stdt)) flds.append("HPXPIXEL") vals.append(hppix) data = rfn.append_fields(data, flds, vals, usemask=False) hdr.add_record(dict(name='HPXNSIDE', value=nside, comment="HEALPix nside")) hdr.add_record(dict(name='HPXNEST', value=True, comment="HEALPix nested (not ring) ordering")) # ADM if we didn't use the speed-up to add SCND_TARGET, add it. elif supp and nosec: flds, vals = scnd_target, np.zeros(len(data), dtype=stdt) # ADM populate SUBPRIORITY with a reproducible random float. if "SUBPRIORITY" in data.dtype.names and mockdata is None and subpriority: subpseed = 716 if hpxlist is not None: subpseed += int(hpxlist[0]) np.random.seed(subpseed) # SB only set subpriorities that aren't already set, but keep original # full random sequence order ii = data["SUBPRIORITY"] == 0.0 data["SUBPRIORITY"][ii] = np.random.random(ntargs)[ii] hdr["SUBPSEED"] = subpseed # ADM add the type of survey (main, commissioning; or "cmx", sv) to the header. hdr["SURVEY"] = survey # ADM add whether or not the targets were resolved to the header. hdr["RESOLVE"] = resolve # ADM add whether or not MASKBITS was applied to the header. hdr["MASKBITS"] = maskbits # ADM indicate whether this is a supplemental file. hdr["BACKUP"] = supp # ADM whether the nosecondary option was passed. hdr["NOSEC"] = nosec # ADM add the Data Release to the header. if supp: hdr["GAIADR"] = gaiadr else: hdr["DR"] = drint # ADM add the extra dictionary to the header. if extra is not None: for key in extra: hdr[key] = extra[key] if scndout is not None: hdr["SCNDOUT"] = scndout # ADM record whether this file has been limited to only certain HEALPixels. if hpxlist is not None or nsidefile is not None: # ADM hpxlist and nsidefile need to be passed together. check_both_set(hpxlist, nsidefile) hdr['FILENSID'] = nsidefile hdr['FILENEST'] = True # ADM warn if we've stored a pixel string that is too long. _check_hpx_length(hpxlist, warning=True) hdr['FILEHPX'] = hpxlist # ADM create necessary directories, if they don't exist. os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) # ADM write in a series of chunks to save memory. if nchunks is None: write_with_units(filename, data, extname='TARGETS', header=hdr) else: write_in_chunks(filename, data, nchunks, extname='TARGETS', header=hdr) # Optionally write out mock catalog data. if mockdata is not None: # truthfile = filename.replace('targets-', 'truth-') truthdata, trueflux, objtruth = mockdata['truth'], mockdata['trueflux'], mockdata['objtruth'] hdr['SEED'] = (mockdata['seed'], 'initial random seed') # ADM TODO: the mock fitsio.writes could use write_with_units()? fitsio.write(truthfile+'.tmp', truthdata.as_array(), extname='TRUTH', header=hdr, clobber=True) if len(trueflux) > 0 and trueflux.shape[1] > 0: wavehdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() wavehdr['BUNIT'] = 'Angstrom' wavehdr['AIRORVAC'] = 'vac' fitsio.write(truthfile+'.tmp', mockdata['truewave'].astype(np.float32), extname='WAVE', header=wavehdr) fluxhdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() fluxhdr['BUNIT'] = '1e-17 erg/s/cm2/Angstrom' fitsio.write(truthfile+'.tmp', trueflux.astype(np.float32), extname='FLUX', header=fluxhdr) if len(objtruth) > 0: for obj in sorted(set(truthdata['TEMPLATETYPE'])): out = objtruth[obj] # TODO: fix desitarget #529, double check with #603, then remove this # Temporarily remove the `TRANSIENT_` columns-- # see and # for col in out.colnames.copy(): if 'TRANSIENT_' in col: out.remove_column(col) fitsio.write(truthfile+'.tmp', out.as_array(), extname='TRUTH_{}'.format(obj)) os.rename(truthfile+'.tmp', truthfile) # ADM If input files were passed, write them to a second extension. if infiles is not None: if isinstance(infiles, list): shatab = get_checksums(infiles, verbose=True) elif isinstance(infiles, np.ndarray): shatab = infiles fitsio.write(filename, shatab, extname="INFILES") # ADM A final check to warn about too-bright targets in standard # observing conditions, as a fail-safe. if checkbright: maglim = 15 fluxlim = 10**((22.5-maglim)/2.5) toobright = np.zeros(len(data), dtype="bool") for col in ["GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG", "GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG", "GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG"]: toobright |= (data[col] != 0) & (data[col] < maglim) for col in ["FIBERTOTFLUX_G", "FIBERTOTFLUX_R", "FIBERTOTFLUX_Z"]: toobright |= (data[col] != 0) & (data[col] > fluxlim) if np.any(toobright) and not supp: tids = data["TARGETID"][toobright] log.warning("Targets TOO BRIGHT in {}: {}".format(filename, tids)) return ntargs, filename
[docs]def write_mtl(mtldir, data, indir=None, survey="main", obscon=None, scnd=False, nsidefile=None, hpxlist=None, extra=None, override=False, ecsv=True, mixed=False, nowrite=False, append=False): """Write Merged Target List ledgers or files. Parameters ---------- mtldir : :class:`str` Path to output MTL directory (the directory structure and file name are built on-the-fly from other inputs). data : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` numpy structured array of merged targets to write. indir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to `None` If passed, note as the input directory in the output file header. survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "main" Written to output file header as the keyword `SURVEY`. obscon : :class:`str`, optional Name of the `OBSCONDITIONS` used to make the file (e.g. DARK). scnd : :class:`bool`, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then these are secondary targets. Write scnd=True to the header and /secondary/ to the output directory structure. nsidefile : :class:`int`, optional Passed to indicate in the output file header that the targets have been limited to only certain HEALPixels at a given nside. Used in conjunction with `hpxlist`. hpxlist : :class:`list`, optional, defaults to `None` Passed to indicate in the output file header that the targets have been limited to only this list of HEALPixels. Used in conjunction with `nsidefile`. extra : :class:`dict`, optional If passed (and not None), write these extra dictionary keys and values to the output header. override : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, this is an MTL override file. Any instance of "mtl" in the filename is replaced by "mtl-override" and the final part of the directory structure includes "override". ecsv : :class:`bool`, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` write a .ecsv file, if ``False`` with a .fits file. mixed : :class:`bool`, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` allow `data` to be from different Data Releases and write out the largest data release integer to the file headers. Useful when writing targets from, e.g., DR9 of the Legacy Surveys and DR2 of Gaia to the same file. nowrite : :class:`bool`, defaults to ``False`` If passed just return 0 and the name of the file. Don't actually write anything. Useful for retrieving the filename that WOULD have been written. append : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then append to any existing ledgers rather than creating new ones. In this mode, if a ledger exists it will be appended to and if it doesn't exist it will be created. Only currently coded for .ecsv ledgers. Returns ------- :class:`int` The number of targets that were written to file. :class:`str` The name of the file to which targets were written. """ # ADM begin to construct a dictionary of header keys and values. keys = ["INDIR", "SURVEY", "OBSCON", "SCND", "OVERRIDE"] vals = [indir, survey, obscon, scnd, override] # ADM hpxlist and nsidefile need to be passed together. if hpxlist is not None or nsidefile is not None: check_both_set(hpxlist, nsidefile) # ADM warn if we've stored a pixel string that is too long. _check_hpx_length(hpxlist, warning=True) # ADM add to the header dictionary. keys += ["FILENSID", "FILENEST", "FILEHPX"] vals += [nsidefile, True, hpxlist] # ADM catch cases where hpxlist wasn't passed. hpx = hpxlist if hpxlist is None: hpx = "X" # ADM determine the data release from a TARGETID. _, _, release, _, _, gaiadr = decode_targetid(data["TARGETID"]) # ADM if the mixed or scnd kwargs were sent, allow multiple DRs. if mixed or scnd: dr = np.atleast_1d(np.max(release//1000)) else: dr = np.unique(release//1000) if len(dr) == 0: drint = 'X' else: try: drint = int(dr) except TypeError: msg = "Multiple data releases in MTL ({})".format(dr) log.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) if obscon == "BACKUP": keys += ["GAIADR"] vals += [gaiadr[0]] drstring = "gaiadr{}".format(gaiadr[0]) else: keys += ["DR"] vals += [drint] drstring = "dr{}".format(drint) # ADM finalize the header dictionary. hdrdict = {key: val for key, val in zip(keys, vals) if val is not None} if extra is not None: hdrdict = {**hdrdict, **extra} # ADM resolve of None adds secondary to the output directory. resolve = True if scnd: resolve = None # ADM set output format to ecsv if passed, or fits otherwise. form = 'ecsv'*ecsv + 'fits'*(not(ecsv)) fn = find_target_files(mtldir, dr=drstring, flavor="mtl", survey=survey, resolve=resolve, obscon=obscon, hp=hpx, override=override, ender=form) ntargs = len(data) # ADM die if there are no targets to write. if ntargs == 0 or nowrite: return ntargs, fn # ADM create necessary directories, if they don't exist. os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fn), exist_ok=True) # ADM sort the output file on TARGETID. data = data[np.argsort(data["TARGETID"])] # ADM if append was sent, check if the file exists. If it doesn't, # ADM write it, if it does, append to it. Be particularly careful to # ADM not overwrite files if append wasn't sent! if os.path.isfile(fn): if append: if not ecsv: msg = "Appending is only currently coded up for .ecsv ledgers" log.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) # ADM append the data to the existing mtl ledger. f = open(fn, "a") from desitarget.mtl import mtlformatdict ascii.write(data, f, format='no_header', formats=mtlformatdict) f.close() else: msg = "Cowardly refusal to overwrite {} ".format(fn) msg += "(did you mean to send append? If so, check " msg += "you haven't created any unexpected ledgers)!" log.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) else: write_with_units(fn, data, extname='MTL', header=hdrdict, ecsv=ecsv) return ntargs, fn
[docs]def write_in_chunks(filename, data, nchunks, extname=None, header=None): """Write a FITS file in chunks to save memory. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` The output file. data : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The numpy structured array of data to write. nchunks : :class`int`, optional, defaults to `None` The number of chunks in which to write the output file. extname, header, clobber, optional Passed through to fitsio.write(). Returns ------- Nothing, but writes the `data` to the `filename` in chunks. Notes ----- - Always OVERWRITES existing files! - Mostly deprecated, so was never updated to write units. """ # ADM ensure that files are always overwritten. if os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) start = time() # ADM open a file for writing. outy = fitsio.FITS(filename, 'rw') # ADM write the chunks one-by-one. chunk = len(data)//nchunks for i in range(nchunks):"Writing chunk {}/{} from index {} to {}...t = {:.1f}s" .format(i+1, nchunks, i*chunk, (i+1)*chunk-1, time()-start)) datachunk = data[i*chunk:(i+1)*chunk] # ADM if this is the first chunk, write the data and header... if i == 0: outy.write(datachunk, extname='TARGETS', header=header, clobber=True) # ADM ...otherwise just append to the existing file object. else: outy[-1].append(datachunk) # ADM append any remaining data. datachunk = data[nchunks*chunk:]"Writing final partial chunk from index {} to {}...t = {:.1f}s" .format(nchunks*chunk, len(data)-1, time()-start)) outy[-1].append(datachunk) outy.close() return
[docs]def write_secondary(targdir, data, primhdr=None, scxdir=None, obscon=None, drint='X', subpriority=True, iteration=None): """Write a catalogue of secondary targets. Parameters ---------- targdir : :class:`str` Path to output target selection directory (the directory structure and file name are built on-the-fly from other inputs). data : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` numpy structured array of secondary targets to write. primhdr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to `None` If passed, added to the header of the output catalogue. scxdir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to :envvar:`SCND_DIR` Name of the directory that hosts secondary targets. The secondary targets are written back out to this directory in the sub-directory "outdata" and the `scxdir` is added to the header of the output `filename`. obscon : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to `None` Can pass one of "DARK" or "BRIGHT". If passed, don't write the full set of secondary targets that do not match a primary, rather only write targets appropriate for "DARK" or "BRIGHT" observing conditions. The relevant `PRIORITY_INIT` and `NUMOBS_INIT` columns will be derived from `PRIORITY_INIT_DARK`, etc. and `filename` will have "bright" or "dark" appended to the lowest DIRECTORY in the input `filename`. drint : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `X` The data release ("dr"`drint`"-") in the output filename. subpriority : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` and a `SUBPRIORITY` column is in the input `data`, then `SUBPRIORITY==0.0` entries are overwritten by a random float in the range 0 to 1, using seed 717. iteration : :class:`integer` or `str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Hardcode the survey name as "main"+`iteration`. Useful when in the context of the Main Survey but writing extra secondaries that can't be merged with primaries. The random seed for `SUBPRIORITY` is also augmented by adding `iteration` to it. Returns ------- :class:`int` The number of secondary targets that do not match a primary target that were written to file. :class:`str` The name of the file to which such targets were written. Notes ----- - Two sets of files are written: - The file of secondary targets that do not match a primary target is written to `targdir`. Such secondary targets are determined from having "PRIM_MATCH"=``False`` in `data`. Only targets with `PRIORITY_INIT > -1` are written to this file (this allows duplicates to be resolved in, e.g., :func:`~desitarget.secondary.finalize()`. - Each secondary target that, presumably, was initially drawn from the "indata" subdirectory of `scxdir` is written to the "outdata" subdirectory of `scxdir`. - Various columns and header keywords are updated when writing, so take care. For instance, pass `subpriority=False` unless you really want to update the `SUBPRIORITY` column. """ # ADM grab the scxdir, it it wasn't passed. from desitarget.secondary import _get_scxdir scxdir = _get_scxdir(scxdir) # ADM if the primary header was passed, use it, if not # ADM then create a new header. hdr = primhdr if primhdr is None: hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() # ADM add the DESI dependencies to the header. depend.add_dependencies(hdr) # ADM add the SCNDDIR to the file header. hdr["SCNDDIR"] = scxdir # ADM limit to just BRIGHT or DARK targets, if requested. # ADM ignore the filename output, we'll build that on-the-fly. if obscon is not None:"Observational conditions are {}".format(obscon)) _, hdr, data = _bright_or_dark(targdir, hdr, data, obscon) else:"Observational conditions are ALL") # ADM add the secondary dependencies to the file header. depend.setdep(hdr, 'scnd-desitarget', desitarget_version) depend.setdep(hdr, 'scnd-desitarget-git', gitversion()) # ADM populate SUBPRIORITY with a reproducible random float. if "SUBPRIORITY" in data.dtype.names and subpriority: ntargs = len(data) subpseed = 717 if iteration is not None: subpseed += int(iteration) np.random.seed(subpseed) # SB only set subpriorities that aren't already set, but keep # original full random sequence order ii = data["SUBPRIORITY"] == 0.0 data["SUBPRIORITY"][ii] = np.random.random(ntargs)[ii] hdr["SUBPSEED"] = subpseed # ADM remove the supplemental columns. from desitarget.secondary import suppdatamodel # ADM store certain needed columns in case they get removed. scnd_target_init = data["SCND_TARGET_INIT"] scnd_order = data["SCND_ORDER"] prim_match = data["PRIM_MATCH"] data = rfn.drop_fields(data, suppdatamodel.dtype.names) # ADM we only need a subset of the columns where we match a primary. smalldata = rfn.drop_fields(data, ["PRIORITY_INIT", "SUBPRIORITY", "NUMOBS_INIT", "OBSCONDITIONS"]) # ADM load the correct mask. _, mx, survey = main_cmx_or_sv(data, scnd=True)"Loading mask for {} survey".format(survey)) scnd_mask = mx[3] # ADM if we forced the survey, change the survey name. if iteration is not None: survey = "main"+str(iteration) # ADM construct the output full and reduced file name. filename = find_target_files(targdir, dr=drint, flavor="targets", nohp=True, survey=survey, obscon=obscon, resolve=None) # ADM write out the file of matches for every secondary bit. scxoutdir = os.path.join(scxdir, 'outdata', desitarget_version) if obscon is not None: scxoutdir = os.path.join(scxoutdir, obscon.lower()) else: scxoutdir = os.path.join(scxoutdir, "no-obscon") os.makedirs(scxoutdir, exist_ok=True) # ADM and write out the information for each bit. for name in scnd_mask.names(): # ADM Targets of Opportunity are handled separately. if scnd_mask[name].flavor != 'TOO': # ADM construct the output file name. fn = "{}.fits".format(scnd_mask[name].filename) scxfile = os.path.join(scxoutdir, fn) # ADM retrieve just the data with this bit set. ii = (scnd_target_init & scnd_mask[name]) != 0 # ADM only proceed to the write stage if there are targets. if np.sum(ii) > 0: # ADM to reorder to match the original input order. order = np.argsort(scnd_order[ii]) # ADM write to file. write_with_units(scxfile, smalldata[ii][order], extname='TARGETS', header=hdr)'Info for {} secondaries written to {}' .format(np.sum(ii), scxfile)) # ADM make necessary directories for the file, if they don't exist. os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) # ADM standalone secondaries have PRIORITY_INIT > -1 and # ADM don't have PRIM_MATCH set. standalone = ~prim_match & (data["PRIORITY_INIT"] > -1) # ADM as a fail-safe, never let standalone secondaries for standard # ADM observing conditions be brighter than maglim in known bands. maglim = 16 fluxlim = 10**((22.5-maglim)/2.5) # ADM find any standalone secondary that is too bright in any band. toobright = np.zeros(len(data), dtype="bool") for col in ["GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG", "GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG", "GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG"]: toobright |= (data[col] != 0) & (data[col] < maglim) for col in ["FLUX_G", "FLUX_R", "FLUX_Z"]: toobright |= (data[col] != 0) & (data[col] > fluxlim) # ADM just targets to be observed in "standard" conditions. standardoc = "DARK|BRIGHT" instandardoc = data["OBSCONDITIONS"] & obsconditions.mask(standardoc) != 0 # ADM write out standalone secondaries that aren't too bright and # ADM that are intended to be observed in standard conditions. ii = standalone & ~toobright & instandardoc write_with_units(filename, data[ii], extname='SCND_TARGETS', header=hdr) return np.sum(ii), filename
[docs]def write_skies(targdir, data, indir=None, indir2=None, supp=False, apertures_arcsec=None, nskiespersqdeg=None, nside=None, nsidefile=None, hpxlist=None, extra=None, extradeps=None, mock=False, subpriority=True): """Write a target catalogue of sky locations. Parameters ---------- targdir : :class:`str` Path to output target selection directory (the directory structure and file name are built on-the-fly from other inputs). data : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of skies to write to file. indir, indir2 : :class:`str`, optional Name of input Legacy Survey Data Release directory/directories, write to header of output file if passed (and if not None). supp : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` Written to the header of the output file to indicate whether this is a file of supplemental skies (sky locations that are outside the Legacy Surveys footprint). apertures_arcsec : :class:`list` or `float`, optional list of aperture radii in arcseconds to write each aperture as an individual line in the header, if passed (and if not None). nskiespersqdeg : :class:`float`, optional Number of sky locations generated per sq. deg., write to header of output file if passed (and if not None). nside: :class:`int`, optional If passed, add a column to the skies array popluated with HEALPixels at resolution `nside`. nsidefile : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None` Passed to indicate in the output file header that the targets have been limited to only certain HEALPixels at a given nside. Used in conjunction with `hpxlist`. hpxlist : :class:`list` or :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None` Passed to indicate in the output file header that the targets have been limited to only this list of HEALPixels. May also be a scalar integer. Used in conjunction with `nsidefile`. extra : :class:`dict`, optional If passed (and not None), write these extra dictionary keys and values to the output header. extradeps : :class:`dict`, optional If not None, add extra DEPNAMnn/DEPVERnn keywords to output header mock : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False``. If ``True`` then construct the file path for mock sky target catalogs. subpriority : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` and a `SUBPRIORITY` column is in the input `data`, then `SUBPRIORITY==0.0` entries are overwritten by a random float in the range 0 to 1, using either (a) if `supp` is ``False``: seed 718, or seed 718 + the first value in `hpxlist`, if `hpxlist` is passed and not ``None`` or (b) if `supp` is ``True`` seed 719 or seed 719 + hp.nside2npix(1024) + the first value in `hpxlist`, if `hpxlist` is passed and not ``None``. Returns ------- :class:`int` The number of skies that were written to file. :class:`str` The name of the file to which skies were written. Notes ----- - Various columns and header keywords are updated when writing, so take care. For instance, pass `subpriority=False` unless you really want to update the `SUBPRIORITY` column. - Because of the way random seeds are constructed for SUBPRIORITY, we require `nsidefile` to be less than 1024. """ nskies = len(data) # ADM find the data release string for the input skies. drint = None if supp and len(data) > 0: _, _, _, _, _, gaiadr = decode_targetid(data["TARGETID"]) if len(set(gaiadr)) != 1: msg = "Skies are based on multiple Gaia DRs:".format(set(gaiadr)) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) gaiadr = gaiadr[0] drstring = "gaiadr{}".format(gaiadr) else: try: drint = np.max(data['RELEASE']//1000) drstring = 'dr'+str(drint) except (ValueError, IndexError, AttributeError): drstring = "X" # - Create header to include versions, etc. hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() # ADM add the DESI dependencies to the header. depend.add_dependencies(hdr) # ADM add other dependencies. depend.setdep(hdr, 'desitarget', desitarget_version) depend.setdep(hdr, 'desitarget-git', gitversion()) depend.setdep(hdr, 'photcat', drstring) if indir is not None: depend.setdep(hdr, 'input-data-release', indir) if indir2 is not None: depend.setdep(hdr, 'input-data-release-2', indir2) # SB add extra dependencies if requested if extradeps is not None: for key, value in extradeps.items(): depend.setdep(hdr, key, value) if apertures_arcsec is not None: for i, ap in enumerate(apertures_arcsec): apname = "AP{}".format(i) apsize = ap hdr[apname] = apsize hdr['SUPP'] = supp if supp: hdr["GAIADR"] = gaiadr else: hdr["DR"] = drint if nskiespersqdeg is not None: hdr['NPERSDEG'] = nskiespersqdeg # ADM add HEALPix column, if requested by input. if nside is not None: theta, phi = np.radians(90-data["DEC"]), np.radians(data["RA"]) hppix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) data = rfn.append_fields(data, 'HPXPIXEL', hppix, usemask=False) hdr['HPXNSIDE'] = nside hdr['HPXNEST'] = True # ADM populate SUBPRIORITY with a reproducible random float. if "SUBPRIORITY" in data.dtype.names and subpriority: # ADM ensure different SUBPRIORITIES for supp/standard files. if supp: subpseed = hp.nside2npix(1024) + 719 else: subpseed = 718 if hpxlist is not None: subpseed += int(np.atleast_1d(hpxlist)[0]) # ADM the way we construct different random seeds for the # ADM skies and supplemental skies requires nsidefile < 1024. if int(nsidefile) > 1024: msg = "nsidefile is {}".format(nsidefile) msg += " limit is <= 1024 to retain randomness of SUBPRIORITY" log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) np.random.seed(subpseed) ii = data["SUBPRIORITY"] == 0.0 data["SUBPRIORITY"][ii] = np.random.random(nskies)[ii] hdr["SUBPSEED"] = subpseed # ADM add the extra dictionary to the header. if extra is not None: for key in extra: hdr[key] = extra[key] # ADM record whether this file has been limited to only certain HEALPixels. if hpxlist is not None or nsidefile is not None: # ADM hpxlist and nsidefile need to be passed together. check_both_set(hpxlist, nsidefile) hdr['FILENSID'] = nsidefile hdr['FILENEST'] = True # ADM warn if we've stored a pixel string that is too long. _check_hpx_length(hpxlist, warning=True) hdr['FILEHPX'] = hpxlist else: # ADM set the hp part of the output file name to "X". hpxlist = "X" # ADM construct the output file name. if mock: filename = find_target_files(targdir, flavor='sky', hp=hpxlist, mock=mock, nside=nside) else: filename = find_target_files(targdir, dr=drstring, flavor="skies", hp=hpxlist, supp=supp, mock=mock, nside=nside) # ADM create necessary directories, if they don't exist. os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) write_with_units(filename, data, extname='SKY_TARGETS', header=hdr) return len(data), filename
[docs]def write_gfas(targdir, data, indir=None, indir2=None, nside=None, nsidefile=None, hpxlist=None, extra=None): """Write a catalogue of Guide/Focus/Alignment targets. Parameters ---------- targdir : :class:`str` Path to output target selection directory (the directory structure and file name are built on-the-fly from other inputs). data : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of GFAs to write to file. indir, indir2 : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to None. Legacy Survey Data Release directory or directories, write to header of output file if passed (and if not None). nside: :class:`int`, defaults to None. If passed, add a column to the GFAs array popluated with HEALPixels at resolution `nside`. nsidefile : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None` Passed to indicate in the output file header that the targets have been limited to only certain HEALPixels at a given nside. Used in conjunction with `hpxlist`. hpxlist : :class:`list`, optional, defaults to `None` Passed to indicate in the output file header that the targets have been limited to only this list of HEALPixels. Used in conjunction with `nsidefile`. extra : :class:`dict`, optional If passed (and not None), write these extra dictionary keys and values to the output header. Returns ------- :class:`int` The number of gfas that were written to file. :class:`str` The name of the file to which gfas were written. """ # ADM if passed, use the indir to determine the Data Release # ADM integer and string for the input targets. try: drint = int(indir.split("dr")[1].split(os.path.sep)[0]) drstring = 'dr'+str(drint) except (ValueError, IndexError, AttributeError): drint = None drstring = "X" # ADM rename 'TYPE' to 'MORPHTYPE'. data = rfn.rename_fields(data, {'TYPE': 'MORPHTYPE'}) # ADM create header to include versions, etc. hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() # ADM add the DESI dependencies. depend.add_dependencies(hdr) # ADM add other dependencies. depend.setdep(hdr, 'desitarget', desitarget_version) depend.setdep(hdr, 'desitarget-git', gitversion()) hdr["DR"] = drint if indir is not None: depend.setdep(hdr, 'input-data-release', indir) # ADM note that if 'dr' is not in the indir DR # ADM directory structure, garbage will # ADM be rewritten gracefully in the header. drstring = 'dr'+indir.split('dr')[-1][0] depend.setdep(hdr, 'photcat', drstring) if indir2 is not None: depend.setdep(hdr, 'input-data-release-2', indir2) # ADM add the extra dictionary to the header. if extra is not None: for key in extra: hdr[key] = extra[key] # ADM add HEALPix column, if requested by input. if nside is not None: theta, phi = np.radians(90-data["DEC"]), np.radians(data["RA"]) hppix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) data = rfn.append_fields(data, 'HPXPIXEL', hppix, usemask=False) hdr['HPXNSIDE'] = nside hdr['HPXNEST'] = True # ADM record whether this file has been limited to only certain HEALPixels. if hpxlist is not None or nsidefile is not None: # ADM hpxlist and nsidefile need to be passed together. check_both_set(hpxlist, nsidefile) hdr['FILENSID'] = nsidefile hdr['FILENEST'] = True # ADM warn if we've stored a pixel string that is too long. _check_hpx_length(hpxlist, warning=True) hdr['FILEHPX'] = hpxlist else: # ADM set the hp part of the output file name to "X". hpxlist = "X" # ADM construct the output file name. filename = find_target_files(targdir, dr=drint, flavor="gfas", hp=hpxlist) # ADM create necessary directories, if they don't exist. os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) write_with_units(filename, data, extname='GFA_TARGETS', header=hdr) return len(data), filename
[docs]def write_randoms_in_hp(randoms, outdirname, nside, pixlist, hpx=None, verbose=True, infile=None, hdr=None): """ Rewrite a random catalog split by HEALPixel. Parameters ---------- randoms : :class:`~numpy.array` Entries a from random catalog as made by, e.g., :func:`desitarget.randoms.select_randoms()`. outdirname : :class:`str` Output directory to which to write the random catalog (the file names are constructed on the fly). nside : :class:`int` (NESTED) HEALPixel nside that corresponds to `pixlist`. hpx : :class:`~numpy.array`, optional, defaults to ``None`` The HEALPixel occupied by each of `randoms` in the NESTED scheme at `nside`. If `hpx` isn't passed it will be calculated from the required inputs. But, for large `randoms` array it may be quicker to calculate it in advance. Must contain one HEALPixel number for each row in `randoms`. pixlist : :class:`list` or `int` HEALPixels at `nside` at which to write the split catalogs. verbose : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then log target and file information. infile : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Name of input random catalog to add to the output file header. hdr : :class:`dict`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Dictionary to write as the header of the output file. Note that `hdr` is a kwarg so will be modified-in-place. Returns ------- :class:`int` The number of randoms that were written to file. :class:`str` The name of the file to which randoms were written. Notes ------- - A new column HPXPIXEL is added to `randoms` (or overwritten if it already exists). HPXNSIDE=`nside` and FILENSID=`nside` and "HPXNEST"=``True`` are added to the output header (or overwritten, if they already exist). """ t0 = time() # ADM set up output file header. if hdr is None: hdr = {} if infile is not None: hdr["INFILE"] = infile hdr["HPXNEST"] = True hdr["HPXNSIDE"] = nside hdr["FILENSID"] = nside # ADM in case an integer was passed. pixlist = np.atleast_1d(pixlist) # ADM calculate hpx if it wasn't passed. if hpx is None: theta, phi = np.radians(90-randoms["DEC"]), np.radians(randoms["RA"]) hpx = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) # ADM write the catalogs... nt, fn = 0, None for pix in pixlist: inpix = hpx == pix if np.any(inpix): # ADM set up a new array restricted to just the pixel of # ADM interest and add the HPXPIXEL column. nrows = np.sum(inpix) if "HPXPIXEL" in randoms.dtype.names: dt = randoms.dtype.descr else: dt = randoms.dtype.descr + [('HPXPIXEL', '>i8')] outran = np.zeros(nrows, dtype=dt) for col in outran.dtype.names: outran[col] = randoms[col][inpix] outran["HPXPIXEL"] = pix # ADM add the pixel to the output file hdr. dict is in case # ADM hdr was passed as a FITSHDR, which can't be copied. outhdr = dict(hdr).copy() outhdr["FILEHPX"] = pix # ADM write out the randoms in this pixel. nt, fn = write_randoms( outdirname, outran, indir=infile, nsidefile=nside, hpxlist=pix, extra=outhdr, hpxsplit=True) if verbose:'{} targets written to {}...t={:.1f}s'.format( nt, fn, time()-t0)) return nt, fn
[docs]def write_randoms(targdir, data, indir=None, hdr=None, nside=None, supp=False, nsidefile=None, hpxlist=None, resolve=True, north=None, extra=None, hpxsplit=False): """Write a catalogue of randoms and associated pixel-level info. Parameters ---------- targdir : :class:`str` Path to output target selection directory (the directory structure and file name are built on-the-fly from other inputs). data : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of randoms to write to file. indir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to None Name of input Legacy Survey Data Release directory, write to header of output file if passed (and if not ``None``). hdr : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` If passed, use this header to start the header for `filename`. nside: :class:`int` If passed, add a column to the randoms array popluated with HEALPixels at resolution `nside`. supp : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` Written to the header of the output file to indicate whether this is a supplemental file (i.e. random locations that are outside the Legacy Surveys footprint). nsidefile : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Passed to indicate in the output file header that the targets have been limited to only certain HEALPixels at a given nside. Used in conjunction with `hpxlist`. hpxlist : :class:`list`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Passed to indicate in the output file header that the targets have been limited to only this list of HEALPixels. Used in conjunction with `nsidefile`. resolve : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` Written to the output file header as `RESOLVE`. If ``True`` (``False``) output directory includes "resolve" ("noresolve"). north : :class:`bool`, optional If passed (and not ``None``), then, if ``True`` (``False``), REGION=north (south) is written to the output header and the output directory name is appended by "north" ("south"). extra : :class:`dict`, optional If passed (and not ``None``), write these extra dictionary keys and values to the output header. hpxsplit : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` use the "INFILE" key in `hdr` to determine an extra, final, directory to add to the output path. Returns ------- :class:`int` The number of randoms that were written to file. :class:`str` The name of the file to which randoms were written. """ # ADM create header to include versions, etc. If a `hdr` was # ADM passed, then use it, if not then create a new header. if hdr is None: hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() # ADM add the DESI dependencies. depend.add_dependencies(hdr) # ADM add some other dependencies. depend.setdep(hdr, 'desitarget', desitarget_version) depend.setdep(hdr, 'desitarget-git', gitversion()) if indir is not None: if supp: depend.setdep(hdr, 'input-random-catalog', indir) else: depend.setdep(hdr, 'input-data-release', indir) # ADM use input directory to (try to) determine the Data Release. try: drint = int(indir.split("dr")[1].split(os.path.sep)[0]) drstring = 'dr'+str(drint) depend.setdep(hdr, 'photcat', drstring) except (ValueError, IndexError, AttributeError): # ADM can also try reading the DR from a passed header. try: drint = int(extra["DR"]) except KeyError: drint = None else: drint = None # ADM whether this is a north-specific or south-specific file. region = None if north is not None: region = ["south", "north"][north] hdr["REGION"] = region # ADM record whether this file has been limited to only certain HEALPixels. nohp = False if hpxlist is not None or nsidefile is not None: # ADM hpxlist and nsidefile need to be passed together. check_both_set(hpxlist, nsidefile) hdr['FILENSID'] = nsidefile hdr['FILENEST'] = True # ADM warn if we've stored a pixel string that is too long. _check_hpx_length(hpxlist, warning=True) hdr['FILEHPX'] = hpxlist else: # ADM set the hp part of the output file name to "X". hpxlist = "X" # ADM if these are supplemental radons, ignore HEALPIxels. if supp: hpxlist = None nohp = True # ADM add the extra keywords to the header. hdr["DR"] = drint if drint is None: drint = "X" if extra is not None: for key in extra: hdr[key] = extra[key] # ADM retrieve the seed or seeds, if known. seed = None if extra is not None: for seedy in "seed", "SEED": if seedy in extra: seed = extra[seedy] # ADM we may have two seeds if the file is supplemental: The # ADM original seed that was used to run the randoms and a second # ADM seed that was used to supplement those randoms. if supp: for seedy in "origseed", "ORIGSEED": if seedy in extra: seed = "{}-{}".format(extra[seedy], seed) # ADM construct the output file name. filename = find_target_files(targdir, dr=drint, flavor="randoms", hp=hpxlist, resolve=resolve, supp=supp, region=region, seed=seed, nohp=True) nrands = len(data) # ADM die if there are no targets to write. if nrands == 0: return nrands, filename # ADM add HEALPix column, if requested by input. if nside is not None: theta, phi = np.radians(90-data["DEC"]), np.radians(data["RA"]) hppix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) data = rfn.append_fields(data, 'HPXPIXEL', hppix, usemask=False) hdr['HPXNSIDE'] = nside hdr['HPXNEST'] = True # ADM note if this is a supplemental (outside-of-footprint) file. hdr['SUPP'] = supp # ADM add whether or not the randoms were resolved to the header. hdr["RESOLVE"] = resolve # ADM if performing a split-by-HEALPixel, add an extra directory. if hpxsplit: if "INFILE" in hdr: # ADM determine an extra directory to add to the output path. xdirname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(hdr["INFILE"]))[0] dirname, basename = os.path.split(filename) filename = os.path.join(dirname, xdirname, basename) else: msg = "hpxsplit is True: hdr must include the INFILE key!!!" log.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # ADM create necessary directories, if they don't exist. os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) write_with_units(filename, data, extname='RANDOMS', header=hdr) return nrands, filename
[docs]def write_masks(maskdir, data, maglim=None, maskepoch=None, nside=None, extra=None): """Write a catalogue of masks and associated pixel-level info. Parameters ---------- maskdir : :class:`str` Path to output mask directory (the file names are built on-the-fly from other inputs). data : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of masks to write to file. Must contain at least the columns "RA" and "DEC". maglim : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Magnitude limit to which the mask was made. maskepoch : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Epoch at which the mask was made. nside: :class:`int`, defaults to not splitting by HEALPixel. The HEALPix nside at which to write the output files. extra : :class:`dict`, optional If passed (and not ``None``), write these extra dictionary keys and values to the output header. Returns ------- :class:`int` The total number of masks that were written. :class:`str` The name of the directory to which masks were written. """ # ADM create header to include versions, etc. hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() # ADM add the DESI dependencies to the header. depend.add_dependencies(hdr) # ADM add other information to the header. depend.setdep(hdr, 'desitarget', desitarget_version) depend.setdep(hdr, 'desitarget-git', gitversion()) # ADM add the magnitude and epoch to the header. if maglim is not None: hdr["MAGLIM"] = maglim if maskepoch is not None: hdr["MASKEPOC"] = maskepoch # ADM add the extra dictionary to the header. if extra is not None: for key in extra: hdr[key] = extra[key] # ADM add the HEALPixel information to the header. hdr["FILENSID"] = nside hdr["FILENEST"] = True nmasks = len(data) # ADM die if there are no masks to write. if nmasks == 0: return nmasks, None # ADM write across HEAPixels at input nside. if nside is not None: npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) theta, phi = np.radians(90-data["DEC"]), np.radians(data["RA"]) hpx = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) for pix in range(npix): outdata = data[hpx == pix] outhdr = dict(hdr).copy() outhdr["FILEHPX"] = pix # ADM construct the output file name. fn = find_target_files(maskdir, flavor="masks", hp=pix, maglim=maglim, epoch=maskepoch) # ADM create necessary directory, if it doesn't exist. os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fn), exist_ok=True) # ADM write the output file. if len(outdata) > 0: write_with_units(fn, outdata, extname='MASKS', header=outhdr)'wrote {} masks to {}'.format(len(outdata), fn)) else: fn = find_target_files(maskdir, flavor="masks", hp="X", maglim=maglim, epoch=maskepoch) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fn), exist_ok=True) if len(data) > 0: write_with_units(fn, data, extname='MASKS', header=hdr)'wrote {} masks to {}'.format(len(data), fn)) return nmasks, os.path.dirname(fn)
[docs]def is_sky_dir_official(skydirname): """Check a sky file or directory has the correct HEALPixel structure. Parameters ---------- skydirname : :class:`str` Full path to either a directory containing skies that have been partitioned by HEALPixel (i.e. as made by `select_skies` with the `bundle_files` option). Or the name of a single file of skies. Returns ------- :class:`bool` ``True`` if the passed sky file or (the first sky file in the passed directory) is structured so that the list of healpixels in the file header ("FILEHPX") at the file nside ("FILENSID") in the file nested (or ring) scheme ("FILENEST") is a true reflection of the HEALPixels in the file. Notes ----- - A necessary check because although the targets and GFAs are parallelized to run in the exact boundaries of HEALPixels, the skies are parallelized across bricks that have CENTERS in a given HEALPixel. - If this function returns ``False`` the remedy is typically to run `bin/repartition_skies` - If a directory is passed, this isn't an exhaustive check as only the first file is tested. That's enough for just checking the output of `select_skies`, though. """ # ADM if skydirname is a directory, just work with one file. if os.path.isdir(skydirname): gen = iglob(os.path.join(skydirname, '*fits')) skydirname = next(gen) # ADM read the locations from the file and grab the header. data, hdr = read_target_files(skydirname, columns=["RA", "DEC"], header=True, verbose=False) # ADM determine which HEALPixels are in the file. theta, phi = np.radians(90-data["DEC"]), np.radians(data["RA"]) pixinfile = hp.ang2pix(hdr["FILENSID"], theta, phi, nest=hdr["FILENEST"]) # ADM determine which HEALPixels are in the header. hdrpix = hdr["FILEHPX"] if isinstance(hdrpix, int): hdrpix = [hdrpix] return set(pixinfile) == set(hdrpix)
[docs]def iter_files(root, prefix, ext='fits', ignore=None): """Iterator over files under in `root` directory with given `prefix` and extension. `ignore` is a list of strings that will be skipped in the directory or file names (for both a speed-up and trimming of files). """ ignorable = False if os.path.isdir(root): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root, followlinks=True): if ignore is not None: for ig in ignore: if ig in dirpath: del dirnames[:] for filename in filenames: if ignore is not None: ignorable = np.any([ig in filename for ig in ignore]) if filename.startswith(prefix) and filename.endswith('.'+ext): if not ignorable: yield os.path.join(dirpath, filename) else: filename = os.path.basename(root) if filename.startswith(prefix) and filename.endswith('.'+ext): yield root
[docs]def list_sweepfiles(root): """Return a list of sweep files found under `root` directory. """ # ADM check for duplicate files in case the listing was run # ADM at too low a level in the directory structure. check = [os.path.basename(x) for x in iter_sweepfiles(root)] if len(check) != len(set(check)): log.error("Duplicate sweep files in root directory!") return [x for x in iter_sweepfiles(root)]
[docs]def iter_sweepfiles(root): """Iterator over all sweep files found under root directory. """ ignoredirs = ['metric', 'coadd', 'log', 'pz', 'external', 'tractor'] ignorefiles = ['ex.fits', 'lc.fits'] ignore = ignoredirs + ignorefiles return iter_files(root, prefix='sweep', ext='fits', ignore=ignore)
[docs]def list_targetfiles(root): """Return a list of target files found under `root` directory. """ # ADM catch case where a file was sent instead of a directory. if os.path.isfile(root): return [root] allfns = sorted(glob(os.path.join(root, '*target*fits'))) fns, nfns = np.unique(allfns, return_counts=True) if np.any(nfns > 1): badfns = fns[nfns > 1] msg = "Duplicate target files ({}) beneath root directory {}:".format( badfns, root) log.error(msg) raise SyntaxError(msg) return allfns
[docs]def list_tractorfiles(root): """Return a list of tractor files found under `root` directory. """ # ADM check for duplicate files in case the listing was run # ADM at too low a level in the directory structure. check = [os.path.basename(x) for x in iter_tractorfiles(root)] if len(check) != len(set(check)): log.error("Duplicate Tractor files in root directory!") return [x for x in iter_tractorfiles(root)]
[docs]def iter_tractorfiles(root): """Iterator over all tractor files found under `root` directory. Parameters ---------- root : :class:`str` Path to start looking. Can be a directory or a single file. Returns ------- iterable An iterator of (brickname, filename). Examples -------- >>> for brickname, filename in iter_tractor('./'): >>> print(brickname, filename) """ ignore = ['metric', 'coadd', 'log', 'pz', 'external', 'sweep'] return iter_files(root, prefix='tractor', ext='fits', ignore=ignore)
[docs]def brickname_from_filename(filename): """Parse `filename` to check if this is a tractor brick file. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` Name of a tractor brick file. Returns ------- :class:`str` Name of the brick in the file name. Raises ------ ValueError If the filename does not appear to be a valid tractor brick file. """ if not filename.endswith('.fits'): raise ValueError("Invalid tractor brick file: {}!".format(filename)) # # Match filename tractor-0003p027.fits -> brickname 0003p027. # Also match tractor-00003p0027.fits, just in case. # match ="tractor-(\d{4,5}[pm]\d{3,4})\.fits", os.path.basename(filename)) if match is None: raise ValueError("Invalid tractor brick file: {}!".format(filename)) return
[docs]def brickname_from_filename_with_prefix(filename, prefix=''): """Parse `filename` to check if this is a brick file with a given prefix. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` Full name of a brick file. prefix : :class:`str` Optional part of filename immediately preceding the brickname. Returns ------- :class:`str` Name of the brick in the file name. Raises ------ ValueError If the filename does not appear to be a valid brick file. """ if not filename.endswith('.fits'): raise ValueError("Invalid galaxia mock brick file: {}!".format(filename)) # # Match filename tractor-0003p027.fits -> brickname 0003p027. # Also match tractor-00003p0027.fits, just in case. # match ="%s_(\d{4,5}[pm]\d{3,4})\.fits" % (prefix), os.path.basename(filename)) if match is None: raise ValueError("Invalid galaxia mock brick file: {}!".format(filename)) return
[docs]def check_fitsio_version(version='0.9.8'): """fitsio_ prior to 0.9.8rc1 has a bug parsing boolean columns. .. _fitsio: Parameters ---------- version : :class:`str`, optional Default '0.9.8'. Having this parameter allows future-proofing and easier testing. Raises ------ ImportError If the fitsio version is insufficiently recent. """ from packaging.version import Version # # LooseVersion doesn't handle rc1 as we want, so also check for 0.9.8xxx. # if ( Version(fitsio.__version__) < Version(version) and not fitsio.__version__.startswith(version) ): raise ImportError(('ERROR: fitsio >{0}rc1 required ' + '(not {1})!').format(version, fitsio.__version__))
[docs]def whitespace_fits_read(filename, **kwargs): """Use fitsio_ to read in a file and strip whitespace from all string columns. .. _fitsio: Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` Name of the file to be read in by fitsio. kwargs: arguments that will be passed directly to fitsio. """ fitout =, **kwargs) # ADM if the header=True option was passed then # ADM the output is the header and the data. data = fitout if 'header' in kwargs: data, header = fitout # ADM guard against the zero-th extension being read by fitsio. if data is not None: # ADM strip any whitespace from string columns. for colname in data.dtype.names: kind = data[colname].dtype.kind if kind == 'U' or kind == 'S': data[colname] = np.char.rstrip(data[colname]) if 'header' in kwargs: return data, header return data
[docs]def load_pixweight(inmapfile, nside, pixmap=None): """Loads a pixel map from file and resamples to a different HEALPixel resolution (nside) Parameters ---------- inmapfile : :class:`str` Name of the file containing the pixel weight map. nside : :class:`int` After loading, the array will be resampled to this HEALPix nside. pixmap: `~numpy.array`, optional, defaults to None Pass a pixel map instead of loading it from file. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` HEALPixel weight map resampled to the requested nside. """ if pixmap is not None: log.debug('Using input pixel weight map of length {}.'.format(len(pixmap))) else: # ADM read in the pixel weights file. if not os.path.exists(inmapfile): log.fatal('Input directory does not exist: {}'.format(inmapfile)) raise ValueError pixmap = # ADM determine the file's nside, and flag a warning if the passed nside exceeds it. npix = len(pixmap) truenside = hp.npix2nside(len(pixmap)) if truenside < nside: log.warning("downsampling is fuzzy...Passed nside={}, but file {} is stored at nside={}" .format(nside, inmapfile, truenside)) # ADM resample the map. return hp.pixelfunc.ud_grade(pixmap, nside, order_in='NESTED', order_out='NESTED')
[docs]def load_pixweight_recarray(inmapfile, nside, pixmap=None): """Like load_pixweight but for a structured array map with multiple columns Parameters ---------- inmapfile : :class:`str` Name of the file containing the pixel weight map. nside : :class:`int` After loading, the array will be resampled to this HEALPix nside. pixmap: `~numpy.array`, optional, defaults to None Pass a pixel map instead of loading it from file. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` HEALPixel weight map with all columns resampled to the requested nside. Notes ----- - Assumes that tha passed map is in the NESTED scheme, and outputs to the NESTED scheme. - All columns are resampled as the mean of the relevant pixels, except if a column `HPXPIXEL` is passed. That column is reassigned the appropriate pixel number at the new nside. """ if pixmap is not None: log.debug('Using input pixel weight map of length {}.'.format(len(pixmap))) else: # ADM read in the pixel weights file. if not os.path.exists(inmapfile): log.fatal('Input directory does not exist: {}'.format(inmapfile)) raise ValueError pixmap = # ADM determine the file's nside, and flag a warning if the passed nside exceeds it. npix = len(pixmap) truenside = hp.npix2nside(len(pixmap)) if truenside < nside: log.warning("downsampling is fuzzy...Passed nside={}, but file {} is stored at nside={}" .format(nside, inmapfile, truenside)) # ADM set up an output array. nrows = hp.nside2npix(nside) outdata = np.zeros(nrows, dtype=pixmap.dtype) # ADM resample the map for each column. for col in pixmap.dtype.names: outdata[col] = hp.pixelfunc.ud_grade(pixmap[col], nside, order_in='NESTED', order_out='NESTED') # ADM if one column was the HEALPixel number, recalculate for the new resolution. if 'HPXPIXEL' in pixmap.dtype.names: outdata["HPXPIXEL"] = np.arange(nrows) return outdata
[docs]def get_sha256sum(infile): """Get the sha256 checksum for a single file Parameters ---------- infile : :class:`str` The full path name to a file. Returns ------- :class:`str` The sha256 checksum for the passed `infile`. Notes ----- - h/t """ h = hashlib.sha256() b = bytearray(128*1024) mv = memoryview(b) with open(infile, 'rb', buffering=0) as f: for n in iter(lambda: f.readinto(mv), 0): h.update(mv[:n]) return h.hexdigest()
[docs]def get_checksums(infiles, verbose=False, check_existing=True): """Get the sha256 checksums for a list of files. Parameters ---------- infiles : :class:`list` or `str` The full paths to a file or files. verbose : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then log progress and times. check_existing : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` check if any of the `infiles` is in a directory in which a .sha256sum file exists, and, if so, check generated checksums for each file against the corresponding entry in the relevant .sha256sum file (or *files* for `infiles` that span multiple directories). An exception is raised for a mismatch. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` A recarray with two columns "FILENAME" and "SHA256". """ t0 = time() # ADM in case a single string was passed. infiles = np.atleast_1d(infiles) # ADM we'll first populate a dictionary with the checksums. shadict = {} nf = len(infiles) # ADM if verbose is True, write out info for 20 blocks of files. block = nf // 20 if nf // 20 else 1 for ifn, infile in enumerate(infiles): shafn = [get_sha256sum(infile), infile] # ADM add the filename, sha combination to the dict. shadict[shafn[1]] = shafn[0] if verbose and ifn % block == 0:"Calculated checksum for {}/{} files...t={:.1f}s".format( ifn+1, nf, time()-t0)) # ADM the string data types for the output array should have a # ADM length that corresponds to the longest filename/shasum. fntype = "U{}".format(np.max([len(k) for k in shadict.keys()])) shatype = "U{}".format(np.max([len(k) for k in shadict.values()])) # ADM construct the output array. shatab = np.zeros(nf, dtype=[('FILENAME', fntype), ('SHA256', shatype)]) shatab['FILENAME'] = list(shadict.keys()) shatab['SHA256'] = list(shadict.values()) # ADM grab the unique directories that host files. ldir = set([os.path.dirname(fn) for fn in infiles]) # ADM loop through each directory and build a dictionary of the # ADM expected files and their associated SHA checksums. checkdict = {} for ld in ldir: # ADM look for a shasum file. shalist = sorted(glob(os.path.join(ld, "*.sha256sum"))) if len(shalist) > 0 and check_existing: shafn = shalist[0] if verbose:"Comparing checksums to {}".format(shafn)) # ADM read the checksum file and construct a dictionary # ADM of file paths and checksums. with open(shafn) as f: for line in f: sha256, filename = line.split() fullpath = os.path.join(ld, filename) checkdict[fullpath] = sha256 # ADM check the existing checksum file against the # ADM calculated checksums, if any SHA checksum files existed. if len(checkdict) > 0 and check_existing: for st in shatab: try: if checkdict[st["FILENAME"]] != st["SHA256"]: msg = "Checksum issue: {} differs in checksum file {}" \ .format(st, shafn) log.critical(msg) raise IOError(msg) except KeyError: msg = "Filename {} isn't in checksum file {}".format( st["FILENAME"], shafn) log.critical(msg) raise IOError(msg) return shatab
[docs]def gitversion(): """Returns `git describe --tags --dirty --always`, or 'unknown' if not a git repo""" import os from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT origdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) try: p = Popen(['git', "describe", "--tags", "--dirty", "--always"], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) except EnvironmentError: return 'unknown' os.chdir(origdir) out = p.communicate()[0] if p.returncode == 0: # - avoid py3 bytes and py3 unicode; get native str in both cases return str(out.rstrip().decode('ascii')) else: return 'unknown'
[docs]def read_external_file(filename, header=False, columns=["RA", "DEC"]): """Read FITS file with loose requirements on upper-case columns and EXTNAME. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` File name with full directory path included. header : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then return (data, header) instead of just data. columns: :class:`list`, optional, defaults to ["RA", "DEC"] Specify the desired columns to read. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The output data array. :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional The output file header, if input `header` was ``True``. Notes ----- - Intended to be used with externally supplied files such as locations to be matched for commissioning or secondary targets. """ # ADM check we aren't going to have an epic fail on the the version of fitsio. check_fitsio_version() # ADM prepare to read in the data by reading in columns. fx = fitsio.FITS(filename, upper=True) fxcolnames = fx[1].get_colnames() hdr = fx[1].read_header() # ADM convert the columns to upper case... colnames = [colname.upper() for colname in fxcolnames] # ADM ...and fail if RA and DEC aren't columns. if not ("RA" in colnames and "DEC" in colnames): msg = 'Input file {} must contain both "RA" and "DEC" columns' \ .format(filename) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM read in the RA/DEC columns. outdata = fx[1].read(columns=["RA", "DEC"]) # ADM return data read in from file, with the header if requested. fx.close() if header: return outdata, hdr else: return outdata
[docs]def decode_sweep_name(sweepname, nside=None, inclusive=True, fact=4): """Retrieve RA/Dec edges from a full directory path to a sweep file Parameters ---------- sweepname : :class:`str` Full path to a sweep file, e.g., /a/b/c/sweep-350m005-360p005.fits nside : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to None (NESTED) HEALPixel nside inclusive : :class:`book`, optional, defaults to ``True`` see documentation for `healpy.query_polygon()` fact : :class:`int`, optional defaults to 4 see documentation for `healpy.query_polygon()` Returns ------- :class:`list` (if nside is None) A 4-entry list of the edges of the region covered by the sweeps file in the form [RAmin, RAmax, DECmin, DECmax] For the above example this would be [350., 360., -5., 5.] :class:`list` (if nside is not None) A list of HEALPixels that touch the files at the passed `nside` For the above example this would be [16, 17, 18, 19] """ # ADM extract just the file part of the name. sweepname = os.path.basename(sweepname) # ADM the RA/Dec edges. ramin, ramax = float(sweepname[6:9]), float(sweepname[14:17]) decmin, decmax = float(sweepname[10:13]), float(sweepname[18:21]) # ADM flip the signs on the DECs, if needed. if sweepname[9] == 'm': decmin *= -1 if sweepname[17] == 'm': decmax *= -1 if nside is None: return [ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax] pixnum = hp_in_box(nside, [ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax], inclusive=inclusive, fact=fact) return pixnum
[docs]def check_hp_target_dir(hpdirname): """Check fidelity of a directory of HEALPixel-partitioned targets. Parameters ---------- hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to a directory containing targets that have been split by HEALPixel. Returns ------- :class:`int` The HEALPixel NSIDE for the files in the passed directory. :class:`dict` A dictionary where the keys are each HEALPixel covered in the passed directory and the values are the file that includes that HEALPixel. Notes ----- - Checks that all files are at the same NSIDE. - Checks that no two files contain the same HEALPixels. - Checks that HEALPixel numbers are consistent with NSIDE. """ # ADM glob all the files in the directory, read the pixel # ADM numbers and NSIDEs. nside = [] pixlist = [] fns = sorted(glob(os.path.join(hpdirname, "*fits"))) pixdict = {} for fn in fns: hdr = read_targets_header(fn) # ADM if there's no directory structure, maybe a file was meant. try: nside.append(hdr["FILENSID"]) except KeyError: msg = "You passed a directory containing {}.".format(fns) msg += "Perhaps you meant to pass a file instead?" log.error(msg) raise KeyError pixels = hdr["FILEHPX"] # ADM hdr["FILEHPX"] could be a str, depending on fitsio version. if isinstance(pixels, str): pixels = list(map(int, pixels.split(','))) # ADM if this is a one-pixel file, or interpreted as a tuple, # ADM convert to a list. else: pixels = list(np.atleast_1d(pixels)) # ADM check we haven't stored a pixel string that is too long. _check_hpx_length(pixels) # ADM create a look-up dictionary of file-for-each-pixel. for pix in pixels: pixdict[pix] = fn pixlist.append(pixels) nside = np.array(nside) # ADM as well as having just an array of all the pixels. pixlist = np.hstack(pixlist) msg = None # ADM check all NSIDEs are the same. if not np.all(nside == nside[0]): msg = 'Not all files in {} are at the same NSIDE' \ .format(hpdirname) # ADM check that no two files contain the same HEALPixels. if not len(set(pixlist)) == len(pixlist): dup = set([pix for pix in pixlist if list(pixlist).count(pix) > 1]) msg = 'Duplicate pixel ({}) in files in {}' \ .format(dup, hpdirname) # ADM check that the pixels are consistent with the nside. goodpix = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside[0])) badpix = set(pixlist) - set(goodpix) if len(badpix) > 0: msg = 'Pixel ({}) not allowed at NSIDE={} in {}'. \ format(badpix, nside[0], hpdirname) if msg is not None: log.critical(msg) raise AssertionError(msg) return nside[0], pixdict
[docs]def _get_targ_dir(): """Convenience function to grab the TARGDIR environment variable. Returns ------- :class:`str` The directory stored in the $GAIA_DIR environment variable. """ # ADM check that the $GAIA_DIR environment variable is set. targdir = os.environ.get('TARG_DIR') if targdir is None: msg = "Set $TARG_DIR environment variable!" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return targdir
[docs]def find_target_files(targdir, dr='X', flavor="targets", survey="main", obscon=None, hp=None, nside=None, resolve=True, supp=False, mock=False, nohp=False, seed=None, region=None, epoch=None, maglim=None, override=False, ender="fits"): """Build the name of an output target file (or directory). Parameters ---------- targdir : :class:`str` Name of a based directory for output target catalogs. dr : :class:`str` or :class:`int`, optional, defaults to "X" Name of a Legacy Surveys Data Release (e.g. 8). If this is an integer or a 1-character string it is prepended by "dr". flavor : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to `targets` Options: "skies", "gfas", "targets", "randoms", "masks", "mtl", "ToO". survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to `main` Options include "mainX", "cmx", "svX" (where X is 1, 2 etc.). Only relevant if `flavor` is "targets". obscon : :class:`str`, optional Name of the `OBSCONDITIONS` used to make the file (e.g. DARK). hp : :class:`list` or :class:`int` or :class:`str`, optional HEALPixel numbers used to make the file (e.g. 42 or [12, 37] or "42" or "12,37"). Required if mock=`True`. nside : :class:`int`, optional unless mock=`True` Nside corresponding to healpixel `hp`. resolve : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then find the `resolve` file. Otherwise find the `noresolve` file. Relevant if `flavor` is `targets` or `randoms`. Pass ``None`` to substitute `resolve` with "secondary", which also works if `flavor` is `mtl`. supp : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then find the supplemental/backup file. Overrides the `obscon` option. mock : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then construct the file path for mock target catalogs and return (most other inputs are ignored). nohp : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, override the normal behavior for `hp`=``None`` and instead construct a filename that omits the `-hpX-` part. seed : :class:`int` or `str`, optional If `seed` is not ``None``, then it is added to the file name just before the ".fits" extension (i.e. "-8.fits" for `seed` of 8). Only relevant if `flavor` is "randoms". If `seed` is not ``None`` and `hp` is not ``None`` then `seed` is added to the file name AFTER `hp` (i.e. "-8-hp-44.fits" for `seed` of 8 and `hp` of 44). region : :class:`int`, optional If `region` is not ``None``, then it is added to the directory name after `resolve`. Only relevant if `flavor` is "randoms". epoch : :class:`float` Epoch at which the mask was made. Only relevant if `flavor` is "masks". Must be passed if `flavor` is "masks". maglim : :class:`float`, optional Magnitude limit to which the mask was made. Only relevant if `flavor` is "masks". Must be passed if `flavor` is "masks". override : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, this is an MTL override file. Any instance of "mtl" in the filename is replaced by "mtl-override" and the final part of the directory structure includes "override". ender : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "fits" File format (in file name). Returns ------- :class:`str` The name of the output target file (or directory). Notes ----- - If `hp` is passed, the full file name is returned. If `hp` is ``None``, the directory name where all of the `hp` files are stored is returned. The directory name is the expected input for the `*` convenience functions (:func:``, etc.). - On the other hand, if `hp` is ``None`` and `nohp` is ``True`` then a filename is returned that just omits the `-hp-X-` part. """ # ADM some preliminaries for correct formatting. version = desitarget_version if obscon is not None: obscon = obscon.lower() if survey != "cmx" and survey[:2] != "sv" and survey[:4] != "main": msg = "survey must be mainX, cmx or svX, not {}".format(survey) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if mock: allowed = ["targets", "truth", "sky"] else: allowed = ["targets", "skies", "gfas", "randoms", "masks", "mtl", "ToO"] if flavor not in allowed: msg = "flavor must be {}, not {}".format(' or '.join(allowed), flavor) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) res = "noresolve" if resolve is None: res = "secondary" else: if resolve: res = "resolve" resdir = "" if flavor in ["targets", "randoms"]: resdir = res if flavor == "mtl" and resolve is None: resdir = res if isinstance(dr, int) or len(dr) == 1: drstr = "dr{}".format(dr) else: drstr = str(dr) # If seeking a mock target (or sky) catalog, construct the filepath and then # bail. if mock: if hp is None and nside is None: path = targdir if obscon is not None: fn = '{flavor}-{obscon}.fits'.format(flavor=flavor.lower(), obscon=obscon) else: fn = '{flavor}.fits'.format(flavor=flavor.lower()) else: if (hp is None and nside is not None) or (hp is not None and nside is None): msg = 'Must specify nside and hp to locate the mock target catalogs!' log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) subdir = str(hp // 100) path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(targdir, subdir, str(hp))) if obscon is not None: path = os.path.join(path, obscon) fn = '{flavor}-{obscon}-{nside}-{hp}.fits'.format( flavor=flavor.lower(), obscon=obscon, nside=nside, hp=hp) else: fn = '{flavor}-{nside}-{hp}.fits'.format( flavor=flavor.lower(), nside=nside, hp=hp) return os.path.join(path, fn) # ADM build up the name of the file (or directory). surv = survey if survey[0:2] == "sv": surv = survey[0:2] if obscon is None: obscon = "no-obscon" if supp: if flavor == "targets": obscon = "backup" else: obscon = "supp" prefix = flavor # ADM the generic directory structure beneath $TARG_DIR or $MTL_DIR. fn = os.path.join(targdir, drstr, version, flavor) if flavor == "mtl" or flavor == "ToO": fn = targdir # ADM masks are a special case beneath $MASK_DIR. if flavor == "masks": maskdir = "maglim-{}-epoch-{}".format(maglim, epoch) fn = os.path.join(targdir, version, maskdir) # ADM now a case-by-case basis. if flavor in ["targets", "mtl"]: fn = os.path.join(fn, survey, resdir, obscon) prefix = "{}-{}".format(flavor, obscon) if flavor == "mtl" and override: prefix = "{}-override-{}".format(flavor, obscon) fn = os.path.join(fn, "override") if not resolve and flavor != "mtl": prefix = "{}-{}".format(prefix, res) if survey != "main": prefix = "{}{}".format(survey, prefix) if flavor == "randoms": fn = os.path.join(fn, resdir) if region is not None: fn = os.path.join(fn, region) if not resolve: prefix = "{}-{}".format(prefix, res) if flavor == "skies" and supp: fn = "{}-supp".format(fn) prefix = "{}-supp".format(prefix) # ADM if a HEALPixel number was passed, we want the filename. if hp is not None: hpstr = ",".join([str(pix) for pix in np.atleast_1d(hp)]) backend = "{}-hp-{}.{}".format(prefix, hpstr, ender) if flavor == "masks": backend = "{}-hp-{}.{}".format(prefix, hpstr, ender) fn = os.path.join(fn, backend) else: if nohp: backend = "{}.{}".format(prefix, ender) fn = os.path.join(fn, backend) if flavor == "randoms": # ADM note that these clauses won't do anything # ADM unless a file name was already constructed. if seed is not None: if hp is None: fn = fn.replace(".{}".format(ender), "-{}.{}".format(seed, ender)) else: fn = fn.replace("hp", "{}-hp".format(seed)) if supp: justfn = os.path.basename(fn) justfn = justfn.replace("randoms", "randoms-outside") fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fn), justfn) return fn
[docs]def read_mtl_tile_file(filename, unique=True): """Read which tiles have been processed by MTL from the tile file. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` The full path to the MTL tile file. unique : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then only read entires with unique `TILEID`, where the last occurrence of the TILEID in the file is the one that is retained. If ``False`` then read the entire file. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` A structured numpy array of the MTL tile file. """ mtltiles =, comment="#", delimiter=" ") if unique: # ADM the flip is because np.unique retains the FIRST unique # ADM entry and we want the LAST unique entry. mtltiles = np.flip(mtltiles) _, ii = np.unique(mtltiles["TILEID"], return_index=True) # ADM sort on ii to retain the exact original order... ii = sorted(ii) # ADM ...and flip back to the original ordering return np.flip(mtltiles[ii]) return mtltiles
[docs]def write_mtl_tile_file(filename, data): """Append new tiles to the end of the MTL tile file. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` The full path to the MTL tile file. If this doesn't exist, then a new file is begun. data : :class`~numpy.ndarray` The data to append to the end of the MTL tile file, which should be in the format of desitarget.mtl.mtltilefiledm Returns ------- :class:`int` The number of targets that were written to file. :class:`str` The name of the file to which targets were written. """ from desitarget.mtl import mtltilefiledm as dm dt = dm.dtype if data.dtype != dt: msg = "Data for MTL tile file formatted as {}. Should be {}".format( data.dtype, dt) log.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) if os.path.isfile(filename): # ADM as we're working with .ecsv, simply append to the end. f = open(filename, "a") ascii.write(data, f, format='no_header') f.close() else: # ADM if the file doesn't exist we may need to make the directory. os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) write_with_units(filename, data, extname='MTLTILE', ecsv=True) return len(data), filename
[docs]def read_mtl_ledger(filename, unique=True, isodate=None, initial=False, leq=False, columns=None): """Wrapper to read individual MTL ledger files. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` Name of a ledger file containing a Merged Target List. If the filename contains ".ecsv" then it will be read as an ECSV file. If it contains ".fits" then it will be read as a FITS file. unique : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then only read targets with unique `TARGETID`, where the last occurrence of the target in the ledger is the one that is retained. If ``False`` then read the entire ledger. isodate : :class:`str`, defaults to ``None`` A date in ISO format, such as returned by :func:`desitarget.mtl.get_utc_date() `. The ledger is restricted to entries strictly BEFORE `isodate` before being extracted. If ``None`` is passed then no date restrictions are applied. initial : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then only read targets with unique `TARGETID`, where the FIRST occurrence of the target in the ledger is retained. i.e. read the initial state of the ledger. Overrides `unique`. leq : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, restrict the ledger to entries BEFORE or EQUAL TO `isodate` instead of the default behavior of strictly before `isodate`. Only relevant if `isodate` is passed. columns : :class:`list`, optional Only return these target columns. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` A structured numpy array of the MTL. """ if ".ecsv" in filename: # ADM infer the column names and types (for the dtype). # ADM (this snippet is much quicker than a Table read). from desitarget.mtl import mtldatamodel, survey_data_model # ADM allow for the full set of possible columns. mtldm = survey_data_model(mtldatamodel, survey="main") # ADM need to include two columns that were briefly added as # ADM part of the ledgers in version 1.0.0 of desitarget. fulldescr = mtldm.dtype.descr + [('ZS', 'U2'), ('ZINFO', 'U8')] mtldm = np.array([], dtype=fulldescr) # ADM the data model can differ depending on survey type. names, forms = [], [] with open(filename) as f: for line in f: if "name" in line: l = line.split() iname, iform = [i+1 for i, stringy in enumerate(l) if "name" in stringy or "datatype" in stringy] name, form = l[iname][:-1], l[iform][:-1] names.append(name) if 'string' in form: forms.append(mtldm[name].dtype.str) else: forms.append(form) elif '#' not in line: break dt = list(zip(names, forms)) # ADM pandas seems the quickest way to read .csv-like files. # ADM it's ~1.5x faster than the basic Table read, but isn't # ADM generally supported in the desihub codebase. # prelim = pd.read_csv(filename, dtype=dt, comment="#", delimiter=" ") # ADM faster for astropy 4; although pandas is still faster. # prelim =, comment="#", delimiter=" ", format='pandas.csv', dtype=dt) prelim =, comment='#', format='ascii.basic', guess=False) mtl = np.zeros(len(prelim), dtype=dt) for col in mtl.dtype.names: mtl[col] = prelim[col] elif ".fits" in filename: mtl =, extension="MTL") else: msg = "File not parsed ({}). Should be .fits or .ecsv".format(filename) log.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) # ADM restrict to dates before isodate, if requested. if isodate is not None: # ADM try a couple of choices to guard against byte-type versus # string-type errors. try: # ADM if `leq` is passed, restrict to before or on isodate... if leq: ii = mtl["TIMESTAMP"] <= isodate # ADM ...otherwise, restrict to strictly before isodate. else: ii = mtl["TIMESTAMP"] < isodate except TypeError: # ADM if `leq` is passed, restrict to before or on isodate... if leq: ii = mtl["TIMESTAMP"] <= isodate.encode() # ADM ...otherwise, restrict to strictly before isodate. else: ii = mtl["TIMESTAMP"] < isodate.encode() mtl = mtl[ii] if unique or initial: # ADM the flip is because np.unique retains the FIRST unique # ADM entry and we want the LAST unique entry. if not initial: mtl = np.flip(mtl) _, ii = np.unique(mtl["TARGETID"], return_index=True) mtl = mtl[ii] # ADM limit to certain columns, if only a subset were requested. if columns is not None: dt = [col for col in mtl.dtype.descr if col[0] in columns] mtlredux = np.zeros(len(mtl), dtype=dt) for col in mtlredux.dtype.names: mtlredux[col] = mtl[col] return mtlredux return mtl
[docs]def read_target_files(filename, columns=None, rows=None, header=False, downsample=None, verbose=False): """Wrapper to cycle through allowed extensions to read target files. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` Name of a target file of any type. Target file types include "TARGETS", "GFA_TARGETS" and "SKY_TARGETS". columns : :class:`list`, optional Only read in these target columns. rows : :class:`list`, optional Only read in these rows from the target file. header : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then return the header of the file. downsample : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None` If not `None`, downsample the file by this integer value, e.g. for `downsample=10` a file with 900 rows would have 90 random rows read in. Overrode by the `rows` kwarg if it is not `None`. verbose : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then log the file and extension that was read. """ start = time() # ADM start with some checking that this is a target file. targtypes = ["TARGETS", "GFA_TARGETS", "SKY_TARGETS", "MASKS", "MTL", "SCND_TARGETS", "RANDOMS"] # ADM read in the FITS extension info. f = fitsio.FITS(filename) if len(f) != 2: # ADM target files have an extra extension. if not f[1].get_extname() == 'TARGETS' and len(f) == 3: msg = "targeting files should only have 2 extensions?!" log.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) # ADM check for allowed extensions. extname = f[1].get_extname() if extname not in targtypes: msg = "unrecognized target file type: {}".format(extname) log.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) if downsample is not None and rows is None: np.random.seed(616) ntargs = fitsio.read_header(filename, extname)["NAXIS2"] rows = np.random.choice(ntargs, ntargs//downsample, replace=False) targs, hdr =, extname, columns=columns, rows=rows, header=True) if verbose:"Read {} targets from {}, extension {}...Took {:.1f}s".format( len(targs), os.path.basename(filename), extname, time()-start)) if header: return targs, hdr return targs
[docs]def read_keyword_from_mtl_header(hpdirname, keyword): """Read in a header value from a Merget Target List ledger file. Parameters ---------- hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to either a directory containing MTLs that have been partitioned by HEALPixel (i.e. as made by :func:`desitarget.mtl.make_ledger_in_hp`). Or the name of a single MTL ledger. keyword : :class:`str` A single header keyword. Returns ------- :class:`str` The value of `keyword` from the header of `hpdirname` if it is a file, or the value from the first file encountered in `hpdirname` """ # ADM for FITS files, our standard targets header-read will work. try: kw = read_targets_header(hpdirname, verbose=False)[keyword] if isinstance(kw, str): kw = kw.rstrip() return kw except OSError: if os.path.isdir(hpdirname): try: gen = iglob(os.path.join(hpdirname, '*ecsv')) hpdirname = next(gen) except StopIteration: msg = "no FITS or ECSV files in {}...?!".format(hpdirname) hdr = read_ecsv_header(hpdirname) return hdr[keyword]
[docs]def read_ecsv_header(filename, cleanup=True): """Read header info from an ecsv file without reading the whole file. Parameters ---------- filename : :class:`str` The full path to the .ecsv file of interest. cleanup : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If passed, perform some syntax cleanup to convert strings to more likely types. Integer strings will be changed to integer type, Quotation marks inside of strings will be removed, and instances of 'false' or 'true' will be changed to Boolean types. Returns ------- :class:`dict` A dictionary of the "meta" keywords from the header. """ # ADM first concatenate a single string of everything in the header # ADM that isn't a column name. Break after the header for speed. hdr = "" with open(filename) as f: for line in f: if '#' not in line: break else: hdr += line.rstrip("\n").lstrip("#") # ADM extract the meta keyword dictionary or dictionaries. # ADM and possibly anything else in the header after "meta". alldicts = re.findall("({.*?})", hdr.split("meta")[-1]) # ADM loop in case header info comprises several dictionaries. hdr = {} for d in alldicts: # ADM retrieve just the key, val pairs. Also remove white space. keyvals = d.split("{")[-1].strip("}").replace(" ", "").split(",") for keyval in keyvals: key, val = keyval.split(":", maxsplit=1) # ADM syntax clean-up to convert strings to likely types. if cleanup: # ADM should only process header values that ARE strings. if isinstance(val, str): val = val.replace("'", "").replace('"', '') if val.lower() == 'false': val = False # ADM elif, as first if could convert str to bool. elif val.lower() == 'true': val = True # ADM else, to prevent any booleans becoming 0/1. else: # ADM do this last as it will convert str to int. try: val = int(val) except ValueError: pass hdr[key] = val return hdr
[docs]def find_mtl_file_format_from_header(hpdirname, returnoc=False, override=False, forceoverride=False): """Construct MTL filename from a directory containing an MTL ledger. Parameters ---------- hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to a directory containing MTL ledgers that have been partitioned by HEALPixel. returnoc : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then also return the OBSCON header keyword for files in this directory. override : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, return the file form for an override ledger instead of a standard MTL ledger BUT if an OVERRIDE value is detected in the header of the first file found in `hpdirname` let it take precedence over `override`. See `desitarget issue 784`_. forceoverride : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, return the file form for an override ledger instead of a standard MTL ledger REGARDLESS of any OVERRIDE value found in the header of the first file found in `hpdirname`. Returns ------- :class:`str` The file form such that output.format(pixel) returns the full HEALPixel-dependent filename for a give pixel. :class:`str` The OBSCON header keyword. Only returned if `returnoc` is ``True``. Notes ----- - Should work for both .ecsv and .fits files. - If both `override` and `forceoverride` are ``True``, `forceoverride` takes precedence. """ # ADM grab information from the target directory. surv = read_keyword_from_mtl_header(hpdirname, "SURVEY") oc = read_keyword_from_mtl_header(hpdirname, "OBSCON") # ADM detect whether we're working with the override ledgers. if forceoverride: override = forceoverride else: try: override = read_keyword_from_mtl_header(hpdirname, "OVERRIDE") except KeyError: pass from desitarget.mtl import get_mtl_ledger_format ender = get_mtl_ledger_format() # ADM construct the full directory path. hugefn = find_target_files(hpdirname, flavor="mtl", hp="{}", survey=surv, ender=ender, obscon=oc, override=override) # ADM return the filename. fileform = os.path.join(hpdirname, os.path.basename(hugefn)) if override: # ADM be forgiving if the override directory itself was passed. fileform = os.path.join(hpdirname, "override", os.path.basename(hugefn)) if "override" in hpdirname: fileform = os.path.join(hpdirname, os.path.basename(hugefn)) if returnoc: return fileform, oc return fileform
[docs]def read_mtl_in_hp(hpdirname, nside, pixlist, unique=True, isodate=None, returnfn=False, initial=False, leq=False, columns=None): """Read Merged Target List ledgers in a set of HEALPixels. Parameters ---------- hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to either a directory containing targets that have been partitioned by HEALPixel (i.e. as made by `select_targets` with the `bundle_files` option). Or the name of a single file of targets. nside : :class:`int` The (NESTED) HEALPixel nside. pixlist : :class:`list` or `int` or `~numpy.ndarray` Return targets in these HEALPixels at the passed `nside`. unique : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then only read targets with unique `TARGETID`, where the last occurrence of the target in the ledger is the one that is retained. If ``False`` then read the entire ledger. isodate : :class:`str`, defaults to ``None`` An ISO date, such as the date that is returned by the function :func:`desitarget.mtl.get_utc_date() `. The ledger is restricted to entries strictly BEFORE `isodate` before being extracted. If ``None`` is passed then no date restrictions are applied. returnfn : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then also return a dictionary of the filename that had to be read in each pixel to retrieve the MTL(s). initial : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then only read targets with unique `TARGETID`, where the FIRST occurrence of the target in the ledger is retained. i.e. read the initial state of the ledger. Overrides `unique`. leq : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, restrict the ledger to entries BEFORE or EQUAL TO `isodate` instead of the default behavior of strictly before `isodate`. Only relevant if `isodate` is passed. columns : :class:`list`, optional Only return these target columns. `RA` and `DEC` will always be included in the output, whether or not they're passed, as they are critical for determining if a location is in a HEALPixel. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` A numpy structured array of the MTL(s). :class:`dict` A dictionary where the keys are pixels and values are filenames that were read (only returned if `returnfn` is ``True``). Notes ----- - In general, this will be quicker if `pixlist` contains closely grouped HEALPixels, as fewer files will need to be read. """ # ADM allow an integer instead of a list to be passed. if isinstance(pixlist, int): pixlist = [pixlist] # ADM if columns was passed without "RA" and "DEC", add them. if columns is not None: for radec in ["RA", "DEC"]: if radec not in columns: columns.append(radec) # ADM if a directory was passed, do fancy HEALPixel parsing... outfns = {} fileform = find_mtl_file_format_from_header(hpdirname) filenside = int(read_keyword_from_mtl_header(hpdirname, "FILENSID")) if os.path.isdir(hpdirname): # ADM change the passed pixels to the nside of the file schema. filepixlist = nside2nside(nside, filenside, pixlist) # ADM read in the files and concatenate the resulting targets. mtls = [] outfns = {} for pix in filepixlist: fn = fileform.format(pix) try: targs = read_mtl_ledger(fn, unique=unique, isodate=isodate, initial=initial, leq=leq, columns=columns) mtls.append(targs) outfns[pix] = fn except FileNotFoundError: pass # ADM if no mtls, look up the data model, return an empty array. if len(mtls) == 0: fns = iglob(fileform.format("*")) fn = next(fns) mtl = read_mtl_ledger(fn, columns=columns) outly = np.zeros(0, dtype=mtl.dtype) if returnfn: return outly, outfns return outly mtl = np.concatenate(mtls) # ADM ...if a directory wasn't passed, just read in the targets. else: mtl = read_mtl_ledger(hpdirname, unique=unique, isodate=isodate, initial=initial, leq=leq, columns=columns) # ADM restrict the targets to the actual requested HEALPixels... ii = is_in_hp(mtl, nside, pixlist) mtl = mtl[ii] if returnfn: return mtl, outfns return mtl
[docs]def read_targets_in_hp(hpdirname, nside, pixlist, columns=None, header=False, quick=False, downsample=None, verbose=False, mtl=False, unique=True, isodate=None, initial=False, leq=False): """Read in targets in a set of HEALPixels. Parameters ---------- hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to either a directory containing targets that have been partitioned by HEALPixel (i.e. as made by `select_targets` with the `bundle_files` option). Or the name of a single file of targets. nside : :class:`int` The (NESTED) HEALPixel nside. pixlist : :class:`list` or `int` or `~numpy.ndarray` Return targets in these HEALPixels at the passed `nside`. columns : :class:`list`, optional Only return these target columns. header : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then return the header of either the `hpdirname` file, or the last file read from the `hpdirname` directory. quick : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, call :func:``. That version of the code assumes that `hpdirname` is a directory, with files that follow a strict data model. ``True`` overrides `mtl`/`unique`/`isodate`/`downsample`/`verbose`/`initial`. downsample : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None` If not `None`, downsample targets by (roughly) this value, e.g. for `downsample=10` a set of 900 targets would have ~90 random targets returned. verbose : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` Passed to :func:`read_target_files()`. mtl : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then read an MTL ledger file/directory instead of targets. If ``True`` then the `columns`, `header` and `downsample` kwargs are ignored and the full ledger is returned. unique : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then only read targets with unique `TARGETID` from MTL ledgers. Only used if `mtl` is ``True``. isodate : :class:`str`, defaults to ``None`` Only used if `mtl` is ``True`` An ISO date, such as returned by :func:`desitarget.mtl.get_utc_date() `. The ledger is restricted to entries strictly BEFORE `isodate` before being extracted. If ``None`` is passed then no date restrictions are applied. initial : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then only read targets with unique `TARGETID`, where the FIRST occurrence of the target in the ledger is retained. i.e. read the initial state of the ledger. Overrides `unique`. Only used if `mtl` is ``True``. leq : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, restrict the ledger to entries BEFORE or EQUAL TO `isodate` instead of the default behavior of strictly before `isodate`. Only relevant if `isodate` is passed. Only used if `mtl` is ``True``. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of targets in the passed pixels. Notes ----- - If `header` is ``True``, then a second output (the file header is returned). - In general, this will be quicker if `pixlist` contains closely grouped HEALPixels, as fewer files will need to be read. - If `mtl` is ``True`` then this is just a wrapper on read_mtl_in_hp(). """ # ADM if quick is True, use the quick-code. if quick: return read_targets_in_quick( hpdirname, shape='hp', nside=nside, pixlist=pixlist, columns=columns, header=header) if mtl: return read_mtl_in_hp( hpdirname, nside, pixlist, unique=unique, isodate=isodate, initial=initial, leq=leq) # ADM allow an integer instead of a list to be passed. if isinstance(pixlist, int): pixlist = [pixlist] # ADM we'll need RA/Dec for final cuts, so ensure they're read. addedcols = [] columnscopy = None if columns is not None: # ADM make a copy of columns, as it's a kwarg we'll modify. columnscopy = columns.copy() for radec in ["RA", "DEC"]: if radec not in columnscopy: columnscopy.append(radec) addedcols.append(radec) # ADM if a directory was passed, do fancy HEALPixel parsing... if os.path.isdir(hpdirname): # ADM check, and grab information from, the target directory. filenside, filedict = check_hp_target_dir(hpdirname) # ADM read in the first file to grab the data model for # ADM cases where we find no targets in the passed pixlist. fn0 = list(filedict.values())[0] notargs, nohdr = read_target_files( fn0, columns=columnscopy, rows=0, header=True, downsample=downsample, verbose=verbose) notargs = np.zeros(0, dtype=notargs.dtype) # ADM change the passed pixels to the nside of the file schema. filepixlist = nside2nside(nside, filenside, pixlist) # ADM only consider pixels for which we have a file. isindict = [pix in filedict for pix in filepixlist] filepixlist = filepixlist[isindict] # ADM make sure each file is only read once. infiles = sorted(set([filedict[pix] for pix in filepixlist])) # ADM read in the files and concatenate the resulting targets. targets = [] for infile in infiles: targs, hdr = read_target_files( infile, columns=columnscopy, header=True, downsample=downsample, verbose=verbose) targets.append(targs) # ADM if targets is empty, return no targets. if len(targets) == 0: if header: return notargs, nohdr else: return notargs targets = np.concatenate(targets) # ADM ...otherwise just read in the targets. else: targets, hdr = read_target_files( hpdirname, columns=columnscopy, header=True, downsample=downsample, verbose=verbose) # ADM restrict the targets to the actual requested HEALPixels... ii = is_in_hp(targets, nside, pixlist) targets = targets[ii] # ADM ...and remove RA/Dec columns if we added them. if len(addedcols) > 0: targets = rfn.drop_fields(targets, addedcols) if header: return targets, hdr return targets
[docs]def read_targets_in_tiles_quick(hpdirname, tiles=None, columns=None, header=False, verbose=False): """Read targets in tiles, assuming a "standard" data model. Parameters ---------- hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to a directory containing targets that have been partitioned by HEALPixel (e.g. as made by `select_targets` with the `bundle_files` option). tiles : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional Array of tiles in the desimodel format, or ``None`` for all tiles from :func:``. columns : :class:`list`, optional Only read in these target columns. header : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then return the header of either the `hpdirname` file, or the first file read from the `hpdirname` directory. verbose : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then log informational messages. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of targets in the passed tiles. Notes ----- - If `header` is ``True``, then a second output (the file header is returned). - $DESIMODEL must be set if `tiles=None`. - Assumes that the data model has these characteristics: - one HEALPixel per file. - no extraneous FITS files in the directory. - every file is formatted to finish "hp-{}.fits". - every file has the same, correct FILENSID in its header. - the data, and related header, are in FITS extension 1. - every file contains the 'HPXPIXEL' column at the nside stored in the file header as "HPXNSIDE". - If you aren't sure if the data model you have will work, or if running this code triggers an exception, instead try running the relevant "slow" function with quick=``False`` as a check, e.g. :func:``. The output TARGETIDs from this function and that approach should be identical, although the output may be ordered differently. - Based on a suggestion from Anand Raichoor. """ start = time() # ADM generator for the FITS files in the passed directory. fns = iglob(os.path.join(hpdirname, "*fits")) fn = next(fns) # ADM grab the FILENSID, HPXNSIDE from one of the files. hdr = fitsio.read_header(fn, 1) filenside, hpxnside = hdr["FILENSID"], hdr["HPXNSIDE"] # ADM "standard" format formatter for a file: formatter = fn.split("hp-")[0]+"hp-{}.fits" # ADM closest nside to DESI tile area of ~7 deg. nside = pixarea2nside(7.) # ADM determine the pixels that touch the tiles. pixlist = tiles2pix(nside, tiles=tiles) # ADM also determine the pixels that touch the tiles at the HPXNSIDE. filepixs = nside2nside(nside, filenside, pixlist) hpxpixs = tiles2pix(hpxnside, tiles=tiles) # AR list of filenames. # ADM checking that the files actually exist. fns = [formatter.format(filepix) for filepix in filepixs if os.path.isfile(formatter.format(filepix))] if verbose: "{:.1f}s\twill read files with filepixs={} (filenside={})".format( time()-start, filepixs, filenside ) ) # AR first getting the indexes of objects with an HPXPIXEL value # AR overlapping the tile. hpxpixelss = [, columns=["HPXPIXEL"])["HPXPIXEL"] for fn in fns] iis = [np.where(np.in1d(hpxpixels, hpxpixs))[0] for hpxpixels in hpxpixelss] if verbose: "{:.1f}s\tkeep {} objects with HPXPIXEL in {} (hpxnside={})".format( time()-start, np.sum([len(ii) for ii in iis]), hpxpixs, hpxnside ) ) # AR then taking the subsample exactly in the tile. radecs = [, rows=ii, columns=["RA", "DEC"]) for fn, ii in zip(fns, iis)] iis = [ii[is_point_in_desi(tiles, radec["RA"], radec["DEC"])] for radec, ii in zip(radecs, iis)] if verbose: "{:.1f}s\tkeep {} objects after cuts with is_point_in_desi".format( time()-start, np.sum([len(ii) for ii in iis]) ) ) # AR reading + concatenating. targets = [, rows=ii, columns=columns) for fn, ii in zip(fns, iis)] # ADM if targets is empty, return no targets. if len(targets) == 0: # ADM generator for the FITS files in the passed directory. fns = iglob(os.path.join(hpdirname, "*fits")) fn = next(fns) # ADM grab the data model. targets, hdr =, columns=columns, rows=0, header=True) # ADM return a zero-length array with the correct data model. targets = np.zeros(0, dtype=targets.dtype) else: targets = np.concatenate(targets) if header: return targets, hdr return targets
[docs]def read_targets_in_quick(hpdirname, shape=None, tiles=None, nside=None, pixlist=None, radecbox=[0., 360., -90., 90.], radecrad=None, columns=None, header=False): """Read targets in various shapes, assuming a "standard" data model. Parameters ---------- hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to a directory containing targets that have been partitioned by HEALPixel (e.g. as made by `select_targets` with the `bundle_files` option). shape : :class:`str` Type of geometric constraint being passed, options are "tiles", "box", "cap", "hp". tiles : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional Array of tiles in the desimodel format, or ``None`` for all tiles from :func:``. Only used if `shape=tiles`. nside : :class:`int` The (NESTED) HEALPixel nside. Only used if `shape=hp`. pixlist : :class:`list` or `int` or `~numpy.ndarray` HEALPixels at the passed `nside`. Only used if `shape=hp`. radecbox : :class:`list`, defaults to the entire sky 4-entry list of coordinates [ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax] forming box edges in RA/Dec (degrees). Only used if `shape=box`. radecrad : :class:`list` 3-entry list of coordinates [ra, dec, radius] forming a cap or on the sky. ra, dec, radius in degrees. Only used if `shape=cap`. columns : :class:`list`, optional Only read in these target columns. header : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then return the header of either the `hpdirname` file, or the last file read from the `hpdirname` directory. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of targets in the passed geometric constraint. Notes ----- - If `header` is ``True``, then a second output (the file header is returned). - $DESIMODEL must be set if `shape="tiles"` and `tiles=None`. - Assumes that the data model has these characteristics: - one HEALPixel per file. - no extraneous FITS files in the directory. - every file is formatted to finish "hp-{}.fits". - every file has the same, correct FILENSID in its header. - the data, and related header, are in FITS extension 1. - If you aren't sure if the data model you have will work, or if running this code triggers an exception, instead try running the relevant "slow" function with quick=``False`` as a check, e.g. :func:``. The output TARGETIDs from this function and that approach should be identical, although the output may be ordered differently. - Based on a suggestion from Anand Raichoor. """ allowed_shapes = ["tiles", "box", "cap", "hp"] if shape not in allowed_shapes: msg = "shape must be one of {}!!!".format(allowed_shapes) log.critical(msg) raise IOError(msg) if shape == "tiles": if tiles is None: # ADM check that the DESIMODEL environment variable is set. if os.environ.get('DESIMODEL') is None: msg = "DESIMODEL environment variable must be set!!!" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM if no tiles were sent, default to the entire footprint. import as dmio tiles = dmio.load_tiles() # ADM generator for the FITS files in the passed directory. fns = iglob(os.path.join(hpdirname, "*fits")) fn = next(fns) # ADM grab the FILENSID from one of the files. filenside = fitsio.read_header(fn, 1)["FILENSID"] # ADM "standard" format formatter for a file: formatter = fn.split("hp-")[0]+"hp-{}.fits" # ADM grab the data model for cases where we find no targets. notargs, nohdr =, columns=columns, rows=0, header=True) notargs = np.zeros(0, dtype=notargs.dtype) if shape == 'tiles': # ADM closest nside to DESI tile area of ~7 deg. nside = pixarea2nside(7.) # ADM determine the pixels that touch the tiles. pixlist = tiles2pix(nside, tiles=tiles) if shape == 'box': # ADM approximate nside for area of passed box. nside = pixarea2nside(box_area(radecbox)) # ADM HEALPixels that touch the box for that nside. pixlist = hp_in_box(nside, radecbox) if shape == 'cap': # ADM approximate nside for area of passed cap. nside = pixarea2nside(cap_area(np.array(radecrad[2]))) # ADM HEALPixels that touch the cap for that nside. pixlist = hp_in_cap(nside, radecrad) # ADM determine the relevant HEALPixels for the file NSIDE. filepixlist = nside2nside(nside, filenside, pixlist) targets = [] for pix in filepixlist: infile = formatter.format(pix) try: radec =, columns=["RA", "DEC"]) if shape == 'hp': # ADM restrict to only targets in the passed pixels. ii = is_in_hp(radec, nside, pixlist) if shape == 'tiles': # ADM restrict to only targets in the passed tiles. ii = is_point_in_desi(tiles, radec["RA"], radec["DEC"]) elif shape == 'box': # ADM restrict to only targets in the passed box. ii = is_in_box(radec, radecbox) elif shape == 'cap': # ADM restrict to only targets in the passed cap. ii = is_in_cap(radec, radecrad) if np.sum(ii) > 0: targs, hdr =, rows=np.where(ii)[0], columns=columns, header=True) targets.append(targs) except OSError: msg = "passed shape lies partially beyond the footprint of targets" log.warning(msg) # ADM if targets is empty, return no targets. if len(targets) == 0: targets, hdr = notargs, nohdr else: targets = np.concatenate(targets) if header: return targets, hdr return targets
[docs]def read_targets_in_tiles(hpdirname, tiles=None, columns=None, header=False, quick=False, mtl=False, oldstyle=False, verbose=False, unique=True, isodate=None, initial=False, leq=False): """Read targets in DESI tiles, assuming the "standard" data model. Parameters ---------- hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to either a directory containing targets that have been partitioned by HEALPixel (e.g. as made by `select_targets` with the `bundle_files` option). Or the name of a single file of targets. tiles : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional Array of tiles in the desimodel format, or ``None`` to use all DESI tiles from :func:``. columns : :class:`list`, optional Only read in these target columns. header : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then return the header of either the `hpdirname` file, or the last file read from the `hpdirname` directory. quick : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, call :func:``. That version of the code assumes that `hpdirname` is a directory, of files that follow a strict data model. Passing quick=``True`` overrides the `mtl`/`unique`/`isodate`/`initial` inputs. mtl : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then read an MTL ledger file/directory instead of a target file/directory. If ``True`` then the `columns` and `header` kwargs are ignored and the full ledger is returned. oldstyle : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then use older (likely slower) code. This option is retained for tests, but we'll likely deprecate it after testing. It only applies if `quick`=``True`` verbose : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then log informational messages. unique : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then only read targets with unique `TARGETID` from MTL ledgers. Only used if `mtl` is ``True``. isodate : :class:`str`, defaults to ``None`` Only used if `mtl` is ``True`` An ISO date, such as returned by :func:`desitarget.mtl.get_utc_date() `. The ledger is restricted to entries strictly BEFORE `isodate` before being extracted. If ``None`` is passed then no date restrictions are applied. initial : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then only read targets with unique `TARGETID`, where the FIRST occurrence of the target in the ledger is retained. i.e. read the initial state of the ledger. Overrides `unique`. Only used if `mtl` is ``True``. leq : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, restrict the ledger to entries BEFORE or EQUAL TO `isodate` instead of the default behavior of strictly before `isodate`. Only relevant if `isodate` is passed. Only used if `mtl` is ``True``. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of targets in the passed tiles. Notes ----- - If `header` is ``True``, then a second output (the file header is returned). - The environment variable $DESIMODEL must be set. """ # ADM if quick is True, use the quick-code. if quick: if oldstyle: return read_targets_in_quick(hpdirname, shape='tiles', tiles=tiles, columns=columns, header=header) else: return read_targets_in_tiles_quick(hpdirname, tiles=tiles, columns=columns, header=header, verbose=verbose) # ADM check that the DESIMODEL environment variable is set. if os.environ.get('DESIMODEL') is None: msg = "DESIMODEL environment variable must be set!!!" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM if no tiles were sent, default to the entire footprint. if tiles is None: import as dmio tiles = dmio.load_tiles() # ADM we'll need RA/Dec for final cuts, so ensure they're read. addedcols = [] columnscopy = None if columns is not None and not mtl: # ADM make a copy of columns, as it's a kwarg we'll modify. columnscopy = columns.copy() for radec in ["RA", "DEC"]: if radec not in columnscopy: columnscopy.append(radec) addedcols.append(radec) # ADM if a directory was passed, do fancy HEALPixel parsing... if os.path.isdir(hpdirname) or mtl: # ADM closest nside to DESI tile area of ~7 deg. nside = pixarea2nside(7.) # ADM determine the pixels that touch the tiles. pixlist = tiles2pix(nside, tiles=tiles) # ADM read in targets in these HEALPixels. targets = read_targets_in_hp( hpdirname, nside, pixlist, columns=columnscopy, header=header, mtl=mtl, unique=unique, isodate=isodate, initial=initial, leq=leq) # ADM ...otherwise just read in the targets. else: targets = read_target_files(hpdirname, columns=columnscopy, header=header) # ADM if we read a header, targets is now a two-entry list. if header and not mtl: targets, hdr = targets # ADM restrict only to targets in the requested tiles... ii = is_point_in_desi(tiles, targets["RA"], targets["DEC"]) targets = targets[ii] # ADM ...and remove RA/Dec columns if we added them. if not mtl and len(addedcols) > 0: targets = rfn.drop_fields(targets, addedcols) if header and not mtl: return targets, hdr return targets
[docs]def read_targets_in_box(hpdirname, radecbox=[0., 360., -90., 90.], columns=None, header=False, quick=False, downsample=None, mtl=False, unique=True, isodate=None, initial=False, leq=False): """Read in targets in an RA/Dec box. Parameters ---------- hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to either a directory containing targets that have been partitioned by HEALPixel (i.e. as made by `select_targets` with the `bundle_files` option). Or the name of a single file of targets. radecbox : :class:`list`, defaults to the entire sky 4-entry list of coordinates [ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax] forming the edges of a box in RA/Dec (degrees). columns : :class:`list`, optional Only read in these target columns. header : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then return the header of either the `hpdirname` file, or the last file read from the `hpdirname` directory. quick : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, call :func:``. That version of the code assumes that `hpdirname` is a directory, which contains files that follow a strict data model. ``True`` overrides the `mtl`, `unique`, `isodate` and `initial` inputs. downsample : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to `None` If not `None`, downsample targets by (roughly) this value, e.g. for `downsample=10` a set of 900 targets would have ~90 random targets returned. mtl : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then read an MTL ledger file/directory instead of a target file/directory. If ``True`` then the `columns` and `header` kwargs are ignored and the full ledger is returned. unique : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then only read targets with unique `TARGETID` from MTL ledgers. Only used if `mtl` is ``True``. isodate : :class:`str`, defaults to ``None`` Only used if `mtl` is ``True`` An ISO date, such as returned by :func:`desitarget.mtl.get_utc_date() `. The ledger is restricted to entries strictly BEFORE `isodate` before being extracted. If ``None`` is passed then no date restrictions are applied. initial : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then only read targets with unique `TARGETID`, where the FIRST occurrence of the target in the ledger is retained. i.e. read the initial state of the ledger. Overrides `unique`. Only used if `mtl` is ``True``. leq : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, restrict the ledger to entries BEFORE or EQUAL TO `isodate` instead of the default behavior of strictly before `isodate`. Only relevant if `isodate` is passed. Only used if `mtl` is ``True``. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of targets in the passed RA/Dec box. Notes ----- - If `header` is ``True``, then a second output (the file header is returned). """ # ADM if quick is True, use the quick-code. if quick: return read_targets_in_quick(hpdirname, shape='box', radecbox=radecbox, columns=columns, header=header) # ADM we'll need RA/Dec for final cuts, so ensure they're read. addedcols = [] columnscopy = None if columns is not None and not mtl: # ADM make a copy of columns, as it's a kwarg we'll modify. columnscopy = columns.copy() for radec in ["RA", "DEC"]: if radec not in columnscopy: columnscopy.append(radec) addedcols.append(radec) # ADM if a directory was passed, do fancy HEALPixel parsing... if os.path.isdir(hpdirname) or mtl: # ADM approximate nside for area of passed box. nside = pixarea2nside(box_area(radecbox)) # ADM HEALPixels that touch the box for that nside. pixlist = hp_in_box(nside, radecbox) # ADM read in targets in these HEALPixels. targets = read_targets_in_hp( hpdirname, nside, pixlist, columns=columnscopy, header=header, downsample=downsample, mtl=mtl, unique=unique, isodate=isodate, initial=initial, leq=leq) # ADM ...otherwise just read in the targets. else: targets = read_target_files(hpdirname, columns=columnscopy, header=header, downsample=downsample) # ADM if we read a header, targets is now a two-entry list. if header and not mtl: targets, hdr = targets # ADM restrict only to targets in the requested RA/Dec box... ii = is_in_box(targets, radecbox) targets = targets[ii] # ADM ...and remove RA/Dec columns if we added them. if not mtl and len(addedcols) > 0: targets = rfn.drop_fields(targets, addedcols) if header and not mtl: return targets, hdr return targets
[docs]def read_targets_in_cap(hpdirname, radecrad, columns=None, header=False, quick=False, mtl=False, unique=True, isodate=None, initial=False, leq=False): """Read in targets in an RA, Dec, radius cap. Parameters ---------- hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to either a directory containing targets that have been partitioned by HEALPixel (i.e. as made by `select_targets` with the `bundle_files` option). Or the name of a single file of targets. radecrad : :class:`list` 3-entry list of coordinates [ra, dec, radius] forming a cap or "circle" on the sky. ra, dec and radius are all in degrees. columns : :class:`list`, optional Only read in these target columns. header : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then return the header of either the `hpdirname` file, or the last file read from the `hpdirname` directory. quick : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, call :func:``. That version of the code assumes that `hpdirname` is a directory, which contains files that follow a strict data model. ``True`` overrides the `mtl`, `unique`, `isodate` and `initial` inputs. mtl : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then read an MTL ledger file/directory instead of a target file/directory. If ``True`` then the `columns` kwarg is ignored and the full ledger is returned. unique : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then only read targets with unique `TARGETID` from MTL ledgers. Only used if `mtl` is ``True``. isodate : :class:`str`, defaults to ``None`` Only used if `mtl` is ``True`` An ISO date, such as returned by :func:`desitarget.mtl.get_utc_date() `. The ledger is restricted to entries strictly BEFORE `isodate` before being extracted. If ``None`` is passed then no date restrictions are applied. initial : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then only read targets with unique `TARGETID`, where the FIRST occurrence of the target in the ledger is retained. i.e. read the initial state of the ledger. Overrides `unique`. Only used if `mtl` is ``True``. leq : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, restrict the ledger to entries BEFORE or EQUAL TO `isodate` instead of the default behavior of strictly before `isodate`. Only relevant if `isodate` is passed. Only used if `mtl` is ``True``. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of targets in the passed cap. """ # ADM if quick is True, use the quick-code. if quick: return read_targets_in_quick(hpdirname, shape='cap', radecrad=radecrad, columns=columns, header=header) # ADM we'll need RA/Dec for final cuts, so ensure they're read. addedcols = [] columnscopy = None if columns is not None and not mtl: # ADM make a copy of columns, as it's a kwarg we'll modify. columnscopy = columns.copy() for radec in ["RA", "DEC"]: if radec not in columnscopy: columnscopy.append(radec) addedcols.append(radec) # ADM if a directory was passed, do fancy HEALPixel parsing... if os.path.isdir(hpdirname) or mtl: # ADM approximate nside for area of passed cap. nside = pixarea2nside(cap_area(np.array(radecrad[2]))) # ADM HEALPixels that touch the cap for that nside. pixlist = hp_in_cap(nside, radecrad) # ADM read in targets in these HEALPixels. targets = read_targets_in_hp( hpdirname, nside, pixlist, mtl=mtl, columns=columnscopy, header=header, unique=unique, isodate=isodate, initial=initial, leq=leq) # ADM ...otherwise just read in the targets. else: targets = read_target_files(hpdirname, columns=columnscopy, header=header) # ADM if we read a header, targets is now a two-entry list. if header and not mtl: targets, hdr = targets # ADM restrict only to targets in the requested cap. ii = is_in_cap(targets, radecrad) targets = targets[ii] # ADM Remove the RA/Dec columns if we added them. if not mtl and len(addedcols) > 0: targets = rfn.drop_fields(targets, addedcols) if header and not mtl: return targets, hdr return targets
[docs]def read_targets_header(hpdirname, dtype=False, verbose=True): """Read in header of a targets file. Parameters ---------- hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to either a directory containing targets that have been partitioned by HEALPixel (i.e. as made by `select_targets` with the `bundle_files` option). Or the name of a single file of targets. dtype : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` if ``True``, also return the data model (dtype) of the targets. verbose : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then log messages and warnings. Returns ------- :class:`FITSHDR` The header of `hpdirname` if it is a file, or the header of the first file encountered in `hpdirname` :class:`FITSHDR` The dtype of the file that corresponds to the header. Only returned if `dtype` is ``True``. """ if os.path.isdir(hpdirname): try: gen = iglob(os.path.join(hpdirname, '*fits')) hpdirname = next(gen) except StopIteration: if verbose: msg = "no FITS files in {}?!".format(hpdirname) # ADM rows=[0] here, speeds up read_target_files retrieval # ADM of the header. row, hdr = read_target_files(hpdirname, rows=[0], header=True, verbose=False) if dtype: return hdr, row.dtype return hdr
[docs]def target_columns_from_header(hpdirname): """Grab the _TARGET column names from a TARGETS file or directory. Parameters ---------- hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to either a directory containing targets that have been partitioned by HEALPixel (i.e. as made by `select_targets` with the `bundle_files` option). Or the name of a single file of targets. Returns ------- :class:`list` The names of the _TARGET columns, notably whether they are SV, main, or cmx _TARGET columns. """ # ADM determine whether we're dealing with a file or directory. fn = hpdirname if os.path.isdir(hpdirname): fn = next(iglob(os.path.join(hpdirname, '*fits'))) # ADM read in the header and find any columns matching _TARGET. allcols = np.array(fitsio.FITS(fn)["TARGETS"].get_colnames()) targcols = allcols[['_TARGET' in col for col in allcols]] return list(targcols)
[docs]def _check_hpx_length(hpxlist, length=68, warning=False): """Check a list expressed as a csv string won't exceed a length.""" pixstring = ",".join([str(i) for i in np.atleast_1d(hpxlist)]) if len(pixstring) > length: msg = "Pixel string {} is too long. Maximum is length-{} strings. " \ "If making files, try reducing nside or the bundling integer." \ .format(pixstring, length) if warning: log.warning(msg) else: log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]def check_both_set(hpxlist, nside): """Check that if one of two variables is set, the other is too""" if hpxlist is not None or nside is not None: if hpxlist is None or nside is None: msg = 'Both hpxlist (={}) and nside (={}) need to be set' \ .format(hpxlist, nside) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]def hpx_filename(hpx): """Return the standard name for HEALPixel-split input files Parameters ---------- hpx : :class:`str` or `int` A HEALPixel integer. Returns ------- :class: `str` Filename in the format used throughout desitarget for HEALPixel-split input databases. """ return 'healpix-{:05d}.fits'.format(hpx)
[docs]def find_star_files(objs, hpxdir, nside, neighbors=True, radec=False, strict=False): """Full paths to HEALPixel-split star files for objects by RA/Dec. Parameters ---------- objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of objects. Must contain at least columns "RA" and "DEC". hpxdir : :class:`str` Name of the directory that hosts the HEALPixel-split files. Most likely this directory ends in "/healpix". nside : :class:`int` The (NESTED) HEALPixel nside integer. neighbors : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` Also return all neighboring pixels that touch the files of interest to prevent edge effects (e.g. if a, say, Gaia source is 1 arcsec away from a primary source and so in an adjacent pixel). radec : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then the passed `objs` is an [RA, Dec] list instead of a rec array. strict : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` Only return files that actually exist. This is useful for, e.g., URAT files, which don't cover the whole sky and so don't have files for every HEALPixel. Returns ------- :class:`list` A list of all files that need to be read in to account for objects at the passed locations. Notes ----- - "star" files, here might be Gaia, Tycho or URAT files. """ # ADM which flavor of RA/Dec was passed. if radec: ra, dec = objs dec = np.array(dec) else: ra, dec = objs["RA"], objs["DEC"] # ADM convert RA/Dec to co-latitude and longitude in radians. theta, phi = np.radians(90-dec), np.radians(ra) # ADM retrieve the pixels in which the locations lie. pixnum = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) # ADM retrieve only the UNIQUE pixel numbers. It's possible that only # ADM one pixel was produced, so ensure pixnum is iterable. if not isinstance(pixnum, np.integer): pixnum = list(set(pixnum)) else: pixnum = [pixnum] # ADM if neighbors was sent, then retrieve all pixels that touch each # ADM pixel covered by the passed ras/decs, to prevent edge effects... if neighbors: pixnum = add_hp_neighbors(nside, pixnum) # ADM reformat in the general healpix format used by desitarget. fns = [os.path.join(hpxdir, hpx_filename(pn)) for pn in pixnum] # ADM restrict to only files/HEALPixels actually covered. if strict: fns = [fn for fn in fns if os.path.exists(fn)] return fns