Source code for desitarget.lyazcat


Post-redrock ML processing for LyA Quasar object identification.

import os
import numpy as np
import time
import fitsio

from desitarget.geomask import match, match_to
from desitarget.internal import sharedmem
from import write_with_units
from import read_spectra
from desiutil.depend import add_dependencies
from desitarget.targets import main_cmx_or_sv, switch_main_cmx_or_sv

from import load_model
from import load_desi_coadd
from quasarnp.utils import process_preds

from prospect.coaddcam import coadd_brz_cameras
from operator import itemgetter
from itertools import groupby
from astropy.modeling import fitting
from astropy.modeling import models
from astropy.table import Table
from scipy.signal import medfilt
from astropy.convolution import Gaussian1DKernel
from astropy.convolution import convolve

# ADM set up the DESI default logger.
from desiutil.log import get_logger
log = get_logger()

# ADM data models for the various afterburners.
zcatdatamodel = np.array([], [('RA', '>f8'), ('DEC', '>f8'), ('TARGETID', '>i8'),
                              ('DESI_TARGET', '>i8'), ('BGS_TARGET', '>i8'),
                              ('MWS_TARGET', '>i8'), ('SCND_TARGET', '>i8'),
                              ('Z', '>f8'), ('ZWARN', '>i8'),
                              ('SPECTYPE', '<U6'), ('DELTACHI2', '>f8'),
                              ('NUMOBS', '>i4'), ('ZTILEID', '>i4')])
qndm = [('Z_QN', '>f8'), ('Z_QN_CONF', '>f8'), ('IS_QSO_QN', '>i2')]
sqdm = [('Z_SQ', '>f8'), ('Z_SQ_CONF', '>f8')]
absdm = [('Z_ABS', '>f8'), ('Z_ABS_CONF', '>f8')]
combdm = [('Z_COMB', '>f8'), ('Z_COMB_PROB', '>f8')]

[docs]def tmark(istring): """A function to mark the time an operation starts or ends. Parameters ---------- istring : :class:'str' The input string to print to the terminal. Notes ----- - A string with the date and time in ISO 8061 standard followed by the 'istring'. """ t0 = time.time() t_start = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d | %H:%M:%S')'\n{}: {}'.format(istring, t_start))
[docs]def make_new_zcat(zbestname, qn_flag=False, sq_flag=False, abs_flag=False, zcomb_flag=False): """Make the initial zcat array with redrock data. Parameters ---------- zbestname : :class:`str` Full filename and path for the zbest file to process. qn_flag : :class:`bool'` optional Flag to add QuasarNP data (or not) to the zcat file. sq_flag : :class:`bool`, optional Flag to add SQUEzE data (or not) to the zcat file. abs_flag : :class:`bool`, optional Flag to add MgII Absorption data (or not) to the zcat file. zcomb_flag : :class:`bool`, optional Flag if a combined redshift (or not) was added to the zcat file. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` or `bool` A zcat in the official format (`zcatdatamodel`) compiled from the `tile', 'night', and 'petal_num', in `zcatdir`. If the zbest file for that petal doesn't exist, returns ``False``. """ tmark(' Making redrock zcat') # ADM read in the zbest and fibermap extensions for the RR # ADM redshift catalog, if they exist. try: zs =, "ZBEST") fms =, "FIBERMAP")'Read {zbestname}') except (FileNotFoundError, OSError): log.error(f'Missing {zbestname}') return False # ADM recover the information for unique targets based on the # ADM first entry for each TARGETID. _, ii = np.unique(fms['TARGETID'], return_index=True) fms = fms[ii] # ADM check for some glitches. if len(zs) != len(set(zs["TARGETID"])): msg = "a target is duplicated in file {}!!!".format(zbestname) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM check for some glitches. if len(zs) != len(fms): msg = "TARGETID mismatch for extensions in file {}!!!".format(zbestname) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM Strictly match the targets in the z catalog and fibermap. zid = match_to(fms["TARGETID"], zs["TARGETID"]) # ADM set up the output zqso file, which differs depending on which # ADM afterburners were specified. dtswitched = switch_main_cmx_or_sv(zcatdatamodel, fms) dt = dtswitched.dtype.descr for flag, dm in zip([qn_flag, sq_flag, abs_flag, zcomb_flag], [qndm, sqdm, absdm, combdm]): if flag: dt += dm zcat = np.full(len(zs), -1, dtype=dt) # ADM add the columns from the original zbest file. zcat["RA"] = fms[zid]["TARGET_RA"] zcat["DEC"] = fms[zid]["TARGET_DEC"] zcat["ZTILEID"] = fms[zid]["TILEID"] zcat["NUMOBS"] = zs["NUMTILE"] # ADM also add the appropriate bit-columns. Mxcols, _, _, = main_cmx_or_sv(fms, scnd=True) for col in Mxcols: if col in fms.dtype.names: zcat[col] = fms[zid][col] # SB fail on missing required columns ... elif col in zcatdatamodel.dtype.names: msg = f'Input fibermap missing {col}, which is required by zqso datamodel' log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # SB ... but only log error about unexpectedly missing optional columns else: log.error(f'Input fibermap missing optional {col}; leaving it blank') # ADM write out the unwritten columns. allcols = set(dtswitched.dtype.names) usedcols = set(['RA', 'DEC', 'NUMOBS', 'ZTILEID'] + Mxcols) for col in allcols - usedcols: zcat[col] = zs[col] return zcat
[docs]def get_qn_model_fname(qnmodel_fname=None): """Convenience function to grab the $QN_MODEL_FILE environment variable. Parameters ---------- qnmodel_fname : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to $QN_MODEL_FILE If `qnmodel_fname` is passed, it is returned from this function. If it's not passed, the $QN_MODEL_FILE variable is returned. Returns ------- :class:`str` not passed, the directory stored in the $QN_MODEL_FILE environment variable is returned prepended to the default filename. """ if qnmodel_fname is None: qnmodel_fname = os.environ.get('QN_MODEL_FILE') # EBL check that the $QN_MODEL_FILE environment variable is set. if qnmodel_fname is None: msg = "Pass qnmodel_fname or set $QN_MODEL_FILE environment variable!" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return qnmodel_fname
[docs]def load_qn_model(model_filename): """Convenience function to load the QuasarNP model and line lists. Parameters ---------- model_filename : :class:`str` The filename and path of the QuasarNP model. Either input by user or defaults to get_qn_model_fname(). Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` The QuasarNP model file loaded as an array. :class:`~numpy.array` An array of the emission line names to be used for quasarnp.process_preds(). :class:`~numpy.array` An array of the BAL emission line names to be used by quasarnp.process_preds(). """ lines = ['LYA', 'CIV(1548)', 'CIII(1909)', 'MgII(2796)', 'Hbeta', 'Halpha'] lines_bal = ['CIV(1548)'] model = load_model(model_filename) return model, lines, lines_bal
[docs]def add_qn_data(zcat, coaddname, qnp_model, qnp_lines, qnp_lines_bal): """Apply the QuasarNP model to the input zcat and add data to columns. Parameters ---------- zcat : :class:`~numpy.array` The structured array that was created by make_new_zcat() coaddname : :class:`str` The name of the coadd file corresponding to the zbest file used in make_new_zcat() qnp_model : :class:`h5.array` The array containing the pre-trained QuasarNP model. qnp_lines : :class:`list` A list containing the names of the emission lines that quasarnp.process_preds() should use. qnp_lines_bal : :class:`list` A list containing the names of the emission lines to check for BAL troughs. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` The zcat array with QuasarNP data included in the columns: * Z_QN - The best QuasarNP redshift for the object * Z_QN_CONF - The confidence of Z_QN * IS_QSO_QN - A binary flag indicated object is a quasar """ tmark(' Adding QuasarNP data') data, w = load_desi_coadd(coaddname) data = data[:, :, None] p = qnp_model.predict(data) c_line, z_line, zbest, *_ = process_preds(p, qnp_lines, qnp_lines_bal, verbose=False) cbest = np.array(c_line[c_line.argmax(axis=0), np.arange(len(zbest))]) c_thresh = 0.5 n_thresh = 1 is_qso = np.sum(c_line > c_thresh, axis=0) >= n_thresh zcat['Z_QN'][w] = zbest zcat['Z_QN_CONF'][w] = cbest zcat['IS_QSO_QN'][w] = is_qso return zcat
[docs]def get_sq_model_fname(sqmodel_fname=None): """Convenience function to grab the $SQ_MODEL_FILE environment variable. Parameters ---------- sqmodel_fname : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to $SQ_MODEL_FILE If `sqmodel_fname` is passed, it is returned from this function. If it's not passed, the $SQ_MODEL_FILE environment variable is returned. Returns ------- :class:`str` If `sqmodel_fname` is passed, it is returned from this function. If it's not passed, the directory stored in the $SQ_MODEL_FILE environment variable is returned. """ if sqmodel_fname is None: sqmodel_fname = os.environ.get('SQ_MODEL_FILE') # EBL check that the $SQ_MODEL_FILE environment variable is set. if sqmodel_fname is None: msg = "Pass sqmodel_fname or set $SQ_MODEL_FILE environment variable!" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return sqmodel_fname
[docs]def load_sq_model(model_filename): """Convenience function for loading the SQUEzE model file. Parameters ---------- model_filename : :class:`str` The filename and path of the SQUEzE model file. Either input by user or defaults to get_sq_model_fname(). Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` A numpy array of the SQUEzE model. Notes ----- - The input model file needs to be in the json file format. """ from squeze.common_functions import load_json from squeze.model import Model model = Model.from_json(load_json(model_filename)) return model
[docs]def add_sq_data(zcat, coaddname, squeze_model): """Apply the SQUEzE model to the input zcat and add data to columns. Parameters ---------- zcat : :class:`~numpy.array` The structured array that was created by make_new_zcat() coaddname : class:`str` The name of the coadd file corresponding to the zbest file used in make_new_zcat() squeze_model : :class:`numpy.array` The loaded SQUEzE model file Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` The zcat array with SQUEzE data included in the columns: * Z_SQ - The best redshift from SQUEzE for each object. * Z_SQ_CONF - The confidence value of this redshift. """ tmark(' Adding SQUEzE data') from squeze.candidates import Candidates from squeze.desi_spectrum import DesiSpectrum from squeze.spectra import Spectra mdata = ['TARGETID'] single_exposure = False sq_cols_keep = ['PROB', 'Z_TRY', 'TARGETID'] tmark(' Reading spectra') desi_spectra = read_spectra(coaddname) # EBL Initialize squeze Spectra class squeze_spectra = Spectra([]) # EBL Get TARGETIDs targetid = np.unique(desi_spectra.fibermap['TARGETID']) # EBL Loop over TARGETIDs to build the Spectra objects for targid in targetid: # EBL Select objects pos = np.where(desi_spectra.fibermap['TARGETID'] == targid) # EBL Prepare column metadata metadata = {col.upper(): desi_spectra.fibermap[col][pos[0][0]] for col in mdata} # EBL Add the SPECID as the TARGETID metadata['SPECID'] = targid # EBL Extract the data flux = {} wave = {} ivar = {} mask = {} for band in desi_spectra.bands: flux[band] = desi_spectra.flux[band][pos] wave[band] = desi_spectra.wave[band] ivar[band] = desi_spectra.ivar[band][pos] mask[band] = desi_spectra.mask[band][pos] # EBL Format each spectrum for the model application spectrum = DesiSpectrum(flux, wave, ivar, mask, metadata, single_exposure) # EBL Append the spectrum to the Spectra object squeze_spectra.append(spectrum) # EBL Initialize candidate object. This takes a while with no feedback # so we want a time output for benchmarking purposes. tmark(' Initializing candidates') candidates = Candidates(mode='operation', model=squeze_model) # EBL Look for candidate objects. This also takes a while. tmark(' Looking for candidates') candidates.find_candidates(squeze_spectra.spectra_list(), save=False) # EBL Compute the probabilities of the line/model matches to the spectra tmark(' Computing probabilities') candidates.classify_candidates(save=False) # EBL Filter the results by removing the duplicate entries for each # TARGETID. Merge the remaining with the zcat data. tmark(' Merging SQUEzE data with zcat') data_frame = candidates.candidates() data_frame = data_frame[~data_frame['DUPLICATED']][sq_cols_keep] # EBL Strip the pandas data frame structure and put it into a numpy # structured array first. sqdata_arr = np.zeros(len(data_frame), dtype=[('TARGETID', 'int64'), ('Z_SQ', 'float64'), ('Z_SQ_CONF', 'float64')]) sqdata_arr['TARGETID'] = data_frame['TARGETID'].values sqdata_arr['Z_SQ'] = data_frame['Z_TRY'].values sqdata_arr['Z_SQ_CONF'] = data_frame['PROB'].values # EBL SQUEzE will reorder the objects, so match on TARGETID. zcat_args, sqdata_args = match(zcat['TARGETID'], sqdata_arr['TARGETID']) zcat['Z_SQ'][zcat_args] = sqdata_arr['Z_SQ'][sqdata_args] zcat['Z_SQ_CONF'][zcat_args] = sqdata_arr['Z_SQ_CONF'][sqdata_args] return zcat
[docs]def add_abs_data(zcat, coaddname): """Add the MgII absorption line finder data to the input zcat array. Parameters ---------- zcat : :class:'~numpy.array` The structured array that was created by make_new_zcat() coaddname : class:`str` The name of the coadd file corresponding to the zbest file used in make_new_zcat() Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` The zcat array with MgII Absorption data included in the columns: * Z_ABS - The highest redshift of MgII absorption * Z_ABS_CONF - The confidence value for this redshift. Notes ----- - The original function was written by Lucas Napolitano (LGN) and modified for this script by Eleanor Lyke (EBL). """ fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() model = models.Gaussian1D() # LGN Define constants first_line_wave = 2796.3543 second_line_wave = 2803.5315 rf_line_sep = second_line_wave - first_line_wave # LGN Define hyperparameters rf_err_margain = 0.50 kernel_smooth = 2 kernel = Gaussian1DKernel(stddev=kernel_smooth) med_filt_size = 19 snr_threshold = 3.0 qi_min = 0.01 sim_fudge = 0.94 # LGN Intialize output array. out_arr = [] # LGN Read the coadd file and find targetid. specobj = read_spectra(coaddname) redrockfile = coaddname.replace('coadd', 'redrock').replace('.fits', '.h5') # LGN Get all targetids tids = specobj.target_ids() # LGN Run for every quasar target on the petal. num_rows = len(zcat) for specnum in range(num_rows): # LGN Grab a single targetid. targetid = tids[specnum] # LGN Open the redrock file and read in model fits for specific # targetid. targpath = f'/zfit/{targetid}/zfit' zalt =, path=targpath) # LGN If best spectype is a star we shouldn't process it. if zalt['spectype'][0] == 'STAR': out_arr.append([targetid, 0, 0]) continue # LGN Define wavelength range and flux values. # LGN Check to see if b,r, and z cameras are already coadded. if "brz" in specobj.wave: x_spc = specobj.wave["brz"] y_flx = specobj.flux["brz"][specnum] y_err = np.sqrt(specobj.ivar["brz"][specnum])**(-1.0) # LGN If not, coadd them into "brz" using coadd_brz_cameras from # prospect docs. else: wave_arr = [specobj.wave["b"], specobj.wave["r"], specobj.wave["z"]] flux_arr = [specobj.flux["b"][specnum], specobj.flux["r"][specnum], specobj.flux["z"][specnum]] noise_arr = [np.sqrt(specobj.ivar["b"][specnum])**(-1.0), np.sqrt(specobj.ivar["r"][specnum])**(-1.0), np.sqrt(specobj.ivar["z"][specnum])**(-1.0)] x_spc, y_flx, y_err = coadd_brz_cameras(wave_arr, flux_arr, noise_arr) # LGN Apply a gaussian smoothing kernel using hyperparameters # defined above. smooth_yflx = convolve(y_flx, kernel) # LGN Estimate the continuum using median filter. continuum = medfilt(y_flx, med_filt_size) # LGN Run the doublet finder. residual = continuum - y_flx # LGN Generate groups of data with positive residuals. # LGN/EBL: The following is from a stackoverlow thread: # groups = [] for k, g in groupby(enumerate(np.where(residual > 0)[0]), lambda x: x[0] - x[1]): groups.append(list(map(itemgetter(1), g))) # LGN Intialize the absorbtion line list. absorb_lines = [] for group in groups: # LGN Skip groups of 1 or 2 data vals, these aren't worthwhile # peaks and cause fitting issues. if len(group) < 3: continue # LGN Calculate the S/N value. snr = np.sum(residual[group]) * np.sqrt(np.sum(y_err[group]))**(-1.0) if snr > snr_threshold: # LGN Fit a gaussian model. model = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=np.nanmax(residual[group]), mean=np.average(x_spc[group])) fm = fitter(model=model, x=x_spc[group], y=residual[group]) # LGN Unpack the model fit data. amp, cen, stddev = fm.parameters absorb_lines.append([amp, cen, stddev, snr]) # LGN Extract the highest z feature and associated quality index (QI) hz = 0 hz_qi = 0 # LGN This is particuarly poorly implemented, using range(len) so # I can slice to higher redshift lines only more easily. for counter in range(len(absorb_lines)): line1 = absorb_lines[counter] # LGN Determine redshift from model parameters. ztemp = (line1[1] * first_line_wave**(-1.0)) - 1 # LGN If redshift is in any of the masked regions ignore it. if 2.189 < ztemp < 2.191 or 2.36 < ztemp < 2.40: continue # LGN Determine line seperation and error margain scaled to # redshift. line_sep = rf_line_sep * (1 + ztemp) err_margain = rf_err_margain * (1 + ztemp) # LGN for all lines at higher redshifts. for line2 in absorb_lines[counter+1:]: # LGN calculate error from expected line seperation # given the redshift of the first line. sep_err = np.abs(line2[1] - line1[1] - line_sep) # LGN Keep if within error margains. if sep_err < err_margain: # LGN Calculate the QI. # LGN S/N similarity of lines. sim_fudge is defined # in the hyperparameters above and # adjusts for the first line being larger, # kind of a fudge, won't lie. snr_sim = sim_fudge * line1[3] * line2[3]**(-1.0) # LGN Rescale to peak at lines having exact same S/N. if snr_sim > 1: snr_sim = snr_sim**(-1.0) # LGN seperation accuracy # Is '1' if expected seperation = actual seperation. # Decreases to 0 outside this. sep_acc = (1 - sep_err) * err_margain**(-1.0) qi = snr_sim * sep_acc if ztemp > hz and qi > qi_min: hz = ztemp hz_qi = qi out_arr.append([targetid, hz, hz_qi]) # EBL Add the redshift and quality index for each targetid to the # zcat file passed to the function. out_arr = np.array(out_arr) zcat_args, abs_args = match(zcat['TARGETID'], out_arr[0]) zcat['Z_ABS'][zcat_args] = out_arr[1][abs_args] zcat['Z_ABS_CONF'][zcat_args] = out_arr[2][abs_args] return zcat
[docs]def zcomb_selector(zcat, proc_flag=False): """Compare results from redrock, QuasarNP, SQUEzE, and MgII data. Parameters ---------- zcat : :class:`~numpy.array` The structured array that was created by make_new_zcat() proc_flag : :class:`bool` Turn on extra comparison procedure. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` The zcat array with SQUEzE data included in the columns: * Z_COMB - The best models-combined redshift for each object. * Z_COMB_PROB - The combined probability value of that redshift. """ zcat['Z_COMB'][:] = zcat['Z'] zcat['Z_COMB_PROB'][:] = 0.95 return zcat
[docs]def zcat_writer(zcat, outputdir, outputname, qn_flag=False, sq_flag=False, abs_flag=False, zcomb_flag=False, qnp_model_file=None, squeze_model_file=None): """Writes the zcat structured array out as a FITS file. Parameters ---------- zcat : :class:`~numpy.array` The structured array that was created by make_new_zcat() outputdir : :class:`str` The directory where the zcat file will be written. outputname : :class:`str` The filename of the zqso output file. qn_flag : :class:`bool` Flag if QuasarNP data (or not) was added to the zcat file. sq_flag : :class:`bool` Flag if SQUEzE data (or not) was added to the zcat file. abs_flag : :class:`bool` Flag if MgII Absorption data (or not) was added to the zcat file. zcomb_flag : :class:`bool` Flag if a combined redshift (or not) was added to the zcat file. qnp_model_file : :class:`str`, optional File from which the QuasarNP model was loaded. Written to the output header. squeze_model_file : :class:`str`, optional File from which the SQUEzE model was loaded. Written to the output header. Returns ------- :class:`str` The filename, with path, of the FITS file written out. """ tmark(' Creating output file...') # ADM create the necessary output directory, if it doesn't exist. os.makedirs(outputdir, exist_ok=True) # ADM construct the fill filename. full_outputname = os.path.join(outputdir, outputname) # ADM create the header and add the standard DESI dependencies. hdr = {} add_dependencies(hdr) add_dependencies(hdr, module_names=['quasarnp', ]) # ADM add the specific lyazcat dependencies hdr['QN_ADDED'] = qn_flag hdr['SQ_ADDED'] = sq_flag hdr['AB_ADDED'] = abs_flag hdr['ZC_ADDED'] = zcomb_flag if qn_flag: hdr['QNMODFIL'] = qnp_model_file if sq_flag: hdr['SQMODFIL'] = squeze_model_file # ADM write out the data to the full file name. write_with_units(full_outputname, zcat, extname='QSOZCAT', header=hdr) return full_outputname
[docs]def create_zcat(zcatdir, outputdir, tile=None, night=None, petal_num=None, qn_flag=False, qnp_model=None, qnp_model_file=None, qnp_lines=None, qnp_lines_bal=None, sq_flag=False, squeze_model=None, squeze_model_file=None, abs_flag=False, zcomb_flag=False): """This will create a single zqso file from a set of user inputs. Parameters ---------- zcatdir : :class:`str` If any of `tile`, `night` or `petal_num` are ``None``: The name of a redrock `zbest` file. If none of `tile`, `night` and `petal_num` are ``None``: The root directory from which to read `zbest` and `coadd` spectro files. The full directory is constructed as `zcatdir` + `tile` + `night`, with files zbest-/coadd-`petal_num`*`night`.fits. outputdir : :class:`str` If any of `tile`, `night` or `petal_num` are ``None``: The name of an output file. If none of `tile`, `night` and `petal_num` are ``None``: The output directory to which to write the output file. The full directory is constructed as `outputdir` + `tile` + `night`, with file zqso-`petal_num`*`night`.fits. tile : :class:`str` The TILEID of the tile to process. night : :class:`str` The date associated with the observation of the 'tile' used. * Must be in YYYYMMDD format petal_num : :class:`int` If 'all_petals' isn't used, the single petal to create a zcat for. qn_flag : :class:`bool`, optional Flag to add QuasarNP data (or not) to the zcat file. qnp_model : :class:`h5 array`, optional The QuasarNP model file to be used for line predictions. qnp_model_file : :class:`str`, optional File from which to load the QuasarNP model (`qnp_model`), `qnp_lines` and `qnp_lines_bal` if `qnp_model` is ``None``. Also written to the output header of the zqso file. qnp_lines : :class:`list`, optional The list of lines to use in the QuasarNP model to test against. qnp_lines_bal : :class:`list`, optional The list of BAL lines to use for QuasarNP to identify BALs. sq_flag : :class:`bool`, optional Flag to add SQUEzE data (or not) to the zcat file. squeze_model : :class:`numpy.array`, optional The numpy array for the SQUEzE model file. squeze_model_file : :class:`str`, optional File from which to load the SQUEzE model if `squeze_model` is ``None``. Also written to the output header of the zqso file. abs_flag : :class:`bool`, optional Flag to add MgII Absorption data (or not) to the zcat file. zcomb_flag : :class:`bool`, optional Flag if a combined redshift (or not) was added to the zcat file. Notes ----- - Writes a FITS catalog that incorporates redrock, and a range of afterburner redshifts and confidence values. This will write to the same directory of the zbest and coadd files unless a different output directory is passed. """ # ADM load the model files, if needed. if qn_flag and qnp_model is None: tmark(' Loading QuasarNP Model file and lines of interest') qnp_model, qnp_lines, qnp_lines_bal = load_qn_model(qnp_model_file) tmark(' QNP model file loaded') if sq_flag and squeze_model is None: tmark(' Loading SQUEzE Model file') sq_model = load_sq_model(squeze_model_file) tmark(' Model file loaded') # ADM simply read/write files if tile/night/petal_num not specified. if tile is None or night is None or petal_num is None: zbestfn = zcatdir coaddfn = zbestfn.replace("zbest", "coadd") outputdir, outputname = os.path.split(outputdir) # EBL Create the filepath for the input tile/night combination else: tiledir = os.path.join(zcatdir, tile) ymdir = os.path.join(tiledir, night) # ADM Create the corresponding output directory. outputdir = os.path.join(outputdir, tile, night) # EBL Create the filename tag that appends to zbest-*, coadd-*, # and zqso-* files. filename_tag = f'{petal_num}-{tile}-{night}.fits' # ADM try a couple of generic options for the file names. if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ymdir, f'zbest-{filename_tag}')): filename_tag = f'{petal_num}-{tile}-thru{night}.fits' zbestname = f'zbest-{filename_tag}' coaddname = f'coadd-{filename_tag}' outputname = f'zqso-{filename_tag}' zbestfn = os.path.join(ymdir, zbestname) coaddfn = os.path.join(ymdir, coaddname) zcat = make_new_zcat(zbestfn, qn_flag, sq_flag, abs_flag, zcomb_flag) if isinstance(zcat, bool):'Petal Number has no corresponding zbest file: {}'.format(zbestfn)) if not os.path.isdir(ymdir): msg = "Directory doesn't exist: {}".format(ymdir) log.error(msg) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) else: if qn_flag: zcat = add_qn_data(zcat, coaddfn, qnp_model, qnp_lines, qnp_lines_bal) if sq_flag: zcat = add_sq_data(zcat, coaddfn, squeze_model) if abs_flag: zcat = add_abs_data(zcat, coaddfn) if zcomb_flag: zcat = zcomb_selector(zcat) full_outputname = zcat_writer(zcat, outputdir, outputname, qn_flag, sq_flag, abs_flag, zcomb_flag, qnp_model_file, squeze_model_file) tmark(' --{} written out correctly.'.format(full_outputname))'='*79)