Source code for

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Build truth and targets catalogs, including spectra, for the mocks.

import os, time
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp

from astropy.table import vstack, Table

from desimodel.footprint import radec2pix

[docs]def initialize_targets_truth(params, healpixels=None, nside=None, output_dir='.', seed=None, verbose=False): """Initialize various objects needed to generate mock targets. Parameters ---------- params : :class:`dict` Dictionary defining the mock from which to generate targets. healpixels : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`int` Generate mock targets within this set of healpix pixels. nside : :class:`int` Healpix resolution corresponding to healpixels. output_dir : :class:`str`, optional. Output directory. Defaults to '.' (current directory). seed: :class:`int`, optional Seed for the random number generator. Defaults to None. verbose: :class:`bool`, optional Be verbose. Defaults to False. Returns ------- log : :class:`desiutil.logger` Logger object. healpixseeds : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`int` Array of random number seeds (one per healpixels pixel) needed to ensure reproducibility. Raises ------ ValueError If params, healpixels, or nside are not defined. A ValueError is also raised if nside > 256, since this exceeds the number of bits that can be accommodated by desitarget.targets.encode_targetid. """ from desiutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG if params is None: log.fatal('PARAMS input is required.') raise ValueError if healpixels is None: log.fatal('HEALPIXELS input is required.') raise ValueError if nside is None: log.fatal('NSIDE input is required.') raise ValueError if nside > 256: log.warning('NSIDE = {} exceeds the number of bits available for BRICKID in targets.encode_targetid.') raise ValueError if verbose: log = get_logger(DEBUG) else: log = get_logger() npix = len(np.atleast_1d(healpixels)) # Initialize the random seed rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) healpixseeds = rand.randint(2**31, size=npix) # Create the output directories if os.path.exists(output_dir): if os.listdir(output_dir): log.warning('Output directory {} is not empty.'.format(output_dir)) else:'Creating directory {}'.format(output_dir)) os.makedirs(output_dir)'Writing to output directory {}'.format(output_dir)) areaperpix = hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True)'Processing {} healpixel(s) (nside = {}, {:.3f} deg2/pixel) spanning {:.3f} deg2.'.format( len(healpixels), nside, areaperpix, npix * areaperpix)) return log, healpixseeds
[docs]def read_mock(params, log=None, target_name='', seed=None, healpixels=None, nside=None, nside_chunk=128, MakeMock=None, dndz=None): """Read a mock catalog. Parameters ---------- params : :class:`dict` Dictionary summary of the input configuration file, restricted to a particular target (e.g., 'QSO'). log : :class:`desiutil.logger` Logger object. target_name : :class:`str` Target name; mock.mockmaker.[TARGET_NAME]Maker class to instantiate. seed: :class:`int`, optional Seed for the random number generator. Defaults to None. healpixels : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or `int` List of healpixels to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpix resolution corresponding to healpixels. nside_chunk : :class:`int`, optional Healpix resolution for chunking the sample to avoid memory problems. (NB: nside_chunk must be <= nside). Defaults to 128. dndz : :class:`dict`, optional Expected redshift distributions for all target classes. Defaults to None. Returns ------- data : :class:`dict` Parsed target data based on the input mock catalog (to be documented). Raises ------ ValueError If the mock_density was not returned when expected. """ from desitarget.mock import mockmaker target_type = params.get('target_type') mockfile = params.get('mockfile') mockformat = params.get('format') magcut = params.get('magcut') nside_galaxia = params.get('nside_galaxia') calib_only = params.get('calib_only', False) # QSO/Lya parameters nside_lya = params.get('nside_lya') zmin_lya = params.get('zmin_lya') zmax_qso = params.get('zmax_qso') use_simqso = params.get('use_simqso', True) sqmodel = params.get('sqmodel','default') balprob = params.get('balprob', 0.0) add_dla = params.get('add_dla', False) add_metals = params.get('add_metals', False) add_lyb = params.get('add_lyb', False) if 'density' in params.keys(): mock_density = True else: mock_density = False'Target: {}, type: {}, format: {}, mockfile: {}'.format( target_name, target_type, mockformat, mockfile)) if MakeMock is None: MakeMock = getattr(mockmaker, '{}Maker'.format(target_name))( seed=seed, nside_chunk=nside_chunk, calib_only=calib_only, use_simqso=use_simqso, sqmodel=sqmodel, balprob=balprob, add_dla=add_dla, add_metals=add_metals, add_lyb=add_lyb) else: MakeMock.seed = seed # updated seed data =, mockformat=mockformat, healpixels=healpixels, nside=nside, magcut=magcut, nside_lya=nside_lya, zmin_lya=zmin_lya, zmax_qso=zmax_qso, nside_galaxia=nside_galaxia, mock_density=mock_density) if not bool(data): return data, MakeMock # Add the information we need to incorporate density fluctuations. if 'density' in params.keys(): if 'MOCK_DENSITY' not in data.keys(): log.warning('Expected mock_density value not found!') raise ValueError data['DENSITY'] = params['density'] # Note: the tracer and Lya QSO target densities are defined relative to # a z=2.1 redshift cut-off which, in general, is different from the # cut-offs defined in the select_mock_targets parameter file (typically # ZMAX_QSO and ZMIN_LYA). So we need to adjust the desired target # densities here by the appropriate ratio given by the desired redshift # distribution. if target_type == 'QSO' and target_type in dndz.keys(): zbins = np.arange(0, 5, 0.1) qsodndz = np.interp(zbins, dndz[target_type]['z'], dndz[target_type]['dndz'], left=0, right=0) qsodndz *= np.sum(dndz[target_type]['dndz']) / np.sum(qsodndz) if target_name == 'QSO' and 'zmax_qso' in params.keys(): extrafactor = np.sum(qsodndz[zbins <= params['zmax_qso']]) / np.sum(qsodndz[zbins <= 2.1]) if target_name == 'LYA' and 'zmin_lya' in params.keys(): extrafactor = np.sum(qsodndz[zbins >= params['zmin_lya']]) / np.sum(qsodndz[zbins >= 2.1])'Density adjustment factor for target type {}: {:.3f}.'.format(target_name, extrafactor)) else: extrafactor = 1.0 data['DENSITY_FACTOR'] = extrafactor * data['DENSITY'] / data['MOCK_DENSITY'] if data['DENSITY_FACTOR'] > 1: log.warning('Density factor {} should not be > 1!'.format(data['DENSITY_FACTOR'])) data['DENSITY_FACTOR'] = 1.0 data['MAXITER'] = 5'Computed median mock density for {}s of {:.2f} targets/deg2.'.format( target_name, data['MOCK_DENSITY']))'Target density = {:.2f} targets/deg2 (downsampling factor = {:.3f}).'.format( data['DENSITY'], data['DENSITY_FACTOR'])) else: data['DENSITY_FACTOR'] = 1.0 # keep them all data['MAXITER'] = 1 return data, MakeMock
[docs]def _get_spectra_onepixel(specargs): """Filler function for the multiprocessing.""" return get_spectra_onepixel(*specargs)
#def get_spectra_onepixel(data):
[docs]def get_spectra_onepixel(data, indx, MakeMock, seed, log, ntarget, maxiter=1, no_spectra=False, calib_only=False): """Wrapper function to generate spectra for all targets on a single healpixel. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Dictionary with all the mock data (candidate mock targets). indx : :class:`int` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` Indices of candidate mock targets to consider. MakeMock : :class:`desitarget.mock.mockmaker` object Object to assign spectra to each target class. seed: :class:`int` Seed for the random number generator. log : :class:`desiutil.logger` Logger object. ntarget : :class:`int` Desired number of targets to generate. maxiter : :class:`int` Maximum number of iterations to generate targets. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not generate spectra, e.g., for use with quicksurvey. Defaults to False. calib_only : :class:`bool`, optional Use targets as calibration (standard star) targets, only. Defaults to False. Returns ------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. objtruth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding objtype-specific truth table (if applicable). trueflux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array [npixel, ntarget] of observed-frame spectra. Only computed and returned for non-sky targets and if no_spectra=False. """ targname = data['TARGET_NAME'] rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) targets = list() truth = list() objtruth = list() trueflux = list() if ntarget == 0: return [targets, truth, objtruth, trueflux] # Generate the spectra iteratively until we achieve the required target # density. Randomly divide the possible targets into each iteration. iterseeds = rand.randint(2**31, size=maxiter) rand.shuffle(indx) iterindx = np.array_split(indx, maxiter) makemore, itercount, ntot = True, 0, 0 while makemore: chunkflux, _, chunktargets, chunktruth, chunkobjtruth = MakeMock.make_spectra( data, indx=iterindx[itercount], seed=iterseeds[itercount], no_spectra=no_spectra) MakeMock.select_targets(chunktargets, chunktruth, targetname=data['TARGET_NAME']) keep = np.where(chunktargets['DESI_TARGET'] != 0)[0] #if 'CONTAM_NAME' in data.keys(): # import pdb ; pdb.set_trace() nkeep = len(keep) if nkeep > 0: ntot += nkeep log.debug('Generated {} / {} ({} / {} total) {} targets on iteration {} / {}.'.format( nkeep, len(chunktargets), ntot, ntarget, targname, itercount+1, maxiter)) targets.append(chunktargets[keep]) truth.append(chunktruth[keep]) if len(chunkobjtruth) > 0: # skies have no objtruth objtruth.append(chunkobjtruth[keep]) if not no_spectra: trueflux.append(chunkflux[keep, :]) itercount += 1 if itercount == maxiter or ntot >= ntarget: if maxiter > 1: log.debug('Generated {} / {} {} targets after {} iterations.'.format( ntot, ntarget, targname, itercount)) makemore = False else: need = np.where(chunktargets['DESI_TARGET'] == 0)[0] #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #noneed = np.where(chunktargets['DESI_TARGET'] != 0)[0] #gr = -2.5 * np.log10( chunktargets['FLUX_G'] / chunktargets['FLUX_R'] ) #rz = -2.5 * np.log10( chunktargets['FLUX_R'] / chunktargets['FLUX_Z'] ) #plt.scatter(rz[noneed], gr[noneed], color='red', alpha=0.5, edgecolor='none', label='Made Cuts') #plt.scatter(rz[need], gr[need], alpha=0.5, color='green', edgecolor='none', label='Failed Cuts') #plt.legend(loc='upper left') if len(need) > 0: # Distribute the objects that didn't pass target selection # to the remaining iterations. iterneed = np.array_split(iterindx[itercount - 1][need], maxiter - itercount) for ii in range(maxiter - itercount): iterindx[ii + itercount] = np.hstack( (iterindx[itercount:][ii], iterneed[ii]) ) if len(targets) > 0: targets = vstack(targets) truth = vstack(truth) if ntot > ntarget: # Only keep up to the number of desired targets. log.debug('Removing {} extraneous targets.'.format(ntot - ntarget)) keep = rand.choice(ntot, size=ntarget, replace=False) targets = targets[keep] truth = truth[keep] if len(objtruth) > 0: # skies have no objtruth objtruth = vstack(objtruth) if ntot > ntarget: objtruth = objtruth[keep] if not no_spectra: trueflux = np.concatenate(trueflux) if ntot > ntarget: trueflux = trueflux[keep, :] return [targets, truth, objtruth, trueflux]
[docs]def density_fluctuations(data, log, nside, nside_chunk, seed=None): """Determine the density of targets to generate, accounting for fluctuations due to reddening, imaging systematics, and large-scale structure. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Data on the input mock targets (to be documented). log : :class:`desiutil.logger` Logger object. nside : :class:`int` Healpix resolution. nside_chunk : :class:`int` Healpix resolution for chunking the sample. seed: :class:`int`, optional Seed for the random number generator. Defaults to None. Returns ------- indxperchunk : :class:`list` Indices (in data) of the mock targets to generate per healpixel chunk. ntargperchunk : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Number of targets to generate per healpixel chunk. areaperpixel : :class:`float` Area per healpixel (used to construct useful log messages). """ rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) ## Fluctuations model coefficients from -- ## #model = dict() #model['LRG'] = (0.27216, 2.631, 0.145) # slope, intercept, and scatter #model['ELG'] = (-0.55792, 3.380, 0.081) #model['QSO'] = (0.33321, 3.249, 0.112) #coeff = model.get(data['TARGET_NAME']) # Chunk each healpixel into a smaller set of healpixels, for # parallelization. if nside >= nside_chunk: log.warning('Nside must be <= nside_chunk.') nside_chunk = nside areaperpixel = hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True) areaperchunk = hp.nside2pixarea(nside_chunk, degrees=True) nchunk = 4**int(np.log2(nside_chunk) - np.log2(nside))'Dividing each nside={} healpixel ({:.2f} deg2) into {} nside={} healpixel(s) ({:.2f} deg2).'.format( nside, areaperpixel, nchunk, nside_chunk, areaperchunk)) # Assign targets to healpix chunks. #ntarget = len(data['RA']) healpix_chunk = radec2pix(nside_chunk, data['RA'], data['DEC']) #if 'CONTAM_FACTOR' in data.keys(): # # density model here! # density_factor = data.get('CONTAM_FACTOR') #else: # density_factor = data.get('DENSITY_FACTOR') density_factor = data.get('DENSITY_FACTOR') indxperchunk, ntargperchunk = list(), list() for pixchunk in set(healpix_chunk): # Subsample the targets on this mini healpixel. allindxthispix = np.where( np.in1d(healpix_chunk, pixchunk)*1 )[0] if 'CONTAM_NUMBER' in data.keys(): ntargthispix = np.round( data['CONTAM_NUMBER'] / nchunk ).astype(int) indxthispix = rand.choice(allindxthispix, size=5 * ntargthispix, replace=False) # fudge factor! else: ntargthispix = np.round( len(allindxthispix) * density_factor ).astype('int') indxthispix = allindxthispix #indxthispix = rand.choice(allindxthispix, size=ntargthispix, replace=False) indxperchunk.append(indxthispix) ntargperchunk.append(ntargthispix) #print(pixchunk, ntargthispix, ntargthispix / areaperchunk) #if coeff: # # Number of targets in this chunk, based on the fluctuations model. # denschunk = density * 10**( np.polyval(coeff[:2], data['EBV'][indx]) - np.polyval(coeff[:2], 0) + # rand.normal(scale=coeff[2]) ) # [ntarget/deg2] # ntarg = np.rint( np.median(denschunk) * areaperchunk ).astype('int') # [ntarget] # ntargetperchunk.append(ntarg) #else: # # Divide the targets evenly among chunks. # ntargetperchunk = np.repeat(np.round(ntarget / nchunk).astype('int'), nchunk) ntargperchunk = np.array(ntargperchunk) # Special case when the number of targets is very small. if np.sum(ntargperchunk) == 0: ntargperchunk[0] = np.round( len(data['RA']) * density_factor ).astype('int') return indxperchunk, ntargperchunk, areaperpixel
[docs]def get_spectra(data, MakeMock, log, nside, nside_chunk, seed=None, nproc=1, sky=False, no_spectra=False, calib_only=False, contaminants=False): """Generate spectra (in parallel) for a set of targets. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Data on the input mock targets (to be documented). MakeMock : :class:`desitarget.mock.mockmaker` object Object to assign spectra to each target class. log : :class:`desiutil.logger` Logger object. nside : :class:`int` Healpix resolution corresponding to healpixels. nside_chunk : :class:`int` Healpix resolution for chunking the sample to avoid memory problems. seed: :class:`int`, optional Seed for the random number generator. Defaults to None. nproc : :class:`int`, optional Number of parallel processes to use. Defaults to 1. sky : :class:`bool` Processing sky targets (which are a special case). Defaults to False. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not generate spectra, e.g., for use with quicksurvey. Defaults to False. calib_only : :class:`bool`, optional Use targets as calibration (standard star) targets, only. Defaults to False. contaminants : :class:`bool`, optional Generate spectra for contaminants (mostly affects the log messages). Defaults to False. Returns ------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. objtruth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding objtype-specific truth table (if applicable). trueflux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding noiseless spectra. """ from time import time #import multiprocessing from desitarget.internal import sharedmem # Parallelize by chunking the sample into smaller healpixels and # determine the number of targets per chunk. indxperchunk, ntargperchunk, area = density_fluctuations( data, log, nside=nside, nside_chunk=nside_chunk, seed=seed) maxiter = data.get('MAXITER') nchunk = len(indxperchunk) nalltarget = np.sum(ntargperchunk) if contaminants:'Goal: Generate spectra for {} {} is {} contaminants ({:.2f} / deg2).'.format( nalltarget, data['TARGET_NAME'], data['CONTAM_NAME'], nalltarget / area)) else:'Goal: Generate spectra for {} {} targets ({:.2f} / deg2).'.format( nalltarget, data['TARGET_NAME'], nalltarget / area)) rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) chunkseeds = rand.randint(2**31, size=nchunk) # Set up the multiprocessing. specargs = list() for indx, ntarg, chunkseed in zip( indxperchunk, ntargperchunk, chunkseeds ): if len(indx) > 0: specargs.append( (data, indx, MakeMock, chunkseed, log, ntarg, maxiter, no_spectra, calib_only) ) nn = np.zeros((), dtype='i8') t0 = time() def _update_spectra_status(result): """Status update.""" if nn % 2 == 0 and nn > 0: rate = (time() - t0) / nn log.debug('Healpixel chunk {} / {} ({:.1f} sec / chunk)'.format(nn, nchunk, rate)) nn[...] += 1 # in-place modification return result if nproc > 1: with sharedmem.MapReduce(np=nproc) as pool: results =, specargs, reduce=_update_spectra_status) else: results = list() for args in specargs: results.append( _update_spectra_status( _get_spectra_onepixel(args) ) ) #if nproc > 1: # with multiprocessing.Pool(nproc) as P: # results =, specargs) #else: # results = list() # for args in specargs: # results.append(_get_spectra_onepixel(args)) ttime = time() - t0 # Unpack the results and return; note that sky targets are a special case. results = list(zip(*results)) targets, truth, objtruth, good = [], [], [], [] for ii, (targ, tru, objtru) in enumerate( zip(results[0], results[1], results[2]) ): if len(targ) != len(tru): log.warning('Mismatching targets and truth tables!') raise ValueError if len(targ) > 0: good.append(ii) targets.append(targ) truth.append(tru) if len(objtru) > 0: # skies have no objtruth if len(targ) != len(objtru): log.warning('Mismatching targets and objtruth tables!') raise ValueError objtruth.append(objtru) if len(targets) > 0: targets = vstack(targets) truth = vstack(truth) if len(objtruth) > 0: # skies have no objtruth objtruth = vstack(objtruth) good = np.array(good) if sky: trueflux = [] else: if no_spectra: trueflux = [] else: if len(good) > 0: trueflux = np.concatenate(np.array(results[3], dtype=object)[good]) else: trueflux = [] if contaminants:'Done: Generated spectra for {} {} is {} targets ({:.2f} / deg2).'.format( len(targets), data['TARGET_NAME'], data['CONTAM_NAME'], len(targets) / area))'Total time for {} is {}s = {:.3f} minutes ({:.3f} cpu minutes/deg2).'.format( data['TARGET_NAME'], data['CONTAM_NAME'], ttime / 60, (ttime*nproc) / area )) else:'Done: Generated spectra for {} {} targets ({:.2f} / deg2).'.format( len(targets), data['TARGET_NAME'], len(targets) / area))'Total time for {}s = {:.3f} minutes ({:.3f} cpu minutes/deg2).'.format( data['TARGET_NAME'], ttime / 60, (ttime*nproc) / area )) return targets, truth, objtruth, trueflux
[docs]def get_contaminants_onepixel(params, healpix, nside, seed, nproc, log, nside_chunk, targets, truth, objtruth, trueflux, ContamStarsMock=None, ContamGalaxiesMock=None, no_spectra=False): """Generate spectra (in parallel) for a set of targets. Parameters ---------- params : :class:`dict` Dictionary defining the type and number of contaminants. healpix : : :class:`int` Healpixel number. nside : :class:`int` Nside corresponding to healpix. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for the random number generation. nproc : :class:`int`, optional Number of parallel processes to use. log : :class:`desiutil.logger` Logger object. nside_chunk : :class:`int` Healpix resolution for chunking the sample to avoid memory problems. targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. objtruth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding objtype-specific truth table (if applicable). trueflux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array [npixel, ntarget] of observed-frame spectra. Only computed and returned for non-sky targets and if no_spectra=False. ContamStarsMock : :class:`desitarget.mock.mockmaker` object Maker Class for generating stellar contaminants. ContamGalaxiesMock : :class:`desitarget.mock.mockmaker` object Maker Class for generating extragalactic contaminants. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not generate spectra, e.g., for use with quicksurvey. Defaults to False. Returns ------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. objtruth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding objtype-specific truth table (if applicable). trueflux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding noiseless spectra. """ # Stars-- stars_targets, stars_truth = list(), list() if ContamStarsMock is not None: _, star_params = list(params['contaminants']['stars'].items())[0] # Read and cache the candidate stellar contaminants. if 'FAINTSTAR' in star_params: faintstar_mockfile = star_params['FAINTSTAR']['mockfile'] faintstar_magcut = star_params['FAINTSTAR'].get('magcut', None) else: faintstar_mockfile, faintstar_magcut = None, None star_data =['mockfile'], mockformat=star_params['format'], healpixels=healpix, nside=nside, magcut=star_params.get('magcut', None), nside_galaxia=star_params['nside_galaxia'], faintstar_mockfile=faintstar_mockfile, faintstar_magcut=faintstar_magcut, target_name='CONTAM_STAR', seed=seed) nobj = len(star_data['RA']) star_data['MAXITER'] = 5 star_data['CONTAM_FACTOR'] = 0.0 # Now iterate over every target class. for target_type in params['contaminants']['targets']: cparams = params['contaminants']['targets'][target_type] if target_type in params['targets'] and 'stars' in cparams.keys():'Generating {:.1f}% stellar contaminants for target class {}.'.format( 100*cparams['stars'], target_type)) # BGS have TYPE!=PSF so make the stellar contaminants TYPE=REX if target_type == 'BGS': morph = 'REX' mask_type = 'BGS_ANY' else: morph = None mask_type = target_type ntarg = np.sum(targets['DESI_TARGET'] & ContamStarsMock.desi_mask.mask(mask_type) != 0) if ntarg > 0: star_data['TARGET_NAME'] = target_type star_data['CONTAM_NAME'] = 'CONTAM_STAR' # ToDo: Modulate the contamination with Galactic latitude... star_data['CONTAM_NUMBER'] = np.round( cparams['stars'] * ntarg ).astype(int) star_data['CONTAM_FACTOR'] = cparams['stars'] * ntarg / len(star_data['RA']) # Sample from the appropriate Gaussian mixture model and # then generate the spectra. if target_type == 'LRG': mag = star_data['ZMAG'] else: mag = star_data['MAG'] gmmout = ContamStarsMock.sample_GMM(nobj, target=target_type, morph=morph, isouth=star_data['SOUTH'], seed=seed, prior_mag=mag) star_data.update(gmmout) contamtargets, contamtruth, contamobjtruth, contamtrueflux = get_spectra( star_data, ContamStarsMock, log, nside=nside, nside_chunk=nside_chunk, seed=seed, nproc=nproc, no_spectra=no_spectra, contaminants=True) if len(contamtargets) > 0: stars_targets.append(contamtargets) stars_truth.append(contamtruth) if 'STAR' in objtruth.keys(): objtruth['STAR'] = vstack( (objtruth['STAR'], contamobjtruth) ) else: objtruth['STAR'] = contamobjtruth trueflux = np.vstack( (trueflux, contamtrueflux) ) if len(stars_targets) > 0: stars_targets = vstack(stars_targets) stars_truth = vstack(stars_truth) # Galaxies-- galaxies_targets, galaxies_truth = list(), list() if ContamGalaxiesMock is not None: _, galaxy_params = list(params['contaminants']['galaxies'].items())[0] galaxy_data =['mockfile'], mockformat=galaxy_params['format'], healpixels=healpix, nside=nside, magcut=galaxy_params.get('magcut', None), nside_galaxia=galaxy_params['nside_buzzard'], target_name='CONTAM_GALAXY', seed=seed) nobj = len(galaxy_data['RA']) galaxy_data['MAXITER'] = 5 galaxy_data['CONTAM_FACTOR'] = 0.0 # fraction of candidate contaminants to keep # Now iterate over every target class. for target_type in params['contaminants']['targets']: cparams = params['contaminants']['targets'][target_type] if target_type in params['targets'] and 'galaxies' in cparams.keys():'Generating {:.1f}% extragalactic contaminants for target class {}.'.format( 100*cparams['galaxies'], target_type)) morph = None mask_type = target_type ntarg = np.sum(targets['DESI_TARGET'] & ContamGalaxiesMock.desi_mask.mask(mask_type) != 0) if ntarg > 0: galaxy_data['TARGET_NAME'] = target_type galaxy_data['CONTAM_NAME'] = 'CONTAM_GALAXY' # ToDo: Modulate the contamination fraction... galaxy_data['CONTAM_NUMBER'] = np.round( cparams['galaxies'] * ntarg ).astype(int) galaxy_data['CONTAM_FACTOR'] = cparams['galaxies'] * ntarg / len(galaxy_data['RA']) # Sample from the appropriate Gaussian mixture model and # then generate the spectra. if target_type == 'LRG': mag = galaxy_data['ZMAG'] else: mag = galaxy_data['MAG'] gmmout = ContamGalaxiesMock.sample_GMM(nobj, target=target_type, morph=morph, isouth=galaxy_data['SOUTH'], seed=seed, prior_mag=mag) galaxy_data.update(gmmout) contamtargets, contamtruth, contamobjtruth, contamtrueflux = get_spectra( galaxy_data, ContamGalaxiesMock, log, nside=nside, nside_chunk=nside_chunk, seed=seed, nproc=nproc, no_spectra=no_spectra, contaminants=True) if len(contamtargets) > 0: galaxies_targets.append(contamtargets) galaxies_truth.append(contamtruth) # We use BGS spectral templates as contaminants. if 'BGS' in objtruth.keys(): objtruth['BGS'] = vstack( (objtruth['BGS'], contamobjtruth) ) else: objtruth['BGS'] = contamobjtruth trueflux = np.vstack( (trueflux, contamtrueflux) ) if len(galaxies_targets) > 0: galaxies_targets = vstack(galaxies_targets) galaxies_truth = vstack(galaxies_truth) # Now merge all the contaminants into the output targets catalog. if len(stars_targets) > 0: targets = vstack( (targets, stars_targets) ) truth = vstack( (truth, stars_truth) ) if len(galaxies_targets) > 0: targets = vstack( (targets, galaxies_targets) ) truth = vstack( (truth, galaxies_truth) ) return targets, truth, objtruth, trueflux
[docs]def targets_truth(params, healpixels=None, nside=None, output_dir='.', seed=None, nproc=1, nside_chunk=128, survey='main', verbose=False, no_spectra=False): """Generate truth and targets catalogs, and noiseless spectra. Parameters ---------- params : :class:`dict` Target parameters. healpixels : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`int` Restrict the sample of mock targets analyzed to those lying inside this set (array) of healpix pixels. nside : :class:`int` Healpix resolution corresponding to healpixels. output_dir : :class:`str`, optional Output directory. Defaults to '.' (current directory). seed : :class:`int` Seed for the random number generation. Defaults to None. nproc : :class:`int`, optional Number of parallel processes to use. Defaults to 1 (i.e., no multiprocessing). nside_chunk : :class:`int`, optional Healpix resolution for chunking the sample to avoid memory problems. (NB: nside_chunk must be <= nside). Defaults to 128. survey : :class:`str`, optional Specify which target masks yaml file to use. The options are `main` (main survey) and `sv1` (first iteration of SV). Defaults to `main`. verbose : :class:`bool`, optional Be verbose. Defaults to False. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not generate spectra, e.g., for use with quicksurvey. Returns ------- Files 'targets.fits', 'truth.fits', 'sky.fits', 'standards-dark.fits', and 'standards-bright.fits' written to output_dir for the given list of healpixels. """ from desitarget.mock import mockmaker from desitarget.QA import _load_dndz from import write_targets, write_skies, find_target_files #import as mockio log, healpixseeds = initialize_targets_truth( params, verbose=verbose, seed=seed, nside=nside, output_dir=output_dir, healpixels=healpixels) dndz = _load_dndz() # Read (and cache) the MockMaker classes we need.'Initializing and caching all MockMaker classes.') AllMakeMock = [] for target_name in sorted(params['targets'].keys()): target_type = params['targets'][target_name].get('target_type') calib_only = params['targets'][target_name].get('calib_only', False) use_simqso = params['targets'][target_name].get('use_simqso', True) sqmodel=params['targets'][target_name].get('sqmodel', 'default') balprob = params['targets'][target_name].get('balprob', 0.0) add_dla = params['targets'][target_name].get('add_dla', False) add_metals = params['targets'][target_name].get('add_metals', False) add_lyb = params['targets'][target_name].get('add_lyb', False) AllMakeMock.append(getattr(mockmaker, '{}Maker'.format(target_name))( seed=seed, nside_chunk=nside_chunk, calib_only=calib_only, use_simqso=use_simqso, sqmodel=sqmodel, balprob=balprob, add_dla=add_dla, add_metals=add_metals, add_lyb=add_lyb, no_spectra=no_spectra, survey=survey)) # Are we adding contaminants? If so, cache the relevant classes here. if 'contaminants' in params.keys(): if 'stars' in params['contaminants']:'Initializing and caching MockMaker class for stellar contaminants.') if len(params['contaminants']['stars'].keys()) > 1: log.fatal('Multiple stellar contamination classes are not supported!') raise ValueError star_name, _ = list(params['contaminants']['stars'].items())[0] ContamStarsMock = getattr(mockmaker, '{}Maker'.format(star_name))( seed=seed, nside_chunk=nside_chunk, no_spectra=no_spectra, survey=survey) else: ContamStarsMock = None if 'galaxies' in params['contaminants']:'Initializing and caching MockMaker class for extragalactic contaminants.') if len(params['contaminants']['galaxies'].keys()) > 1: log.fatal('Multiple stellar contamination classes are not supported!') raise ValueError galaxies_name, _ = list(params['contaminants']['galaxies'].items())[0] ContamGalaxiesMock = getattr(mockmaker, '{}Maker'.format(galaxies_name))( seed=seed, nside_chunk=nside_chunk, no_spectra=no_spectra, target_name='CONTAM_GALAXY', survey=survey) else: ContamGalaxiesMock = None # Loop over each source / object type. for healpix, healseed in zip(healpixels, healpixseeds):'Working on healpixel {}'.format(healpix)) alltargets = list() alltruth = list() allobjtruth = dict() alltrueflux = list() allskytargets = list() allskytruth = list() for ii, target_name in enumerate(sorted(params['targets'].keys())): targets, truth, skytargets, skytruth = [], [], [], [] # Read the data and ithere are no targets, keep going.'Working on target class {} on healpixel {}'.format(target_name, healpix)) data, MakeMock = read_mock(params['targets'][target_name], log, target_name, seed=healseed, healpixels=healpix, nside=nside, nside_chunk=nside_chunk, MakeMock=AllMakeMock[ii], dndz=dndz) if not bool(data): continue # Generate targets in parallel; SKY targets are special. target_type = params['targets'][target_name]['target_type'].upper() sky = target_type == 'SKY' calib_only = params['targets'][target_name].get('calib_only', False) targets, truth, objtruth, trueflux = get_spectra(data, MakeMock, log, nside=nside, nside_chunk=nside_chunk, seed=healseed, nproc=nproc, sky=sky, no_spectra=no_spectra, calib_only=calib_only) del data if sky: allskytargets.append(targets) allskytruth.append(truth) else: if len(targets) > 0: alltargets.append(targets) alltruth.append(truth) if target_type in allobjtruth.keys(): # e.g., QSO allobjtruth[target_type] = vstack( (allobjtruth[target_type], objtruth) ) else: allobjtruth[target_type] = objtruth alltrueflux.append(trueflux) if len(alltargets) == 0 and len(allskytargets) == 0: # all done continue # Pack it all together and then add some final columns. if len(alltargets) > 0: targets = vstack(alltargets) truth = vstack(alltruth) objtruth = allobjtruth trueflux = np.concatenate(alltrueflux) else: targets = [] if len(allskytargets) > 0: skytargets = vstack(allskytargets) skytruth = vstack(allskytruth) else: skytargets = [] # Now add contaminants. Should probably push this to its own function. if len(targets) > 0 and 'contaminants' in params.keys():'Working on contaminants.') targets, truth, objtruth, trueflux = get_contaminants_onepixel( params, healpix, nside, healseed, nproc, log, nside_chunk, targets, truth, objtruth, trueflux, no_spectra=no_spectra, ContamStarsMock=ContamStarsMock, ContamGalaxiesMock=ContamGalaxiesMock) # Finish up. targets, truth, objtruth, skytargets, skytruth = finish_catalog( targets, truth, objtruth, skytargets, skytruth, healpix, nside, log, seed=healseed, survey=survey) # Finally, write the results to disk separately for bright- and # dark-time targets. #outdir = mockio.get_healpix_dir(nside, healpix, basedir=output_dir) #os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) nobj, nsky = len(targets), len(skytargets) if nobj > 0: for obscon in ['BRIGHT', 'DARK']: mockdata = {'truth': truth, 'objtruth': objtruth, 'seed': healseed, 'truewave': MakeMock.wave, 'trueflux': trueflux} ntargs, outfile = write_targets(output_dir, targets.as_array(), resolve=True, obscon=obscon, survey=survey, nside=nside, nsidefile=nside, hpxlist=healpix, nchunks=None, qso_selection='colorcuts', mockdata=mockdata)'{} targets written to {}'.format(ntargs, outfile)) skyfile = find_target_files(output_dir, flavor='sky', nside=nside, hp=healpix, mock=True) if nsky > 0:'Writing {} SKY targets to {}'.format(nsky, skyfile)) write_skies(output_dir, skytargets.as_array(), nside=nside, nsidefile=nside, hpxlist=healpix, mock=True) else:'No SKY targets generated; {} not written.'.format(skyfile))' Sky file {} not written.'.format(skyfile))
[docs]def finish_catalog(targets, truth, objtruth, skytargets, skytruth, healpix, nside, log, seed=None, survey='main'): """Add various mission-critical columns to the target catalog, including hpxpixel, brick_objid, targetid, subpriority, priority, and numobs. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Final set of targets. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table for targets. objtruth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding objtype-specific truth table (if applicable). skytargets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Sky targets. skytruth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table for sky targets. healpix : : :class:`int` Healpixel number. nside : :class:`int` Nside corresponding to healpix. log : :class:`desiutil.logger` Logger object. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for the random number generation. Defaults to None. survey : :class:`str`, optional Specify which target masks yaml file to use. The options are `main` (main survey) and `sv1` (first iteration of SV). Defaults to `main`. Returns ------- Updated versions of targets, truth, objtruth, skytargets, and skytruth. """ from desitarget.targets import encode_targetid, finalize #from desitarget.targets import encode_targetid, initial_priority_numobs rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) nobj = len(targets) nsky = len(skytargets) area = hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True)'Summary: ntargets = {} ({:.2f} targets/deg2), nsky = {} ({:.2f} targets/deg2) in pixel {}.'.format( nobj, nobj / area, nsky, nsky / area, healpix)) # Assign TARGETID using the healpixel number, not BRICKID, otherwise we'll # end up with duplicate TARGETID values. objid = np.arange(nobj + nsky) targetid = encode_targetid(objid=objid, brickid=healpix, mock=1) #objid = np.zeros(nobj+nsky).astype('i4') #for brickid in set(targets['BRICKID']): # indx = brickid == targets['BRICKID'] # objid[indx] = np.arange(np.sum(indx)) #targetid = encode_targetid(objid=objid, brickid=targets['BRICKID'], mock=1) subpriority = rand.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=nobj + nsky) if nobj > 0: # Run the official "finalize" script, so all the mission-critical target # columns are included. Unfortunately, we have to unpack the targeting # bits and let "finalize" do its magic. #targets['BRICKID'][:] = healpix # use the derived BRICKID values #targets['HPXPIXEL'][:] = healpix targets['OBJID'][:] = objid[:nobj] #targets['TARGETID'][:] = targetid[:nobj] desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target = targets['DESI_TARGET'], targets['BGS_TARGET'], targets['MWS_TARGET'] targets.remove_columns(['DESI_TARGET', 'BGS_TARGET', 'MWS_TARGET']) targets = Table(finalize(targets.as_array(), desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target, survey=survey, darkbright=True, targetid=targetid[:nobj])) targets['SUBPRIORITY'][:] = subpriority[:nobj] # Assign the appropriate TARGETID values to the objtruth tables. truth['TARGETID'][:] = targetid[:nobj] for obj in set(truth['TEMPLATETYPE']): these = obj == truth['TEMPLATETYPE'] objtruth[obj]['TARGETID'][:] = truth['TARGETID'][these] # Check. for obj in set(truth['TEMPLATETYPE']): these = obj == truth['TEMPLATETYPE'] if not np.all( (objtruth[obj]['TARGETID'] == truth['TARGETID'][these]) ) or \ not np.all( (objtruth[obj]['TARGETID'] == targets['TARGETID'][these]) ): log.warning('Mismatching TARGETIDs!') raise ValueError #targets['PRIORITY_INIT'], targets['NUMOBS_INIT'] = \ # initial_priority_numobs(targets) #targets = _rename_bysurvey(targets, survey=survey) assert(len(targets['TARGETID']) == len(np.unique(targets['TARGETID']))) if nsky > 0: #skytargets['HPXPIXEL'][:] = healpix skytargets['OBJID'][:] = objid[nobj:] #skytargets['TARGETID'][:] = targetid[nobj:] desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target = skytargets['DESI_TARGET'], skytargets['BGS_TARGET'], skytargets['MWS_TARGET'] skytargets.remove_columns(['DESI_TARGET', 'BGS_TARGET', 'MWS_TARGET']) skytargets = Table(finalize(skytargets.as_array(), desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target, survey=survey, darkbright=True, sky=1, targetid=targetid[nobj:])) skytargets['SUBPRIORITY'][:] = subpriority[nobj:] return targets, truth, objtruth, skytargets, skytruth
[docs]def _merge_file_tables(fileglob, ext, outfile=None, comm=None, addcols=None, overwrite=False): ''' parallel merge tables from individual files into an output file Args: fileglob (str): glob of files to combine (e.g. '*/blat-*.fits') ext (str or int): FITS file extension name or number Options: outfile (str): output file to write comm: MPI communicator object addcols: dict extra columns to add with fill values, e.g. dict(OBSCONDITIONS=1) Returns merged table as np.ndarray ''' import fitsio import glob from desiutil.log import get_logger log = get_logger() if comm is not None: size = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() else: size = 1 rank = 0 if rank == 0:'Generating {} from {} HDU {}'.format(outfile, fileglob, ext)) infiles = sorted(glob.glob(fileglob)) else: infiles = None if comm is not None: infiles = comm.bcast(infiles, root=0) if len(infiles)==0: if rank == 0:'Zero pixel files for extension {}. Skipping.'.format(ext)) return #- Each rank reads and combines a different set of files data = list() for filename in infiles[rank::size]: try: data.append(, ext)) except OSError: #- yep, OSError not IOError'Extension {} not found in {}'.format(ext, filename)) pass if len(data) > 0: data = np.hstack(data) else: # some ranks may not touch files that have this ext data = None if comm is not None: data = comm.gather(data, root=0) if rank == 0 and size>1: data = [d for d in data if d is not None] data = np.hstack(data) if rank == 0 and outfile is not None: if (data is None) or len(data) == 0: message = '{} not found in any input files; skipping'.format(ext) log.warning(message) return None'Writing {} {}'.format(outfile, ext)) for infile in infiles: try: header = fitsio.read_header(infile, ext) except: header = None if header is not None: break if header is None: log.critical('Unable to read FITS header for extension {}'.format(ext)) #- Use tmpout name so interupted I/O doesn't leave a corrupted file #- of the correct name tmpout = outfile + '.tmp' #- If appending, move file back to tmpout name if (not overwrite) and os.path.exists(outfile): os.rename(outfile, tmpout) # Find duplicates vals, idx_start, count = np.unique(data['TARGETID'], return_index=True, return_counts=True) if len(vals) != len(data): log.warning('Non-unique TARGETIDs found!') raise ValueError if addcols is not None: numrows = len(data) colnames = list() coldata = list() for colname, value in addcols.items(): colnames.append(colname) coldata.append(np.full(numrows, value)) data = np.lib.recfunctions.append_fields(data, colnames, coldata, usemask=False) fitsio.write(tmpout, data, header=header, extname=ext, clobber=overwrite) os.rename(tmpout, outfile) return data
[docs]def join_targets_truth(mockdir, outdir=None, overwrite=False, comm=None): ''' Join individual healpixel targets and truth files into combined tables Args: mockdir: top level mock target directory Options: outdir: output directory, default to mockdir overwrite: rewrite outputs even if they already exist comm: MPI communicator; if not None, read data in parallel ''' import fitsio from desitarget.targetmask import obsconditions as obsmask if outdir is None: outdir = mockdir if comm is not None: size = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() else: comm = None size = 1 rank = 0 #- Use rank 0 to check pre-existing files to avoid N>>1 ranks hitting the disk if rank == 0: todo = dict() todo['sky'] = not os.path.exists(outdir+'/sky.fits') or overwrite todo['targets-bright'] = not os.path.exists(outdir+'/targets-bright.fits') or overwrite todo['truth-bright'] = not os.path.exists(outdir+'/truth-bright.fits') or overwrite todo['mtl-bright'] = not os.path.exists(outdir+'/mtl-bright.fits') or overwrite todo['targets-dark'] = not os.path.exists(outdir+'/targets-dark.fits') or overwrite todo['truth-dark'] = not os.path.exists(outdir+'/truth-dark.fits') or overwrite todo['mtl-dark'] = not os.path.exists(outdir+'/mtl-dark.fits') or overwrite else: todo = None if comm is not None: todo = comm.bcast(todo, root=0) if todo['sky']: _merge_file_tables(mockdir+'/*/*/sky-*.fits', 'SKY_TARGETS', outfile=outdir+'/sky.fits', comm=comm, overwrite=overwrite, addcols=dict( FIBERFLUX_IVAR_G=300.0, FIBERFLUX_IVAR_R=900.0, FIBERFLUX_IVAR_Z=130.0) ) #addcols=dict(OBSCONDITIONS=obsmask.mask('DARK|GRAY|BRIGHT'))) for obscon in ('bright', 'dark'): if todo['targets-{}'.format(obscon)]: _merge_file_tables(mockdir+'/*/*/{}/targets-*.fits'.format(obscon), 'TARGETS', overwrite=overwrite, outfile=outdir+'/targets-{}.fits'.format(obscon), comm=comm) if todo['truth-{}'.format(obscon)]: _merge_file_tables(mockdir+'/*/*/{}/truth-*.fits'.format(obscon), 'TRUTH', overwrite=overwrite, outfile=outdir+'/truth-{}.fits'.format(obscon), comm=comm) # append, not overwrite other per-subclass truth tables for templatetype in ['BGS', 'ELG', 'LRG', 'QSO', 'STAR', 'WD']: extname = 'TRUTH_' + templatetype _merge_file_tables(mockdir+'/*/*/{}/truth-*.fits'.format(obscon), extname, overwrite=False, outfile=outdir+'/truth-{}.fits'.format(obscon), comm=comm) #- Make initial merged target list (MTL) using rank 0 exists = os.path.isfile(outdir+'/targets-{}.fits'.format(obscon)) if rank == 0 and todo['mtl-{}'.format(obscon)] and exists: from desitarget import mtl from desiutil.log import get_logger log = get_logger() out_mtl = os.path.join(outdir, 'mtl-{}.fits'.format(obscon))'Generating merged target list {}'.format(out_mtl)) targets ='/targets-{}.fits'.format(obscon)) mtl = mtl.make_mtl(targets, obscon=obscon.upper()) tmpout = out_mtl+'.tmp' mtl.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'MTL' mtl.write(tmpout, overwrite=True, format='fits') os.rename(tmpout, out_mtl)