Source code for desitarget.mock.mockmaker

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Read mock catalogs and assign spectra.
import os
import numpy as np
from glob import glob
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import fitsio
import healpy as hp

from import load_pixweight
from desimodel import footprint
from desitarget import cuts
from import empty_metatable

from desiutil.log import get_logger, DEBUG
log = get_logger()

    from scipy import constants
    C_LIGHT = constants.c/1000.0
except TypeError: # This can happen during documentation builds.
    C_LIGHT = 299792458.0/1000.0

[docs]def empty_targets_table(nobj=1): """Initialize an empty 'targets' table. Parameters ---------- nobj : :class:`int` Number of objects. Returns ------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Targets table. """ from astropy.table import Table, Column targets = Table() targets.add_column(Column(name='RELEASE', length=nobj, dtype='i2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='BRICKID', length=nobj, dtype='i4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='BRICKNAME', length=nobj, dtype='S8')) targets.add_column(Column(name='OBJID', length=nobj, dtype='<i4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='TYPE', length=nobj, dtype='S4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='RA', length=nobj, dtype='f8', unit='degree')) targets.add_column(Column(name='DEC', length=nobj, dtype='f8', unit='degree')) targets.add_column(Column(name='RA_IVAR', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/degree**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='DEC_IVAR', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/degree**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='DCHISQ', length=nobj, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros( (nobj, 5) ))) targets['DCHISQ'][:, 0] = 1.0 # initialize targets.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_G', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_R', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_Z', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_W1', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_W2', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_W3', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_W4', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_IVAR_G', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/nanomaggies**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_IVAR_R', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/nanomaggies**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_IVAR_Z', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/nanomaggies**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_IVAR_W1', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/nanomaggies**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_IVAR_W2', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/nanomaggies**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_IVAR_W3', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/nanomaggies**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_IVAR_W4', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/nanomaggies**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='MW_TRANSMISSION_G', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='MW_TRANSMISSION_R', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='MW_TRANSMISSION_Z', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='MW_TRANSMISSION_W1', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='MW_TRANSMISSION_W2', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='MW_TRANSMISSION_W3', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='MW_TRANSMISSION_W4', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='NOBS_G', length=nobj, dtype='i2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='NOBS_R', length=nobj, dtype='i2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='NOBS_Z', length=nobj, dtype='i2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FRACFLUX_G', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FRACFLUX_R', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FRACFLUX_Z', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FRACMASKED_G', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FRACMASKED_R', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FRACMASKED_Z', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FRACIN_G', data=np.ones(nobj).astype('f4'))) targets.add_column(Column(name='FRACIN_R', data=np.ones(nobj).astype('f4'))) targets.add_column(Column(name='FRACIN_Z', data=np.ones(nobj).astype('f4'))) targets.add_column(Column(name='ALLMASK_G', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='ALLMASK_R', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='ALLMASK_Z', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='WISEMASK_W1', length=nobj, dtype='|u1')) targets.add_column(Column(name='WISEMASK_W2', length=nobj, dtype='|u1')) targets.add_column(Column(name='PSFDEPTH_G', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/nanomaggies**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='PSFDEPTH_R', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/nanomaggies**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='PSFDEPTH_Z', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/nanomaggies**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='GALDEPTH_G', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/nanomaggies**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='GALDEPTH_R', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/nanomaggies**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='GALDEPTH_Z', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/nanomaggies**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FRACDEV', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FRACDEV_IVAR', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='SHAPEDEV_R', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='arcsec')) targets.add_column(Column(name='SHAPEDEV_R_IVAR', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/arcsec**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='SHAPEDEV_E1', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='SHAPEDEV_E1_IVAR', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='SHAPEDEV_E2', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='SHAPEDEV_E2_IVAR', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='SHAPEEXP_R', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='arcsec')) targets.add_column(Column(name='SHAPEEXP_R_IVAR', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='1/arcsec**2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='SHAPEEXP_E1', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='SHAPEEXP_E1_IVAR', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='SHAPEEXP_E2', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='SHAPEEXP_E2_IVAR', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FIBERFLUX_G', length=nobj, dtype='>f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FIBERFLUX_R', length=nobj, dtype='>f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FIBERFLUX_Z', length=nobj, dtype='>f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FIBERTOTFLUX_G', length=nobj, dtype='>f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FIBERTOTFLUX_R', length=nobj, dtype='>f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='FIBERTOTFLUX_Z', length=nobj, dtype='>f4')) # Gaia columns targets.add_column(Column(name='REF_CAT', length=nobj, dtype='S2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='REF_ID', data=np.repeat(-1, nobj).astype('int64'))) # default is -1 targets.add_column(Column(name='GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='GAIA_PHOT_BP_RP_EXCESS_FACTOR', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) # not sure what this should be targets.add_column(Column(name='GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_SIGMA5D_MAX', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) # not sure what this should be targets.add_column(Column(name='GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED', length=nobj, dtype='i8')) # default is 0, "good" is 31 targets.add_column(Column(name='GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='GAIA_DUPLICATED_SOURCE', length=nobj, dtype=bool)) # default is False targets.add_column(Column(name='PARALLAX', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='PARALLAX_IVAR', data=np.ones(nobj, dtype='f4'))) # default is unity targets.add_column(Column(name='PMRA', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='PMRA_IVAR', data=np.ones(nobj, dtype='f4'))) # default is unity targets.add_column(Column(name='PMDEC', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='PMDEC_IVAR', data=np.ones(nobj, dtype='f4'))) # default is unity targets.add_column(Column(name='MASKBITS', length=nobj, dtype='>i2')) targets.add_column(Column(name='EBV', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) targets.add_column(Column(name='PHOTSYS', length=nobj, dtype='|S1')) targets.add_column(Column(name='DESI_TARGET', length=nobj, dtype='i8')) targets.add_column(Column(name='BGS_TARGET', length=nobj, dtype='i8')) targets.add_column(Column(name='MWS_TARGET', length=nobj, dtype='i8')) # All these columns are added in #targets.add_column(Column(name='TARGETID', length=nobj, dtype='int64')) #targets.add_column(Column(name='PRIORITY_INIT', length=nobj, dtype='i8')) #targets.add_column(Column(name='SUBPRIORITY', length=nobj, dtype='f8')) #targets.add_column(Column(name='NUMOBS_INIT', length=nobj, dtype='i8')) #targets.add_column(Column(name='HPXPIXEL', length=nobj, dtype='i8')) return targets
[docs]def empty_truth_table(nobj=1, templatetype='', use_simqso=True): """Initialize an empty 'truth' table. Parameters ---------- nobj : :class:`int` Number of objects. use_simqso : :class:`bool`, optional Initialize a SIMQSO-style objtruth table. Defaults to True. Returns ------- truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Truth table. objtruth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Objtype-specific truth table (if applicable). """ from astropy.table import Table, Column truth = Table() truth.add_column(Column(name='TARGETID', length=nobj, dtype='int64')) truth.add_column(Column(name='MOCKID', length=nobj, dtype='int64')) truth.add_column(Column(name='TRUEZ', length=nobj, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nobj))) truth.add_column(Column(name='TRUESPECTYPE', length=nobj, dtype='S10')) # GALAXY, QSO, STAR, etc. truth.add_column(Column(name='TEMPLATETYPE', length=nobj, dtype='S10')) # ELG, BGS, STAR, WD, etc. truth.add_column(Column(name='TEMPLATESUBTYPE', length=nobj, dtype='S10')) # DA, DB, etc. truth.add_column(Column(name='TEMPLATEID', length=nobj, dtype='i4', data=np.zeros(nobj)-1)) truth.add_column(Column(name='SEED', length=nobj, dtype='int64', data=np.zeros(nobj)-1)) truth.add_column(Column(name='MAG', length=nobj, dtype='f4', data=np.zeros(nobj), unit='mag')) truth.add_column(Column(name='MAGFILTER', length=nobj, dtype='S15')) # normalization filter truth.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_G', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) truth.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_R', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) truth.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_Z', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) truth.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_W1', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) truth.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_W2', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) truth.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_W3', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) truth.add_column(Column(name='FLUX_W4', length=nobj, dtype='f4', unit='nanomaggies')) _, objtruth = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=templatetype, simqso=use_simqso) if len(objtruth) == 0: objtruth = [] # need an empty list for the multiprocessing in build.select_targets else: if (templatetype == 'QSO' or templatetype == 'ELG' or templatetype == 'LRG' or templatetype == 'BGS'): objtruth.add_column(Column(name='TRUEZ_NORSD', length=nobj, dtype='f4')) return truth, objtruth
def _get_radec(mockfile, nside, pixmap, mxxl=False):'Reading {}'.format(mockfile)) radec =, columns=['RA', 'DEC'], upper=True, ext=1) ra = radec['RA'].astype('f8') % 360.0 # enforce 0 < ra < 360 dec = radec['DEC'].astype('f8')'Assigning healpix pixels with nside = {}.'.format(nside)) allpix = footprint.radec2pix(nside, ra, dec) pixweight = load_pixweight(nside, pixmap=pixmap) return ra, dec, allpix, pixweight
[docs]def _default_wave(wavemin=None, wavemax=None, dw=0.2): """Generate a default wavelength vector for the output spectra.""" from import load_throughput if wavemin is None: wavemin = load_throughput('b').wavemin - 10.0 if wavemax is None: wavemax = load_throughput('z').wavemax + 10.0 return np.arange(round(wavemin, 1), wavemax, dw)
[docs]class SelectTargets(object): """Methods to help select various target types. Parameters ---------- bricksize : :class:`float`, optional Brick diameter used in the imaging surveys; needed to assign a brickname and brickid to each object. Defaults to 0.25 deg. survey : :class:`str`, optional Specify which target masks yaml file to use. The options are `main` (main survey) and `sv1` (first iteration of SV). Defaults to `main`. """ GMM_LRG, GMM_ELG, GMM_BGS, GMM_QSO, FFA = None, None, None, None, None def __init__(self, bricksize=0.25, survey='main', **kwargs): from import fits from speclite import filters from desiutil.dust import SFDMap from desiutil.brick import Bricks from desimodel.fastfiberacceptance import FastFiberAcceptance self.survey = survey if survey == 'main': from desitarget.targetmask import desi_mask, bgs_mask, mws_mask elif survey == 'sv1': from desitarget.sv1.sv1_targetmask import desi_mask, bgs_mask, mws_mask else: log.warning('Survey {} not recognized!'.format(survey)) raise ValueError self.desi_mask = desi_mask self.bgs_mask = bgs_mask self.mws_mask = mws_mask self.Bricks = Bricks(bricksize=bricksize) self.SFDMap = SFDMap() # Cache the plate scale (which is approximate; see # $DESIMODEL/data/desi.yaml), and the FastFiberAcceptance class for the # fiberflux calculation, below. self.plate_scale_arcsec2um = 107.0 / 1.52 # [um/arcsec] if self.FFA is None: SelectTargets.FFA = FastFiberAcceptance(filename=os.path.join( os.getenv('DESIMODEL'), 'data', 'throughput', 'galsim-fiber-acceptance.fits')) self.bassmzlswise = filters.load_filters('BASS-g', 'BASS-r', 'MzLS-z', 'wise2010-W1', 'wise2010-W2') self.decamwise = filters.load_filters('decam2014-g', 'decam2014-r', 'decam2014-z', 'wise2010-W1', 'wise2010-W2') # Read and cache the default pixel weight map. pixfile = os.path.join(os.environ['DESIMODEL'],'data','footprint','desi-healpix-weights.fits') with as hdulist: self.pixmap = hdulist[0].data # from desisim.templates.GALAXY self.fiberflux_fraction = {'ELG': 0.6, 'LRG': 0.4, 'BGS': 0.3}
[docs] def mw_transmission(self, data): """Compute the grzW1W2 Galactic transmission for every object. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Input dictionary of sources with RA, Dec coordinates, modified on output to contain reddening and the MW transmission in various bands. Raises ------ """ extcoeff = dict(G = 3.214, R = 2.165, Z = 1.211, W1 = 0.184, W2 = 0.113, W3 = 0.0241, W4 = 0.00910) data['EBV'] = self.SFDMap.ebv(data['RA'], data['DEC'], scaling=1.0) for band in ('G', 'R', 'Z', 'W1', 'W2', 'W3', 'W4'): data['MW_TRANSMISSION_{}'.format(band)] = 10**(-0.4 * extcoeff[band] * data['EBV'])
[docs] def mw_dust_extinction(self, Rv=3.1): """Cache the spectroscopic Galactic extinction curve for later use. Parameters ---------- Rv : :class:`float` Total-to-selective extinction factor. Defaults to 3.1. Raises ------ """ from desiutil.dust import ext_odonnell extinction = Rv * ext_odonnell(self.wave, Rv=Rv) return extinction
[docs] def imaging_depth(self, data): """Add the imaging depth to the data dictionary. Note: In future, this should be a much more sophisticated model based on the actual imaging data releases (e.g., it should depend on healpixel). Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Input dictionary of sources with RA, Dec coordinates, modified on output to contain the PSF and galaxy depth in various bands. """ import astropy.units as u from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord nobj = len(data['RA']) psfdepth_mag = np.array((24.65, 23.61, 22.84)) # 5-sigma, mag galdepth_mag = np.array((24.7, 23.9, 23.0)) # 5-sigma, mag psfdepth_ivar = (1 / 10**(-0.4 * (psfdepth_mag - 22.5)))**2 # 5-sigma, 1/nanomaggies**2 galdepth_ivar = (1 / 10**(-0.4 * (galdepth_mag - 22.5)))**2 # 5-sigma, 1/nanomaggies**2 for ii, band in enumerate(('G', 'R', 'Z')): data['PSFDEPTH_{}'.format(band)] = np.repeat(psfdepth_ivar[ii], nobj) data['GALDEPTH_{}'.format(band)] = np.repeat(galdepth_ivar[ii], nobj) # compute the WISE depth, which is largely a function of ecliptic latitude coord = SkyCoord(data['RA']*u.deg, data['DEC']*u.deg) ecoord = coord.transform_to('barycentrictrueecliptic') beta = if np.count_nonzero(beta > 89) > 0: # don't explode at the pole! beta[beta > 89] = 89 if np.count_nonzero(beta < -89) > 0: # don't explode at the pole! beta[beta < -89] = -89 beta = np.radians( # [radians] sig_syst = [0.5, 2.0] # systematic uncertainty due to low-level # background structure e.g. striping neff = [15.7832, 18.5233] # effective number of pixels in PSF vega2ab = [2.699, 3.339] sig_stat_beta0 = [3.5127802, 9.1581879] # random uncertainty [AB nanomaggies] for ii, band in enumerate(('W1', 'W2')): sig_stat = sig_stat_beta0[ii] / np.sqrt( 1.0 / np.cos(beta) ) sig = np.sqrt( sig_stat**2 + sig_syst[ii]**2 ) wisedepth_mag = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10( sig * np.sqrt(neff[ii]) ) + vega2ab[ii] # 1-sigma, AB mag wisedepth_ivar = 1 / (5 * 10**(-0.4 * (wisedepth_mag - 22.5)))**2 # 5-sigma, 1/nanomaggies**2 data['PSFDEPTH_{}'.format(band)] = wisedepth_ivar
[docs] def scatter_photometry(self, data, truth, targets, indx=None, seed=None, qaplot=False): """Add noise to the input (noiseless) photometry based on the depth (as well as the inverse variance fluxes in GRZW1W2). The input targets table is modified in place. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Dictionary of source properties. targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Input target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. indx : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Scatter the photometry of a subset of the objects in the data dictionary, as specified using their zero-indexed indices. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. qaplot : :class:`bool`, optional Generate a QA plot for debugging. """ if seed is None: seed = self.seed rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if indx is None: indx = np.arange(len(data['RA'])) nobj = len(indx) if 'TYPE' in data.keys(): for band in ('G', 'R', 'Z'): fluxkey = 'FLUX_{}'.format(band) ivarkey = 'FLUX_IVAR_{}'.format(band) for depthprefix in ('PSF', 'GAL'): if depthprefix == 'PSF': these = np.where( data['TYPE'][indx] == 'PSF' )[0] # point sources else: these = np.where( data['TYPE'][indx] != 'PSF' )[0] # galaxies if len(these) > 0: depthkey = '{}DEPTH_{}'.format(depthprefix, band) sigma = 1 / np.sqrt(data[depthkey][indx][these]) / 5 # nanomaggies, 1-sigma targets[fluxkey][these] = truth[fluxkey][these] + rand.normal(scale=sigma) targets[ivarkey][these] = 1 / sigma**2 # WISE sources are all point sources for band in ('W1', 'W2'): fluxkey = 'FLUX_{}'.format(band) ivarkey = 'FLUX_IVAR_{}'.format(band) depthkey = 'PSFDEPTH_{}'.format(band) sigma = 1 / np.sqrt(data[depthkey][indx]) / 5 # nanomaggies, 1-sigma targets[fluxkey][:] = truth[fluxkey] + rand.normal(scale=sigma) targets[ivarkey][:] = 1 / sigma**2 if qaplot: self._qaplot_scatter_photometry(targets, truth)
[docs] def _qaplot_scatter_photometry(self, targets, truth): """Build a simple QAplot, useful for debugging """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt gr1 = -2.5 * np.log10( truth['FLUX_G'] / truth['FLUX_R'] ) rz1 = -2.5 * np.log10( truth['FLUX_R'] / truth['FLUX_Z'] ) gr = -2.5 * np.log10( targets['FLUX_G'] / targets['FLUX_R'] ) rz = -2.5 * np.log10( targets['FLUX_R'] / targets['FLUX_Z'] ) plt.scatter(rz1, gr1, color='red', alpha=0.5, edgecolor='none', label='Noiseless Photometry') plt.scatter(rz, gr, alpha=0.5, color='green', edgecolor='none', label='Noisy Photometry') plt.xlim(-0.5, 2) ; plt.ylim(-0.5, 2) plt.legend(loc='upper left')
[docs] def _sample_vdisp(self, ra, dec, mean=1.9, sigma=0.15, fracvdisp=(0.1, 1), seed=None, nside=128): """Assign velocity dispersions to a subset of objects.""" rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) def _sample(nmodel=1): nvdisp = int(np.max( ( np.min( ( np.round(nmodel * fracvdisp[0]), fracvdisp[1] ) ), 1 ) )) vvdisp = 10**rand.normal(loc=mean, scale=sigma, size=nvdisp) return rand.choice(vvdisp, nmodel) # Hack! Assign the same velocity dispersion to galaxies in the same # healpixel. nobj = len(ra) vdisp = np.zeros(nobj) healpix = footprint.radec2pix(nside, ra, dec) for pix in set(healpix): these = np.in1d(healpix, pix) vdisp[these] = _sample(nmodel=np.count_nonzero(these)) return vdisp
[docs] def read_GMM(self, target=None): """Read the GMM for the full range of morphological types of a given target type, as well as the magnitude-dependent morphological fraction. See desitarget/doc/nb/gmm-dr9.ipynb for details. """ from import fits from astropy.table import Table from desiutil.sklearn import GaussianMixtureModel if target is not None: try: if getattr(self, 'GMM_{}'.format(target.upper())) is not None: return except: pass #return gmmdir = resource_filename('desitarget', 'mock/data/dr9') if not os.path.isdir: log.warning('DR9 GMM directory {} not found!'.format(gmmdir)) raise IOError fracfile = os.path.join(gmmdir, 'fractype_{}.fits'.format(target.lower())) fractype = gmm = [] for morph in ('PSF', 'REX', 'EXP', 'DEV', 'SER'): gmmfile = os.path.join(gmmdir, 'gmm_{}_{}.fits'.format(target.lower(), morph.lower())) if os.path.isfile(gmmfile): # not all targets have all morphologies # Get the GMM properties modeled. cols = [] with, 'readonly') as ff: ncol = ff[0].header['NCOL'] for ii in range(ncol): cols.append(ff[0].header['COL{:02d}'.format(ii)]) gmm.append( (morph, cols, GaussianMixtureModel.load(gmmfile)) ) # Now unpack the list of tuples into a more convenient set of # variables and then repack and return. morph = [info[0] for info in gmm] gmmcols = [info[1] for info in gmm] GMM = [info[2] for info in gmm] setattr(self, 'GMM_{}'.format(target.upper()), (morph, fractype, gmmcols, GMM))
[docs] def sample_GMM(self, nobj, isouth=None, target=None, seed=None, morph=None, prior_mag=None, prior_redshift=None): """Sample from the GMMs read by self.read_GMM. See desitarget/doc/nb/gmm-dr9.ipynb for details. """ rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) try: GMM = getattr(self, 'GMM_{}'.format(target.upper())) if GMM is None: self.read_GMM(target=target) GMM = getattr(self, 'GMM_{}'.format(target.upper())) except: return None # no GMM for this target if target == 'LRG': colorcuts_function = cuts.isLRG_colors elif target == 'ELG': colorcuts_function = cuts.isELG_colors elif target == 'QSO': colorcuts_function = cuts.isQSO_colors else: colorcuts_function = None # Allow an input morphological type, e.g., to simulate contaminants. if morph is None: morph = GMM[0] if isouth is None: isouth = np.ones(nobj).astype(bool) south = np.where( isouth )[0] north = np.where( ~isouth )[0] # Marginalize the morphological fractions over magnitude. magbins = GMM[1]['MAG'].data deltam = np.diff(magbins)[0] minmag, maxmag = magbins.min()-deltam / 2, magbins.max()+deltam / 2 # Get the total number of each morphological type, accounting for # rounding. frac2d_magbins = np.vstack( [GMM[1][mm].data for mm in np.atleast_1d(morph)] ) norm = np.sum(frac2d_magbins, axis=1) frac1d_morph = norm / np.sum(norm) nobj_morph = np.round(frac1d_morph * nobj).astype(int) dn = np.sum(nobj_morph) - nobj if dn > 0: nobj_morph[np.argmax(nobj_morph)] -= dn elif dn < 0: nobj_morph[np.argmax(nobj_morph)] += dn # Next, sample from the GMM for each morphological type. For # simplicity we ignore the north-south split here. gmmout = {'MAGFILTER': np.zeros(nobj).astype('U15'), 'TYPE': np.zeros(nobj).astype('U4')} for key in ('MAG', 'SHAPE_R', 'SHAPE_R_IVAR', 'SHAPE_E1', 'SHAPE_E1_IVAR', 'SHAPE_E2', 'SHAPE_E2_IVAR', 'GR', 'RZ', 'ZW1', 'W1W2'): gmmout[key] = np.zeros(nobj).astype('f4') def _samp_iterate(samp, target='', south=True, rand=None, maxiter=5, colorcuts_function=None, fiberflux_fraction=1.0): """Sample from the given GMM iteratively and only keep objects that pass our color-cuts.""" nneed = len(samp) need = np.arange(nneed) makemore, itercount = True, 1 while makemore: #print(itercount, nneed) # This algorithm is not quite right because the GMMs are drawn # from DR9/south, but we're using them to simulate "north" # photometry as well. _samp = GMM[3][ii].sample(nneed, random_state=rand) for jj, tt in enumerate(cols): samp[tt][need] = _samp[:, jj] if colorcuts_function is None: nneed = 0 makemore = False else: if 'z' in samp.dtype.names: zmag = samp['z'][need] rmag = samp['rz'][need] + zmag gmag = samp['gr'][need] + rmag elif 'g' in samp.dtype.names: gmag = samp['g'][need] rmag = gmag - samp['gr'][need] zmag = rmag - samp['rz'][need] else: rmag = samp['r'][need] zmag = rmag - samp['rz'][need] gmag = samp['gr'][need] + rmag if 'zw1' in samp.dtype.names: w1mag = zmag - samp['zw1'][need] else: w1mag = np.zeros_like(rmag) if 'w1w2' in samp.dtype.names: w2mag = w1mag - samp['w1w2'][need] else: w2mag = np.zeros_like(rmag) gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux, w2flux = [1e9 * 10**(-0.4*mg) for mg in (gmag, rmag, zmag, w1mag, w2mag)] gfiberflux = fiberflux_fraction * gflux rfiberflux = fiberflux_fraction * rflux zfiberflux = fiberflux_fraction * zflux if target == 'QSO': itarg = colorcuts_function(gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, south=south) elif target == 'BGS': itarg = colorcuts_function(gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, gfiberflux=gfiberflux, rfibertotflux=rfiberflux, zfiberflux=zfiberflux, south=south) elif target == 'ELG': itarg_vlo, _itarg = colorcuts_function(gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, gfiberflux=gfiberflux, rfiberflux=rfiberflux, zfiberflux=zfiberflux, south=south) itarg = np.logical_or(itarg_vlo, _itarg) else: itarg = colorcuts_function(gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, gfiberflux=gfiberflux, rfiberflux=rfiberflux, zfiberflux=zfiberflux, south=south) need = np.where( itarg == False )[0] nneed = len(need) if nneed == 0 or itercount == maxiter: makemore = False itercount += 1 return samp if target in self.fiberflux_fraction.keys(): fiberflux_fraction = self.fiberflux_fraction[target] else: fiberflux_fraction = 1.0 for ii, mm in enumerate(np.atleast_1d(morph)): if nobj_morph[ii] > 0: # Should really be using north/south GMMs. cols = GMM[2][ii] samp = np.zeros( nobj, dtype=np.dtype( [(tt, 'f4') for tt in cols] ) ) # Iterate to make sure the sampled objects pass color-cuts! if len(north) > 0: samp[north] = _samp_iterate(samp[north], target=target, south=False, rand=rand, colorcuts_function=colorcuts_function, fiberflux_fraction=fiberflux_fraction) if len(south) > 0: samp[south] = _samp_iterate(samp[south], target=target, south=True, rand=rand, colorcuts_function=colorcuts_function) # Choose samples with the appropriate magnitude-dependent # probability, for this morphological type. prob = np.interp(samp[cols[0]], magbins, frac2d_magbins[ii, :]) prob /= np.sum(prob) if np.count_nonzero(prob) < nobj_morph[ii]: these = rand.choice(nobj, size=nobj_morph[ii], replace=False) else: these = rand.choice(nobj, size=nobj_morph[ii], p=prob, replace=False) gthese = np.arange(nobj_morph[ii]) + np.sum(nobj_morph[:ii]) if 'z' in samp.dtype.names: gmmout['MAG'][gthese] = samp['z'][these] elif 'g' in samp.dtype.names: gmmout['MAG'][gthese] = samp['g'][these] else: gmmout['MAG'][gthese] = samp['r'][these] if 'zw1' in samp.dtype.names: gmmout['ZW1'][gthese] = samp['zw1'][these] if 'w1w2' in samp.dtype.names: gmmout['W1W2'][gthese] = samp['w1w2'][these] gmmout['GR'][gthese] = samp['gr'][these] gmmout['RZ'][gthese] = samp['rz'][these] gmmout['TYPE'][gthese] = np.repeat(mm, nobj_morph[ii]) for col in ('reff', 'e1', 'e2'): sampcol = '{}_{}'.format(col, mm.lower()) # e.g., reff_dev sampsnrcol = 'snr_{}'.format(sampcol) # e.g., snr_reff_dev outcol = 'shape{}_{}'.format(mm.lower().replace('rex', 'exp'), col.replace('reff', 'r')).upper() outivarcol = '{}_ivar'.format(outcol).upper() if sampcol in samp.dtype.names: val = samp[sampcol][these] if col == 'reff': val = 10**val gmmout[outcol][gthese] = val gmmout[outivarcol][gthese] = (10**samp[sampsnrcol][these] / val)**2 # S/N-->ivar # Assign filter names. if np.sum(isouth) > 0: if target == 'LRG': gmmout['MAGFILTER'][isouth] = np.repeat('decam2014-z', np.sum(isouth)) elif target == 'ELG': gmmout['MAGFILTER'][isouth] = np.repeat('decam2014-g', np.sum(isouth)) else: gmmout['MAGFILTER'][isouth] = np.repeat('decam2014-r', np.sum(isouth)) if np.sum(~isouth) > 0: if target == 'LRG': gmmout['MAGFILTER'][~isouth] = np.repeat('MzLS-z', np.sum(~isouth)) elif target == 'ELG': gmmout['MAGFILTER'][~isouth] = np.repeat('BASS-g', np.sum(~isouth)) else: gmmout['MAGFILTER'][~isouth] = np.repeat('BASS-r', np.sum(~isouth)) # Sort based on the input/prior magnitude (e.g., for the BGS/MXXL # mocks), but note that we will very likely end up with duplicated # morphologies and colors. if prior_mag is not None: dmcut = 0.3 srt = np.zeros(nobj).astype(int) for ii, mg in enumerate(prior_mag): dm = np.where( (np.abs(mg-gmmout['MAG']) < dmcut) )[0] if len(dm) == 0: srt[ii] = np.argmin(np.abs(mg-gmmout['MAG'])) else: srt[ii] = rand.choice(dm) for key in gmmout.keys(): gmmout[key][:] = gmmout[key][srt] # Remove these keys to preserve the values assigned in the reader # (e.g., ReadMXXL) class. [gmmout.pop(key) for key in ('MAG', 'MAGFILTER')] # Shuffle based on input/prior redshift, so we can get a broad # correlation between magnitude and redshift. if prior_redshift is not None: pass #dat = np.zeros(nobj, dtype=[('redshift', 'f4'), ('mag', 'f4')]) #dat['redshift'] = prior_redshift #dat['mag'] = gmmout['MAG'] #srt = np.argsort(dat, order=('redshift', 'mag')) return gmmout
[docs] def KDTree_rescale(self, matrix, south=False, subtype=''): """Normalize input parameters to [0, 1].""" nobj, ndim = matrix.shape if subtype == '': try: # no north-south split (e.g., BGS/MXXL) param_min = self.param_min param_range = self.param_range except: if south: param_min = self.param_min_south param_range = self.param_range_south else: param_min = self.param_min_north param_range = self.param_range_north else: if subtype.upper() == 'DA': param_min = self.param_min_da param_range = self.param_range_da elif subtype.upper() == 'DB': param_min = self.param_min_db param_range = self.param_range_db else: log.warning('Unrecognized SUBTYPE {}!'.format(subtype)) raise ValueError return ( (matrix - np.tile(param_min, nobj).reshape(nobj, ndim)) / np.tile( param_range, nobj).reshape(nobj, ndim) )
[docs] def KDTree_build(self, matrix, south=True, subtype=''): """Build a KD-tree.""" from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree return KDTree( self.KDTree_rescale(matrix, south=south, subtype=subtype) )
[docs] def KDTree_query(self, matrix, return_dist=False, south=True, subtype=''): """Return the nearest template number based on the KD Tree.""" matrix_rescaled = self.KDTree_rescale(matrix, south=south, subtype=subtype) if subtype == '': try: # no north-south split (e.g., BGS/MXXL) dist, indx = self.KDTree.query( matrix_rescaled ) except: if south: dist, indx = self.KDTree_south.query( matrix_rescaled ) else: dist, indx = self.KDTree_north.query( matrix_rescaled ) else: if subtype.upper() == 'DA': dist, indx = self.KDTree_da.query( matrix_rescaled ) elif subtype.upper() == 'DB': dist, indx = self.KDTree_db.query( matrix_rescaled ) else: log.warning('Unrecognized SUBTYPE {}!'.format(subtype)) raise ValueError if return_dist: return dist, indx.astype('i4') else: return indx.astype('i4')
[docs] def _nospectra_photometry(self, meta, rand, data, indx, target_name, contaminants=False): """Populate the photometry in meta in no-spectra mode.""" nobj = len(indx) def _g_and_z(rmag, gr, rz): zmag = rmag - rz gmag = gr + rmag return gmag, zmag def _r_and_z(gmag, gr, rz): rmag = gmag - gr zmag = rmag - rz return rmag, zmag def _g_and_r(zmag, gr, rz): rmag = rz + zmag gmag = gr + rmag return gmag, rmag gr, rz = data['GR'][indx], data['RZ'][indx] #if target_name == 'QSO': # if contaminants: # gmag = normmag = data['GMAG'][indx] # magfilter = data['MAGFILTER-G'][indx] # else: # gmag = normmag = data['MAG'][indx] # magfilter = data['MAGFILTER'][indx] # rmag, zmag = _r_and_z(gmag, gr, rz) if target_name == 'LRG': if contaminants: zmag = normmag = data['ZMAG'][indx] magfilter = data['MAGFILTER-Z'][indx] else: zmag = normmag = data['MAG'][indx] magfilter = data['MAGFILTER'][indx] gmag, rmag = _g_and_r(zmag, gr, rz) elif target_name == 'ELG': if contaminants: gmag = normmag = data['GMAG'][indx] magfilter = data['MAGFILTER-G'][indx] else: gmag = normmag = data['MAG'][indx] magfilter = data['MAGFILTER'][indx] rmag, zmag = _r_and_z(gmag, gr, rz) else: rmag = normmag = data['MAG'][indx] magfilter = data['MAGFILTER'][indx] gmag, zmag = _g_and_z(rmag, gr, rz) W1mag = zmag - data['ZW1'][indx] W2mag = W1mag - data['W1W2'][indx] meta['SEED'][:] = rand.randint(2**31, size=nobj) meta['REDSHIFT'][:] = data['Z'][indx] meta['MAG'][:] = normmag meta['MAGFILTER'][:] = magfilter meta['FLUX_G'][:] = 1e9 * 10**(-0.4 * gmag) meta['FLUX_R'][:] = 1e9 * 10**(-0.4 * rmag) meta['FLUX_Z'][:] = 1e9 * 10**(-0.4 * zmag) meta['FLUX_W1'][:] = 1e9 * 10**(-0.4 * W1mag) meta['FLUX_W2'][:] = 1e9 * 10**(-0.4 * W2mag)
[docs] def get_fiberfraction(self, targets, south=True, ref_seeing=1.0, ref_lambda=5500.0): """Estimate the fraction of the integrated flux that enters the fiber. Assume a reference seeing value (seeingref) of 1.0 arcsec FWHM at a reference wavelength (lambdaref) of 5500 Angstrom. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Input target catalog. south : :class:`bool` True for sources with DECaLS photometry and False for sources with BASS+MzLS photometry. ref_seeing : :class:`float` Reference seeing FWHM in arcsec. Defaults to 1.0. ref_lambda : :class:`float` Reference wavelength in Angstrom. Defaults to 5500 A. Returns ------- fiberfraction_g : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Fraction of the total g-band flux entering the fiber. fiberfraction_r : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Fraction of the total r-band flux entering the fiber. fiberfraction_z : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Fraction of the total z-band flux entering the fiber. Raises ------ ValueError If fiberfraction is outside the bounds [0-1] (inclusive). """ ntarg = len(targets) fiberfraction_g = np.zeros(ntarg).astype('f4') fiberfraction_r, fiberfraction_z = np.zeros_like(fiberfraction_g), np.zeros_like(fiberfraction_g) if south: lambdafilts = self.decamwise.effective_wavelengths[:4].value # [Angstrom] else: lambdafilts = self.bassmzlswise.effective_wavelengths[:4].value # [Angstrom] # Not quite right to use a bulge-like surface-brightness profile for SER. type2source = {'PSF': 'POINT', 'REX': 'DISK', 'EXP': 'DISK', 'DEV': 'BULGE', 'SER': 'BULGE'} for morphtype in ('PSF', 'REX', 'EXP', 'DEV', 'SER'): istype = targets['TYPE'] == morphtype if np.sum(istype) > 0: # Assume the radius is independent of wavelength. reff = targets['SHAPEEXP_R'][istype].data offset = np.zeros( np.sum(istype) ) # fiber offset [um] for band, lambdafilt, fiberfraction in zip( ('G', 'R', 'Z'), lambdafilts, (fiberfraction_g, fiberfraction_r, fiberfraction_z) ): sigma_um = np.repeat( ref_seeing * (lambdafilt / ref_lambda)**(-1.0 / 5.0) / 2.35482 * self.plate_scale_arcsec2um, np.sum(istype) ) # [um] fiberfraction[istype] = self.FFA.value(type2source[morphtype], sigma_um, offset, hlradii=reff) # Sanity check. if np.sum( (fiberfraction_r < 0) * (fiberfraction_r > 1) ) > 0: log.warning('FIBERFRACTION should be [0-1].') raise ValueError # Put a floor of 5% (otherwise would be zero for large objects). for fiberfraction in (fiberfraction_g, fiberfraction_r, fiberfraction_z): zero = fiberfraction == 0 if np.sum(zero) > 0: fiberfraction[zero] = 0.05 return fiberfraction_g, fiberfraction_r, fiberfraction_z
[docs] def populate_targets_truth(self, flux, data, meta, objmeta, indx=None, seed=None, use_simqso=True, truespectype='', templatetype='', templatesubtype=''): """Initialize and populate the targets and truth tables given a dictionary of source properties and a spectral metadata table. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Dictionary of source properties. meta : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Spectral metadata table. indx : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Populate the tables of a subset of the objects in the data dictionary, as specified using their zero-indexed indices. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. use_simqso : :class:`bool`, optional Initialize a SIMQSO-style objtruth table. Defaults to True. truespectype : :class:`str` or :class:`numpy.array`, optional True spectral type. Defaults to ''. templatetype : :class:`str` or :class:`numpy.array`, optional True template type. Defaults to ''. templatesubtype : :class:`str` or :class:`numpy.array`, optional True template subtype. Defaults to ''. Returns ------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. objtruth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding objtype-specific truth table (if applicable). """ if seed is None: seed = self.seed if indx is None: indx = np.arange(len(data['RA'])) nobj = len(indx) # Initialize the tables. targets = empty_targets_table(nobj) truth, objtruth = empty_truth_table(nobj, templatetype=templatetype, use_simqso=use_simqso) truth['MOCKID'][:] = data['MOCKID'][indx] if len(objtruth) > 0: if 'Z_NORSD' in data.keys() and 'TRUEZ_NORSD' in objtruth.colnames: objtruth['TRUEZ_NORSD'][:] = data['Z_NORSD'][indx] if 'OIIFLUX' in data.keys() and 'OIIFLUX' in objtruth.colnames: # ELGs objtruth['OIIFLUX'][:] = data['OIIFLUX'][indx] # Copy all information from DATA to TARGETS. for key in data.keys(): if key in targets.colnames: if isinstance(data[key], np.ndarray): targets[key][:] = data[key][indx] else: targets[key][:] = np.repeat(data[key], nobj) # Assign RELEASE, PHOTSYS, [RA,DEC]_IVAR, and DCHISQ targets['RELEASE'][:] = 9999 isouth = self.is_south(targets['DEC']) south = np.where( isouth )[0] north = np.where( ~isouth )[0] if len(south) > 0: targets['PHOTSYS'][south] = 'S' if len(north) > 0: targets['PHOTSYS'][north] = 'N' targets['RA_IVAR'][:], targets['DEC_IVAR'][:] = 1e8, 1e8 targets['DCHISQ'][:] = np.tile( [0.0, 100, 200, 300, 400], (nobj, 1)) # for QSO selection # Add dust, depth, and nobs. for band in ('G', 'R', 'Z', 'W1', 'W2', 'W3', 'W4'): key = 'MW_TRANSMISSION_{}'.format(band) targets[key][:] = data[key][indx] for band in ('G', 'R', 'Z'): for prefix in ('PSF', 'GAL'): key = '{}DEPTH_{}'.format(prefix, band) targets[key][:] = data[key][indx] nobskey = 'NOBS_{}'.format(band) targets[nobskey][:] = 2 # assume constant! # Add spectral / template type and subtype. for value, key in zip( (truespectype, templatetype, templatesubtype), ('TRUESPECTYPE', 'TEMPLATETYPE', 'TEMPLATESUBTYPE') ): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): truth[key][:] = value else: truth[key][:] = np.repeat(value, nobj) # Copy various quantities from the metadata table. for key in meta.colnames: if key in truth.colnames: truth[key][:] = meta[key] elif key == 'REDSHIFT': truth['TRUEZ'][:] = meta['REDSHIFT'] if len(objmeta) > 0 and len(objtruth) > 0: # some objects have no metadata... for key in objmeta.colnames: if key in objtruth.colnames: #The modified emision line model don't have the same shape as the default. if (key=='EMLINES') and (objtruth[key][:].shape != objmeta[key].shape) : objtruth.replace_column('EMLINES',np.zeros((nobj,len(objmeta['EMLINES'][0, :, 0]), 3))-1) objtruth[key][:] = objmeta[key] # Scatter the observed photometry based on the depth and then attenuate # for Galactic extinction. self.scatter_photometry(data, truth, targets, indx=indx, seed=seed) for band, key in zip( ('G', 'R', 'Z', 'W1', 'W2', 'W3', 'W4'), ('FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_Z', 'FLUX_W1', 'FLUX_W2', 'FLUX_W3', 'FLUX_W4') ): targets[key][:] = targets[key] * data['MW_TRANSMISSION_{}'.format(band)][indx] # Attenuate the spectra for extinction, too. if len(flux) > 0 and 'EBV' in data.keys(): flux *= 10**( -0.4 * data['EBV'][indx, np.newaxis] * self.extinction ) # Finally compute the (simulated, observed) flux within the fiber. for these, issouth in zip( (north, south), (False, True) ): if len(these) > 0: fiberfraction = self.get_fiberfraction(targets[these], south=issouth) for band, fraction in zip( ('G', 'R', 'Z'), fiberfraction ): fiberflux = targets['FLUX_{}'.format(band)][these] * fraction targets['FIBERFLUX_{}'.format(band)][these] = fiberflux targets['FIBERTOTFLUX_{}'.format(band)][these] = fiberflux return targets, truth, objtruth
[docs] def mock_density(self, mockfile=None, nside=64, density_per_pixel=False, zmax_qso=None, zmin_lya=None): """Compute the median density of targets in the full mock. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside for the calculation. density_per_pixel : :class:`bool`, optional Return the density per healpixel rather than just the median density, which may be useful for statistical purposes. zmax_qso : :class:`float` Maximum redshift of tracer QSOs to read, to ensure no double-counting with Lya mocks. Defaults to None. zmin_lya : :class:`float` Minimum redshift of Lya skewers, to ensure no double-counting with QSO mocks. Defaults to None. Returns ------- mock_density : :class:`int` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` Median density of targets per deg2 or target density in all healpixels (if density_per_pixel=True). Raises ------ ValueError If mockfile is not defined. """ if mockfile is None: log.warning('Mockfile input is required.') raise ValueError try: mockfile = mockfile.format(**os.environ) except KeyError as e: log.warning('Environment variable not set for mockfile: {}'.format(e)) raise ValueError areaperpix = hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True) # This is a little fragile because it makes assumptions about the data # model. if zmax_qso is not None: radec =, columns=['RA', 'DEC', 'Z_COSMO', 'DZ_RSD'], upper=True, ext=1) zz = (radec['Z_COSMO'].astype('f8') + radec['DZ_RSD'].astype('f8')).astype('f4') cut = np.where( zz < zmax_qso )[0] radec = radec[cut] elif zmin_lya is not None: radec =, columns=['RA', 'DEC', 'Z_QSO_RSD'], upper=True, ext=1) zz = radec['Z_QSO_RSD'].astype('f4') cut = np.where( zz >= zmin_lya )[0] radec = radec[cut] else: radec =, columns=['RA', 'DEC'], upper=True, ext=1) healpix = footprint.radec2pix(nside, radec['RA'], radec['DEC']) # Get the weight per pixel, protecting against divide-by-zero. pixweight = load_pixweight(nside, pixmap=self.pixmap) weight = np.zeros_like(radec['RA']) good = np.nonzero(pixweight[healpix]) weight[good] = 1 / pixweight[healpix[good]] mock_density = np.bincount(healpix, weights=weight) / areaperpix # [targets/deg] mock_density = mock_density[np.flatnonzero(mock_density)] if density_per_pixel: return mock_density else: return np.median(mock_density)
[docs] def qamock_sky(self, data, xlim=(0, 4), nozhist=False, png=None): """Generate a QAplot showing the sky and redshift distribution of the objects in the mock. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Dictionary of source properties. """ import warnings import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from desiutil.plots import init_sky, plot_sky_binned fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') basemap = init_sky(galactic_plane_color='k', ax=ax[0]) plot_sky_binned(data['RA'], data['DEC'], weights=data['WEIGHT'], max_bin_area=hp.nside2pixarea(data['NSIDE'], degrees=True), verbose=False, clip_lo='!1', clip_hi='95%', cmap='viridis', plot_type='healpix', basemap=basemap, label=r'{} (targets/deg$^2$)'.format(self.objtype)) if not nozhist: ax[1].hist(data['Z'], bins=100, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.6, label=self.objtype, weights=data['WEIGHT']) ax[1].set_xlabel('Redshift') ax[1].set_xlim( xlim ) ax[1].yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.NullFormatter()) ax[1].legend(loc='upper right', frameon=False) else: ax[1].axis('off') fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.2) if png: print('Writing {}'.format(png)) fig.savefig(png) plt.close(fig) else:
[docs] def is_south(self, dec): """Divide the "north" and "south" photometric systems based on a constant-declination cut. Parameters ---------- dec : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Declination of candidate targets (decimal degrees). """ from import desitarget_resolve_dec return dec <= desitarget_resolve_dec()
[docs] def remove_north_south_bits(self, desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target): """Remove all the "north" and "south" targeting bits. See the discussion here for details: Parameters ---------- desi_target : :class:`int64` Dark-time targeting bit from targetmask.yaml. bgs_target : :class:`int64` BGS targeting bit from targetmask.yaml. mws_target : :class:`int64` MWS targeting bit from targetmask.yaml. """ for category, target, mask in zip( ('MWS', 'BGS', 'DESI'), (mws_target, bgs_target, desi_target), (self.mws_mask, self.bgs_mask, self.desi_mask) ): for bitname in mask.names(): if 'SOUTH' in bitname or 'NORTH' in bitname: these = target & mask.mask(bitname) != 0 if np.sum(these) > 0: target[these] -= mask.mask(bitname) # subtract that bit # For MWS and BGS, if we subtracted out the last bit # then we also have to unset MWS_ANY and BGS_ANY, respectively. if category == 'MWS' or category == 'BGS': andthose = target[these] == 0 if np.sum(andthose) > 0: desi_target[these][andthose] -= self.desi_mask.mask('{}_ANY'.format(category))
[docs]class ReadGaussianField(SelectTargets): """Read a Gaussian random field style mock catalog.""" cached_radec = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ReadGaussianField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def readmock(self, mockfile=None, healpixels=None, nside=None, zmax_qso=None, target_name='', mock_density=False, only_coords=False, seed=None): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. zmax_qso : :class:`float` Maximum redshift of tracer QSOs to read, to ensure no double-counting with Lya mocks. Defaults to None. target_name : :class:`str` Name of the target being read (e.g., ELG, LRG). mock_density : :class:`bool`, optional Compute and return the median target density in the mock. Defaults to False. only_coords : :class:`bool`, optional To get some improvement in speed, only read the target coordinates and some other basic info. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ IOError If the mock data file is not found. ValueError If mockfile is not defined or if nside is not a scalar. """ if mockfile is None: log.warning('Mockfile input is required.') raise ValueError try: mockfile = mockfile.format(**os.environ) except KeyError as e: log.warning('Environment variable not set for mockfile: {}'.format(e)) raise ValueError if not os.path.isfile(mockfile): log.warning('Mock file {} not found!'.format(mockfile)) raise IOError # Default set of healpixels is the whole DESI footprint. if healpixels is None: if nside is None: nside = 64'Reading the whole DESI footprint with nside = {}.'.format(nside)) healpixels = footprint.tiles2pix(nside) if nside is None: log.warning('Nside must be a scalar input.') raise ValueError # Read the ra,dec coordinates, pixel weight map, generate mockid, and # then restrict to the desired healpixels. if self.cached_radec is None: ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = _get_radec(mockfile, nside, self.pixmap) ReadGaussianField.cached_radec = (mockfile, nside, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight) else: cached_mockfile, cached_nside, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = ReadGaussianField.cached_radec if cached_mockfile != mockfile or cached_nside != nside: ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = _get_radec(mockfile, nside, self.pixmap) ReadGaussianField.cached_radec = (mockfile, nside, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight) else: log.debug('Using cached coordinates, healpixels, and pixel weights from {}'.format(mockfile)) _, _, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = ReadGaussianField.cached_radec mockid = np.arange(len(ra)) # unique ID/row number fracarea = pixweight[allpix] cut = np.where( np.in1d(allpix, healpixels) * (fracarea > 0) )[0] # force DESI footprint if np.all(cut[1:] >= cut[:-1]) is False: log.fatal('Index cut must be monotonically increasing, otherwise fitsio will resort it!') raise ValueError nobj = len(cut) if nobj == 0: log.warning('No {}s in healpixels {}!'.format(target_name, healpixels)) return dict()'Trimmed to {} {}s in {} healpixel(s)'.format( nobj, target_name, len(np.atleast_1d(healpixels)))) mockid = mockid[cut] allpix = allpix[cut] weight = 1 / fracarea[cut] ra = ra[cut] dec = dec[cut] # Add redshifts. if target_name.upper() == 'SKY': zz = np.zeros(len(ra)) else: data =, columns=['Z_COSMO', 'DZ_RSD'], upper=True, ext=1, rows=cut) zz = (data['Z_COSMO'].astype('f8') + data['DZ_RSD'].astype('f8')).astype('f4') zz_norsd = data['Z_COSMO'].astype('f4') # cut on maximum redshift if zmax_qso is not None: cut = np.where( zz < zmax_qso )[0] nobj = len(cut)'Trimmed to {} objects with z<{:.3f}'.format(nobj, zmax_qso)) if nobj == 0: return dict() mockid = mockid[cut] allpix = allpix[cut] weight = weight[cut] ra = ra[cut] dec = dec[cut] zz = zz[cut] zz_norsd = zz_norsd[cut] # Optionally (for a little more speed) only return some basic info. if only_coords: return {'MOCKID': mockid, 'RA': ra, 'DEC': dec, 'Z': zz, 'WEIGHT': weight, 'NSIDE': nside} isouth = self.is_south(dec) # Get photometry and morphologies by sampling from the Gaussian # mixture models.'Sampling from {} Gaussian mixture model.'.format(target_name)) gmmout = self.sample_GMM(nobj, target=target_name, isouth=isouth, seed=seed, prior_redshift=zz) # For ELGs, also sample to get the [OII] flux for use with --no-spectra. # Note that these are the "true" values (before photometric scatter and # Galactic extinction). # Here's the code used to determine these correlations-- # import fitsio ; import numpy as np ; import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ; from desisim.util import medxbin # ff = fitsio.FITS('/global/projecta/projectdirs/desi/datachallenge/reference_runs/18.11/targets/truth.fits') # alltarg = ff['TRUTH'].read(columns=['FLUX_R', 'TARGETID']) # elgtarg = ff['TRUTH_ELG'].read(columns=['OIIFLUX', 'TARGETID']) # ww = np.isin(alltarg['TARGETID'], elgtarg['TARGETID']) # oii = np.log10( 1e17 * elgtarg['OIIFLUX'] ) # rmag = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10( alltarg['FLUX_R'][ww] ) # # def statsinbins(xx, yy, binsize=0.1, minpts=10): # xmin = xx.min() # xmax = xx.max() # nbin = int( (np.nanmax(xx) - np.nanmin(xx) ) / binsize ) # stats = np.zeros(nbin, [ # ('xmean', 'f4'), ('xmedian', 'f4'), ('xbin', 'f4'), ('npts', 'i4'), # ('ymedian', 'f4'), ('ymean', 'f4'), ('ystd', 'f4'), ('y25', 'f4'), ('y75', 'f4')]) # _xbin = np.linspace(xx.min(), xx.max(), nbin) # idx = np.digitize(xx, _xbin) # for kk in range(nbin): # these = idx == kk # npts = np.count_nonzero( oii[these] ) # stats['xbin'][kk] = _xbin[kk] # stats['npts'][kk] = npts # if npts > 0: # stats['xmedian'][kk] = np.nanmedian( xx[these] ) # stats['xmean'][kk] = np.nanmean( xx[these] ) # stats['ystd'][kk] = np.nanstd( yy[these] ) # stats['ymean'][kk] = np.nanmean( yy[these] ) # qq = np.nanpercentile( yy[these], [25, 50, 75] ) # stats['y25'][kk] = qq[0] # stats['ymedian'][kk] = qq[1] # stats['y75'][kk] = qq[2] # keep = stats['npts'] > minpts # return stats[keep] # stats = statsinbins(rmag, oii, binsize=0.05, minpts=10) # rmagpivot = 22 # coeff_median = np.polyfit(stats['xbin'] - rmagpivot, stats['ymedian'], 2) # coeff_scatter = np.polyfit(stats['xbin'] - rmagpivot, stats['ystd'], 2) # # fig, ax = plt.subplots() # ax.hexbin(rmag, oii, mincnt=1, cmap='viridis', bins='log', gridsize=60) # ax.set_xlabel('r (AB mag, no scatter or extinction)') # ax.set_ylabel(r'$\log_{10} [{\rm OII}]\ \ (10^{-17}\ {\rm erg}\ {\rm s}^{-1}\ {\rm cm}^{-2})$') # ax.plot(stats['xbin'], stats['ymedian'], color='k', ls='-') # ax.plot(stats['xbin'], stats['y75'], color='k', ls='--') # ax.plot(stats['xbin'], stats['y25'], color='k', ls='--') # ax.plot(stats['xbin'], np.polyval(coeff_median, stats['xbin'] - rmagpivot), color='red') # fig.savefig('/global/homes/i/ioannis/rmag-vs-oiiflux.png') if target_name.upper() == 'ELG' and gmmout is not None: rmagpivot = 22 rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) oiicoeff_median = np.array([ -5.31384197e-04, -4.24876618e-01, 1.17861064e+00]) oiicoeff_scatter = np.array([-0.00188197, -0.00077902, 0.30842156]) oiiflux = np.polyval(oiicoeff_median, gmmout['MAG'] - rmagpivot) oiiflux_sigma = np.polyval(oiicoeff_scatter, gmmout['MAG'] - rmagpivot) for ii, sigma in enumerate(oiiflux_sigma): if sigma < 0: # edge case sigma = np.polyval(oiicoeff_scatter, 0) oiiflux[ii] += rand.normal(loc=0, scale=sigma) gmmout.update({'OIIFLUX': 1e-17 * oiiflux}) # Pack into a basic dictionary. out = {'TARGET_NAME': target_name, 'MOCKFORMAT': 'gaussianfield', 'HEALPIX': allpix, 'NSIDE': nside, 'WEIGHT': weight, 'MOCKID': mockid, 'BRICKNAME': self.Bricks.brickname(ra, dec).astype('S8'), 'BRICKID': self.Bricks.brickid(ra, dec), 'RA': ra, 'DEC': dec, 'Z': zz, 'Z_NORSD': zz_norsd, 'SOUTH': isouth} if gmmout is not None: out.update(gmmout) # Add MW transmission and the imaging depth. self.mw_transmission(out) self.imaging_depth(out) # Optionally compute the mean mock density. if mock_density: out['MOCK_DENSITY'] = self.mock_density(mockfile=mockfile, zmax_qso=zmax_qso) return out
[docs]class ReadBuzzard(SelectTargets): """Read a Buzzard style mock catalog.""" cached_pixweight = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ReadBuzzard, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def readmock(self, mockfile=None, healpixels=[], nside=[], nside_buzzard=8, target_name='', magcut=None, only_coords=False, seed=None): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. nside_buzzard : :class:`int` Healpixel nside indicating how the mock on-disk has been organized. Defaults to 8. target_name : :class:`str` Name of the target being read (e.g., ELG, LRG). magcut : :class:`float` Magnitude cut (hard-coded to DECam r-band) to subselect targets brighter than magcut. only_coords : :class:`bool`, optional To get some improvement in speed, only read the target coordinates and some other basic info. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ IOError If the top-level Galaxia directory is not found. ValueError (1) If either mockfile or nside_galaxia are not defined; (2) if healpixels or nside are not scalar inputs; or (3) if the input target_name is not recognized. """ from desitarget.targets import encode_targetid from import get_healpix_dir, findfile if mockfile is None: log.warning('Mockfile input is required.') raise ValueError try: mockfile = mockfile.format(**os.environ) except KeyError as e: log.warning('Environment variable not set for mockfile: {}'.format(e)) raise ValueError if nside_buzzard is None: log.warning('Nside_buzzard input is required.') raise ValueError mockfile_nside = os.path.join(mockfile, str(nside_buzzard)) if not os.path.isdir(mockfile_nside): log.warning('Buzzard top-level directory {} not found!'.format(mockfile_nside)) raise IOError # Because of the size of the Buzzard mock, healpixels (and nside) must # be scalars. if len(np.atleast_1d(healpixels)) != 1 and len(np.atleast_1d(nside)) != 1: log.warning('Healpixels and nside must be scalar inputs.') raise ValueError if self.cached_pixweight is None: pixweight = load_pixweight(nside, pixmap=self.pixmap) ReadBuzzard.cached_pixweight = (pixweight, nside) else: pixweight, cached_nside = ReadBuzzard.cached_pixweight if cached_nside != nside: pixweight = load_pixweight(nside, pixmap=self.pixmap) ReadBuzzard.cached_pixweight = (pixweight, nside) else: log.debug('Using cached pixel weight map.') pixweight, _ = ReadBuzzard.cached_pixweight # Get the set of nside_buzzard pixels that belong to the desired # healpixels (which have nside). This will break if healpixels is a # vector. theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, healpixels, nest=True) pixnum = hp.ang2pix(nside_buzzard, theta, phi, nest=True) buzzardfile = findfile(filetype='Buzzard_v1.6_lensed', nside=nside_buzzard, pixnum=pixnum, basedir=mockfile_nside, ext='fits') if len(buzzardfile) == 0: log.warning('File {} not found!'.format(buzzardfile)) raise IOError'Reading {}'.format(buzzardfile)) radec =, columns=['RA', 'DEC'], upper=True, ext=1) nobj = len(radec) objid = np.arange(nobj) mockid = encode_targetid(objid=objid, brickid=pixnum, mock=1) allpix = footprint.radec2pix(nside, radec['RA'], radec['DEC']) fracarea = pixweight[allpix] cut = np.where( np.in1d(allpix, healpixels) * (fracarea > 0) )[0] # force DESI footprint if np.all(cut[1:] >= cut[:-1]) is False: log.fatal('Index cut must be monotonically increasing, otherwise fitsio will resort it!') raise ValueError nobj = len(cut) if nobj == 0: log.warning('No {}s in healpixels {}!'.format(target_name, healpixels)) return dict()'Trimmed to {} {}s in {} healpixel(s)'.format( nobj, target_name, len(np.atleast_1d(healpixels)))) mockid = mockid[cut] objid = objid[cut] allpix = allpix[cut] weight = 1 / fracarea[cut] ra = radec['RA'][cut].astype('f8') % 360.0 # enforce 0 < ra < 360 dec = radec['DEC'][cut].astype('f8') del radec cols = ['Z', 'TMAG'] #cols = ['Z', 'COEFFS', 'TMAG'] data =, columns=cols, upper=True, ext=1, rows=cut) zz = data['Z'].astype('f4') tmag = data['TMAG'].astype('f4') if magcut: cut = tmag[:, 2] < magcut # r-band if np.count_nonzero(cut) == 0: log.warning('No objects with r < {}!'.format(magcut)) return dict() else: mockid = mockid[cut] objid = objid[cut] allpix = allpix[cut] weight = weight[cut] ra = ra[cut] dec = dec[cut] zz = zz[cut] tmag = tmag[np.where(cut)[0], :] nobj = len(ra)'Trimmed to {} {}s with r < {}.'.format(nobj, target_name, magcut)) # Optionally (for a little more speed) only return some basic info. if only_coords: return {'MOCKID': mockid, 'RA': ra, 'DEC': dec, 'Z': zz, 'WEIGHT': weight, 'NSIDE': nside} isouth = self.is_south(dec) ## Get photometry and morphologies by sampling from the Gaussian ## mixture models.'Sampling from {} Gaussian mixture model.'.format(target_name)) #gmmout = self.sample_GMM(nobj, target=target_name, isouth=isouth, # seed=seed, prior_redshift=zz) #gmmout = None gmag = data['TMAG'][:, 1].astype('f4') # DES g-band, no MW extinction rmag = data['TMAG'][:, 2].astype('f4') # DES r-band, no MW extinction zmag = data['TMAG'][:, 4].astype('f4') # DES z-band, no MW extinction # Pack into a basic dictionary. out = {'TARGET_NAME': target_name, 'MOCKFORMAT': 'buzzard', 'HEALPIX': allpix, 'NSIDE': nside, 'WEIGHT': weight, 'MOCKID': mockid, 'BRICKNAME': self.Bricks.brickname(ra, dec).astype('S8'), 'BRICKID': self.Bricks.brickid(ra, dec), 'RA': ra, 'DEC': dec, 'Z': zz, 'MAG': rmag, 'MAGFILTER': np.repeat('decam2014-r', nobj), 'GMAG': gmag, 'MAGFILTER-G': np.repeat('decam2014-g', nobj), 'ZMAG': zmag, 'MAGFILTER-Z': np.repeat('decam2014-z', nobj), 'SOUTH': isouth} #if gmmout is not None: # out.update(gmmout) # Add MW transmission and the imaging depth. self.mw_transmission(out) self.imaging_depth(out) ## Optionally compute the mean mock density. #if mock_density: # out['MOCK_DENSITY'] = self.mock_density(mockfile=mockfile) return out
[docs]class ReadUniformSky(SelectTargets): """Read a uniform sky style mock catalog.""" cached_radec = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ReadUniformSky, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def readmock(self, mockfile=None, healpixels=None, nside=None, target_name='', mock_density=False, only_coords=False): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. target_name : :class:`str` Name of the target being read (e.g., ELG, LRG). mock_density : :class:`bool`, optional Compute and return the median target density in the mock. Defaults only_coords : :class:`bool`, optional To get some improvement in speed, only read the target coordinates and some other basic info. Defaults to False. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ IOError If the mock data file is not found. ValueError If mockfile is not defined or if nside is not a scalar. """ if mockfile is None: log.warning('Mockfile input is required.') raise ValueError try: mockfile = mockfile.format(**os.environ) except KeyError as e: log.warning('Environment variable not set for mockfile: {}'.format(e)) raise ValueError if not os.path.isfile(mockfile): log.warning('Mock file {} not found!'.format(mockfile)) raise IOError # Default set of healpixels is the whole DESI footprint. if healpixels is None: if nside is None: nside = 64'Reading the whole DESI footprint with nside = {}.'.format(nside)) healpixels = footprint.tiles2pix(nside) if nside is None: log.warning('Nside must be a scalar input.') raise ValueError # Read the ra,dec coordinates, pixel weight map, generate mockid, and # then restrict to the desired healpixels. if self.cached_radec is None: ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = _get_radec(mockfile, nside, self.pixmap) ReadUniformSky.cached_radec = (mockfile, nside, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight) else: cached_mockfile, cached_nside, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = ReadUniformSky.cached_radec if cached_mockfile != mockfile or cached_nside != nside: ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = _get_radec(mockfile, nside, self.pixmap) ReadUniformSky.cached_radec = (mockfile, nside, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight) else: log.debug('Using cached coordinates, healpixels, and pixel weights from {}'.format(mockfile)) _, _, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = ReadUniformSky.cached_radec mockid = np.arange(len(ra)) # unique ID/row number fracarea = pixweight[allpix] cut = np.where( np.in1d(allpix, healpixels) * (fracarea > 0) )[0] # force DESI footprint if np.all(cut[1:] >= cut[:-1]) is False: log.fatal('Index cut must be monotonically increasing, otherwise fitsio will resort it!') raise ValueError nobj = len(cut) if nobj == 0: log.warning('No {}s in healpixels {}!'.format(target_name, healpixels)) return dict()'Trimmed to {} {}s in {} healpixel(s).'.format( nobj, target_name, len(np.atleast_1d(healpixels)))) mockid = mockid[cut] allpix = allpix[cut] weight = 1 / fracarea[cut] ra = ra[cut] dec = dec[cut] # Optionally (for a little more speed) only return some basic info. if only_coords: return {'MOCKID': mockid, 'RA': ra, 'DEC': dec, 'Z': zz, 'WEIGHT': weight, 'NSIDE': nside} isouth = self.is_south(dec) # Pack into a basic dictionary. out = {'TARGET_NAME': target_name, 'MOCKFORMAT': 'uniformsky', 'HEALPIX': allpix, 'NSIDE': nside, 'WEIGHT': weight, 'MOCKID': mockid, 'BRICKNAME': self.Bricks.brickname(ra, dec).astype('S8'), 'BRICKID': self.Bricks.brickid(ra, dec), 'RA': ra, 'DEC': dec, 'Z': np.zeros(len(ra)), 'SOUTH': isouth} # Add MW transmission and the imaging depth. self.mw_transmission(out) self.imaging_depth(out) # Optionally compute the mean mock density. if mock_density: out['MOCK_DENSITY'] = self.mock_density(mockfile=mockfile) return out
[docs]class ReadGalaxia(SelectTargets): """Read a Galaxia style mock catalog.""" cached_pixweight = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ReadGalaxia, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def readmock(self, mockfile=None, healpixels=[], nside=[], nside_galaxia=8, target_name='MWS_MAIN', magcut=None, faintstar_mockfile=None, faintstar_magcut=None, seed=None): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the top-level directory of the Galaxia mock catalog. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. nside_galaxia : :class:`int` Healpixel nside indicating how the mock on-disk has been organized. Defaults to 8. target_name : :class:`str` Name of the target being read (e.g., MWS_MAIN). magcut : :class:`float` Magnitude cut (hard-coded to SDSS r-band) to subselect targets brighter than magcut. faintstar_mockfile : :class:`str`, optional Full path to the top-level directory of the Galaxia faint star mock catalog. faintstar_magcut : :class:`float`, optional Magnitude cut (hard-coded to SDSS r-band) to subselect faint star targets brighter than magcut. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ IOError If the top-level Galaxia directory is not found. ValueError (1) If either mockfile or nside_galaxia are not defined; (2) if healpixels or nside are not scalar inputs; or (3) if the input target_name is not recognized. """ from desitarget.targets import encode_targetid from import get_healpix_dir, findfile if mockfile is None: log.warning('Mockfile input is required.') raise ValueError try: mockfile = mockfile.format(**os.environ) except KeyError as e: log.warning('Environment variable not set for mockfile: {}'.format(e)) raise ValueError if nside_galaxia is None: log.warning('Nside_galaxia input is required.') raise ValueError mockfile_nside = os.path.join(mockfile, str(nside_galaxia)) if not os.path.isdir(mockfile_nside): log.warning('Galaxia top-level directory {} not found!'.format(mockfile_nside)) raise IOError rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) # Because of the size of the Galaxia mock, healpixels (and nside) must # be scalars. if len(np.atleast_1d(healpixels)) != 1 and len(np.atleast_1d(nside)) != 1: log.warning('Healpixels and nside must be scalar inputs.') raise ValueError if self.cached_pixweight is None: pixweight = load_pixweight(nside, pixmap=self.pixmap) ReadGalaxia.cached_pixweight = (pixweight, nside) else: pixweight, cached_nside = ReadGalaxia.cached_pixweight if cached_nside != nside: pixweight = load_pixweight(nside, pixmap=self.pixmap) ReadGalaxia.cached_pixweight = (pixweight, nside) else: log.debug('Using cached pixel weight map.') pixweight, _ = ReadGalaxia.cached_pixweight # Get the set of nside_galaxia pixels that belong to the desired # healpixels (which have nside). This will break if healpixels is a # vector. theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, healpixels, nest=True) pixnum = hp.ang2pix(nside_galaxia, theta, phi, nest=True) if target_name.upper() == 'MWS_MAIN' or target_name.upper() == 'CONTAM_STAR': filetype = 'mock_allsky_galaxia_desi' elif target_name.upper() == 'FAINTSTAR': filetype = 'mock_superfaint_allsky_galaxia_desi_b10' else: log.warning('Unrecognized target name {}!'.format(target_name)) raise ValueError for ff in np.atleast_1d(filetype): galaxiafile = findfile(filetype=ff, nside=nside_galaxia, pixnum=pixnum, basedir=mockfile_nside, ext='fits') if os.path.isfile(galaxiafile): break if len(galaxiafile) == 0: log.warning('File {} not found!'.format(galaxiafile)) raise IOError'Reading {}'.format(galaxiafile)) radec =, columns=['RA', 'DEC'], upper=True, ext=1) nobj = len(radec) objid = np.arange(nobj) mockid = encode_targetid(objid=objid, brickid=pixnum, mock=1) allpix = footprint.radec2pix(nside, radec['RA'], radec['DEC']) fracarea = pixweight[allpix] cut = np.where( np.in1d(allpix, healpixels) * (fracarea > 0) )[0] # force DESI footprint if np.all(cut[1:] >= cut[:-1]) is False: log.fatal('Index cut must be monotonically increasing, otherwise fitsio will resort it!') raise ValueError nobj = len(cut) if nobj == 0: log.warning('No {}s in healpixels {}!'.format(target_name, healpixels)) return dict()'Trimmed to {} {}s in {} healpixel(s)'.format( nobj, target_name, len(np.atleast_1d(healpixels)))) mockid = mockid[cut] objid = objid[cut] allpix = allpix[cut] weight = 1 / fracarea[cut] ra = radec['RA'][cut].astype('f8') % 360.0 # enforce 0 < ra < 360 dec = radec['DEC'][cut].astype('f8') del radec # Only the MWS_MAIN mock has Gaia and TRUE_VHELIO. cols = ['TRUE_MAG_R_SDSS_NODUST', 'TRUE_MAG_G_SDSS_NODUST', 'TRUE_MAG_Z_SDSS_NODUST', 'TRUE_TEFF', 'TRUE_LOGG', 'TRUE_FEH'] if target_name.upper() == 'MWS_MAIN' or target_name.upper() == 'CONTAM_STAR': cols = cols + ['TRUE_VHELIO', 'GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', 'PMRA', 'PMDEC', 'PM_RA_IVAR', 'PM_DEC_IVAR', 'PARALLAX', 'PARALLAX_IVAR'] data =, columns=cols, upper=True, ext=1, rows=cut) mag = data['TRUE_MAG_R_SDSS_NODUST'].astype('f4') # SDSS r-band, extinction-corrected gmag = data['TRUE_MAG_G_SDSS_NODUST'].astype('f4') # SDSS g-band, extinction-corrected zmag = data['TRUE_MAG_Z_SDSS_NODUST'].astype('f4') # SDSS z-band, extinction-corrected teff = 10**data['TRUE_TEFF'].astype('f4') # log10! logg = data['TRUE_LOGG'].astype('f4') feh = data['TRUE_FEH'].astype('f4') if target_name.upper() == 'MWS_MAIN' or target_name.upper() == 'CONTAM_STAR': zz = (data['TRUE_VHELIO'].astype('f4') / C_LIGHT).astype('f4') else: zz = (rand.normal(loc=0.0, scale=200.0, size=len(data)) / C_LIGHT).astype('f4') # Hack! if target_name.upper() == 'MWS_MAIN' or target_name.upper() == 'CONTAM_STAR': ref_id = mockid ref_cat = np.repeat('G2', len(mockid)) gaia_g = data['GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG'].astype('f4') gaia_pmra = data['PMRA'].astype('f4') gaia_pmdec = data['PMDEC'].astype('f4') gaia_pmra_ivar = data['PM_RA_IVAR'].astype('f4') gaia_pmdec_ivar = data['PM_DEC_IVAR'].astype('f4') gaia_parallax = data['PARALLAX'].astype('f4') gaia_parallax_ivar = data['PARALLAX_IVAR'].astype('f4') else: ref_id = np.zeros(nobj).astype('f4')-1 # no data is -1 ref_cat = np.repeat('', len(mockid)) gaia_g = np.zeros(nobj).astype('f4') gaia_pmra = np.zeros(nobj).astype('f4') gaia_pmdec = np.zeros(nobj).astype('f4') gaia_pmra_ivar = np.ones(nobj).astype('f4') # default is unity gaia_pmdec_ivar = np.ones(nobj).astype('f4') # default is unity gaia_parallax = np.zeros(nobj).astype('f4') gaia_parallax_ivar = np.ones(nobj).astype('f4') # default is unity if magcut: cut = mag < magcut if np.count_nonzero(cut) == 0: log.warning('No objects with r < {}!'.format(magcut)) return dict() else: mockid = mockid[cut] objid = objid[cut] allpix = allpix[cut] weight = weight[cut] ra = ra[cut] dec = dec[cut] zz = zz[cut] mag = mag[cut] gmag = gmag[cut] zmag = zmag[cut] teff = teff[cut] logg = logg[cut] feh = feh[cut] ref_id = ref_id[cut] ref_cat = ref_cat[cut] gaia_g = gaia_g[cut] gaia_pmra = gaia_pmra[cut] gaia_pmdec = gaia_pmdec[cut] gaia_pmra_ivar = gaia_pmra_ivar[cut] gaia_pmdec_ivar = gaia_pmdec_ivar[cut] gaia_parallax = gaia_parallax[cut] gaia_parallax_ivar = gaia_parallax_ivar[cut] nobj = len(ra)'Trimmed to {} {}s with r < {}.'.format(nobj, target_name, magcut)) # Pack into a basic dictionary. out = {'TARGET_NAME': target_name, 'MOCKFORMAT': 'galaxia', 'HEALPIX': allpix, 'NSIDE': nside, 'WEIGHT': weight, 'MOCKID': mockid, 'BRICKNAME': self.Bricks.brickname(ra, dec).astype('S8'), 'BRICKID': self.Bricks.brickid(ra, dec), 'RA': ra, 'DEC': dec, 'Z': zz, 'TEFF': teff, 'LOGG': logg, 'FEH': feh, 'MAG': mag, 'MAGFILTER': np.repeat('sdss2010-r', nobj), #'GMAG': gmag, 'ZMAG': zmag, 'SOUTH': self.is_south(dec), 'TYPE': np.repeat('PSF', nobj), 'REF_ID': ref_id, 'REF_CAT': ref_cat, 'GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG': gaia_g, #'GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR' - f4 'GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG': np.zeros(nobj).astype('f4'), # placeholder #'GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR' - f4 'GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG': np.zeros(nobj).astype('f4'), # placeholder #'GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR' - f4 'GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE': np.zeros(nobj).astype('f4'), # placeholder #'GAIA_DUPLICATED_SOURCE' - b1 # default is False 'GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED': np.zeros(nobj).astype('i8')+31, # good astrometry 'PARALLAX': gaia_parallax, 'PARALLAX_IVAR': gaia_parallax_ivar, 'PMRA': gaia_pmra, 'PMRA_IVAR': gaia_pmra_ivar, 'PMDEC': gaia_pmdec, 'PMDEC_IVAR': gaia_pmdec_ivar} # Add MW transmission and the imaging depth. self.mw_transmission(out) self.imaging_depth(out) # Optionally include faint stars. if faintstar_mockfile is not None: log.debug('Supplementing with FAINTSTAR mock targets.') faintdata = ReadGalaxia().readmock(mockfile=faintstar_mockfile, target_name='FAINTSTAR', healpixels=healpixels, nside=nside, nside_galaxia=nside_galaxia, magcut=faintstar_magcut, seed=seed) # Stack and shuffle so we get a mix of bright and faint stars. rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) newnobj = nobj + len(faintdata['RA']) newindx = rand.choice(newnobj, size=newnobj, replace=False) for key in out.keys(): if type(out[key]) == np.ndarray: out[key] = np.hstack( (out[key], faintdata[key]) )[newindx] del faintdata return out
[docs]class ReadLyaCoLoRe(SelectTargets): """Read a CoLoRe mock catalog of Lya skewers.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ReadLyaCoLoRe, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def readmock(self, mockfile=None, healpixels=None, nside=None, target_name='LYA', nside_lya=16, zmin_lya=None, mock_density=False, sqmodel='default',only_coords=False, seed=None): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the top-level directory of the CoLoRe mock catalog. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. target_name : :class:`str` Name of the target being read (if not LYA). nside_lya : :class:`int` Healpixel nside indicating how the mock on-disk has been organized. Defaults to 16. zmin_lya : :class:`float` Minimum redshift of Lya skewers, to ensure no double-counting with QSO mocks. Defaults to None. mock_density : :class:`bool`, optional Compute and return the median target density in the mock. Defaults to False. only_coords : :class:`bool`, optional Only read the target coordinates and some other basic info. Defaults to False. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ IOError If the top-level mock data file is not found. ValueError If mockfile, nside, or nside_lya are not defined. """ from astropy import cosmology try: from simqso.sqbase import ContinuumKCorr if sqmodel == 'default': from simqso.sqmodels import BOSS_DR9_PLEpivot as model_PLEpivot else: from desisim.scripts.lya_simqso_model import model_PLEpivot from simqso.sqgrids import generateQlfPoints except ImportError: message = 'Please install' log.error(message) raise(ImportError(message)) if mockfile is None: log.warning('Mockfile input is required.') raise ValueError try: mockfile = mockfile.format(**os.environ) except KeyError as e: log.warning('Environment variable not set for mockfile: {}'.format(e)) raise ValueError if nside_lya is None: log.warning('Nside_lya input is required.') raise ValueError if not os.path.isfile(mockfile): log.warning('Mock file {} not found!'.format(mockfile)) raise IOError mockdir = os.path.dirname(mockfile) # Default set of healpixels is the whole DESI footprint. if healpixels is None: if nside is None: nside = 64'Reading the whole DESI footprint with nside = {}.'.format(nside)) healpixels = footprint.tiles2pix(nside) if nside is None: log.warning('Nside must be a scalar input.') raise ValueError pixweight = load_pixweight(nside, pixmap=self.pixmap) # Read the ra,dec coordinates and then restrict to the desired # healpixels.'Reading {}'.format(mockfile)) try: # new data model tmp =, columns=['RA', 'DEC', 'MOCKID', 'Z_QSO_RSD', 'Z_QSO_NO_RSD', 'PIXNUM'], upper=True, ext=1) zz = tmp['Z_QSO_RSD'].astype('f4') zz_norsd = tmp['Z_QSO_NO_RSD'].astype('f4') except: # old data model tmp =, columns=['RA', 'DEC', 'MOCKID' ,'Z', 'PIXNUM'], upper=True, ext=1) zz = tmp['Z'].astype('f4') zz_norsd = tmp['Z'].astype('f4') ra = tmp['RA'].astype('f8') % 360.0 # enforce 0 < ra < 360 dec = tmp['DEC'].astype('f8') mockpix = tmp['PIXNUM'] mockid = (tmp['MOCKID'].astype(float)).astype(int) del tmp'Assigning healpix pixels with nside = {}'.format(nside)) allpix = footprint.radec2pix(nside, ra, dec) fracarea = pixweight[allpix] # force DESI footprint cut = np.where( np.in1d(allpix, healpixels) * (fracarea > 0) )[0] if np.all(cut[1:] >= cut[:-1]) is False: log.fatal('Index cut must be monotonically increasing, otherwise fitsio will resort it!') raise ValueError nobj = len(cut) if nobj == 0: log.warning('No {}s in healpixels {}!'.format(target_name, healpixels)) return dict()'Trimmed to {} {}s in {} healpixel(s)'.format( nobj, target_name, len(np.atleast_1d(healpixels)))) allpix = allpix[cut] weight = 1 / fracarea[cut] ra = ra[cut] dec = dec[cut] zz = zz[cut] zz_norsd = zz_norsd[cut] #objid = objid[cut] mockpix = mockpix[cut] mockid = mockid[cut] # Cut on minimum redshift. if zmin_lya is not None: cut = np.where( zz >= zmin_lya )[0] nobj = len(cut)'Trimmed to {} {}s with z>={:.3f}'.format(nobj, target_name, zmin_lya)) if nobj == 0: return dict() allpix = allpix[cut] weight = weight[cut] ra = ra[cut] dec = dec[cut] zz = zz[cut] zz_norsd = zz_norsd[cut] #objid = objid[cut] mockpix = mockpix[cut] mockid = mockid[cut] # Optionally (for a little more speed) only return some basic info. if only_coords: return {'MOCKID': mockid, 'RA': ra, 'DEC': dec, 'Z': zz, 'WEIGHT': weight, 'NSIDE': nside} # Build the full filenames. lyafiles = [] for mpix in mockpix: lyafiles.append("%s/%d/%d/transmission-%d-%d.fits.gz"%( mockdir, mpix//100, mpix, nside_lya, mpix)) isouth = self.is_south(dec) # Draw apparent magnitudes from an BOSS/DR9 QSO luminosity function # (code taken from also desisim.templates.SIMQSO). # # from speclite import filters # print(filters.load_filters('BASS-r').effective_wavelengths.value, # filters.load_filters('decam2014-r').effective_wavelengths.value) magrange = (17, 23.5) zrange = (np.min(zz), np.max(zz)) normfilter_north, normfilter_south = 'BASS-r', 'DECam-r' weff_normfilter_north, weff_normfilter_south = 6437.79282937, 6469.62203811 kcorr_north = ContinuumKCorr(normfilter_north, 1450, effWaveBand=weff_normfilter_north) kcorr_south = ContinuumKCorr(normfilter_south, 1450, effWaveBand=weff_normfilter_south) qlf = model_PLEpivot(cosmo=cosmology.core.FlatLambdaCDM(70.0, 0.3)) mag = np.zeros(nobj).astype('f4') magfilter = np.zeros(nobj).astype('S15') south = np.where(isouth)[0] north = np.where(~isouth)[0] for these, issouth in zip( (north, south), (False, True) ): if len(these) > 0: if issouth: qsometa = generateQlfPoints(qlf, magrange, zrange, zin=zz[these], kcorr=kcorr_south, qlfseed=seed, gridseed=seed) mag[these] =['appMag'] magfilter[these] = normfilter_north else: qsometa = generateQlfPoints(qlf, magrange, zrange, zin=zz[these], kcorr=kcorr_north, qlfseed=seed, gridseed=seed) mag[these] =['appMag'] magfilter[these] = normfilter_south # Get photometry and morphologies by sampling from the Gaussian # mixture models.'Sampling from {} Gaussian mixture model.'.format(target_name)) gmmout = self.sample_GMM(nobj, target='QSO', isouth=isouth, seed=seed, prior_redshift=zz, prior_mag=mag) # Pack into a basic dictionary. out = {'TARGET_NAME': target_name, 'MOCKFORMAT': 'CoLoRe', 'HEALPIX': allpix, 'NSIDE': nside, 'WEIGHT': weight, #'OBJID': objid, 'MOCKID': mockid, 'LYAFILES': np.array(lyafiles), 'BRICKNAME': self.Bricks.brickname(ra, dec).astype('S8'), 'BRICKID': self.Bricks.brickid(ra, dec), 'RA': ra, 'DEC': dec, 'Z': zz, 'Z_NORSD': zz_norsd, 'MAG': mag, 'MAGFILTER': magfilter, 'SOUTH': isouth} if gmmout is not None: out.update(gmmout) # Add MW transmission and the imaging depth. self.mw_transmission(out) self.imaging_depth(out) # Optionally compute the mean mock density. if mock_density: out['MOCK_DENSITY'] = self.mock_density(mockfile=mockfile, zmin_lya=zmin_lya) return out
[docs]class ReadMXXL(SelectTargets): """Read a MXXL mock catalog of BGS targets.""" cached_radec = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ReadMXXL, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def readmock(self, mockfile=None, healpixels=None, nside=None, target_name='BGS', magcut=None, only_coords=False, mock_density=False, seed=None): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the top-level directory of the CoLoRe mock catalog. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. target_name : :class:`str` Name of the target being read (if not BGS). magcut : :class:`float` Magnitude cut (hard-coded to SDSS r-band) to subselect targets brighter than magcut. only_coords : :class:`bool`, optional To get some improvement in speed, only read the target coordinates and some other basic info. mock_density : :class:`bool`, optional Compute and return the median target density in the mock. Defaults to False. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ IOError If the mock data file is not found. ValueError If mockfile is not defined or if nside is not a scalar. """ import h5py if mockfile is None: log.warning('Mockfile input is required.') raise ValueError try: mockfile = mockfile.format(**os.environ) except KeyError as e: log.warning('Environment variable not set for mockfile: {}'.format(e)) raise ValueError if not os.path.isfile(mockfile): log.warning('Mock file {} not found!'.format(mockfile)) raise IOError # Default set of healpixels is the whole DESI footprint. if healpixels is None: if nside is None: nside = 64'Reading the whole DESI footprint with nside = {}.'.format(nside)) healpixels = footprint.tiles2pix(nside) if nside is None: log.warning('Nside must be a scalar input.') raise ValueError # Read the data, generate mockid, and then restrict to the input # healpixel. def _read_mockfile(mockfile, nside, pixmap): # Work around hdf5 <1.10 bug on /project; see # hdf5_flock = os.getenv('HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING') os.environ['HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING'] = 'FALSE' with h5py.File(mockfile, mode='r') as f: ra = f['Data/ra'][:].astype('f8') % 360.0 # enforce 0 < ra < 360 dec = f['Data/dec'][:].astype('f8') zz = f['Data/z_obs'][:].astype('f4') rmag = f['Data/app_mag'][:].astype('f4') absmag = f['Data/abs_mag'][:].astype('f4') gr = f['Data/g_r'][:].astype('f4') if hdf5_flock is not None: os.environ['HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING'] = hdf5_flock else: del os.environ['HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING']'Assigning healpix pixels with nside = {}'.format(nside)) allpix = footprint.radec2pix(nside, ra, dec) pixweight = load_pixweight(nside, pixmap=pixmap) return ra, dec, zz, rmag, absmag, gr, allpix, pixweight # Read the ra,dec coordinates, pixel weight map, generate mockid, and # then restrict to the desired healpixels. if self.cached_radec is None: ra, dec, zz, rmag, absmag, gr, allpix, pixweight = _read_mockfile(mockfile, nside, self.pixmap) ReadMXXL.cached_radec = (mockfile, nside, ra, dec, zz, rmag, absmag, gr, allpix, pixweight) else: cached_mockfile, cached_nside, ra, dec, zz, rmag, absmag, gr, allpix, pixweight = ReadMXXL.cached_radec if cached_mockfile != mockfile or cached_nside != nside: ra, dec, zz, rmag, absmag, gr, allpix, pixweight = _read_mockfile(mockfile, nside, self.pixmap) ReadMXXL.cached_radec = (mockfile, nside, ra, dec, zz, rmag, absmag, gr, allpix, pixweight) else: log.debug('Using cached coordinates, healpixels, and pixel weights from {}'.format(mockfile)) _, _, ra, dec, zz, rmag, absmag, gr, allpix, pixweight = ReadMXXL.cached_radec mockid = np.arange(len(ra)) # unique ID/row number fracarea = pixweight[allpix] cut = np.where( np.in1d(allpix, healpixels) * (fracarea > 0) )[0] # force DESI footprint if np.all(cut[1:] >= cut[:-1]) is False: log.fatal('Index cut must be monotonically increasing, otherwise fitsio will resort it!') raise ValueError nobj = len(cut) if nobj == 0: log.warning('No {}s in healpixels {}!'.format(target_name, healpixels)) return dict()'Trimmed to {} {}s in {} healpixel(s).'.format( nobj, target_name, len(np.atleast_1d(healpixels)))) mockid = mockid[cut] allpix = allpix[cut] weight = 1 / fracarea[cut] ra = ra[cut] dec = dec[cut] zz = zz[cut] rmag = rmag[cut] absmag = absmag[cut] gr = gr[cut] if magcut: cut = rmag < magcut if np.count_nonzero(cut) == 0: log.warning('No objects with r < {}!'.format(magcut)) return dict() else: mockid = mockid[cut] allpix = allpix[cut] weight = weight[cut] ra = ra[cut] dec = dec[cut] zz = zz[cut] rmag = rmag[cut] absmag = absmag[cut] gr = gr[cut] nobj = len(ra)'Trimmed to {} {}s with r < {}.'.format(nobj, target_name, magcut)) # Optionally (for a little more speed) only return some basic info. if only_coords: return {'MOCKID': mockid, 'RA': ra, 'DEC': dec, 'Z': zz, 'MAG': rmag, 'WEIGHT': weight, 'NSIDE': nside} isouth = self.is_south(dec) # Get photometry and morphologies by sampling from the Gaussian mixture # models. This is a total hack because our apparent magnitudes (rmag) # will not be consistent with the Gaussian draws. But as a hack just # sort the shapes and sizes on rmag.'Sampling from {} Gaussian mixture model.'.format(target_name)) gmmout = self.sample_GMM(nobj, target=target_name, isouth=isouth, seed=seed, prior_mag=rmag) # Pack into a basic dictionary. out = {'TARGET_NAME': target_name, 'MOCKFORMAT': 'durham_mxxl_hdf5', 'HEALPIX': allpix, 'NSIDE': nside, 'WEIGHT': weight, 'MOCKID': mockid, 'BRICKNAME': self.Bricks.brickname(ra, dec).astype('S8'), 'BRICKID': self.Bricks.brickid(ra, dec), 'RA': ra, 'DEC': dec, 'Z': zz, 'MAG': rmag, 'SDSS_absmag_r01': absmag, 'SDSS_01gr': gr, 'MAGFILTER': np.repeat('sdss2010-r', nobj), 'SOUTH': isouth} if gmmout is not None: out.update(gmmout) # Add MW transmission and the imaging depth. self.mw_transmission(out) self.imaging_depth(out) # Optionally compute the mean mock density. if mock_density: out['MOCK_DENSITY'] = self.mock_density(mockfile=mockfile) return out
[docs]class ReadGAMA(SelectTargets): """Read a GAMA catalog of BGS targets. This reader will only generally be used for the Survey Validation Data Challenge.""" cached_radec = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ReadGAMA, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def readmock(self, mockfile=None, healpixels=None, nside=None, target_name='', magcut=None, only_coords=False): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. target_name : :class:`str` Name of the target being read (e.g., ELG, LRG). magcut : :class:`float` Magnitude cut (hard-coded to SDSS r-band) to subselect targets brighter than magcut. only_coords : :class:`bool`, optional To get some improvement in speed, only read the target coordinates and some other basic info. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ IOError If the mock data file is not found. ValueError If mockfile or healpixels are not defined, or if nside is not a scalar. """ if mockfile is None: log.warning('Mockfile input is required.') raise ValueError try: mockfile = mockfile.format(**os.environ) except KeyError as e: log.warning('Environment variable not set for mockfile: {}'.format(e)) raise ValueError if not os.path.isfile(mockfile): log.warning('Mock file {} not found!'.format(mockfile)) raise IOError # Require healpixels, or could pass the set of tiles and use # footprint.tiles2pix() to convert to healpixels given nside. if healpixels is None: log.warning('Healpixels input is required.') raise ValueError if nside is None: log.warning('Nside must be a scalar input.') raise ValueError # Read the ra,dec coordinates, pixel weight map, generate mockid, and # then restrict to the desired healpixels. if self.cached_radec is None: ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = _get_radec(mockfile, nside, self.pixmap) ReadGAMA.cached_radec = (mockfile, nside, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight) else: cached_mockfile, cached_nside, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = ReadGAMA.cached_radec if cached_mockfile != mockfile or cached_nside != nside: ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = _get_radec(mockfile, nside, self.pixmap) ReadGAMA.cached_radec = (mockfile, nside, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight) else: log.debug('Using cached coordinates, healpixels, and pixel weights from {}'.format(mockfile)) _, _, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = ReadGAMA.cached_radec mockid = np.arange(len(ra)) # unique ID/row number fracarea = pixweight[allpix] cut = np.where( np.in1d(allpix, healpixels) * (fracarea > 0) )[0] # force DESI footprint if np.all(cut[1:] >= cut[:-1]) is False: log.fatal('Index cut must be monotonically increasing, otherwise fitsio will resort it!') raise ValueError nobj = len(cut) if nobj == 0: log.warning('No {}s in healpixels {}!'.format(target_name, healpixels)) return dict()'Trimmed to {} {}s in {} healpixel(s).'.format( nobj, target_name, len(np.atleast_1d(healpixels)))) mockid = mockid[cut] allpix = allpix[cut] weight = 1 / fracarea[cut] ra = ra[cut] dec = dec[cut] # Add photometry, absolute magnitudes, and redshifts. columns = ['FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_Z', 'Z', 'UGRIZ_ABSMAG_01'] data =, columns=columns, upper=True, ext=1, rows=cut) zz = data['Z'].astype('f4') rmag = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(data['FLUX_R']).astype('f4') # Pack into a basic dictionary. Could include shapes and other spectral # properties here. out = {'TARGET_NAME': target_name, 'MOCKFORMAT': 'bgs-gama', 'HEALPIX': allpix, 'NSIDE': nside, 'WEIGHT': weight, 'MOCKID': mockid, 'BRICKNAME': self.Bricks.brickname(ra, dec).astype('S8'), 'BRICKID': self.Bricks.brickid(ra, dec), 'RA': ra, 'DEC': dec, 'Z': zz, 'RMABS_01': data['UGRIZ_ABSMAG_01'][:, 2], 'UG_01': data['UGRIZ_ABSMAG_01'][:, 0]-data['UGRIZ_ABSMAG_01'][:, 1], 'GR_01': data['UGRIZ_ABSMAG_01'][:, 1]-data['UGRIZ_ABSMAG_01'][:, 2], 'RI_01': data['UGRIZ_ABSMAG_01'][:, 2]-data['UGRIZ_ABSMAG_01'][:, 3], 'IZ_01': data['UGRIZ_ABSMAG_01'][:, 3]-data['UGRIZ_ABSMAG_01'][:, 4], 'MAGFILTER': np.repeat('decam2014-r', nobj), 'MAG': rmag, 'SOUTH': self.is_south(dec)} # Add MW transmission and the imaging depth. self.mw_transmission(out) self.imaging_depth(out) return out
[docs]class ReadMWS_WD(SelectTargets): """Read a mock catalog of Milky Way Survey white dwarf targets (MWS_WD).""" cached_radec = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ReadMWS_WD, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def readmock(self, mockfile=None, healpixels=None, nside=None, target_name='WD', mock_density=False): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. target_name : :class:`str` Name of the target being read (if not WD). mock_density : :class:`bool`, optional Compute and return the median target density in the mock. Defaults to False. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ IOError If the mock data file is not found. ValueError If mockfile is not defined or if nside is not a scalar or if the selection index isn't monotonically increasing. """ if mockfile is None: log.warning('Mockfile input is required.') raise ValueError try: mockfile = mockfile.format(**os.environ) except KeyError as e: log.warning('Environment variable not set for mockfile: {}'.format(e)) raise ValueError if not os.path.isfile(mockfile): log.warning('Mock file {} not found!'.format(mockfile)) raise IOError # Default set of healpixels is the whole DESI footprint. if healpixels is None: if nside is None: nside = 64'Reading the whole DESI footprint with nside = {}.'.format(nside)) healpixels = footprint.tiles2pix(nside) if nside is None: log.warning('Nside must be a scalar input.') raise ValueError # Read the ra,dec coordinates, pixel weight map, generate mockid, and # then restrict to the desired healpixels. if self.cached_radec is None: ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = _get_radec(mockfile, nside, self.pixmap) ReadMWS_WD.cached_radec = (mockfile, nside, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight) else: cached_mockfile, cached_nside, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = ReadMWS_WD.cached_radec if cached_mockfile != mockfile or cached_nside != nside: ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = _get_radec(mockfile, nside, self.pixmap) ReadMWS_WD.cached_radec = (mockfile, nside, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight) else: log.debug('Using cached coordinates, healpixels, and pixel weights from {}'.format(mockfile)) _, _, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = ReadMWS_WD.cached_radec mockid = np.arange(len(ra)) # unique ID/row number fracarea = pixweight[allpix] cut = np.where( np.in1d(allpix, healpixels) * (fracarea > 0) )[0] # force DESI footprint if np.all(cut[1:] >= cut[:-1]) is False: log.fatal('Index cut must be monotonically increasing, otherwise fitsio will resort it!') raise ValueError nobj = len(cut) if nobj == 0: log.warning('No {}s in healpixels {}!'.format(target_name, healpixels)) return dict()'Trimmed to {} {}s in {} healpixel(s).'.format( nobj, target_name, len(np.atleast_1d(healpixels)))) mockid = mockid[cut] allpix = allpix[cut] weight = 1 / fracarea[cut] ra = ra[cut] dec = dec[cut] cols = ['RADIALVELOCITY', 'TEFF', 'LOGG', 'SPECTRALTYPE', 'PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', 'PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG', 'PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG', 'PMRA', 'PMDEC', 'PARALLAX', 'PARALLAX_ERROR', 'ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE', 'RA'] data =, columns=cols, upper=True, ext=1, rows=cut) zz = (data['RADIALVELOCITY'] / C_LIGHT).astype('f4') teff = data['TEFF'].astype('f4') logg = data['LOGG'].astype('f4') mag = data['PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG'].astype('f4') templatesubtype = np.char.upper(data['SPECTRALTYPE'].astype('<U')) gaia_g = data['PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG'].astype('f4') gaia_bp = data['PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG'].astype('f4') gaia_rp = data['PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG'].astype('f4') gaia_pmra = data['PMRA'].astype('f4') gaia_pmdec = data['PMDEC'].astype('f4') gaia_parallax = data['PARALLAX'].astype('f4') gaia_parallax_ivar = (1 / data['PARALLAX_ERROR']**2).astype('f4') gaia_noise = data['ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE'].astype('f4') # Pack into a basic dictionary. out = {'TARGET_NAME': target_name, 'MOCKFORMAT': 'mws_wd', 'HEALPIX': allpix, 'NSIDE': nside, 'WEIGHT': weight, 'MOCKID': mockid, 'BRICKNAME': self.Bricks.brickname(ra, dec).astype('S8'), 'BRICKID': self.Bricks.brickid(ra, dec), 'RA': ra, 'DEC': dec, 'Z': zz, 'MAG': mag, 'TEFF': teff, 'LOGG': logg, 'MAGFILTER': np.repeat('sdss2010-g', nobj), 'TEMPLATESUBTYPE': templatesubtype, 'REF_ID': mockid, 'REF_CAT': np.repeat('G2', len(mockid)), 'GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG': gaia_g, #'GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR' - f4 'GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG': gaia_bp, #'GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR' - f4 'GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG': gaia_rp, #'GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR' - f4 'GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE': gaia_noise, #'GAIA_DUPLICATED_SOURCE' - b1 # default is False 'GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED': np.zeros(nobj).astype('i8')+31, # good astrometry 'PARALLAX': gaia_parallax, 'PARALLAX_IVAR': gaia_parallax_ivar, 'PMRA': gaia_pmra, 'PMRA_IVAR': np.ones(nobj).astype('f4'), # placeholder! 'PMDEC': gaia_pmdec, 'PMDEC_IVAR': np.ones(nobj).astype('f4'), # placeholder! 'SOUTH': self.is_south(dec), 'TYPE': np.repeat('PSF', nobj)} # Add MW transmission and the imaging depth. self.mw_transmission(out) self.imaging_depth(out) # Optionally compute the mean mock density. if mock_density: out['MOCK_DENSITY'] = self.mock_density(mockfile=mockfile) return out
[docs]class ReadMWS_NEARBY(SelectTargets): """Read a mock catalog of Milky Way Survey nearby targets (MWS_NEARBY).""" cached_radec = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ReadMWS_NEARBY, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def readmock(self, mockfile=None, healpixels=None, nside=None, target_name='MWS_NEARBY', mock_density=False): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. target_name : :class:`str` Name of the target being read (if not MWS_NEARBY). mock_density : :class:`bool`, optional Compute and return the median target density in the mock. Defaults to False. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ IOError If the mock data file is not found. ValueError If mockfile is not defined or if nside is not a scalar. """ if mockfile is None: log.warning('Mockfile input is required.') raise ValueError try: mockfile = mockfile.format(**os.environ) except KeyError as e: log.warning('Environment variable not set for mockfile: {}'.format(e)) raise ValueError if not os.path.isfile(mockfile): log.warning('Mock file {} not found!'.format(mockfile)) raise IOError # Default set of healpixels is the whole DESI footprint. if healpixels is None: if nside is None: nside = 64'Reading the whole DESI footprint with nside = {}.'.format(nside)) healpixels = footprint.tiles2pix(nside) if nside is None: log.warning('Nside must be a scalar input.') raise ValueError # Read the ra,dec coordinates, pixel weight map, generate mockid, and # then restrict to the desired healpixels. if self.cached_radec is None: ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = _get_radec(mockfile, nside, self.pixmap) ReadMWS_NEARBY.cached_radec = (mockfile, nside, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight) else: cached_mockfile, cached_nside, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = ReadMWS_NEARBY.cached_radec if cached_mockfile != mockfile or cached_nside != nside: ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = _get_radec(mockfile, nside, self.pixmap) ReadMWS_NEARBY.cached_radec = (mockfile, nside, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight) else: log.debug('Using cached coordinates, healpixels, and pixel weights from {}'.format(mockfile)) _, _, ra, dec, allpix, pixweight = ReadMWS_NEARBY.cached_radec mockid = np.arange(len(ra)) # unique ID/row number fracarea = pixweight[allpix] cut = np.where( np.in1d(allpix, healpixels) * (fracarea > 0) )[0] # force DESI footprint if np.all(cut[1:] >= cut[:-1]) is False: log.fatal('Index cut must be monotonically increasing, otherwise fitsio will resort it!') raise ValueError nobj = len(cut) if nobj == 0: log.warning('No {}s in healpixels {}!'.format(target_name, healpixels)) return dict()'Trimmed to {} {}s in {} healpixel(s).'.format( nobj, target_name, len(np.atleast_1d(healpixels)))) mockid = mockid[cut] allpix = allpix[cut] weight = 1 / fracarea[cut] ra = ra[cut] dec = dec[cut] cols = ['TRUE_RADIAL_VELOCITY', 'TRUE_TEFF', 'TRUE_LOGG', 'TRUE_FEH', 'TRUE_TYPE', 'GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG', 'GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG', 'GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG', 'PMRA', 'PMDEC', 'PARALLAX'] data =, columns=cols, upper=True, ext=1, rows=cut) zz = (data['TRUE_RADIAL_VELOCITY'] / C_LIGHT).astype('f4') mag = data['GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG'].astype('f4') # not quite SDSS g-band but very close teff = data['TRUE_TEFF'].astype('f4') logg = data['TRUE_LOGG'].astype('f4') feh = data['TRUE_FEH'].astype('f4') templatesubtype = data['TRUE_TYPE'] gaia_g = data['GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG'].astype('f4') gaia_bp = data['GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG'].astype('f4') gaia_rp = data['GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG'].astype('f4') gaia_pmra = data['PMRA'].astype('f4') gaia_pmdec = data['PMDEC'].astype('f4') gaia_parallax = data['PARALLAX'].astype('f4') #gaia_parallax_ivar = (1 / data['PARALLAX_ERROR']**2).astype('f4') # Pack into a basic dictionary. out = {'TARGET_NAME': target_name, 'MOCKFORMAT': 'mws_100pc', 'HEALPIX': allpix, 'NSIDE': nside, 'WEIGHT': weight, 'MOCKID': mockid, 'BRICKNAME': self.Bricks.brickname(ra, dec).astype('S8'), 'BRICKID': self.Bricks.brickid(ra, dec), 'RA': ra, 'DEC': dec, 'Z': zz, 'MAG': mag, 'TEFF': teff, 'LOGG': logg, 'FEH': feh, 'MAGFILTER': np.repeat('sdss2010-g', nobj), 'TEMPLATESUBTYPE': templatesubtype, 'REF_ID': mockid, 'REF_CAT': np.repeat('G2', len(mockid)), 'GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG': gaia_g, #'GAIA_PHOT_G_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR' - f4 'GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_MAG': gaia_bp, #'GAIA_PHOT_BP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR' - f4 'GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG': gaia_rp, #'GAIA_PHOT_RP_MEAN_FLUX_OVER_ERROR' - f4 'GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_PARAMS_SOLVED': np.zeros(nobj).astype('f4')+31, # good astrometry #'GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_EXCESS_NOISE': gaia_noise, #'GAIA_DUPLICATED_SOURCE' - b1 # default is False 'PARALLAX': gaia_parallax, #'PARALLAX_IVAR': gaia_parallax_ivar, 'PMRA': gaia_pmra, 'PMRA_IVAR': np.ones(nobj).astype('f4'), # placeholder! 'PMDEC': gaia_pmdec, 'PMDEC_IVAR': np.ones(nobj).astype('f4'), # placeholder! 'SOUTH': self.is_south(dec), 'TYPE': np.repeat('PSF', nobj)} # Add MW transmission and the imaging depth. self.mw_transmission(out) self.imaging_depth(out) # Optionally compute the mean mock density. if mock_density: out['MOCK_DENSITY'] = self.mock_density(mockfile=mockfile) return out
[docs]class QSOMaker(SelectTargets): """Read QSO mocks, generate spectra, and select targets. Parameters ---------- seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. use_simqso : :class:`bool`, optional Use desisim.templates.SIMQSO to generated templates rather than desisim.templates.QSO. Defaults to True. survey : :class:`str`, optional Specify which target masks yaml file to use. The options are `main` (main survey) and `sv1` (first iteration of SV). Defaults to `main`. """ wave, template_maker, GMM_QSO = None, None, None def __init__(self, seed=None, use_simqso=True, survey='main', **kwargs): from desisim.templates import SIMQSO, QSO from desiutil.sklearn import GaussianMixtureModel super(QSOMaker, self).__init__(survey=survey) self.seed = seed self.objtype = 'QSO' self.use_simqso = use_simqso if self.wave is None: QSOMaker.wave = _default_wave() self.extinction = self.mw_dust_extinction() if self.template_maker is None: if self.use_simqso: QSOMaker.template_maker = SIMQSO(wave=self.wave) else: QSOMaker.template_maker = QSO(wave=self.wave) if self.GMM_QSO is None: self.read_GMM(target='QSO')
[docs] def read(self, mockfile=None, mockformat='gaussianfield', healpixels=None, nside=None, zmax_qso=None, only_coords=False, mock_density=False, **kwargs): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. mockformat : :class:`str` Mock catalog format. Defaults to 'gaussianfield'. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. zmax_qso : :class:`float` Maximum redshift of tracer QSOs to read, to ensure no double-counting with Lya mocks. Defaults to None. only_coords : :class:`bool`, optional For various applications, only read the target coordinates. mock_density : :class:`bool`, optional Compute the median target density in the mock. Defaults to False. Returns ------- data : :class:`dict` Dictionary of target properties with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ ValueError If mockformat is not recognized. """ self.mockformat = mockformat.lower() if self.mockformat == 'gaussianfield': self.default_mockfile = os.path.join( os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'mocks', 'DarkSky', 'v1.0.1', 'qso_0_inpt.fits') MockReader = ReadGaussianField() else: log.warning('Unrecognized mockformat {}!'.format(mockformat)) raise ValueError if mockfile is None: mockfile = self.default_mockfile data = MockReader.readmock(mockfile, target_name=self.objtype, healpixels=healpixels, nside=nside, only_coords=only_coords, seed=self.seed, zmax_qso=zmax_qso, mock_density=mock_density) return data
[docs] def make_spectra(self, data=None, indx=None, seed=None, no_spectra=False): """Generate tracer QSO spectra. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Dictionary of source properties. indx : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Generate spectra for a subset of the objects in the data dictionary, as specified using their zero-indexed indices. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not generate spectra. Defaults to False. Returns ------- flux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Target spectra. wave : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding wavelength array. meta : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Spectral metadata table. targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. objtruth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding objtype-specific truth table (if applicable). """ if seed is None: seed = self.seed if indx is None: indx = np.arange(len(data['RA'])) nobj = len(indx) rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if no_spectra: flux = [] meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) self._nospectra_photometry(meta, rand, data, indx, data['TARGET_NAME']) else: # Sample from the north/south GMMs south = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == True )[0] north = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == False )[0] meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype, simqso=self.use_simqso) flux = np.zeros([nobj, len(self.wave)], dtype='f4') if self.use_simqso: for these, issouth in zip( (north, south), (False, True) ): if len(these) > 0: flux1, _, meta1, objmeta1 = self.template_maker.make_templates( nmodel=len(these), redshift=np.atleast_1d(data['Z'][indx][these]), seed=seed, lyaforest=False, nocolorcuts=True, south=issouth) meta[these] = meta1 objmeta[these] = objmeta1 flux[these, :] = flux1 else: input_meta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype, input_meta=True) input_meta['SEED'][:] = rand.randint(2**31, size=nobj) input_meta['REDSHIFT'][:] = data['Z'][indx] if self.mockformat == 'gaussianfield': input_meta['MAG'][:] = data['MAG'][indx] input_meta['MAGFILTER'][:] = data['MAGFILTER'][indx] for these, issouth in zip( (north, south), (False, True) ): if len(these) > 0: flux1, _, meta1, objmeta1 = self.template_maker.make_templates( input_meta=input_meta[these], lyaforest=False, nocolorcuts=True, south=issouth) meta[these] = meta1 objmeta[these] = objmeta1 flux[these, :] = flux1 targets, truth, objtruth = self.populate_targets_truth( flux, data, meta, objmeta, indx=indx, use_simqso=self.use_simqso, seed=seed, truespectype='QSO', templatetype='QSO') return flux, self.wave, targets, truth, objtruth
[docs] def select_targets(self, targets, truth, targetname='QSO'): """Select QSO targets. Input tables are modified in place. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Input target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. targetname : :class:`str` Target selection cuts to apply. """ if self.survey == 'sv1': qso_selection = 'randomforest' else: qso_selection = 'colorcuts' if self.use_simqso: desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target = cuts.apply_cuts(targets, tcnames=targetname, qso_selection=qso_selection, survey=self.survey) else: desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target = cuts.apply_cuts( targets, tcnames=targetname, qso_selection='colorcuts', qso_optical_cuts=True, survey=self.survey) self.remove_north_south_bits(desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target) targets['DESI_TARGET'] |= desi_target targets['BGS_TARGET'] |= bgs_target targets['MWS_TARGET'] |= mws_target
[docs]class LYAMaker(SelectTargets): """Read LYA mocks, generate spectra, and select targets. Parameters ---------- seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. balprob : :class:`float`, optional Probability of a including one or more BALs. Defaults to 0.0. add_dla : :class:`bool`, optional Statistically include DLAs along the line of sight. survey : :class:`str`, optional Specify which target masks yaml file to use. The options are `main` (main survey) and `sv1` (first iteration of SV). Defaults to `main`. """ wave, template_maker = None, None def __init__(self, seed=None, use_simqso=True,sqmodel='default',\ balprob=0.0,add_dla=False,add_metals=False,add_lyb=False,\ survey='main', **kwargs): from desisim.templates import SIMQSO, QSO from desiutil.sklearn import GaussianMixtureModel super(LYAMaker, self).__init__(survey=survey) self.seed = seed self.objtype = 'LYA' self.use_simqso = use_simqso self.sqmodel=sqmodel self.balprob = balprob self.add_dla = add_dla self.add_metals=add_metals self.add_lyb=add_lyb if balprob > 0: from desisim.bal import BAL self.BAL = BAL() if self.wave is None: LYAMaker.wave = _default_wave() self.extinction = self.mw_dust_extinction() if self.template_maker is None: if self.use_simqso: LYAMaker.template_maker = SIMQSO(wave=self.wave,sqmodel=self.sqmodel) else: LYAMaker.template_maker = QSO(wave=self.wave)
[docs] def read(self, mockfile=None, mockformat='CoLoRe', healpixels=None, nside=None, nside_lya=16, zmin_lya=None, mock_density=False, only_coords=False, **kwargs): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. mockformat : :class:`str` Mock catalog format. Defaults to 'CoLoRe'. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. nside_lya : :class:`int` Healpixel nside indicating how the mock on-disk has been organized. Defaults to 16. zmin_lya : :class:`float` Minimum redshift of Lya skewers, to ensure no double-counting with QSO mocks. Defaults to None. mock_density : :class:`bool`, optional Compute the median target density in the mock. Defaults to False. only_coords : :class:`bool`, optional Only read the target coordinates and some other basic info. Defaults to False. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary of target properties with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ ValueError If mockformat is not recognized. """ self.mockformat = mockformat.lower() if self.mockformat == 'colore': self.default_mockfile = os.path.join( os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'mocks', 'lya_forest', 'london', 'v9.0', 'v9.0.0', 'master.fits') MockReader = ReadLyaCoLoRe() else: log.warning('Unrecognized mockformat {}!'.format(mockformat)) raise ValueError if mockfile is None: mockfile = self.default_mockfile data = MockReader.readmock(mockfile, target_name=self.objtype, healpixels=healpixels, nside=nside, nside_lya=nside_lya, zmin_lya=zmin_lya, mock_density=mock_density, only_coords=only_coords, seed=self.seed) return data
[docs] def make_spectra(self, data=None, indx=None, seed=None,no_spectra=False,add_dlas=None,add_metals=None,add_lyb=None): """Generate QSO spectra with the 3D Lya forest skewers included. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Dictionary of source properties. indx : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Generate spectra for a subset of the objects in the data dictionary, as specified using their zero-indexed indices. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not generate spectra. Defaults to False. Returns ------- flux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Target spectra. wave : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding wavelength array. meta : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Spectral metadata table. targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. Raises ------ KeyError If there is a mismatch between MOCKID in the data dictionary and the skewer files on-disk. """ import as ma from astropy.table import vstack from desispec.interpolation import resample_flux from desisim.lya_spectra import read_lya_skewers, apply_lya_transmission,lambda_RF_LYA from desisim.dla import dla_spec if add_dlas is None: add_dlas=self.add_dla if add_metals is None: add_metals=self.add_metals if add_lyb is None: add_lyb=self.add_lyb if seed is None: seed = self.seed if indx is None: indx = np.arange(len(data['RA'])) nobj = len(indx) rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if no_spectra: flux = [] meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) self._nospectra_photometry(meta, rand, data, indx, data['TARGET_NAME']) else: # Handle north/south photometry. south = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == True )[0] north = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == False )[0] if not self.use_simqso: input_meta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype='QSO', subtype='LYA', input_meta=True) input_meta['SEED'][:] = rand.randint(2**31, size=nobj) input_meta['REDSHIFT'][:] = data['Z'][indx] input_meta['MAG'][:] = data['MAG'][indx] input_meta['MAGFILTER'][:] = data['MAGFILTER'][indx] # Read skewers. skewer_wave = None skewer_trans = None skewer_meta = None # Gather all the files containing at least one QSO skewer. alllyafile = data['LYAFILES'][indx] uniquelyafiles = sorted(set(alllyafile)) for lyafile in uniquelyafiles: these = np.where( alllyafile == lyafile )[0] mockid_in_data = data['MOCKID'][indx][these] if not os.path.isfile(lyafile): lyafile=lyafile.replace(".gz","") if not os.path.isfile(lyafile): log.warning('transmisionfile {} not found!'.format(lyafile)) raise IOError mockid_in_mock = (, columns=['MOCKID'], upper=True, ext=1).astype(float)).astype(int) o2i = dict() for i, o in enumerate(mockid_in_mock): o2i[o] = i indices_in_mock_healpix = np.zeros(mockid_in_data.size).astype(int) for i, o in enumerate(mockid_in_data): if not o in o2i: log.warning("No MOCKID={} in {}, which should never happen".format(o, lyafile)) raise KeyError indices_in_mock_healpix[i] = o2i[o] # Note: there are read_dlas=False and add_metals=False options. AXGM: This has been updated. tmp_wave, tmp_trans, tmp_meta, dla_info = read_lya_skewers(lyafile,indices=indices_in_mock_healpix,read_dlas=add_dlas,add_metals=add_metals,add_lyb=add_lyb) if skewer_wave is None: skewer_wave = tmp_wave dw = skewer_wave[1] - skewer_wave[0] # this is just to check same wavelength skewer_trans = np.zeros((nobj, skewer_wave.size)) # allocate skewer_array skewer_meta = dict() for k in tmp_meta.dtype.names: skewer_meta[k] = np.zeros(nobj).astype(tmp_meta[k].dtype) else : # check wavelength is the same for all skewers assert( np.max(np.abs(wave-tmp_wave)) < 0.001*dw ) skewer_trans[these] = tmp_trans for k in skewer_meta.keys(): skewer_meta[k][these] = tmp_meta[k] # Check we matched things correctly. assert(np.max(np.abs(skewer_meta['Z']-data['Z'][indx])) < 0.000001) assert(np.max(np.abs(skewer_meta['RA']-data['RA'][indx])) < 0.000001) assert(np.max(np.abs(skewer_meta['DEC']-data['DEC'][indx])) < 0.000001) # Now generate the QSO spectra simultaneously **at full wavelength # resolution**. We do this because the Lya forest will have changed # the colors, so we need to re-synthesize the photometry below. meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype='QSO', simqso=self.use_simqso) if self.use_simqso: qso_flux = np.zeros([nobj, len(self.template_maker.basewave)], dtype='f4') else: qso_flux = np.zeros([nobj, len(self.template_maker.eigenwave)], dtype='f4') qso_wave = np.zeros_like(qso_flux) for these, issouth in zip( (north, south), (False, True) ): if len(these) > 0: if self.use_simqso: qso_flux1, qso_wave, meta1, objmeta1 = self.template_maker.make_templates( nmodel=len(these), redshift=data['Z'][indx][these], seed=seed, lyaforest=False, nocolorcuts=True, noresample=True, south=issouth) else: qso_flux1, qso_wave1, meta1, objmeta1 = self.template_maker.make_templates( input_meta=input_meta[these], lyaforest=False, nocolorcuts=True, noresample=True, south=issouth) qso_wave[these, :] = qso_wave1 meta[these] = meta1 if(objmeta['EMLINES'].shape!=objmeta1['EMLINES'].shape): objmeta.replace_column('EMLINES',np.zeros((nobj,len(objmeta1['EMLINES'][0, :, 0]), 3))-1) objmeta[these] = objmeta1 qso_flux[these, :] = qso_flux1 meta['SUBTYPE'][:] = 'LYA' ##Added DLAs before lya forest trasnmission. if add_dlas: min_lya_z = np.min(skewer_wave/lambda_RF_LYA - 1) for ii in range(len(skewer_meta['MOCKID'])): # quasars with z < min_z will not have any DLA in spectrum if min_lya_z>skewer_meta['Z'][ii]: continue # skewer ID idd=skewer_meta['MOCKID'][ii] dlas=[] for dla in dla_info[dla_info['MOCKID']==idd]: # Adding only DLAs with z < zqso if dla['Z_DLA_RSD']>=skewer_meta['Z'][ii]: continue dlas.append(dict(z=dla['Z_DLA_RSD'],N=dla['N_HI_DLA'],dlaid=dla['DLAID'])) transmission_dla = dla_spec(skewer_wave,dlas) if len(dlas)>0: skewer_trans[ii] = transmission_dla * skewer_trans[ii] objmeta['DLA'][ii]=True # Apply the Lya forest transmission. _flux = apply_lya_transmission(qso_wave, qso_flux, skewer_wave, skewer_trans) # Add BALs if self.balprob > 0: log.debug('Adding BAL(s) with probability {}'.format(self.balprob)) _flux, balmeta = self.BAL.insert_bals(qso_wave, _flux, meta['REDSHIFT'], seed=self.seed, balprob=self.balprob) objmeta['BAL_TEMPLATEID'][:] = balmeta['TEMPLATEID'] # Synthesize north/south photometry. for these, filters in zip( (north, south), (self.template_maker.bassmzlswise, self.template_maker.decamwise) ): if len(these) > 0: if self.use_simqso: maggies = filters.get_ab_maggies(1e-17 * _flux[these, :], qso_wave.copy(), mask_invalid=True) for band, filt in zip( ('FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_Z', 'FLUX_W1', 'FLUX_W2'), filters.names): meta[band][these] = ma.getdata(1e9 * maggies[filt]) # nanomaggies else: # We have to loop (and pad) since each QSO has a different wavelength array. maggies = [] for ii in range(len(these)): padflux, padwave = filters.pad_spectrum(_flux[these[ii], :], qso_wave[these[ii], :], method='edge') maggies.append(filters.get_ab_maggies(1e-17 * padflux, padwave.copy(), mask_invalid=True)) maggies = vstack(maggies) for band, filt in zip( ('FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_Z', 'FLUX_W1', 'FLUX_W2'), filters.names): meta[band][these] = ma.getdata(1e9 * maggies[filt]) # nanomaggies # Unfortunately, in order to resample to the desired output # wavelength vector we need to loop. flux = np.zeros([nobj, len(self.wave)], dtype='f4') if qso_wave.ndim == 2: for ii in range(nobj): flux[ii, :] = resample_flux(self.wave, qso_wave[ii, :], _flux[ii, :], extrapolate=True) else: for ii in range(nobj): flux[ii, :] = resample_flux(self.wave, qso_wave, _flux[ii, :], extrapolate=True) targets, truth, objtruth = self.populate_targets_truth( flux, data, meta, objmeta, indx=indx, seed=seed, truespectype='QSO', templatetype='QSO', templatesubtype='LYA') return flux, self.wave, targets, truth, objtruth
[docs] def select_targets(self, targets, truth, targetname='QSO'): """Select Lya/QSO targets. Input tables are modified in place. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Input target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. targetname : :class:`str` Target selection cuts to apply. """ if targetname == 'LYA': tcnames = 'QSO' else: tcnames = targetname if self.survey == 'sv1': qso_selection = 'randomforest' else: qso_selection = 'colorcuts' desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target = cuts.apply_cuts(targets, tcnames=tcnames, qso_selection=qso_selection, survey=self.survey) self.remove_north_south_bits(desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target) targets['DESI_TARGET'] |= desi_target targets['BGS_TARGET'] |= bgs_target targets['MWS_TARGET'] |= mws_target
[docs]class LRGMaker(SelectTargets): """Read LRG mocks, generate spectra, and select targets. Parameters ---------- seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. nside_chunk : :class:`int`, optional Healpixel nside for further subdividing the sample when assigning velocity dispersion to targets. Defaults to 128. survey : :class:`str`, optional Specify which target masks yaml file to use. The options are `main` (main survey) and `sv1` (first iteration of SV). Defaults to `main`. """ wave, template_maker = None, None GMM_LRG, KDTree_north, KDTree_south = None, None, None def __init__(self, seed=None, nside_chunk=128, survey='main', **kwargs): from desisim.templates import LRG from desiutil.sklearn import GaussianMixtureModel super(LRGMaker, self).__init__(survey=survey) self.seed = seed self.nside_chunk = nside_chunk self.objtype = 'LRG' if self.wave is None: LRGMaker.wave = _default_wave() self.extinction = self.mw_dust_extinction() if self.template_maker is None: LRGMaker.template_maker = LRG(wave=self.wave) self.meta = self.template_maker.basemeta # Build the KD Tree. zobj = self.meta['Z'].data gr_north = (self.meta['BASS_G'] - self.meta['BASS_R']).data rz_north = (self.meta['BASS_R'] - self.meta['MZLS_Z']).data zW1_north = (self.meta['MZLS_Z'] - self.meta['W1']).data gr_south = (self.meta['DECAM_G'] - self.meta['DECAM_R']).data rz_south = (self.meta['DECAM_R'] - self.meta['DECAM_Z']).data zW1_south = (self.meta['DECAM_Z'] - self.meta['W1']).data self.param_min_north = ( zobj.min(), gr_north.min(), rz_north.min(), zW1_north.min() ) self.param_min_south = ( zobj.min(), gr_south.min(), rz_south.min(), zW1_south.min() ) self.param_range_north = ( np.ptp(zobj), np.ptp(gr_north), np.ptp(rz_north), np.ptp(zW1_north) ) self.param_range_south = ( np.ptp(zobj), np.ptp(gr_south), np.ptp(rz_south), np.ptp(zW1_south) ) if self.KDTree_north is None: LRGMaker.KDTree_north = self.KDTree_build( np.vstack(( zobj, gr_north, rz_north, zW1_north)).T, south=False ) if self.KDTree_south is None: LRGMaker.KDTree_south = self.KDTree_build( np.vstack(( zobj, gr_south, rz_south, zW1_south)).T, south=True ) if self.GMM_LRG is None: self.read_GMM(target='LRG')
[docs] def read(self, mockfile=None, mockformat='gaussianfield', healpixels=None, nside=None, only_coords=False, mock_density=False, **kwargs): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. mockformat : :class:`str` Mock catalog format. Defaults to 'gaussianfield'. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. only_coords : :class:`bool`, optional For various applications, only read the target coordinates. mock_density : :class:`bool`, optional Compute the median target density in the mock. Defaults to False. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary of target properties with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ ValueError If mockformat is not recognized. """ self.mockformat = mockformat.lower() if self.mockformat == 'gaussianfield': self.default_mockfile = os.path.join( os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'mocks', 'DarkSky', 'v1.0.1', 'lrg_0_inpt.fits') MockReader = ReadGaussianField() else: log.warning('Unrecognized mockformat {}!'.format(mockformat)) raise ValueError if mockfile is None: mockfile = self.default_mockfile data = MockReader.readmock(mockfile, target_name=self.objtype, healpixels=healpixels, nside=nside, only_coords=only_coords, mock_density=mock_density, seed=self.seed) return data
[docs] def make_spectra(self, data=None, indx=None, seed=None, no_spectra=False): """Generate LRG spectra. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Dictionary of source properties. indx : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Generate spectra for a subset of the objects in the data dictionary, as specified using their zero-indexed indices. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not generate spectra. Defaults to False. Returns ------- flux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Target spectra. wave : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding wavelength array. meta : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Spectral metadata table. targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. objtruth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding objtype-specific truth table (if applicable). """ if seed is None: seed = self.seed rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if indx is None: indx = np.arange(len(data['RA'])) nobj = len(indx) if no_spectra: flux = [] meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) # noiseless photometry from pre-computed GMMs self._nospectra_photometry(meta, rand, data, indx, data['TARGET_NAME']) else: input_meta, _ = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) input_meta['SEED'][:] = rand.randint(2**31, size=nobj) input_meta['REDSHIFT'][:] = data['Z'][indx] vdisp = self._sample_vdisp(data['RA'][indx], data['DEC'][indx], mean=2.3, sigma=0.1, seed=seed, nside=self.nside_chunk) # Differentiate north/south photometry. south = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == True )[0] north = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == False )[0] if self.mockformat == 'gaussianfield': for these, issouth in zip( (north, south), (False, True) ): if len(these) > 0: input_meta['MAG'][these] = data['MAG'][indx][these] input_meta['MAGFILTER'][these] = data['MAGFILTER'][indx][these] input_meta['TEMPLATEID'][these] = self.KDTree_query( np.vstack(( data['Z'][indx][these], data['GR'][indx][these], data['RZ'][indx][these], data['ZW1'][indx][these])).T, south=issouth) # Build north/south spectra separately. meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) flux = np.zeros([nobj, len(self.wave)], dtype='f4') for these, issouth in zip( (north, south), (False, True) ): if len(these) > 0: flux1, _, meta1, objmeta1 = self.template_maker.make_templates( input_meta=input_meta[these], vdisp=vdisp[these], south=issouth, nocolorcuts=True) meta[these] = meta1 objmeta[these] = objmeta1 flux[these, :] = flux1 targets, truth, objtruth = self.populate_targets_truth( flux, data, meta, objmeta, indx=indx, seed=seed, truespectype='GALAXY', templatetype='LRG') return flux, self.wave, targets, truth, objtruth
[docs] def select_targets(self, targets, truth, targetname='LRG'): """Select LRG targets. Input tables are modified in place. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Input target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. targetname : :class:`str` Target selection cuts to apply. """ desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target = cuts.apply_cuts(targets, tcnames=targetname, survey=self.survey) self.remove_north_south_bits(desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target) targets['DESI_TARGET'] |= desi_target targets['BGS_TARGET'] |= bgs_target targets['MWS_TARGET'] |= mws_target
[docs]class ELGMaker(SelectTargets): """Read ELG mocks, generate spectra, and select targets. Parameters ---------- seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. nside_chunk : :class:`int`, optional Healpixel nside for further subdividing the sample when assigning velocity dispersion to targets. Defaults to 128. survey : :class:`str`, optional Specify which target masks yaml file to use. The options are `main` (main survey) and `sv1` (first iteration of SV). Defaults to `main`. """ wave, template_maker = None, None GMM_ELG, KDTree_north, KDTree_south = None, None, None def __init__(self, seed=None, nside_chunk=128, survey='main', **kwargs): from desisim.templates import ELG from desiutil.sklearn import GaussianMixtureModel super(ELGMaker, self).__init__(survey=survey) self.seed = seed self.nside_chunk = nside_chunk self.objtype = 'ELG' if self.wave is None: ELGMaker.wave = _default_wave() self.extinction = self.mw_dust_extinction() if self.template_maker is None: ELGMaker.template_maker = ELG(wave=self.wave) self.meta = self.template_maker.basemeta # Build the KD Trees zobj = self.meta['Z'].data gr_north = (self.meta['BASS_G'] - self.meta['BASS_R']).data rz_north = (self.meta['BASS_R'] - self.meta['MZLS_Z']).data gr_south = (self.meta['DECAM_G'] - self.meta['DECAM_R']).data rz_south = (self.meta['DECAM_R'] - self.meta['DECAM_Z']).data self.param_min_north = ( zobj.min(), gr_north.min(), rz_north.min() ) self.param_min_south = ( zobj.min(), gr_south.min(), rz_south.min() ) self.param_range_north = ( np.ptp(zobj), np.ptp(gr_north), np.ptp(rz_north) ) self.param_range_south = ( np.ptp(zobj), np.ptp(gr_south), np.ptp(rz_south) ) if self.KDTree_north is None: ELGMaker.KDTree_north = self.KDTree_build( np.vstack(( zobj, gr_north, rz_north)).T, south=False ) if self.KDTree_south is None: ELGMaker.KDTree_south = self.KDTree_build( np.vstack(( zobj, gr_south, rz_south)).T, south=True ) if self.GMM_ELG is None: self.read_GMM(target='ELG')
[docs] def read(self, mockfile=None, mockformat='gaussianfield', healpixels=None, nside=None, only_coords=False, mock_density=False, **kwargs): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. mockformat : :class:`str` Mock catalog format. Defaults to 'gaussianfield'. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. only_coords : :class:`bool`, optional For various applications, only read the target coordinates. mock_density : :class:`bool`, optional Compute the median target density in the mock. Defaults to False. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary of target properties with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ ValueError If mockformat is not recognized. """ self.mockformat = mockformat.lower() if self.mockformat == 'gaussianfield': self.default_mockfile = os.path.join( os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'mocks', 'DarkSky', 'v1.0.1', 'elg_0_inpt.fits') MockReader = ReadGaussianField() else: log.warning('Unrecognized mockformat {}!'.format(mockformat)) raise ValueError if mockfile is None: mockfile = self.default_mockfile data = MockReader.readmock(mockfile, target_name=self.objtype, healpixels=healpixels, nside=nside, only_coords=only_coords, mock_density=mock_density, seed=self.seed) return data
[docs] def make_spectra(self, data=None, indx=None, seed=None, no_spectra=False): """Generate ELG spectra. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Dictionary of source properties. indx : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Generate spectra for a subset of the objects in the data dictionary, as specified using their zero-indexed indices. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not generate spectra. Defaults to False. Returns ------- flux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Target spectra. wave : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding wavelength array. meta : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Spectral metadata table. targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. objtruth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding objtype-specific truth table (if applicable). """ if seed is None: seed = self.seed rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if indx is None: indx = np.arange(len(data['RA'])) nobj = len(indx) if no_spectra: flux = [] meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) # noiseless photometry from pre-computed GMMs self._nospectra_photometry(meta, rand, data, indx, data['TARGET_NAME']) else: input_meta, _ = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) input_meta['SEED'][:] = rand.randint(2**31, size=nobj) input_meta['REDSHIFT'][:] = data['Z'][indx] vdisp = self._sample_vdisp(data['RA'][indx], data['DEC'][indx], mean=1.9, sigma=0.15, seed=seed, nside=self.nside_chunk) # Differentiate north/south photometry. south = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == True )[0] north = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == False )[0] if self.mockformat == 'gaussianfield': for these, issouth in zip( (north, south), (False, True) ): if len(these) > 0: input_meta['MAG'][these] = data['MAG'][indx][these] input_meta['MAGFILTER'][these] = data['MAGFILTER'][indx][these] input_meta['TEMPLATEID'][these] = self.KDTree_query( np.vstack(( data['Z'][indx][these], data['GR'][indx][these], data['RZ'][indx][these])).T, south=issouth) # Build north/south spectra separately. meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) flux = np.zeros([nobj, len(self.wave)], dtype='f4') for these, issouth in zip( (north, south), (False, True) ): if len(these) > 0: flux1, _, meta1, objmeta1 = self.template_maker.make_templates( input_meta=input_meta[these], vdisp=vdisp[these], south=issouth, nocolorcuts=True) meta[these] = meta1 objmeta[these] = objmeta1 flux[these, :] = flux1 targets, truth, objtruth = self.populate_targets_truth( flux, data, meta, objmeta, indx=indx, seed=seed, truespectype='GALAXY', templatetype='ELG') return flux, self.wave, targets, truth, objtruth
[docs] def select_targets(self, targets, truth, targetname='ELG'): """Select ELG targets. Input tables are modified in place. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Input target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. targetname : :class:`str` Target selection cuts to apply. """ desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target = cuts.apply_cuts(targets, tcnames=targetname, survey=self.survey) self.remove_north_south_bits(desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target) targets['DESI_TARGET'] |= desi_target targets['BGS_TARGET'] |= bgs_target targets['MWS_TARGET'] |= mws_target
[docs]class BGSMaker(SelectTargets): """Read BGS mocks, generate spectra, and select targets. Parameters ---------- seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. nside_chunk : :class:`int`, optional Healpixel nside for further subdividing the sample when assigning velocity dispersion to targets. Defaults to 128. survey : :class:`str`, optional Specify which target masks yaml file to use. The options are `main` (main survey) and `sv1` (first iteration of SV). Defaults to `main`. """ wave, template_maker, GMM_BGS, KDTree = None, None, None, None def __init__(self, seed=None, nside_chunk=128, survey='main', **kwargs): super(BGSMaker, self).__init__(survey=survey) self.seed = seed self.nside_chunk = nside_chunk self.objtype = 'BGS' if self.wave is None: BGSMaker.wave = _default_wave() self.extinction = self.mw_dust_extinction() if self.template_maker is None: from desisim.templates import BGS BGSMaker.template_maker = BGS(wave=self.wave) self.meta = self.template_maker.basemeta zobj = self.meta['Z'].data mabs = self.meta['SDSS_UGRIZ_ABSMAG_Z01'].data rmabs = mabs[:, 2] gr = mabs[:, 1] - mabs[:, 2] self.param_min = ( zobj.min(), rmabs.min(), gr.min() ) self.param_range = ( np.ptp(zobj), np.ptp(rmabs), np.ptp(gr) ) if self.KDTree is None: BGSMaker.KDTree = self.KDTree_build(np.vstack((zobj, rmabs, gr)).T) if self.GMM_BGS is None: self.read_GMM(target='BGS')
[docs] def read(self, mockfile=None, mockformat='durham_mxxl_hdf5', healpixels=None, nside=None, magcut=None, only_coords=False, mock_density=False, **kwargs): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. mockformat : :class:`str` Mock catalog format. Defaults to 'durham_mxxl_hdf5'. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. magcut : :class:`float` Magnitude cut (hard-coded to SDSS r-band) to subselect targets brighter than magcut. only_coords : :class:`bool`, optional For various applications, only read the target coordinates. mock_density : :class:`bool`, optional Compute the median target density in the mock. Defaults to False. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary of target properties with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ ValueError If mockformat is not recognized. """ self.mockformat = mockformat.lower() if self.mockformat == 'durham_mxxl_hdf5': self.default_mockfile = os.path.join( os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'mocks', 'bgs', 'MXXL', 'desi_footprint', 'v0.0.4', 'BGS.hdf5') MockReader = ReadMXXL() elif self.mockformat == 'gaussianfield': self.default_mockfile = os.path.join( os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'mocks', 'GaussianRandomField', 'v0.0.8_2LPT', 'BGS.fits') MockReader = ReadGaussianField() elif self.mockformat == 'bgs-gama': MockReader = ReadGAMA() else: log.warning('Unrecognized mockformat {}!'.format(mockformat)) raise ValueError if mockfile is None: mockfile = self.default_mockfile data = MockReader.readmock(mockfile, target_name=self.objtype, healpixels=healpixels, nside=nside, magcut=magcut, only_coords=only_coords, mock_density=mock_density, seed=self.seed) return data
[docs] def make_spectra(self, data=None, indx=None, seed=None, no_spectra=False): """Generate BGS spectra. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Dictionary of source properties. indx : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Generate spectra for a subset of the objects in the data dictionary, as specified using their zero-indexed indices. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not generate spectra. Defaults to False. Returns ------- flux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Target spectra. wave : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding wavelength array. meta : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Spectral metadata table. targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. objtruth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding objtype-specific truth table (if applicable). """ if seed is None: seed = self.seed rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if indx is None: indx = np.arange(len(data['RA'])) nobj = len(indx) if no_spectra: flux = [] meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) # noiseless photometry from pre-computed GMMs self._nospectra_photometry(meta, rand, data, indx, data['TARGET_NAME']) else: input_meta, _ = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) input_meta['SEED'][:] = rand.randint(2**31, size=nobj) input_meta['REDSHIFT'][:] = data['Z'][indx] vdisp = self._sample_vdisp(data['RA'][indx], data['DEC'][indx], mean=1.9, sigma=0.15, seed=seed, nside=self.nside_chunk) if self.mockformat == 'durham_mxxl_hdf5': input_meta['TEMPLATEID'][:] = self.KDTree_query( np.vstack(( data['Z'][indx], data['SDSS_absmag_r01'][indx], data['SDSS_01gr'][indx])).T ) elif self.mockformat == 'bgs-gama': # Could conceivably use other colors here-- input_meta['TEMPLATEID'][:] = self.KDTree_query( np.vstack(( data['Z'][indx], data['RMABS_01'][indx], data['GR_01'][indx])).T ) elif self.mockformat == 'gaussianfield': # This is not quite right, but choose a template with equal probability. input_meta['TEMPLATEID'][:] = rand.choice(self.meta['TEMPLATEID'], nobj) input_meta['MAG'][:] = data['MAG'][indx] input_meta['MAGFILTER'][:] = data['MAGFILTER'][indx] # Build north/south spectra separately. south = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == True )[0] north = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == False )[0] meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) flux = np.zeros([nobj, len(self.wave)], dtype='f4') for these, issouth in zip( (north, south), (False, True) ): if len(these) > 0: flux1, _, meta1, objmeta1 = self.template_maker.make_templates( input_meta=input_meta[these], vdisp=vdisp[these], south=issouth, nocolorcuts=True) meta[these] = meta1 objmeta[these] = objmeta1 flux[these, :] = flux1 targets, truth, objtruth = self.populate_targets_truth( flux, data, meta, objmeta, indx=indx, seed=seed, truespectype='GALAXY', templatetype='BGS') return flux, self.wave, targets, truth, objtruth
[docs] def select_targets(self, targets, truth, targetname='BGS'): """Select BGS targets. Input tables are modified in place. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Input target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. """ desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target = cuts.apply_cuts(targets, tcnames=targetname, survey=self.survey) self.remove_north_south_bits(desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target) targets['DESI_TARGET'] |= desi_target targets['BGS_TARGET'] |= bgs_target targets['MWS_TARGET'] |= mws_target
[docs]class STARMaker(SelectTargets): """Lower-level Class for preparing for stellar spectra to be generated, selecting standard stars, and selecting stars as contaminants for extragalactic targets. Parameters ---------- seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Initialize and cache template photometry. Defaults to False. survey : :class:`str`, optional Specify which target masks yaml file to use. The options are `main` (main survey) and `sv1` (first iteration of SV). Defaults to `main`. """ wave, template_maker, KDTree = None, None, None star_maggies_g_north, star_maggies_r_north = None, None star_maggies_g_south, star_maggies_r_south = None, None def __init__(self, seed=None, no_spectra=False, survey='main', **kwargs): from speclite import filters from desisim.templates import STAR super(STARMaker, self).__init__(survey=survey) self.seed = seed self.objtype = 'STAR' if self.wave is None: STARMaker.wave = _default_wave() self.extinction = self.mw_dust_extinction() if self.template_maker is None: STARMaker.template_maker = STAR(wave=self.wave) self.meta = self.template_maker.basemeta # Pre-compute normalized synthetic photometry for the full set of # stellar templates. if no_spectra and (self.star_maggies_g_north is None or self.star_maggies_r_north is None or self.star_maggies_g_south is None or self.star_maggies_r_south is None):'Caching stellar template photometry.') if 'SYNTH_SDSS2010_R' in self.meta.colnames: # from DESI-COLORS HDU (basis templates >=v3.1) # Get the WISE colors from the SDSS r minus W1, W2 precomputed colors maggies_north = self.meta[['SYNTH_BASS_G', 'SYNTH_BASS_R', 'SYNTH_MZLS_Z']] maggies_south = self.meta[['SYNTH_DECAM2014_G', 'SYNTH_DECAM2014_R', 'SYNTH_DECAM2014_Z']] maggies_north['SYNTH_WISE2010_W1'] = self.meta['SYNTH_SDSS2010_R'] * 10**(-0.4 * self.meta['W1-R'].data) maggies_south['SYNTH_WISE2010_W1'] = self.meta['SYNTH_SDSS2010_R'] * 10**(-0.4 * self.meta['W1-R'].data) maggies_north['SYNTH_WISE2010_W2'] = self.meta['SYNTH_SDSS2010_R'] * 10**(-0.4 * self.meta['W2-R'].data) maggies_south['SYNTH_WISE2010_W2'] = self.meta['SYNTH_SDSS2010_R'] * 10**(-0.4 * self.meta['W2-R'].data) # Normalize to both sdss-g and sdss-r def _get_maggies(outmaggies, normmaggies): for filt, flux in zip( outmaggies.colnames, ('FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_Z', 'FLUX_W1', 'FLUX_W2') ): outmaggies[filt] /= normmaggies outmaggies.rename_column(filt, flux) return outmaggies STARMaker.star_maggies_g_north = _get_maggies(maggies_north.copy(), self.meta['SYNTH_SDSS2010_G']) STARMaker.star_maggies_r_north = _get_maggies(maggies_north.copy(), self.meta['SYNTH_SDSS2010_R']) STARMaker.star_maggies_g_south = _get_maggies(maggies_south.copy(), self.meta['SYNTH_SDSS2010_G']) STARMaker.star_maggies_r_south = _get_maggies(maggies_south.copy(), self.meta['SYNTH_SDSS2010_R']) else: sdssg = filters.load_filters('sdss2010-g') sdssr = filters.load_filters('sdss2010-r') flux, wave = self.template_maker.baseflux, self.template_maker.basewave padflux, padwave = sdssr.pad_spectrum(flux, wave, method='edge') maggies_north = self.bassmzlswise.get_ab_maggies(padflux, padwave, mask_invalid=True) maggies_south = self.decamwise.get_ab_maggies(padflux, padwave, mask_invalid=True) if 'W1-R' in self.meta.colnames: # >v3.0 templates sdssrnorm = sdssr.get_ab_maggies(padflux, padwave)['sdss2010-r'].data maggies_north['wise2010-W1'] = sdssrnorm * 10**(-0.4 * self.meta['W1-R'].data) maggies_south['wise2010-W1'] = sdssrnorm * 10**(-0.4 * self.meta['W1-R'].data) maggies_north['wise2010-W2'] = sdssrnorm * 10**(-0.4 * self.meta['W2-R'].data) maggies_south['wise2010-W2'] = sdssrnorm * 10**(-0.4 * self.meta['W2-R'].data) # Normalize to both sdss-g and sdss-r def _get_maggies(flux, wave, outmaggies, normfilter): normmaggies = normfilter.get_ab_maggies(flux, wave, mask_invalid=True) for filt, flux in zip( outmaggies.colnames, ('FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_Z', 'FLUX_W1', 'FLUX_W2') ): outmaggies[filt] /= normmaggies[normfilter.names[0]] outmaggies.rename_column(filt, flux) return outmaggies STARMaker.star_maggies_g_north = _get_maggies(flux, wave, maggies_north.copy(), sdssg) STARMaker.star_maggies_r_north = _get_maggies(flux, wave, maggies_north.copy(), sdssr) STARMaker.star_maggies_g_south = _get_maggies(flux, wave, maggies_south.copy(), sdssg) STARMaker.star_maggies_r_south = _get_maggies(flux, wave, maggies_south.copy(), sdssr) # Build the KD Tree. logteff = np.log10(self.meta['TEFF'].data) logg = self.meta['LOGG'] feh = self.meta['FEH'] self.param_min = ( logteff.min(), logg.min(), feh.min() ) self.param_range = ( np.ptp(logteff), np.ptp(logg), np.ptp(feh) ) if self.KDTree is None: STARMaker.KDTree = self.KDTree_build(np.vstack((logteff, logg, feh)).T)
[docs] def template_photometry(self, data=None, indx=None, rand=None, south=True): """Get stellar photometry from the templates themselves, by-passing the generation of spectra. """ if rand is None: rand = np.random.RandomState() if indx is None: indx = np.arange(len(data['RA'])) nobj = len(indx) meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) meta['SEED'][:] = rand.randint(2**31, size=nobj) meta['REDSHIFT'][:] = data['Z'][indx] meta['MAG'][:] = data['MAG'][indx] meta['MAGFILTER'][:] = data['MAGFILTER'][indx] objmeta['TEFF'][:] = data['TEFF'][indx] objmeta['LOGG'][:] = data['LOGG'][indx] objmeta['FEH'][:] = data['FEH'][indx] if self.mockformat == 'galaxia': templateid = self.KDTree_query(np.vstack(( np.log10(data['TEFF'][indx]).data, data['LOGG'][indx], data['FEH'][indx])).T) elif self.mockformat == 'mws_100pc': templateid = self.KDTree_query(np.vstack(( np.log10(data['TEFF'][indx]), data['LOGG'][indx], data['FEH'][indx])).T) normmag = 1e9 * 10**(-0.4 * data['MAG'][indx]) # nanomaggies # A little fragile -- assume that MAGFILTER is the same for all objects... if south: if data['MAGFILTER'][0] == 'sdss2010-g': star_maggies = self.star_maggies_g_south elif data['MAGFILTER'][0] == 'sdss2010-r': star_maggies = self.star_maggies_r_south else: log.warning('Unrecognized normalization filter {}!'.format(data['MAGFILTER'][0])) raise ValueError else: if data['MAGFILTER'][0] == 'sdss2010-g': star_maggies = self.star_maggies_g_north elif data['MAGFILTER'][0] == 'sdss2010-r': star_maggies = self.star_maggies_r_north else: log.warning('Unrecognized normalization filter {}!'.format(data['MAGFILTER'][0])) raise ValueError for key in ('FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_Z', 'FLUX_W1', 'FLUX_W2'): meta[key][:] = star_maggies[key][templateid] * normmag return meta, objmeta
[docs]class MWS_MAINMaker(STARMaker): """Read MWS_MAIN mocks, generate spectra, and select targets. Parameters ---------- seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. calib_only : :class:`bool`, optional Use MWS_MAIN stars as calibration (standard star) targets, only. Defaults to False. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Initialize and cache template photometry. Defaults to False. survey : :class:`str`, optional Specify which target masks yaml file to use. The options are `main` (main survey) and `sv1` (first iteration of SV). Defaults to `main`. """ def __init__(self, seed=None, calib_only=False, no_spectra=False, survey='main', **kwargs): super(MWS_MAINMaker, self).__init__(seed=seed, no_spectra=no_spectra, survey=survey) self.seed = seed self.calib_only = calib_only
[docs] def read(self, mockfile=None, mockformat='galaxia', healpixels=None, nside=None, nside_galaxia=8, target_name='MWS_MAIN', magcut=None, faintstar_mockfile=None, faintstar_magcut=None, **kwargs): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. mockformat : :class:`str` Mock catalog format. Defaults to 'galaxia'. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. nside_galaxia : :class:`int` Healpixel nside indicating how the mock on-disk has been organized. Defaults to 8. target_name : :class:`str` Name of the target being read. Defaults to 'MWS_MAIN'. magcut : :class:`float` Magnitude cut (hard-coded to SDSS r-band) to subselect targets brighter than magcut. faintstar_mockfile : :class:`str`, optional Full path to the top-level directory of the Galaxia faint star mock catalog. faintstar_magcut : :class:`float`, optional Magnitude cut (hard-coded to SDSS r-band) to subselect faint star targets brighter than magcut. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary of target properties with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ ValueError If mockformat is not recognized. """ self.mockformat = mockformat.lower() if self.mockformat == 'galaxia': self.default_mockfile = os.path.join( os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'mocks', 'mws', 'galaxia', 'alpha', 'v0.0.5', 'healpix') MockReader = ReadGalaxia() else: log.warning('Unrecognized mockformat {}!'.format(mockformat)) raise ValueError if mockfile is None: mockfile = self.default_mockfile data = MockReader.readmock(mockfile, target_name=target_name, healpixels=healpixels, nside=nside, nside_galaxia=nside_galaxia, magcut=magcut, faintstar_mockfile=faintstar_mockfile, faintstar_magcut=faintstar_magcut, seed=self.seed) return data
[docs] def make_spectra(self, data=None, indx=None, seed=None, no_spectra=False): """Generate MWS_MAIN stellar spectra. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Dictionary of source properties. indx : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Generate spectra for a subset of the objects in the data dictionary, as specified using their zero-indexed indices. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not generate spectra. Defaults to False. Returns ------- flux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Target spectra. wave : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding wavelength array. meta : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Spectral metadata table. targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. """ if indx is None: indx = np.arange(len(data['RA'])) nobj = len(indx) if seed is None: seed = self.seed rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if no_spectra: flux = [] meta, objmeta = self.template_photometry(data, indx, rand) else: input_meta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype, input_meta=True) input_meta['SEED'][:] = rand.randint(2**31, size=nobj) input_meta['REDSHIFT'][:] = data['Z'][indx] input_meta['MAG'][:] = data['MAG'][indx] input_meta['MAGFILTER'][:] = data['MAGFILTER'][indx] if self.mockformat == 'galaxia': input_meta['TEMPLATEID'][:] = self.KDTree_query( np.vstack((np.log10(data['TEFF'][indx]), data['LOGG'][indx], data['FEH'][indx])).T) # Build north/south spectra separately. south = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == True )[0] north = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == False )[0] meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) flux = np.zeros([nobj, len(self.wave)], dtype='f4') for these, issouth in zip( (north, south), (False, True) ): if len(these) > 0: # Note: no "nocolorcuts" argument! flux1, _, meta1, objmeta1 = self.template_maker.make_templates( input_meta=input_meta[these], south=issouth) meta[these] = meta1 objmeta[these] = objmeta1 flux[these, :] = flux1 targets, truth, objtruth = self.populate_targets_truth( flux, data, meta, objmeta, indx=indx, seed=seed, truespectype='STAR', templatetype='STAR') return flux, self.wave, targets, truth, objtruth
[docs] def select_targets(self, targets, truth, targetname='MWS_MAIN'): """Select various MWS stars and standard stars. Input tables are modified in place. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Input target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. targetname : :class:`str` Target selection cuts to apply. """ if targetname == 'MWS_MAIN': if self.calib_only: tcnames = 'STD' else: tcnames = ['MWS', 'STD'] else: tcnames = targetname if self.survey == 'sv1': qso_selection = 'randomforest' else: qso_selection = 'colorcuts' # Note: We pass qso_selection to cuts.apply_cuts because MWS_MAIN # targets can be used as QSO contaminants. desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target = cuts.apply_cuts(targets, tcnames=tcnames, qso_selection=qso_selection, survey=self.survey) # Subtract out the MWS_NEARBY and MWS_WD/STD_WD targeting bits, since # those are handled in the MWS_NEARBYMaker and WDMaker classes, # respectively. for mwsbit in self.mws_mask.names(): if 'NEARBY' in mwsbit or 'WD' in mwsbit: these = mws_target & self.mws_mask.mask(mwsbit) != 0 if np.sum(these) > 0: mws_target[these] -= self.mws_mask.mask(mwsbit) andthose = mws_target[these] == 0 if np.sum(andthose) > 0: desi_target[these][andthose] -= self.desi_mask.mask('MWS_ANY') these = desi_target & self.desi_mask.mask('STD_WD') != 0 if np.sum(these) > 0: desi_target[these] -= self.desi_mask.mask('STD_WD') self.remove_north_south_bits(desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target) targets['DESI_TARGET'] |= desi_target targets['BGS_TARGET'] |= bgs_target targets['MWS_TARGET'] |= mws_target
[docs]class MWS_NEARBYMaker(STARMaker): """Read MWS_NEARBY mocks, generate spectra, and select targets. Parameters ---------- seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not initialize template photometry. Defaults to False. survey : :class:`str`, optional Specify which target masks yaml file to use. The options are `main` (main survey) and `sv1` (first iteration of SV). Defaults to `main`. """ def __init__(self, seed=None, no_spectra=False, survey='main', **kwargs): super(MWS_NEARBYMaker, self).__init__(seed=seed, no_spectra=no_spectra, survey=survey)
[docs] def read(self, mockfile=None, mockformat='mws_100pc', healpixels=None, nside=None, mock_density=False, **kwargs): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. mockformat : :class:`str` Mock catalog format. Defaults to 'mws_100pc'. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. mock_density : :class:`bool`, optional Compute the median target density in the mock. Defaults to False. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary of target properties with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ ValueError If mockformat is not recognized. """ self.mockformat = mockformat.lower() if self.mockformat == 'mws_100pc': self.default_mockfile = os.path.join( os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'mocks', 'mws', '100pc', 'v0.0.4', 'mock_100pc.fits') MockReader = ReadMWS_NEARBY() else: log.warning('Unrecognized mockformat {}!'.format(mockformat)) raise ValueError if mockfile is None: mockfile = self.default_mockfile data = MockReader.readmock(mockfile, target_name='MWS_NEARBY', healpixels=healpixels, nside=nside, mock_density=mock_density) return data
[docs] def make_spectra(self, data=None, indx=None, seed=None, no_spectra=False): """Generate MWS_NEARBY stellar spectra. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Dictionary of source properties. indx : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Generate spectra for a subset of the objects in the data dictionary, as specified using their zero-indexed indices. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not generate spectra. Defaults to False. Returns ------- flux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Target spectra. wave : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding wavelength array. meta : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Spectral metadata table. targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. """ if seed is None: seed = self.seed rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if indx is None: indx = np.arange(len(data['RA'])) nobj = len(indx) if no_spectra: flux = [] meta, objmeta = self.template_photometry(data, indx, rand) else: input_meta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype, input_meta=True) input_meta['SEED'][:] = rand.randint(2**31, size=nobj) input_meta['REDSHIFT'][:] = data['Z'][indx] input_meta['MAG'][:] = data['MAG'][indx] input_meta['MAGFILTER'][:] = data['MAGFILTER'][indx] if self.mockformat == 'mws_100pc': input_meta['TEMPLATEID'][:] = self.KDTree_query( np.vstack((np.log10(data['TEFF'][indx]), data['LOGG'][indx], data['FEH'][indx])).T) # Build north/south spectra separately. south = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == True )[0] north = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == False )[0] meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) flux = np.zeros([nobj, len(self.wave)], dtype='f4') for these, issouth in zip( (north, south), (False, True) ): if len(these) > 0: # Note: no "nocolorcuts" argument! flux1, _, meta1, objmeta1 = self.template_maker.make_templates( input_meta=input_meta[these], south=issouth) meta[these] = meta1 objmeta[these] = objmeta1 flux[these, :] = flux1 targets, truth, objtruth = self.populate_targets_truth( flux, data, meta, objmeta, indx=indx, seed=seed, truespectype='STAR', templatetype='STAR', templatesubtype=data['TEMPLATESUBTYPE'][indx]) return flux, self.wave, targets, truth, objtruth
[docs] def select_targets(self, targets, truth, targetname='MWS'): """Select MWS_NEARBY targets. Input tables are modified in place. Note: The selection here eventually will be done with Gaia (I think) so for now just do a "perfect" selection. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Input target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. targetname : :class:`str` Target selection cuts to apply. """ desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target = cuts.apply_cuts(targets, tcnames=targetname, survey=self.survey) # Subtract out *all* the MWS targeting bits except MWS_NEARBY since # those are separately handled in the MWS_MAINMaker and WDMaker classes. for mwsbit in self.mws_mask.names(): if mwsbit == 'MWS_NEARBY': pass else: these = mws_target & self.mws_mask.mask(mwsbit) != 0 if np.sum(these) > 0: mws_target[these] -= self.mws_mask.mask(mwsbit) andthose = mws_target[these] == 0 if np.sum(andthose) > 0: desi_target[these][andthose] -= self.desi_mask.mask('MWS_ANY') self.remove_north_south_bits(desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target) targets['DESI_TARGET'] |= desi_target targets['BGS_TARGET'] |= bgs_target targets['MWS_TARGET'] |= mws_target
[docs]class WDMaker(SelectTargets): """Read WD mocks, generate spectra, and select targets. Parameters ---------- seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not initialize template photometry. Defaults to False. calib_only : :class:`bool`, optional Use WDs as calibration (standard star) targets, only. Defaults to False. survey : :class:`str`, optional Specify which target masks yaml file to use. The options are `main` (main survey) and `sv1` (first iteration of SV). Defaults to `main`. """ wave, da_template_maker, db_template_maker = None, None, None KDTree_da, KDTree_db = None, None wd_maggies_da_north, wd_maggies_da_north = None, None wd_maggies_db_south, wd_maggies_db_south = None, None def __init__(self, seed=None, calib_only=False, no_spectra=False, survey='main', **kwargs): from speclite import filters from desisim.templates import WD super(WDMaker, self).__init__(survey=survey) self.seed = seed self.objtype = 'WD' self.calib_only = calib_only if self.wave is None: WDMaker.wave = _default_wave() self.extinction = self.mw_dust_extinction() if self.da_template_maker is None: WDMaker.da_template_maker = WD(wave=self.wave, subtype='DA') if self.db_template_maker is None: WDMaker.db_template_maker = WD(wave=self.wave, subtype='DB') self.meta_da = self.da_template_maker.basemeta self.meta_db = self.db_template_maker.basemeta # Pre-compute normalized synthetic photometry for the full set of DA and # DB templates. if no_spectra and (self.wd_maggies_da_north is None or self.wd_maggies_da_south is None or self.wd_maggies_db_north is None or self.wd_maggies_db_south is None):'Caching WD template photometry.') if 'SYNTH_SDSS2010_G' in self.meta_da.colnames: # from DESI-COLORS HDU (basis templates >=v3.1) maggies_da_north = self.meta_da[['SYNTH_BASS_G', 'SYNTH_BASS_R', 'SYNTH_MZLS_Z', 'SYNTH_WISE2010_W1', 'SYNTH_WISE2010_W2']] maggies_db_north = self.meta_db[['SYNTH_BASS_G', 'SYNTH_BASS_R', 'SYNTH_MZLS_Z', 'SYNTH_WISE2010_W1', 'SYNTH_WISE2010_W2']] maggies_da_south = self.meta_da[['SYNTH_DECAM2014_G', 'SYNTH_DECAM2014_R', 'SYNTH_DECAM2014_Z', 'SYNTH_WISE2010_W1', 'SYNTH_WISE2010_W2']] maggies_db_south = self.meta_db[['SYNTH_DECAM2014_G', 'SYNTH_DECAM2014_R', 'SYNTH_DECAM2014_Z', 'SYNTH_WISE2010_W1', 'SYNTH_WISE2010_W2']] # Normalize to sdss-g def _get_maggies(outmaggies, normmaggies): for filt, flux in zip( outmaggies.colnames, ('FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_Z', 'FLUX_W1', 'FLUX_W2') ): outmaggies[filt] /= normmaggies outmaggies.rename_column(filt, flux) return outmaggies WDMaker.wd_maggies_da_north = _get_maggies(maggies_da_north.copy(), self.meta_da['SYNTH_SDSS2010_G']) WDMaker.wd_maggies_da_south = _get_maggies(maggies_da_south.copy(), self.meta_da['SYNTH_SDSS2010_G']) WDMaker.wd_maggies_db_north = _get_maggies(maggies_db_north.copy(), self.meta_db['SYNTH_SDSS2010_G']) WDMaker.wd_maggies_db_south = _get_maggies(maggies_db_south.copy(), self.meta_db['SYNTH_SDSS2010_G']) else: wave = self.da_template_maker.basewave flux_da, flux_db = self.da_template_maker.baseflux, self.db_template_maker.baseflux maggies_da_north = self.bassmzlswise.get_ab_maggies(flux_da, wave, mask_invalid=True) maggies_db_north = self.bassmzlswise.get_ab_maggies(flux_db, wave, mask_invalid=True) maggies_da_south = self.decamwise.get_ab_maggies(flux_da, wave, mask_invalid=True) maggies_db_south = self.decamwise.get_ab_maggies(flux_db, wave, mask_invalid=True) # Normalize to sdss-g normfilter = filters.load_filters('sdss2010-g') def _get_maggies(flux, wave, outmaggies, normfilter): normmaggies = normfilter.get_ab_maggies(flux, wave, mask_invalid=True) for filt, flux in zip( outmaggies.colnames, ('FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_Z', 'FLUX_W1', 'FLUX_W2') ): outmaggies[filt] /= normmaggies[normfilter.names[0]] outmaggies.rename_column(filt, flux) return outmaggies WDMaker.wd_maggies_da_north = _get_maggies(flux_da, wave, maggies_da_north.copy(), normfilter) WDMaker.wd_maggies_da_south = _get_maggies(flux_da, wave, maggies_da_south.copy(), normfilter) WDMaker.wd_maggies_db_north = _get_maggies(flux_db, wave, maggies_db_north.copy(), normfilter) WDMaker.wd_maggies_db_south = _get_maggies(flux_db, wave, maggies_db_south.copy(), normfilter) # Build the KD Trees logteff_da = np.log10(self.meta_da['TEFF'].data) logteff_db = np.log10(self.meta_db['TEFF'].data) logg_da = self.meta_da['LOGG'].data logg_db = self.meta_db['LOGG'].data self.param_min_da = ( logteff_da.min(), logg_da.min() ) self.param_range_da = ( np.ptp(logteff_da), np.ptp(logg_da) ) self.param_min_db = ( logteff_db.min(), logg_db.min() ) self.param_range_db = ( np.ptp(logteff_db), np.ptp(logg_db) ) if self.KDTree_da is None: WDMaker.KDTree_da = self.KDTree_build(np.vstack((logteff_da, logg_da)).T, subtype='DA') if self.KDTree_db is None: WDMaker.KDTree_db = self.KDTree_build(np.vstack((logteff_db, logg_db)).T, subtype='DB')
[docs] def read(self, mockfile=None, mockformat='mws_wd', healpixels=None, nside=None, mock_density=False, **kwargs): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. mockformat : :class:`str` Mock catalog format. Defaults to 'mws_wd'. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. mock_density : :class:`bool`, optional Compute the median target density in the mock. Defaults to False. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary of target properties with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ ValueError If mockformat is not recognized. """ self.mockformat = mockformat.lower() if self.mockformat == 'mws_wd': self.default_mockfile = os.path.join( os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'mocks', 'mws', 'wd', 'v0.0.2', 'mock_wd.fits') MockReader = ReadMWS_WD() else: log.warning('Unrecognized mockformat {}!'.format(mockformat)) raise ValueError if mockfile is None: mockfile = self.default_mockfile data = MockReader.readmock(mockfile, target_name=self.objtype, healpixels=healpixels, nside=nside, mock_density=mock_density) return data
[docs] def wd_template_photometry(self, data=None, indx=None, rand=None, subtype='DA', south=True): """Get stellar photometry from the templates themselves, by-passing the generation of spectra. """ if rand is None: rand = np.random.RandomState() if indx is None: indx = np.arange(len(data['RA'])) nobj = len(indx) meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) meta['SEED'][:] = rand.randint(2**31, size=nobj) meta['REDSHIFT'][:] = data['Z'][indx] meta['MAG'][:] = data['MAG'][indx] meta['MAGFILTER'][:] = data['MAGFILTER'][indx] meta['SUBTYPE'][:] = data['TEMPLATESUBTYPE'][indx] objmeta['TEFF'][:] = data['TEFF'][indx] objmeta['LOGG'][:] = data['LOGG'][indx] if self.mockformat == 'mws_wd': templateid = self.KDTree_query( np.vstack((np.log10(data['TEFF'][indx].data), data['LOGG'][indx])).T, subtype=subtype) normmag = 1e9 * 10**(-0.4 * data['MAG'][indx]) # nanomaggies if south: if subtype == 'DA': wd_maggies = self.wd_maggies_da_south elif subtype == 'DB': wd_maggies = self.wd_maggies_db_south else: log.warning('Unrecognized subtype {}!'.format(subtype)) raise ValueError else: if subtype == 'DA': wd_maggies = self.wd_maggies_da_north elif subtype == 'DB': wd_maggies = self.wd_maggies_db_north else: log.warning('Unrecognized subtype {}!'.format(subtype)) raise ValueError for key in ('FLUX_G', 'FLUX_R', 'FLUX_Z', 'FLUX_W1', 'FLUX_W2'): meta[key][:] = wd_maggies[key][templateid] * normmag return meta, objmeta
[docs] def make_spectra(self, data=None, indx=None, seed=None, no_spectra=False): """Generate WD spectra, dealing with DA vs DB white dwarfs separately. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Dictionary of source properties. indx : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Generate spectra for a subset of the objects in the data dictionary, as specified using their zero-indexed indices. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not generate spectra. Defaults to False. Returns ------- flux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Target spectra. wave : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding wavelength array. meta : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Spectral metadata table. targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. """ if seed is None: seed = self.seed rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if indx is None: indx = np.arange(len(data['RA'])) nobj = len(indx) if self.mockformat == 'mws_wd': if no_spectra: flux = [] meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) else: input_meta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype, input_meta=True) input_meta['SEED'][:] = rand.randint(2**31, size=nobj) input_meta['REDSHIFT'][:] = data['Z'][indx] input_meta['MAG'][:] = data['MAG'][indx] input_meta['MAGFILTER'][:] = data['MAGFILTER'][indx] meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) flux = np.zeros([nobj, len(self.wave)], dtype='f4') allsubtype = data['TEMPLATESUBTYPE'][indx] for subtype in ('DA', 'DB'): match = np.where(allsubtype == subtype)[0] if len(match) > 0: if not no_spectra: input_meta['TEMPLATEID'][match] = self.KDTree_query( np.vstack((np.log10(data['TEFF'][indx][match].data), data['LOGG'][indx][match])).T, subtype=subtype) # Build north/south spectra separately. south = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx][match] == True )[0] north = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx][match] == False )[0] for these, issouth in zip( (north, south), (False, True) ): if len(these) > 0: if no_spectra: meta1, objmeta1 = self.wd_template_photometry( data, indx[match][these], rand, subtype, south=issouth) meta[match[these]] = meta1 objmeta[match[these]] = objmeta1 else: # Note: no "nocolorcuts" argument! template_maker = getattr(self, '{}_template_maker'.format(subtype.lower())) flux1, _, meta1, objmeta1 = template_maker.make_templates( input_meta=input_meta[match[these]], south=issouth) meta[match[these]] = meta1 objmeta[match[these]] = objmeta1 flux[match[these], :] = flux1 targets, truth, objtruth = self.populate_targets_truth( flux, data, meta, objmeta, indx=indx, seed=seed, truespectype='WD', templatetype='WD', templatesubtype=allsubtype) return flux, self.wave, targets, truth, objtruth
[docs] def select_targets(self, targets, truth, targetname='WD'): """Select MWS_WD targets and STD_WD standard stars. Input tables are modified in place. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Input target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. targetname : :class:`str` Target selection cuts to apply. """ if targetname == 'WD': if self.calib_only: tcnames = 'STD' else: tcnames = ['MWS', 'STD'] else: tcnames = targetname # Assume that MWS_MAIN and MWS_NEARBY objects are *never* selected from # the WD mock. desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target = cuts.apply_cuts(targets, tcnames=tcnames, survey=self.survey) self.remove_north_south_bits(desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target) targets['DESI_TARGET'] |= desi_target targets['BGS_TARGET'] |= bgs_target targets['MWS_TARGET'] |= mws_target
[docs]class SKYMaker(SelectTargets): """Read SKY mocks, generate spectra, and select targets. Parameters ---------- seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. survey : :class:`str`, optional Specify which target masks yaml file to use. The options are `main` (main survey) and `sv1` (first iteration of SV). Defaults to `main`. """ wave = None def __init__(self, seed=None, survey='main', **kwargs): super(SKYMaker, self).__init__(survey=survey) self.seed = seed self.objtype = 'SKY' if self.wave is None: SKYMaker.wave = _default_wave() self.extinction = self.mw_dust_extinction()
[docs] def read(self, mockfile=None, mockformat='uniformsky', healpixels=None, nside=None, only_coords=False, mock_density=False, **kwargs): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. mockformat : :class:`str` Mock catalog format. Defaults to 'gaussianfield'. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. only_coords : :class:`bool`, optional For various applications, only read the target coordinates. mock_density : :class:`bool`, optional Compute the median target density in the mock. Defaults to False. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary of target properties with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ ValueError If mockformat is not recognized. """ self.mockformat = mockformat.lower() if self.mockformat == 'uniformsky': self.default_mockfile = os.path.join( os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'mocks', 'uniformsky', '0.2', 'uniformsky-2048-0.2.fits') MockReader = ReadUniformSky() elif self.mockformat == 'gaussianfield': self.default_mockfile = os.path.join( os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'mocks', 'GaussianRandomField', '0.0.1', '2048', 'random.fits') MockReader = ReadGaussianField() else: log.warning('Unrecognized mockformat {}!'.format(mockformat)) raise ValueError if mockfile is None: mockfile = self.default_mockfile data = MockReader.readmock(mockfile, target_name=self.objtype, healpixels=healpixels, nside=nside, only_coords=only_coords, mock_density=mock_density) return data
[docs] def make_spectra(self, data=None, indx=None, seed=None, no_spectra=False): """Generate SKY spectra. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Dictionary of source properties. indx : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Generate spectra for a subset of the objects in the data dictionary, as specified using their zero-indexed indices. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not generate spectra. Defaults to False. Returns ------- flux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Target spectra. wave : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding wavelength array. meta : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Spectral metadata table. targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. objtruth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding objtype-specific truth table (if applicable). """ if seed is None: seed = self.seed rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if indx is None: indx = np.arange(len(data['RA'])) nobj = len(indx) if no_spectra: flux = [] else: flux = np.zeros((nobj, len(self.wave)), dtype='f4') meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) meta['SEED'][:] = rand.randint(2**31, size=nobj) meta['REDSHIFT'][:] = data['Z'][indx] targets, truth, objtruth = self.populate_targets_truth( flux, data, meta, objmeta, indx=indx, seed=seed, truespectype='SKY', templatetype='SKY') return flux, self.wave, targets, truth, objtruth
[docs] def select_targets(self, targets, truth, targetname='SKY'): """Select SKY targets (i.e., everything). Input tables are modified in place. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Input target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. targetname : :class:`str` Target selection cuts to apply. """ targets['DESI_TARGET'] |= self.desi_mask.mask(targetname)
[docs]class BuzzardMaker(SelectTargets): """Read Buzzard mocks, generate spectra, and select targets. Parameters ---------- seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not pre-select extragalactic contaminants. Defaults to False. survey : :class:`str`, optional Specify which target masks yaml file to use. The options are `main` (main survey) and `sv1` (first iteration of SV). Defaults to `main`. """ wave, template_maker = None, None def __init__(self, seed=None, nside_chunk=128, no_spectra=False, survey='main', **kwargs): super(BuzzardMaker, self).__init__(survey=survey) self.seed = seed self.objtype = 'BGS' self.nside_chunk = nside_chunk if self.wave is None: BuzzardMaker.wave = _default_wave() self.extinction = self.mw_dust_extinction() if self.template_maker is None: from desisim.templates import BGS BuzzardMaker.template_maker = BGS(wave=self.wave) # Store the metadata table and then pre-select extragalactic # contaminants/templates, which will add columns to self.meta in place # (unless no_spectra=True, in which case skip it). self.meta = self.template_maker.basemeta if not no_spectra: self.extragalactic_contaminants(seed)
[docs] def extragalactic_contaminants(self, seed, nmonte=100): """Pre-select Buzzard/BGS templates that could be photometric contaminants. """ from astropy.table import Column from import find_basis_template from desitarget.cuts import isELG_colors, isQSO_colors rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) # Average grzW1W2 imaging depth and scattered photometry psfdepth_sigma = 10**(-0.4 * (np.array((24.65, 23.61, 22.84)) - 22.5)) / 5 # 1-sigma, nanomaggies wisedepth_sigma = 10**(-0.4 * (np.array((22.3, 21.8)) - 22.5)) # 1-sigma, nanomaggies depth_sigma = np.hstack( (psfdepth_sigma, wisedepth_sigma) ) gflux_err = rand.normal(loc=0, scale=depth_sigma[0], size=nmonte) rflux_err = rand.normal(loc=0, scale=depth_sigma[1], size=nmonte) zflux_err = rand.normal(loc=0, scale=depth_sigma[2], size=nmonte) w1flux_err = rand.normal(loc=0, scale=depth_sigma[3], size=nmonte) w2flux_err = rand.normal(loc=0, scale=depth_sigma[4], size=nmonte) # Unpack the metadata table. templatefile = find_basis_template('BGS') hdr = fitsio.read_header(templatefile, ext='DESI-COLORS') zgrid = hdr['DZ'] * np.arange(hdr['NZ']) + hdr['ZMIN'] nz, nt = len(zgrid), len(self.meta) bigzgrid = np.tile(zgrid, (nt, 1)).reshape(nt, nz).flatten() bigtemplateid = np.tile(self.meta['TEMPLATEID'].data, (1, nz)).reshape(nz, nt).T.flatten() # First ELGs-- # ELG contaminants will be (most likely) lower-redshift (z<0.7) # interlopers, so focus on that redshift range, extract the fluxes, and # scale to g=22 (to satisfy the bright cut). elgzcut = bigzgrid < 0.75 elgscale = (10**(-0.4 * (22 - 22.5) ) / self.meta['SYNTH_DECAM2014_G'].data).flatten()[elgzcut] gflux = elgscale * self.meta['SYNTH_DECAM2014_G'].data.flatten()[elgzcut] rflux = elgscale * self.meta['SYNTH_DECAM2014_R'].data.flatten()[elgzcut] zflux = elgscale * self.meta['SYNTH_DECAM2014_Z'].data.flatten()[elgzcut] w1flux = elgscale * self.meta['SYNTH_WISE2010_W1'].data.flatten()[elgzcut] w2flux = elgscale * self.meta['SYNTH_WISE2010_W2'].data.flatten()[elgzcut] fiberflux_fraction = self.fiberflux_fraction['ELG'] gfiberflux = fiberflux_fraction * gflux rfiberflux = fiberflux_fraction * rflux zfiberflux = fiberflux_fraction * zflux # Monte Carlo the colors and take the union of all the templates that # scatter into the ELG color-box. iselg = np.zeros(len(gflux)).astype(bool) for ii in range(nmonte): _iselg_vlo, _iselg = isELG_colors( south = True, gflux = gflux + gflux_err[ii], rflux = rflux + rflux_err[ii], zflux = zflux + zflux_err[ii], gfiberflux = gfiberflux, rfiberflux = rfiberflux, zfiberflux = zfiberflux, w1flux= w1flux + w1flux_err[ii], w2flux= w2flux + w2flux_err[ii]) iselg = np.logical_or(np.logical_or(iselg, _iselg_vlo), _iselg) # Determine which templates scatter into the ELG color-box **in each # redshift bin.*** idelg = np.digitize(bigzgrid[elgzcut][iselg], zgrid) contam_elg = [] for ii in range(len(zgrid)): these = np.where(idelg == ii)[0] #print(bigzgrid[elgzcut][iselg][these], len(these)) contam_elg.append( bigtemplateid[elgzcut][iselg][these] ) #these = np.unique(bigtemplateid[elgzcut][iselg]) #contam_elg = np.zeros(nt).astype(bool) #contam_elg[these] = True #self.meta.add_column(Column(name='CONTAM_ELG', data=contam_elg)) #log.debug('Found {} / {} templates that scatter into the ELG color box with z < 0.75.'.format(len(these), nt)) # Now QSOs-- # I'm not sure what the redshift distribution of QSO contaminants will be... qsozcut = bigzgrid < 2.5 gflux = self.meta['SYNTH_DECAM2014_G'].data.flatten()[qsozcut] rflux = self.meta['SYNTH_DECAM2014_R'].data.flatten()[qsozcut] zflux = self.meta['SYNTH_DECAM2014_Z'].data.flatten()[qsozcut] w1flux = self.meta['SYNTH_WISE2010_W1'].data.flatten()[qsozcut] w2flux = self.meta['SYNTH_WISE2010_W2'].data.flatten()[qsozcut] # Monte Carlo the colors and take the union of all the templates that # scatter into the QSO color-box. isqso = np.zeros(len(gflux)).astype(bool) for ii in range(nmonte): isqso = np.logical_or( (isqso), (isQSO_colors( south = True, gflux = gflux + gflux_err[ii], rflux = rflux + rflux_err[ii], zflux = zflux + zflux_err[ii], w1flux= w1flux + w1flux_err[ii], w2flux= w2flux + w2flux_err[ii])) ) idqso = np.digitize(bigzgrid[qsozcut][isqso], zgrid) contam_qso = [] for ii in range(len(zgrid)): these = np.where(idqso == ii)[0] #print(bigzgrid[qsozcut][isqso][these], len(these)) contam_qso.append( bigtemplateid[qsozcut][isqso][these] ) # Keep the results. self.contam_zgrid = zgrid self.contam_elg = contam_elg self.contam_qso = contam_qso
[docs] def read(self, mockfile=None, mockformat='buzzard', healpixels=None, nside=None, nside_buzzard=8, target_name='', magcut=None, only_coords=False, **kwargs): """Read the catalog. Parameters ---------- mockfile : :class:`str` Full path to the mock catalog to read. mockformat : :class:`str` Mock catalog format. Defaults to 'buzzard'. healpixels : :class:`int` Healpixel number to read. nside : :class:`int` Healpixel nside corresponding to healpixels. nside_buzzard : :class:`int` Healpixel nside indicating how the mock on-disk has been organized. Defaults to 8. target_name : :class:`str` Name of the target being read. Defaults to ''. magcut : :class:`float` Magnitude cut (hard-coded to DECam r-band) to subselect targets brighter than magcut. only_coords : :class:`bool`, optional For various applications, only read the target coordinates. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Dictionary of target properties with various keys (to be documented). Raises ------ ValueError If mockformat is not recognized. """ self.mockformat = mockformat.lower() if self.mockformat == 'buzzard': self.default_mockfile = os.path.join( os.getenv('DESI_ROOT'), 'mocks', 'buzzard', 'buzzard_v1.6_desicut') MockReader = ReadBuzzard() else: log.warning('Unrecognized mockformat {}!'.format(mockformat)) raise ValueError if mockfile is None: mockfile = self.default_mockfile data = MockReader.readmock(mockfile, target_name=target_name, healpixels=healpixels, nside=nside, nside_buzzard=nside_buzzard, only_coords=only_coords, magcut=magcut) return data
[docs] def make_spectra(self, data=None, indx=None, seed=None, no_spectra=False): """Generate BGS spectra. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`dict` Dictionary of source properties. indx : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional Generate spectra for a subset of the objects in the data dictionary, as specified using their zero-indexed indices. seed : :class:`int`, optional Seed for reproducibility and random number generation. no_spectra : :class:`bool`, optional Do not generate spectra. Defaults to False. Returns ------- flux : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Target spectra. wave : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding wavelength array. meta : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Spectral metadata table. targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. objtruth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding objtype-specific truth table (if applicable). """ if seed is None: seed = self.seed rand = np.random.RandomState(seed) if indx is None: indx = np.arange(len(data['RA'])) nobj = len(indx) if no_spectra: flux = [] meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) self._nospectra_photometry(meta, rand, data, indx, data['TARGET_NAME'], contaminants=True) else: input_meta, _ = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) input_meta['SEED'][:] = rand.randint(2**31, size=nobj) input_meta['REDSHIFT'][:] = data['Z'][indx] vdisp = self._sample_vdisp(data['RA'][indx], data['DEC'][indx], mean=1.9, sigma=0.15, seed=seed, nside=self.nside_chunk) input_meta['MAG'][:] = data['MAG'][indx] input_meta['MAGFILTER'][:] = data['MAGFILTER'][indx] # Choose a template from the right redshift bin of contaminants # depending on what type of contaminant we're simulating. if data['TARGET_NAME'].upper() == 'QSO': contamid = np.digitize(input_meta['REDSHIFT'], self.contam_zgrid) templateid = [] for cid in np.unique(contamid): if len(self.contam_qso[cid]) > 0: templateid.append( rand.choice(self.contam_qso[cid], np.count_nonzero(cid == contamid)) ) else: # throw-away templates templateid.append( rand.choice(self.meta['TEMPLATEID'].data, np.count_nonzero(cid == contamid)) ) templateid = np.hstack(templateid) elif data['TARGET_NAME'].upper() == 'ELG': contamid = np.digitize(input_meta['REDSHIFT'], self.contam_zgrid) templateid = [] for cid in np.unique(contamid): if len(self.contam_elg[cid]) > 0: templateid.append( rand.choice(self.contam_elg[cid], np.count_nonzero(cid == contamid)) ) else: # throw-away templates templateid.append( rand.choice(self.meta['TEMPLATEID'].data, np.count_nonzero(cid == contamid)) ) templateid = np.hstack(templateid) else: log.warning('Need to pre-select more classes of contaminants!') templateid = rand.choice(self.meta['TEMPLATEID'], nobj) input_meta['TEMPLATEID'][:] = templateid # Build north/south spectra separately. south = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == True )[0] north = np.where( data['SOUTH'][indx] == False )[0] meta, objmeta = empty_metatable(nmodel=nobj, objtype=self.objtype) flux = np.zeros([nobj, len(self.wave)], dtype='f4') for these, issouth in zip( (north, south), (False, True) ): if len(these) > 0: flux1, _, meta1, objmeta1 = self.template_maker.make_templates( input_meta=input_meta[these], vdisp=vdisp[these], south=issouth, nocolorcuts=True) meta[these] = meta1 objmeta[these] = objmeta1 flux[these, :] = flux1 targets, truth, objtruth = self.populate_targets_truth( flux, data, meta, objmeta, indx=indx, seed=seed, truespectype='GALAXY', templatetype='BGS') return flux, self.wave, targets, truth, objtruth
[docs] def select_targets(self, targets, truth, targetname='BGS'): """Select extragalactic contaminants. Input tables are modified in place. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Input target catalog. truth : :class:`astropy.table.Table` Corresponding truth table. targetname : :class:`str` Target selection cuts to apply. """ # There's an inconsistency here if use_simqso=False in the configuration # file...we should be setting optical=True. if self.survey == 'sv1': qso_selection = 'randomforest' else: qso_selection = 'colorcuts' desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target = cuts.apply_cuts(targets, tcnames=targetname, qso_selection=qso_selection, survey=self.survey) self.remove_north_south_bits(desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target) targets['DESI_TARGET'] |= desi_target targets['BGS_TARGET'] |= bgs_target targets['MWS_TARGET'] |= mws_target