Source code for desitarget.mtl


Merged target lists.

.. _`STRICT ISO format`:

import os
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn
import sys
from astropy.table import Table, hstack, vstack
from import ascii
import fitsio
from time import time, sleep
from datetime import datetime, timezone, date, timedelta
from glob import glob, iglob

from . import __version__ as dt_version
from desitarget.targetmask import obsmask, obsconditions, zwarn_mask
from desitarget.targets import calc_priority, calc_numobs_more
from desitarget.targets import main_cmx_or_sv, switch_main_cmx_or_sv
from desitarget.targets import set_obsconditions, decode_targetid
from desitarget.geomask import match, match_to
from desitarget.internal import sharedmem
from desitarget import io
from desimodel.footprint import is_point_in_desi, tiles2pix

# ADM set up the DESI default logger.
from desiutil.log import get_logger
log = get_logger()

# ADM the data model for MTL. Note that the _TARGET columns will have
# ADM to be changed on the fly for SV1_, SV2_, etc. files.
# ADM OBSCONDITIONS is formatted as just 'i4' for backward compatibility.
mtldatamodel = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('RA', '>f8'), ('DEC', '>f8'), ('PARALLAX', '>f4'),
    ('PMRA', '>f4'), ('PMDEC', '>f4'), ('REF_EPOCH', '>f4'),
    ('DESI_TARGET', '>i8'), ('BGS_TARGET', '>i8'), ('MWS_TARGET', '>i8'),
    ('SCND_TARGET', '>i8'), ('TARGETID', '>i8'),
    ('SUBPRIORITY', '>f8'), ('OBSCONDITIONS', 'i4'),
    ('PRIORITY_INIT', '>i8'), ('NUMOBS_INIT', '>i8'), ('PRIORITY', '>i8'),
    ('NUMOBS', '>i8'), ('NUMOBS_MORE', '>i8'), ('Z', '>f8'), ('ZWARN', '>i8'),
    ('TIMESTAMP', 'U25'), ('VERSION', 'U14'), ('TARGET_STATE', 'U30'),
    ('ZTILEID', '>i4')

# ADM columns to add to the mtl/zcat data models for the Main Survey.
msaddcols = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('Z_QN', '>f8'), ('IS_QSO_QN', '>i2'), ('DELTACHI2', '>f8'),

zcatdatamodel = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('RA', '>f8'), ('DEC', '>f8'), ('TARGETID', '>i8'),
    ('NUMOBS', '>i4'), ('Z', '>f8'), ('ZWARN', '>i8'), ('ZTILEID', '>i4')

mtltilefiledm = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('TILEID', '>i4'), ('TIMESTAMP', 'U25'), ('VERSION', 'U14'),
    ('PROGRAM', 'U6'), ('ZDATE', '>i8'), ('ARCHIVEDATE', '>i8')

# ADM when using basic or csv ascii writes, specifying the formats of
# ADM float32 columns can make things easier on the eye.
mtlformatdict = {"PARALLAX": '%16.8f', 'PMRA': '%16.8f', 'PMDEC': '%16.8f'}

[docs]def survey_data_model(dm, survey='main'): """Construct the appropriate data model for a given survey. Parameters ---------- dm : :class:`~numpy.array` A data model related to MTL. Typically one of `zcatdatamodel` or `mtldatamodel`. survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "main" Used to construct the right data model for an iteration of DESI. Options are ``'main'`` ``'cmx'``, ``'svX``' (for X of 1, 2, etc.) for the main survey, commissioning and iterations of SV. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` The approriate data model. If `survey` is `'main'` this will be the passed `dm` with any columns from `msaddcols` added. If `survey` is sv-like, this will just be the input `dm`. """ if survey[:2] == 'sv' or survey == 'cmx': return dm elif survey == 'main': return np.array([], dtype=dm.dtype.descr + msaddcols.dtype.descr) else: msg = "Allowed 'survey' inputs are sv(X) or main, not {}".format(survey) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]def check_timestamp(timestamp): """Check whether a timestamp is in a valid datetime format. Parameters ---------- timestamp : :class:`str` A string that should be a valid datetime string with a timezone. Returns ------- :class:`str` The input `timestamp` string. Notes ----- - Triggers an exception if the string is not a valid datetime string or if the timezone was not included in the string. """ from dateutil.parser import parse try: check = parse(timestamp) except ValueError: msg = "{} is not a valid timestamp!!!".format(timestamp) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if check.tzinfo is None: msg = "{} does not include timezone information!!!".format(timestamp) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return timestamp
[docs]def utc_date_to_night(timestamp): """Convert a UTC/ISO date into a DESI night (YYYYMMDD) format. Parameters ---------- timestamp : :class:`~numpy.array` or :class:`str` A date-like string or array of strings in either UTC or strict UTC/ISO format. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` An array of nights in the DESI YYYYMMDD format, where each entry corresponds to each entry in `timestamp`. Notes ----- - This function is sufficiently sloppy that it can handle both `STRICT ISO format`_ (as generated by, e.g., :func:`desitarget.mtl.get_utc_iso_date()`) and general UTC format (as generated by, e.g., :func:`desitarget.mtl.get_utc_date()`). """ # ADM in case a single string was passed. if isinstance(timestamp, str): timestamp = [timestamp] # ADM convert each input timestamp to a datetime object. dts = [datetime.fromisoformat(ts) for ts in timestamp] # ADM convert the datetime object to DESI night format. yyyymmdd = [int(f'{dt.year:04}{dt.month:02}{}') for dt in dts] return np.array(yyyymmdd)
[docs]def get_utc_date(survey="sv3"): """Convenience function to grab the UTC date. Parameters ---------- survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "sv3" Used to construct the right ISO format for an iteration of DESI. Options are ``'main'`` ``'cmx'``, ``'svX``' (for X of 1, 2, etc.) for the main survey, commissioning and iterations of SV. Returns ------- :class:`str` The UTC date, appropriate for making a TIMESTAMP. Notes ----- - This is spun off into its own function to have a consistent way to record time across the entire desitarget package. - The `survey` input defaults to `"sv3"` for backwards compatibility (we became stricter about the format for the main survey). """ if survey[:2] == 'sv' or survey == 'cmx': return datetime.utcnow().isoformat(timespec='seconds') elif survey == 'main': return get_utc_iso_date() else: msg = "Allowed 'survey' inputs are sv(X) or main, not {}".format(survey) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]def get_utc_iso_date(): """Convenience function to grab the UTC date in STRICT ISO format. Returns ------- :class:`str` UTC date in `STRICT ISO format`_, appropriate for a TIMESTAMP. """ return'seconds')
[docs]def get_local_iso_date(): """Convenience function to grab the local date in STRICT ISO format. Returns ------- :class:`str` UTC date in `STRICT ISO format`_, appropriate for a TIMESTAMP. """ return'seconds')
[docs]def days_between_nights(date1, date2): """Find the number of days between two dates in YYYYMMDD format Parameters ---------- date1, date2 : :class:`str` or `int` or `array_like` Two dates or arrays of dates in YYYYMMDD format. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` Number of days between the dates. `date2` is assumed to be the later date, so +ve answers are returned if `date2` > `date1`. """ # ADM in case a single item was passed. date1 = np.atleast_1d(date1) date2 = np.atleast_1d(date2) # ADM allow dates to be strings or integers. date1, date2 = [str(d) for d in date1], [str(d) for d in date2] day1 = [date(int(d1[:4]), int(d1[4:6]), int(d1[6:])).toordinal() for d1 in date1] day2 = [date(int(d2[:4]), int(d2[4:6]), int(d2[6:])).toordinal() for d2 in date2] return np.array(day2) - np.array(day1)
[docs]def add_to_iso_date(isodate, secs): """Convenience function to add seconds to an ISO date. Parameters ---------- isodate : :class:`str` Date in `STRICT ISO format`_, appropriate for a TIMESTAMP. As produced by, e.g., :func:`desitarget.mtl.get_utc_iso_date()`. secs : :class:`int` Number of seconds to add to `isodate`. Returns ------- :class:`str` Date in `STRICT ISO format`_ with `secs` added. """ # ADM convert date back from ISO to a datetime object. dt = datetime.fromisoformat(isodate) # ADM add seconds. dt += timedelta(seconds=secs) # ADM convert back and return. return datetime.isoformat(dt)
[docs]def get_mtl_dir(mtldir=None): """Convenience function to grab the $MTL_DIR environment variable. Parameters ---------- mtldir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to $MTL_DIR If `mtldir` is passed, it is returned from this function. If it's not passed, the $MTL_DIR environment variable is returned. Returns ------- :class:`str` If `mtldir` is passed, it is returned from this function. If it's not passed, the directory stored in the $MTL_DIR environment variable is returned. """ if mtldir is None: mtldir = os.environ.get('MTL_DIR') # ADM check that the $MTL_DIR environment variable is set. if mtldir is None: msg = "Pass mtldir or set $MTL_DIR environment variable!" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return mtldir
[docs]def get_zcat_dir(zcatdir=None): """Convenience function to grab the $ZCAT_DIR environment variable. Parameters ---------- zcatdir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to $ZCAT_DIR If `zcatdir` is passed, it is returned from this function. If it's not passed, the $ZCAT_DIR environment variable is returned. Returns ------- :class:`str` If `zcatdir` is passed, it is returned from this function. If it's not passed, the directory stored in the $ZCAT_DIR environment variable is returned. """ if zcatdir is None: zcatdir = os.environ.get('ZCAT_DIR') # ADM check that the $ZCAT_DIR environment variable is set. if zcatdir is None: msg = "Pass zcatdir or set $ZCAT_DIR environment variable!" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return zcatdir
[docs]def get_mtl_tile_file_name(secondary=False, override=False): """Convenience function to grab the name of the MTL tile file. Parameters ---------- secondary : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` return the name of the MTL tile file for secondary targets instead of the standard, primary MTL tile file. override : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` return the name of the override tile file instead of the mtl tile file. Returns ------- :class:`str` The name of the MTL tile file. """ fn = "mtl-done-tiles.ecsv" if secondary: fn = "scnd-mtl-done-tiles.ecsv" if override: fn = fn.replace("tiles", "overrides") return fn
[docs]def get_ztile_file_name(survey='main'): """Convenience function to grab the name of the ZTILE file. survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "main" To look up the correct ZTILE filename. Options are ``'main'`` and ``'svX``' (where X is 1, 2, 3 etc.) for the main survey and different iterations of SV, respectively. Returns ------- :class:`str` The name of the ZTILE file. """ # ADM tile file name used to be different for sv and main. if survey[:2] == 'sv' or survey == 'main': fn = "tiles-specstatus.ecsv" else: msg = "Allowed 'survey' inputs are sv(X) or main, not {}".format(survey) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return fn
[docs]def _get_mtl_nside(): """Grab the HEALPixel nside to be used for MTL ledger files. Returns ------- :class:`int` The HEALPixel nside number for MTL file creation and retrieval. """ # from desitarget.geomask import pixarea2nside # ADM the nside (16) appropriate to a 7 sq. deg. field. # nside = pixarea2nside(7) nside = 32 return nside
[docs]def get_mtl_ledger_format(): """Grab the file format for MTL ledger files. Returns ------- :class:`str` The file format for MTL ledgers. Should be "ecsv" or "fits". """ # ff = "fits" ff = "ecsv" return ff
[docs]def check_archiving(obscon, survey='main', zcatdir=None, mtldir=None): """Check the previous archiving state of tiles. Parameters ---------- obscon : :class:`str` A string matching ONE obscondition in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (i.e. in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "DARK" survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "main" Used to look up the correct ledger, in combination with `obscon`. Options are ``'main'`` and ``'svX``' (where X is 1, 2, 3 etc.) for the main survey and different iterations of SV, respectively. zcatdir : :class:`str`, optional Full path to the directory that hosts redshift catalogs. Defaults to the directory stored in the $ZCAT_DIR environment variable. mtldir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Full path to the directory that hosts the MTL ledgers and the MTL tile file. If ``None``, then look up the MTL directory from the $MTL_DIR environment variable. Notes ----- - The basic check is that the latest archive date for tiles in the "archive" sub-directory of the redshift catalog directory matches the `ARCHIVEDATE` recorded in the `tiles-specstatus.ecsv` file. - The check is limited to BRIGHT/DARK main survey tiles. - Based on work by Anand Raichoor. """ start = time()"Checking archived tiles match tiles-specstatus file...") # ADM add a warning for non-standard cases: if survey != "main" or obscon not in ["BRIGHT", "DARK"]: msg = "Archiving checks are only valid for main/BRIGHT or main/DARK!" msg += " If using run_mtl_loop, try passing --noarchivecheck" log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM grab tile files, use default environment variables, if needed. ztilefn = get_ztile_file_name(survey=survey) mtldir = get_mtl_dir(mtldir) opsdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mtldir), "ops") ztilefn = os.path.join(opsdir, ztilefn) # ADM need to check which tiles are in Main Survey and bright/dark. tilefn = ztilefn.replace("specstatus", survey) tiles = ii = tiles["PROGRAM"] == obscon.upper() tiles = tiles[ii] # ADM grab the tile-based sub-directories in the archive directory. # ADM use the default $ZCAT_DIR, if zcatdir was not passed. zcatdir = get_zcat_dir(zcatdir) archivedir = os.path.join(zcatdir, "tiles", "archive") fns = sorted(glob(os.path.join(archivedir, "*", "*"))) # ADM create a table of dates of the archived directories. arxiv = Table() arxiv["TILEID"] = [int(fn.split(os.path.sep)[-2]) for fn in fns] arxiv["ARCHIVEDATE"] = [int(fn.split(os.path.sep)[-1]) for fn in fns] arxiv["TA"] = ["{}-{}".format(tileid, archdate) for tileid, archdate in zip(arxiv["TILEID"], arxiv["ARCHIVEDATE"])] # ADM limit to just bright/dark Main Survey tiles. ii = np.isin(arxiv["TILEID"], tiles["TILEID"]) arxiv = arxiv[ii] # ADM only retain the latest ARCHIVEDATE for a given TILEID. ii = np.lexsort((-arxiv["ARCHIVEDATE"], arxiv["TILEID"])) arxiv = arxiv[ii] _, ii = np.unique(arxiv["TILEID"], return_index=True) arxiv = arxiv[ii] # ADM now grab the tiles recorded in the specstatus file. specs = specs["TA"] = ["{}-{}".format(tileid, archdate) for tileid, archdate in zip(specs["TILEID"], specs["ARCHIVEDATE"])] # ADM here survey + obscon is, e.g., "maindark" ii = specs["FAFLAVOR"] == survey + obscon.lower() ii &= specs["ARCHIVEDATE"] != 0 specs = specs[ii] # ADM archived tiles that are not in tiles-specstatus file. ii = ~np.isin(arxiv["TA"], specs["TA"]) mis1 = np.array(arxiv[ii]["TILEID"]) msg1 = f"archived {survey}/{obscon} tiles not in specstatus file: {mis1}; " # ADM tiles in tiles-specstatus file that are not archived. ii = ~np.isin(specs["TA"], arxiv["TA"]) mis2 = np.array(specs[ii]["TILEID"]) msg2 = f"tiles in specstatus file that aren't archived: {mis2}" # ADM if there are any mismatches, raise an exception. if len(mis1) > 0 or len(mis2) > 0: log.error(msg1 + msg2) raise ValueError(msg1 + msg2)"Finished archiving check...t={time()-start:.1f}s") return
[docs]def make_mtl(targets, obscon, zcat=None, scnd=None, trim=False, trimcols=False, trimtozcat=False): """Add zcat columns to a targets table, update priorities and NUMOBS. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`~numpy.array` or `~astropy.table.Table` A numpy rec array or astropy Table with at least the columns `TARGETID`, `DESI_TARGET`, `BGS_TARGET`, `MWS_TARGET` (or the corresponding columns for SV or commissioning) `NUMOBS_INIT` and `PRIORITY_INIT`. `targets` must also contain `PRIORITY` if `zcat` is not ``None`` (i.e. if this isn't the first time through MTL and/or if `targets` is itself an mtl array). `PRIORITY` is needed to "lock in" the state of Ly-Alpha QSOs. `targets` may also contain `SCND_TARGET` (or the corresponding columns for SV) if secondary targets are under consideration. obscon : :class:`str` A combination of strings that are in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (specifically in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "DARK|GRAY". Governs the behavior of how priorities are set based on "obsconditions" in the desitarget bitmask yaml file. zcat : :class:`~astropy.table.Table`, optional Redshift catalog table with columns ``TARGETID``, ``NUMOBS``, ``Z``, ``ZWARN``, ``ZTILEID``, and possibly the extra columns in ``msaddcols`` at the top of the module. scnd : :class:`~numpy.array`, `~astropy.table.Table`, optional TYPICALLY, we have a separate secondary targets (they have their own "ledger"). So passing associated secondaries is DEPRECATED (but still works). `scnd` is kept for backwards compatibility. A set of secondary targets associated with the `targets`. As with the `target` must include at least ``TARGETID``, ``NUMOBS_INIT``, ``PRIORITY_INIT`` or the corresponding SV columns. The secondary targets will be padded to have the same columns as the targets, and concatenated with them. trim : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True`` (default), don't include targets that don't need any more observations. If ``False``, include every input target. trimcols : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` Only pass through columns in `targets` that are actually needed for fiberassign (see `desitarget.mtl.mtldatamodel`). trimtozcat : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` Only return targets that have been UPDATED (i.e. the targets with a match in `zcat`). Returns all targets if `zcat` is ``None``. See important Notes about `trimtozcat`=``False``!!! Returns ------- :class:`~astropy.table.Table` MTL Table with targets columns plus: * NUMOBS_MORE - number of additional observations requested * PRIORITY - target priority (larger number = higher priority) * TARGET_STATE - the observing state that corresponds to PRIORITY * OBSCONDITIONS - replaces old GRAYLAYER * TIMESTAMP - time that (this) make_mtl() function was run * VERSION - version of desitarget used to run make_mtl() Notes ----- - Sources in the zcat with `ZWARN` of `BAD_SPECQA|BAD_PETALQA|NODATA` are always ignored. - As sources with `BAD_SPECQA|BAD_PETALQA|NODATA` are ignored they will have ridiculous z-entries if `trimtozcat`=``False`` is passed! - The input `zcat` MAY BE MODIFIED. If a desideratum is that `zcat` remains unaltered, make sure to copy `zcat` before passing it. """ start = time() # ADM set up the default logger. from desiutil.log import get_logger log = get_logger() # ADM if trimcols was passed, reduce input target columns to minimal. if trimcols: mtldm = switch_main_cmx_or_sv(mtldatamodel, targets) # ADM the data model for mtl depends on the survey type. _, _, survey = main_cmx_or_sv(mtldm) mtldm = survey_data_model(mtldm, survey=survey) cullcols = list(set(targets.dtype.names) - set(mtldm.dtype.names)) if isinstance(targets, Table): targets.remove_columns(cullcols) else: targets = rfn.drop_fields(targets, cullcols) # ADM determine whether the input targets are main survey, cmx or SV. colnames, masks, survey = main_cmx_or_sv(targets, scnd=True) # ADM set the first column to be the "desitarget" column desi_target, desi_mask = colnames[0], masks[0] scnd_target, scnd_mask = colnames[-1], masks[-1] # ADM if secondaries were passed, concatenate them with the targets. if scnd is not None: nrows = len(scnd)'Pad {} primary targets with {} secondaries...t={:.1f}s'.format( len(targets), nrows, time()-start)) padit = np.zeros(nrows, dtype=targets.dtype) sharedcols = set(targets.dtype.names).intersection(set(scnd.dtype.names)) for col in sharedcols: padit[col] = scnd[col] targets = np.concatenate([targets, padit]) # APC Propagate a flag on which targets came from scnd is_scnd = np.repeat(False, len(targets)) is_scnd[-nrows:] = True'Done with padding...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-start)) # Trim targets from zcat that aren't in original targets table. # ADM or that didn't actually obtain an observation. if zcat is not None: ok = np.in1d(zcat['TARGETID'], targets['TARGETID']) num_extra = np.count_nonzero(~ok) if num_extra > 0:"Ignoring {} z entries that aren't in the input target list" " (e.g. likely skies, secondaries-when-running-primary, " "primaries-when-running-secondary, etc.)".format(num_extra)) zcat = zcat[ok] # ADM also ignore anything with NODATA set in ZWARN. nodata = zcat["ZWARN"] & zwarn_mask["NODATA"] != 0 num_nod = np.sum(nodata) if num_nod > 0:"Ignoring a further {} zcat entries with NODATA set".format( num_nod)) zcat = zcat[~nodata] # SB ignore targets that failed QA: ZWARN bits BAD_SPECQA|BAD_PETALQA badqa = zcat["ZWARN"] & zwarn_mask.mask("BAD_SPECQA|BAD_PETALQA") != 0 num_badqa = np.sum(badqa) if num_badqa > 0:"Ignoring a further {num_badqa} zcat entries with BAD_SPECQA or BAD_PETALQA set") zcat = zcat[~badqa] # ADM simulations (I think) and some unit tests expect zcat to # ADM be modified by make_mtl(). if num_extra > 0 or num_nod > 0 or num_badqa > 0: msg = "The size of the zcat has changed, so it won't be modified!" log.warning(msg) n = len(targets) # ADM if a redshift catalog was passed, order it to match the input targets # ADM catalog on 'TARGETID'. if zcat is not None: # ADM find where zcat matches target array. zmatcher = match_to(targets["TARGETID"], zcat["TARGETID"]) ztargets = zcat if ztargets.masked: unobs = ztargets['NUMOBS'].mask ztargets['NUMOBS'][unobs] = 0 unobsz = ztargets['Z'].mask ztargets['Z'][unobsz] = -1 unobszw = ztargets['ZWARN'].mask ztargets['ZWARN'][unobszw] = -1 else: ztargets = Table() ztargets['TARGETID'] = targets['TARGETID'] ztargets['NUMOBS'] = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.int32) ztargets['Z'] = -1 * np.ones(n, dtype=np.float32) ztargets['ZWARN'] = -1 * np.ones(n, dtype=np.int32) # ADM a catch all for added zcat columns. xtradescr = [dt for dt in mtldatamodel.dtype.descr if dt[0] == "ZTILEID"] if survey == 'main': xtradescr += msaddcols.dtype.descr for xctuple in xtradescr: xtracol, dt = xctuple # ADM default to "_" instead of -1 for strings. if isinstance(np.empty(1, dtype=dt).item(), str): ztargets[xtracol] = np.full(n, "-", dtype=dt) else: ztargets[xtracol] = np.full(n, -1, dtype=dt) # ADM if zcat wasn't passed, there is a one-to-one correspondence # ADM between the targets and the zcat. zmatcher = np.arange(n) # ADM extract just the targets that match the input zcat. targets_zmatcher = targets[zmatcher] # ADM special cases for SV3. if survey == "sv3": if zcat is not None: # ADM a necessary hack as we created ledgers for SV3 with # ADM NUMOBS_INIT==9 then later decided on NUMOBS_INIT==3. ii = targets_zmatcher["NUMOBS_INIT"] == 9 targets_zmatcher["NUMOBS_INIT"][ii] = 3 # ADM make sure to also force a permanent change of state for # ADM the actual *targets* that will be returned as the mtl. targets["NUMOBS_INIT"][zmatcher[ii]] = 3 if (obsconditions.mask(obscon) & obsconditions.mask("DARK")) != 0: # ADM In dark time, if a QSO target is above feasible galaxy # ADM redshifts, NUMOBS should behave like a QSO, not an ELG. ii = targets_zmatcher[desi_target] & desi_mask["QSO"] != 0 # ADM the secondary bit-names that correspond to primary QSOs. sns = [bn for bn in scnd_mask.names() if scnd_mask[bn].flavor == 'QSO'] for sn in sns: ii |= targets_zmatcher[scnd_target] & scnd_mask[sn] != 0 # ADM above feasible galaxy redshifts (with no warning). ii &= ztargets['Z'] > 1.6 ii &= ztargets['ZWARN'] == 0 targets_zmatcher["NUMOBS_INIT"][ii] = desi_mask["QSO"].numobs # ADM update the number of observations for the targets. ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE'] = calc_numobs_more(targets_zmatcher, ztargets, obscon) # ADM assign priorities. Only things in the zcat can have changed # ADM priorities. Anything else is assigned PRIORITY_INIT, below. priority, target_state = calc_priority( targets_zmatcher, ztargets, obscon, state=True) # If priority went to 0==DONOTOBSERVE or 1==OBS or 2==DONE, then # NUMOBS_MORE should also be 0. # ## mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'] = ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE'] ii = (priority <= 2)'{:d} of {:d} targets have priority <=2, setting N_obs=0.'.format( np.sum(ii), n)) ztargets['NUMOBS_MORE'][ii] = 0 # - Set the OBSCONDITIONS mask for each target bit. obsconmask = set_obsconditions(targets) # APC obsconmask will now be incorrect for secondary-only targets. Fix this # APC using the mask on secondary targets. if scnd is not None: obsconmask[is_scnd] = set_obsconditions(targets[is_scnd], scnd=True) # ADM set up the output mtl table. mtl = Table(targets) mtl.meta['EXTNAME'] = 'MTL' # ADM use the Main Survey data model, if appropriate. mtldm = survey_data_model(mtldatamodel, survey=survey) # ADM add a placeholder for the secondary bit-mask, if it isn't there. if scnd_target not in mtl.dtype.names: mtl[scnd_target] = np.zeros(len(mtl), dtype=mtldm["SCND_TARGET"].dtype) # ADM initialize columns to avoid zero-length/missing/format errors. zcols = ["NUMOBS_MORE", "NUMOBS", "Z", "ZWARN", "ZTILEID"] if survey == 'main': zcols += list(msaddcols.dtype.names) for col in zcols + ["TARGET_STATE", "TIMESTAMP", "VERSION"]: mtl[col] = np.empty(len(mtl), dtype=mtldm[col].dtype) # ADM any target that wasn't matched to the ZCAT should retain its # ADM original (INIT) value of PRIORITY and NUMOBS. mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'] = mtl['NUMOBS_INIT'] mtl['PRIORITY'] = mtl['PRIORITY_INIT'] mtl['TARGET_STATE'] = "UNOBS" # ADM add the time and version of the desitarget code that was run. mtl["TIMESTAMP"] = get_utc_date(survey=survey) mtl["VERSION"] = dt_version # ADM now populate the new mtl columns with the updated information. mtl['OBSCONDITIONS'] = obsconmask mtl['PRIORITY'][zmatcher] = priority mtl['TARGET_STATE'][zmatcher] = target_state for col in zcols: mtl[col][zmatcher] = ztargets[col] # ADM add ZTILEID, other columns, if passed, otherwise we're likely # ADM to be working with non-ledger-based mocks and can let it slide. xtradescr = [dt for dt in mtldatamodel.dtype.descr if dt[0] == "ZTILEID"] if survey == 'main': xtradescr += msaddcols.dtype.descr for xctuple in xtradescr: xtracol, dt = xctuple if xtracol in ztargets.dtype.names: mtl[xtracol][zmatcher] = ztargets[xtracol] else: # ADM default to "_" instead of -1 for strings. if isinstance(np.empty(1, dtype=dt).item(), str): mtl[xtracol] = "-" else: mtl[xtracol] = -1 # Filter out any targets marked as done. if trim: notdone = mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'] > 0'{:d} of {:d} targets are done, trimming these'.format( len(mtl) - np.sum(notdone), len(mtl)) ) mtl = mtl[notdone] # Filtering can reset the fill_value, which is just wrong wrong wrong # See # and mtl['NUMOBS_MORE'].fill_value = -1'Done...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-start)) if trimtozcat: return mtl[zmatcher] return mtl
[docs]def find_non_overlap_tiles(obscon, mtldir=None, isodate=None, check=False): """ Find tiles in the MTL ledgers that do not overlap any future tile. Parameters ---------- obscon : :class:`str` A string matching ONE obscondition in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (i.e. in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "DARK" Used to construct the directory to find the Main Survey ledgers. mtldir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Full path to the directory that hosts the MTL ledgers and the MTL tile file. If ``None``, then look up the MTL directory from the $MTL_DIR environment variable. isodate : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` A date in ISO format, such as returned by :func:`desitarget.mtl.get_utc_date()`. Only tiles processed AFTER OR EXACTLY ON `isodate` are considered. If ``None`` then no date restrictions are applied. check : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, then instead of a list of non-overlapping tiles, return a dictionary whose keys are the list of non-overlapping tiles and whose values are dictionaries who, in turn, have keys corresponding to any past overlapping tiles and values that are the `TIMESTAMP` for that past overlapping tile. Returns ------- :class:`~astropy.table.Table` or `dict` A table of tiles (in the standard DESI format) that weren't covered by a future, overlapping tile, sorted by `TILEID`. A dictionary is returned instead if `check` is passed as ``True``. Notes ----- - Requires both the ops and mtl parts of the operations SVN trunk to be checked out in the standard location relative to `mtldir`. - Only works for Main Survey tiles, because we only look in the tiles-main.ecsv file and in $MTL_DIR/main. """ t0 = time() # ADM grab the MTL directory (in case we're relying on $MTL_DIR). mtldir = get_mtl_dir(mtldir) # ADM construct the full path to the mtl tile file. mtltilefn = os.path.join(mtldir, get_mtl_tile_file_name()) # ADM read the tiles in reverse chronological order. tiles = ii = np.flip(np.argsort(tiles["TIMESTAMP"])) tiles = tiles[ii] # ADM and restrict to the obscon of interest. ii = tiles["PROGRAM"] == obscon.upper()"{} {} tiles in MTL done file...t={:.1f}s".format( np.sum(ii), obscon, time()-t0)) tiles = tiles[ii] # ADM grab the ops directory to retrieve the full tile information. opsdir = os.path.join(mtldir[:-3], 'ops') opstilefn = os.path.join(opsdir, "tiles-main.ecsv") alltileinfo = # ADM restrict to tiles that have been observed in specified obscon. ii = alltileinfo["PROGRAM"] == obscon.upper() ii &= alltileinfo["STATUS"] != "unobs" # ADM remove any potentially retired tiles. ii &= alltileinfo["IN_DESI"] alltileinfo = alltileinfo[ii] # ADM retrieve observed tiles that have not been processed by MTL. alltilematch, tilematch = match(alltileinfo["TILEID"], tiles["TILEID"]) alltilenomatch = np.array(list( set(np.arange(len(alltileinfo))) - set(alltilematch)))"{} observed {} tiles not yet processed by MTL...t={:.1f}s".format( len(alltilenomatch), obscon, time()-t0)) obstileinfo = alltileinfo[alltilenomatch] # ADM restrict MTL tiles to just the dates of interest, if requested. if isodate is not None: ii = tiles["TIMESTAMP"] >= isodate"{} {} tiles MTL-processed on or after {}...t={:.1f}s".format( np.sum(ii), obscon, isodate, time()-t0)) tiles = tiles[ii] # ADM retrieve the full tile information for MTL tiles of interest. aii = match_to(alltileinfo["TILEID"], tiles["TILEID"])"matched {} ops tiles to mtl tiles...t={:.1f}s".format( len(aii), time()-t0)) alltileinfo = alltileinfo[aii] # ADM read in the potential additional targets that could have been # ADM observed since MTL was last run... ledgerdir = os.path.join(mtldir, "main", obscon.lower()) obstargs = io.read_targets_in_tiles(ledgerdir, tiles=obstileinfo, mtl=True) # ADM ...and restrict to just overlapping targets that have passed # ADM through MTL before (and registered a GOOD observation). ii = obstargs["ZTILEID"] != -1 obstargs = obstargs[ii]"Read {} potentially observed targets in {} tiles...t={:.1f}s" .format(np.sum(ii), len(obstileinfo), time()-t0)) # ADM read in targets in the tiles that have been processed by MTL... # ADM (unique=False returns targets observed on > 1 tile). targs = io.read_targets_in_tiles(ledgerdir, tiles=alltileinfo, mtl=True, unique=False) # ADM ...and restrict to just the MTL tiles of interest. tileset = set(tiles["TILEID"]) ii = np.array([tile in tileset for tile in targs["ZTILEID"]])"Read {} MTL-processed targets in {} tiles...t={:.1f}s".format( np.sum(ii), len(alltileinfo), time()-t0)) targs = targs[ii] # ADM now we have the targets and tiles, loop through the tiles in # ADM reverse chronological order, store the targets, and flag any # ADM tiles that have some targets that are also on a later tile. nooverlap = [] # ADM to hold tiles that do NOT overlap a later tile. # ADM this holds TARGETIDs for targets that were observed "later". aftertargs = list(obstargs["TARGETID"]) timestore = "9999-01-01T00:00:00+00:00" for ntile, tile in enumerate(tiles): # ADM just to log progress. if ntile % (len(tiles)//5+1) == 0 and ntile > 0: elapsed = time() - t0 rate = elapsed / ntile msg = "{}/{} tiles checked for overlaps ".format(ntile, len(tiles)) + "{:.1f} secs/tile; {:.1f} total mins elapsed".format( rate, elapsed/60.)) # ADM check the chronology is, indeed, reversed. if tile["TIMESTAMP"] > timestore: msg = "Tiles not in reverse chronological order!!!" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) timestore = tile["TIMESTAMP"] # ADM look up the full tile info for this tile. ii = alltileinfo["TILEID"] == tile["TILEID"] # ADM read in potential targets touched by this tile. intile = is_point_in_desi(alltileinfo[ii], targs["RA"], targs["DEC"]) # ADM restrict to just unique TARGETIDs (as a potential target # ADM could have been observed on multiple tiles). targsintile = list(set(targs[intile]["TARGETID"])) # ADM match to check if targets were observed on a later tile. tii, aii = match(targsintile, aftertargs) # ADM if there IS a match, this is an overlapping tile. if len(tii) == 0: nooverlap.append(tile["TILEID"]) # ADM append all of the TARGETIDs to the "observed later" list. aftertargs += targsintile # ADM only retain unique TARGETIDs, for later matching. aftertargs = list(set(aftertargs)) # ADM return an informative dictionary if `check` was passed. # ADM this might be slow for large numbers of tiles. if check: checkdict = {} # ADM we'll need to work with all of the tiles, again. tiles ="Making checker dictionary...") # ADM loop through the tiles that have no "future" overlaps. for ntile, tile in enumerate(nooverlap): # ADM just to log progress. if ntile % (len(nooverlap)//5+1) == 0 and ntile > 0: elapsed = time() - t0 rate = elapsed / ntile msg = "Made for {}/{} ".format(ntile, len(nooverlap)) + "{:.1f} secs/tile; {:.1f} mins elapsed".format( rate, elapsed/60.)) # ADM read in the targets in this no-future-overlaps tile. ii = alltileinfo["TILEID"] == tile targs = io.read_targets_in_tiles(ledgerdir, tiles=alltileinfo[ii], mtl=True, unique=False) # ADM find all of the past tiles touched by the targets. tilespast = list(set(targs["ZTILEID"]) - {-1}) # ADM match back to the MTL tiles to retrieve the TIMESTAMP. ii = match_to(tiles["TILEID"], tilespast) # ADM the MTL tile file is oredered chronologically, so if we # ADM sort on index we'll recover the TIMESTAMPs in order. ii = sorted(ii) checkdict[tile] = {k: v for k, v in zip(tiles[ii]["TILEID"], tiles[ii]["TIMESTAMP"])} return checkdict # ADM return the non-overlapping tiles. ii = match_to(alltileinfo["TILEID"], sorted(nooverlap)) return alltileinfo[ii]
[docs]def purge_tiles(tiles, obscon, mtldir=None, secondary=False, verbose=True): """ Utterly remove tiles from MTL ledgers and associated mtl-done files. Parameters ---------- tiles : :class:`~astropy.table.Table` A Table of tiles (in the standard DESI format) to be removed from the MTL ledgers and associated mtl-done files. obscon : :class:`str` A string matching ONE obscondition in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (i.e. in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "DARK" Used to construct the directory to find the Main Survey ledgers. mtldir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Full path to the directory that hosts the MTL ledgers and the MTL tile file. If ``None``, then look up the MTL directory from the $MTL_DIR environment variable. secondary : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then purge secondary targets instead of primaries for passed `obscon`. verbose : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then log extra information. Returns ------- :class:`~astropy.table.Table` A Table of all of the entries removed from the ledgers. :class:`~astropy.table.Table` A Table of all of the entries removed from an mtl-done file. Notes ----- - Requires the mtl part of the operations SVN trunk to be checked out in the standard location relative to `mtldir`. - Only works for Main Survey tiles, as we only look in $MTL_DIR/main. """ t0 = time() # ADM a quick check that the observing conditions match the program. if not np.all(tiles["PROGRAM"] == obscon.upper()): msg = "PROGRAM is {} but passed obscon is {}!!!".format( set(tiles["PROGRAM"]), obscon) log.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # ADM grab the MTL directory (in case we're relying on $MTL_DIR). mtldir = get_mtl_dir(mtldir) # ADM construct the full path to the mtl tile file. mtltilefn = os.path.join(mtldir, get_mtl_tile_file_name(secondary=secondary)) # ADM construct the full path to the ledger directory. resolve = True msg = "running on {} ledger with obscon={} (and survey={})" if secondary:"SECONDARY", obscon, "main")) resolve = None else:"PRIMARY", obscon, "main")) ledgerdir = io.find_target_files(mtldir, flavor="mtl", resolve=resolve, obscon=obscon) # ADM the filename format and the HEALPixel nside for the ledgers. fileform = io.find_mtl_file_format_from_header(ledgerdir) nside = io.read_keyword_from_mtl_header(ledgerdir, "FILENSID") # ADM generate the ledger names from the input tiles. pixlist = tiles2pix(nside, tiles=tiles) # ADM first, remove the targets from the ledger files. # ADM to store the removed targets. gonetargs = [] # ADM a set of all of the to-be-removed TILEIDs. s = set(tiles["TILEID"]) # ADM read in each ledger and remove the relevant tiles. for pix in pixlist: # ADM read the header and the data. fn = fileform.format(pix) hdr = io.read_ecsv_header(fn, cleanup=True) targs = io.read_mtl_ledger(fn, unique=False) # ADM remove any targets on to-be-purged tiles... iibad = np.array([tileid in s for tileid in targs["ZTILEID"]]) # ADM ...but retain these targets to return. gonetargs.append(targs[iibad]) # ADM write the targets on the not-to-be-purged tiles. io.write_with_units(fn, targs[~iibad], extname='MTL', header=hdr, ecsv=True) if verbose: msg = "Removed {} targets and retained {} targets in {}".format( np.sum(iibad), np.sum(~iibad), fn) # ADM second, remove the tiles from the done file. # ADM to store the removed tiles. inmtltiles = io.read_mtl_tile_file(mtltilefn, unique=False) # ADM guarantee that the output Table will be in the required format. mtltiles = np.empty_like(mtltilefiledm, shape=len(inmtltiles)) for col in mtltilefiledm.dtype.names: mtltiles[col] = inmtltiles[col] mtltiles = Table(mtltiles) # ADM now find and purge the actual tiles. iibad = np.array([tileid in s for tileid in mtltiles["TILEID"]]) gonetiles = mtltiles[iibad] io.write_with_units(mtltilefn, mtltiles[~iibad], extname='MTLTILE', ecsv=True) return Table(np.concatenate(gonetargs)), gonetiles
[docs]def make_ledger_in_hp(targets, outdirname, nside, pixlist, obscon="DARK", indirname=None, verbose=True, scnd=False, timestamp=None, append=False): """ Make an initial MTL ledger file for targets in a set of HEALPixels. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`~numpy.array` Targets made by, e.g. `desitarget.cuts.select_targets()`. outdirname : :class:`str` Output directory to which to write the MTLs (the file names are constructed on the fly). nside : :class:`int` (NESTED) HEALPixel nside that corresponds to `pixlist`. pixlist : :class:`list` or `int` HEALPixels at `nside` at which to write the MTLs. obscon : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "DARK" A string matching ONE obscondition in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (i.e. in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "GRAY" Governs how priorities are set when merging targets. Also governs the sub-directory to which the ledger is written. indirname : :class:`str` A directory associated with the targets. Written to the headers of the output MTL files. verbose : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then log target and file information. scnd : :class:`bool`, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then this is a ledger of secondary targets. timestamp : :class:`str`, optional A timestamp to use in place of that assigned by `make_mtl`. append : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then append to any existing ledgers rather than creating new ones. In this mode, if a ledger exists it will be appended to and if it doesn't exist it will be created. Returns ------- Nothing, but writes the `targets` out to `outdirname` split across each HEALPixel in `pixlist`. """ t0 = time() # ADM a dictionary to hold header keywords for the ouput file. hdr = {} # ADM in case an integer was passed. pixlist = np.atleast_1d(pixlist) # ADM execute MTL. mtl = make_mtl(targets, obscon, trimcols=True) # ADM if requested, substitute a bespoke timestamp. if timestamp is not None: # ADM check the timestamp is valid. _ = check_timestamp(timestamp) hdr["TSFORCED"] = timestamp mtl["TIMESTAMP"] = timestamp # ADM the HEALPixel within which each target in the MTL lies. theta, phi = np.radians(90-mtl["DEC"]), np.radians(mtl["RA"]) mtlpix = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) # ADM write the MTLs. _, _, survey = main_cmx_or_sv(mtl) for pix in pixlist: inpix = mtlpix == pix ecsv = get_mtl_ledger_format() == "ecsv" if np.any(inpix): nt, fn = io.write_mtl( outdirname, mtl[inpix].as_array(), indir=indirname, ecsv=ecsv, survey=survey, obscon=obscon, nsidefile=nside, hpxlist=pix, scnd=scnd, extra=hdr, append=append) if verbose: writ = int(append)*"appended" + int(not(append))*"written"'{} targets {} to {}...t={:.1f}s'.format( nt, writ, fn, time()-t0)) return
[docs]def make_ledger(hpdirname, outdirname, pixlist=None, obscon="DARK", numproc=1, timestamp=None, append=False): """ Make initial MTL ledger files for HEALPixels, in parallel. Parameters ---------- hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to either a directory containing targets that have been partitioned by HEALPixel (i.e. as made by `select_targets` with the `bundle_files` option). Or the name of a single file of targets. outdirname : :class:`str` Output directory to which to write the MTL (the file name is constructed on the fly). pixlist : :class:`list` or `int`, defaults to ``None`` (Nested) HEALPixels for which to write the MTLs at the default `nside` (which is `_get_mtl_nside()`). Defaults to ``None``, which runs all of the pixels at `_get_mtl_nside()`. obscon : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "DARK" A string matching ONE obscondition in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (i.e. in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "GRAY" Governs how priorities are set based on "obsconditions". Also governs the sub-directory to which the ledger is written. numproc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 1 for serial Number of processes to parallelize across. timestamp : :class:`str`, optional A timestamp to use in place of that assigned by `make_mtl`. append : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then append to any existing ledgers rather than creating new ones. In this mode, if a ledger exists it will be appended to and if it doesn't exist it will be created. Returns ------- Nothing, but writes the full HEALPixel-split ledger to `outdirname`. Notes ----- - For _get_mtl_nside()=32, takes about 25 minutes with `numproc=12`. `numproc>12` can run into memory issues. - For _get_mtl_nside()=16, takes about 50 minutes with `numproc=8`. `numproc>8` can run into memory issues. """ # ADM grab information regarding how the targets were constructed. hdr, dt = io.read_targets_header(hpdirname, dtype=True) # ADM check the obscon for which the targets were made is # ADM consistent with the requested obscon. oc = hdr["OBSCON"] if obscon not in oc: msg = "File is type {} but requested behavior is {}".format(oc, obscon) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM check whether this is a file of standalone secondary targets. scnd = False if hdr["EXTNAME"] == 'SCND_TARGETS': scnd = True # ADM the MTL datamodel must reflect the target flavor (SV, etc.)... mtldm = switch_main_cmx_or_sv(mtldatamodel, np.array([], dt)) # ADM ...and the data model can differ with survey type.. _, _, survey = main_cmx_or_sv(mtldm) mtldm = survey_data_model(mtldm, survey=survey) # ADM speed-up by only reading the necessary columns. cols = list(set(mtldm.dtype.names).intersection(dt.names)) # ADM optimal nside for reading in the targeting files. if "FILENSID" in hdr: nside = hdr["FILENSID"] else: # ADM if a file was passed instead of a HEALPixel-split directory # ADM use nside=4 as 196 pixels often balances well across CPUs. nside = 4 npixels = hp.nside2npix(nside) pixels = np.arange(npixels) # ADM the nside at which to write the MTLs. mtlnside = _get_mtl_nside() # ADM default to running all pixels. if pixlist is None: mtlnpixels = hp.nside2npix(mtlnside) pixlist = np.arange(mtlnpixels) # ADM check that the nside for writing MTLs is not at a lower # ADM resolution than the nside at which the files are stored. msg = "Ledger nside ({}) must be higher than file nside ({})!!!".format( mtlnside, nside) assert mtlnside >= nside, msg from desitarget.geomask import nside2nside # ADM the common function that is actually parallelized across. def _make_ledger_in_hp(pixnum): """make initial ledger in a single HEALPixel""" # ADM construct a list of all pixels in pixnum at the MTL nside. setpix = set(nside2nside(nside, mtlnside, pixnum)) pix = [p for p in pixlist if p in setpix] if len(pix) == 0: return # ADM read in the needed columns from the targets. targs = io.read_targets_in_hp(hpdirname, nside, pixnum, columns=cols) if len(targs) == 0: return # ADM the secondary targeting files don't include the BGS_TARGET # ADM and MWS_TARGET columns, which are needed for MTL. neededcols, _, _ = main_cmx_or_sv(targs) misscols = set(neededcols) - set(cols) if len(misscols) > 0: # ADM the data type for the DESI_TARGET column. dtdt = mtldatamodel["DESI_TARGET"].dtype zerod = [np.zeros(len(targs)), np.zeros(len(targs))] targs = rfn.append_fields( targs, misscols, data=zerod, dtypes=[dtdt, dtdt], usemask=False) # ADM write MTLs for the targs split over HEALPixels in pixlist. return make_ledger_in_hp( targs, outdirname, mtlnside, pix, obscon=obscon, indirname=hpdirname, verbose=False, scnd=scnd, timestamp=timestamp, append=append) # ADM this is just to count pixels in _update_status. npix = np.ones((), dtype='i8') t0 = time() # ADM this is just to log whether we're in write or append mode. writ = int(append)*"Appending" + int(not(append))*"Writing" def _update_status(result): """wrap key reduction operation on the main parallel process""" if npix % 2 == 0 and npix > 0: rate = (time() - t0) / npix'{} {}/{} HEALPixels; {:.1f} secs/pixel...t = {:.1f} mins'. format(writ, npix, npixels, rate, (time()-t0)/60.)) npix[...] += 1 return result # ADM Parallel process across HEALPixels. if numproc > 1: pool = sharedmem.MapReduce(np=numproc) with pool:, pixels, reduce=_update_status) else: for pixel in pixels: _update_status(_make_ledger_in_hp(pixel))"Done writing ledger to {}...t = {:.1f} mins".format( outdirname, (time()-t0)/60.)) return
[docs]def standard_override_columns(mtl): """ Add some standard column entries to an mtl Table. Parameters ---------- mtl : :class:`~astropy.table.Table` An astropy Table. Must contain the columns TIMESTAMP, TARGET_STATE, VERSION and ZTILEID. Returns ------- :class:`~astropy.table.Table` The input table with IMESTAMP updated to now, the second part of TARGET_STATE updated to be OVERRIDE, the git VERSION updated, and ZTILEID set to -1. """ # ADM this ensures that data types are not altered for empty arrays. if len(mtl) > 0: mtl["TIMESTAMP"] = get_utc_date(survey="main") newts = ["{}|OVERRIDE".format(t.split("|")[0]) for t in mtl["TARGET_STATE"]] mtl["TARGET_STATE"] = np.array(newts) mtl["VERSION"] = dt_version mtl["ZTILEID"] = -1 return mtl
[docs]def process_overrides(ledgerfn): """ Recover MTL entries from override ledgers and update those ledgers. Parameters ---------- ledgerfn : :class:`str` Name of the override ledger to process. Returns ------- :class:`~astropy.table.Table` MTL entries from override ledger with NUMOVERRIDE column removed, TIMESTAMP updated to now, the second part of TARGET_STATE updated to be OVERRIDE, and the git VERSION updated. Notes ----- - Rewrites entries to the override ledger with NUMOVERRIDE updated to be NUMOVERRIDE - 1, TIMESTAMP updated to now, the second part of TARGET_STATE updated to OVERRIDE, the git VERSION updated, and the ZTILEID updated to -1. - Will only update entries for which NUMOVERRIDE > 0. """"Processing override ledgers") # ADM read in the relevant entries in the override ledger. mtl = Table(io.read_mtl_ledger(ledgerfn)) # ADM limit to entries with NUMOVERRIDE > 0. ii = mtl["NUMOVERRIDE"] > 0 mtl = mtl[ii] # ADM indicate that we've overrode. mtl["NUMOVERRIDE"] -= 1 # ADM update the standard information for override ledgers. mtl = standard_override_columns(mtl) # ADM append the updated mtl entry to the override ledger. f = open(ledgerfn, "a") ascii.write(mtl, f, format='no_header', formats=mtlformatdict) f.close() # ADM return the entry without the NUMOVERRIDE column. del mtl["NUMOVERRIDE"] return mtl
[docs]def ledger_overrides(overfn, obscon, colsub=None, valsub=None, mtldir=None, secondary=False, numoverride=999): """ Create (or append to) a ledger to override the standard ledgers. Parameters ---------- overfn : :class:`str` Full path to the filename that contains the override information. Must contain at least `RA`, `DEC`, `TARGETID` and be in a format that can be read automatically by obscon : :class:`str` A string matching ONE obscondition in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (i.e. in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "DARK" Used to construct the directory to find the Main Survey ledgers. colsub : :class:`dict`, optional If passed, each key should correspond to the name of a ledger column and each value should correspond to the name of a column in `overfn`. The ledger columns are overwritten by the corresponding column in `overfn` (for the appropriate TARGETID). valsub : :class:`dict`, optional If passed, each key should correspond to the name of a ledger column and each value to a single number or string. The "value" will be overwritten into the "key" column of the ledger. Takes precedence over colsub. mtldir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Full path to the directory that hosts the MTL ledgers and the MTL tile file. If ``None``, then look up the MTL directory from the $MTL_DIR environment variable. secondary : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then process secondary targets instead of primaries for passed `obscon`. numoverride : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 999 The override ledger is read every time the MTL loop is run. This is the number of times to override the standard results in the MTL loop. Defaults to 999, i.e. essentially "always override." Returns ------- :class:`str` The directory containing the ledgers that were updated. Notes ----- - Regardless of the inputs, the TIMESTAMP in the output override ledger is always updated to now, the second part of TARGET_STATE is always updated to OVERRIDE, the git VERSION is always updated and the ZTILEID is always set to -1. """ # ADM grab the MTL directory (in case we're relying on $MTL_DIR). mtldir = get_mtl_dir(mtldir) # ADM construct the relevant sub-directory for this survey and # ADM set of observing conditions. resolve = True msg = "running on {} ledgers with obscon={} and survey=main" if secondary:"SECONDARY", obscon)) resolve = None else:"PRIMARY", obscon)) outdir = io.find_target_files(mtldir, flavor="mtl", obscon=obscon, survey="main", resolve=resolve, override=True) # ADM and create the sub-directory if it doesn't exist. os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) # ADM read in the file with override information. objs = # ADM be somewhat forgiving and convert lower-case columns. for colname in ["RA", "DEC", "TARGETID"]: try: objs.rename_column(colname.lower(), colname) except KeyError: pass # ADM check all required columns are present. if colname not in objs.colnames: msg = "{} must be a column in {}!".format(colname, overfn) log.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) # ADM retrieve the current ledger entry for each target to be overrode. nside = _get_mtl_nside() theta, phi = np.radians(90-objs["DEC"]), np.radians(objs["RA"]) pixnum = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) for tid, pix in zip(objs["TARGETID"], pixnum): # ADM construct the input/output ledger filenames. infn = io.find_target_files(mtldir, flavor="mtl", survey="main", hp=pix, resolve=resolve, obscon=obscon, ender="ecsv") outfn = io.find_target_files( mtldir, flavor="mtl", survey="main", hp=pix, resolve=resolve, obscon=obscon, override=True, ender="ecsv") ledger = Table(io.read_mtl_ledger(infn)) ii = ledger["TARGETID"] == tid # ADM warn if one of the TARGETIDs seems incorrect. if not np.any(ii): msg = "TARGETID {} from {} not in file {}!".format(tid, overfn, infn) log.warning(msg) entry = ledger[ii] # ADM substitute the column entries, where requested. ii = objs["TARGETID"] == tid if colsub is not None: for col in colsub: if col not in ledger.colnames: msg = "column {} from colsub not in ledger!!!".format(col) log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) entry[col] = objs[ii][colsub[col]] # ADM overwrite ledger entries, where requested. if valsub is not None: for col, val in valsub.items(): if col not in ledger.colnames: msg = "column {} from valsub not in ledger!!!".format(col) log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) entry[col] = val # ADM add the number of times to override to the ledger entry. entry["NUMOVERRIDE"] = numoverride # ADM add some other standardized column information. entry = standard_override_columns(entry) # ADM finally write out the override ledger entry, after first # ADM checking if the file exists. if os.path.exists(outfn): f = open(outfn, "a") ascii.write(entry, f, format='no_header', formats=mtlformatdict) f.close() checkfn = outfn else: _, checkfn = io.write_mtl( mtldir, entry.as_array(), indir=infn, ecsv=True, survey="main", obscon=obscon, nsidefile=nside, hpxlist=pix, scnd=secondary, override=True)'Wrote target {} from {} to {}'.format(tid, overfn, checkfn))"Touched pixels {}".format(",".join([str(pix) for pix in pixnum]))) return outdir
[docs]def force_overrides(obscon, survey='main', secondary=False, mtldir=None, pixlist=None): """ Force override ledgers to be processed and added to the MTL ledgers. Parameters ---------- obscon : :class:`str` A string matching ONE obscondition in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (i.e. in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "DARK" Governs how priorities are set when merging targets. survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "main" Used to look up the correct ledger, in combination with `obscon`. Options are ``'main'`` and ``'svX``' (where X is 1, 2, 3 etc.) for the main survey and different iterations of SV, respectively. secondary : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then force overrides for secondary targets instead of primaries for passed `survey` and `obscon`. mtldir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Full path to the directory that hosts the MTL ledgers and the MTL tile file. If ``None``, then look up the MTL directory from the $MTL_DIR environment variable. pixlist : :class:`list`, optional, defaults to ``None`` A list of HEALPixels corresponding to the ledgers to be updated. If ``None`` is sent, then all possible ledgers are updated at the default MTL `nside` (which is `_get_mtl_nside()`). Returns ------- :class:`str` The directory containing the ledgers that were updated. """ # ADM first construct the directory name for ledgers. # ADM grab the MTL directory (in case we're relying on $MTL_DIR). mtldir = get_mtl_dir(mtldir) # ADM construct the relevant sub-directory for this survey and # ADM set of observing conditions.. resolve = True msg = "running on {} ledger with obscon={} and survey={}" if secondary:"SECONDARY", obscon, survey)) resolve = None else:"PRIMARY", obscon, survey)) hpdirname = io.find_target_files(mtldir, flavor="mtl", resolve=resolve, survey=survey, obscon=obscon) # ADM find the general format for the ledger files in `hpdirname`. fileform = io.find_mtl_file_format_from_header(hpdirname) # ADM this is the format for any associated override ledgers. overrideff = io.find_mtl_file_format_from_header(hpdirname, forceoverride=True) # ADM default to running all pixels. if pixlist is None: pixlist = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(_get_mtl_nside())) # ADM force in the overrides for every pixel. Where a ledger doesn't # ADM exist, warn and take no action. for pix in pixlist: # ADM the correct filenames for this pixel number. fn = fileform.format(pix) overfn = overrideff.format(pix) # ADM to check the files exist. files_exist = os.path.exists(fn) and os.path.exists(overfn) if not files_exist: msg = "no ledger exists at either: {} or {}".format(fn, overfn) log.warning(msg) else: # ADM update override ledger and recover relevant MTL entries. overmtl = process_overrides(overfn) # ADM append override entries to the ledger. f = open(fn, "a") ascii.write(overmtl, f, format='no_header', formats=mtlformatdict) f.close() # ADM log the overrides version of the "done" file. mtltilefn = os.path.join(mtldir, get_mtl_tile_file_name(secondary=secondary, override=True)) # ADM initialize the output array and add the tiles. mocktiles = np.zeros(1, dtype=mtltilefiledm.dtype) # ADM look up the time. Remember to delay so done-time is later than # ADM any ledger-time. sleep(1) mocktiles["TIMESTAMP"] = get_utc_date(survey=survey) # ADM add the version of desitarget. mocktiles["VERSION"] = dt_version # ADM add the program/obscon. mocktiles["PROGRAM"] = obscon io.write_mtl_tile_file(mtltilefn, mocktiles) return hpdirname
[docs]def remove_overrides(mtl): """Remove all targets that share a TARGETID with an OVERRIDE target Parameters ---------- mtl : :class:`~numpy.array` or `~astropy.table.Table` An array of targets from a Merged Target List. Must contain at least the column TARGET_STATE. Can contain duplicate TARGETIDs. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` or `~astropy.table.Table` The original `mtl` but all targets that have a TARGETID for which one entry has the string "OVERRIDE" in TARGET_STATE are removed. :class:`~numpy.array` or `~astropy.table.Table` The targets that were removed. """ # ADM find OVERRIDE entries. ii = np.array(["OVERRIDE" in ts for ts in mtl["TARGET_STATE"]]) # ADM find the set of TARGETIDs that have an OVERRIDE entry. s = set(mtl[ii]["TARGETID"]) # ADM find the entries that do NOT have an OVERRIDE TARGETID. ii = np.array([tid not in s for tid in mtl["TARGETID"]])"removing {} override entries".format(len(mtl)-np.sum(ii))) # ADM return the input mtl without the OVERRIDE TARGETIDs. return mtl[ii], mtl[~ii]
[docs]def reprocess_ledger(hpdirname, zcat, obscon="DARK"): """ Reprocess HEALPixel-split ledgers for targets with new redshifts. Parameters ---------- hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to a directory containing an MTL ledger that has been partitioned by HEALPixel (i.e. as made by `make_ledger`). zcat : :class:`~astropy.table.Table`, optional Redshift catalog table with columns ``TARGETID``, ``NUMOBS``, ``Z``, ``ZWARN``, ``ZTILEID``, and ``msaddcols`` at the top of the code for the Main Survey. obscon : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "DARK" A string matching ONE obscondition in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (i.e. in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "DARK" Governs how priorities are set using "obsconditions". Basically a check on whether the files in `hpdirname` are as expected. Returns ------- :class:`dict` A dictionary where the keys are the integer TILEIDs and the values are the TIMESTAMP at which that tile was reprocessed. """ t0 = time()"Reprocessing based on zcat with {} entries...t={:.1f}s" .format(len(zcat), time()-t0)) # ADM the output dictionary. timedict = {} # ADM bits that correspond to a "bad" observation in the zwarn_mask. Mxbad = "BAD_SPECQA|BAD_PETALQA|NODATA" # ADM find the general format for the ledger files in `hpdirname`. # ADM also returning the obsconditions. fileform, oc = io.find_mtl_file_format_from_header(hpdirname, returnoc=True) # ADM also find the format for any associated override ledgers. overrideff = io.find_mtl_file_format_from_header(hpdirname, forceoverride=True) # ADM check the obscondition is as expected. if obscon != oc: msg = "File is type {} but requested behavior is {}".format(oc, obscon) log.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # ADM check the zcat has unique TARGETID/TILEID combinations. tiletarg = [str(tt["ZTILEID"]) + "-" + str(tt["TARGETID"]) for tt in zcat] if len(set(tiletarg)) != len(tiletarg): msg = "Passed zcat does NOT have unique TARGETID/TILEID combinations!!!" log.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # ADM record the set of tiles that are being reprocessed. reproctiles = set(zcat["ZTILEID"]) # ADM read ALL targets from the relevant ledgers."Reading (all instances of) targets for {} tiles...t={:.1f}s" .format(len(reproctiles), time()-t0)) nside = _get_mtl_nside() theta, phi = np.radians(90-zcat["DEC"]), np.radians(zcat["RA"]) pixnum = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) pixnum = list(set(pixnum)) targets = io.read_mtl_in_hp(hpdirname, nside, pixnum, unique=False) # ADM remove OVERRIDE entries, which should never need reprocessed. targets, _ = remove_overrides(targets) # ADM sort by TIMESTAMP to ensure tiles are listed chronologically. targets = targets[np.argsort(targets["TIMESTAMP"])] # ADM for speed, we only need to work with targets with a zcat entry. ntargs = len(targets) nuniq = len(set(targets["TARGETID"]))"Read {} targets with {} unique TARGETIDs...t={:.1f}s" .format(ntargs, nuniq, time()-t0))"Limiting targets to {} (unique) TARGETIDs in the zcat...t={:.1f}s" .format(len(set(zcat["TARGETID"])), time()-t0)) s = set(zcat["TARGETID"]) ii = np.array([tid in s for tid in targets["TARGETID"]]) targets = targets[ii] nuniq = len(set(targets["TARGETID"]))"Retained {}/{} targets with {} unique TARGETIDs...t={:.1f}s" .format(len(targets), ntargs, nuniq, time()-t0)) # ADM split off the updated target states from the unobserved states. _, ii = np.unique(targets["TARGETID"], return_index=True) unobs = targets[sorted(ii)] # ADM this should remove both original UNOBS states and any resets # ADM to UNOBS due to reprocessing data that turned out to be bad. targets = targets[targets["ZTILEID"] != -1] # ADM every target should have been unobserved at some point. if len(set(targets["TARGETID"]) - set(unobs["TARGETID"])) != 0: msg = "Some targets don't have a corresponding UNOBS state!!!" log.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # ADM each target should have only one UNOBS state. if len(set(unobs["TARGETID"])) != len(unobs["TARGETID"]): msg = "Passed ledgers have multiple UNOBS states!!!" log.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg)"{} ({}) targets are in the unobserved (observed) state...t={:.1f}s" .format(len(unobs), len(targets), time()-t0)) # ADM store first-time-through tile order to reproduce processing. # ADM ONLY WORKS because we sorted by TIMESTAMP, above! _, ii = np.unique(targets["ZTILEID"], return_index=True) # ADM remember to sort ii so that the first tiles appear first. orderedtiles = targets["ZTILEID"][sorted(ii)] # ADM assemble a zcat for all previous and reprocessed observations. zcatfromtargs = np.zeros(len(targets), dtype=zcat.dtype) for col in zcat.dtype.names: zcatfromtargs[col] = targets[col] # ADM note that we'll retain the TIMESTAMPed order of the old ledger # ADM entries and new redshifts will (deliberately) be listed last. allzcat = np.concatenate([zcatfromtargs, zcat])"Assembled a zcat of {} total observations...t={:.1f}s" .format(len(allzcat), time()-t0)) # ADM determine the FINAL observation for each TILED-TARGETID combo. # ADM must flip first as np.unique finds the FIRST unique entries. allzcat = np.flip(allzcat) # ADM create a unique hash of TILEID and TARGETID. tiletarg = [str(tt["ZTILEID"]) + "-" + str(tt["TARGETID"]) for tt in allzcat] # ADM find the final unique combination of TILEID and TARGETID. _, ii = np.unique(tiletarg, return_index=True) # ADM make sure to retain exact reverse-ordering. ii = sorted(ii) # ADM condition on indexes-of-uniqueness and flip back. allzcat = np.flip(allzcat[ii])"Found {} final TARGETID/TILEID combinations...t={:.1f}s" .format(len(allzcat), time()-t0)) # ADM mock up a dictionary of timestamps in advance. This is faster # ADM as no delays need to be built into the code. now = get_utc_date(survey="main") timestamps = {t: add_to_iso_date(now, s) for s, t in enumerate(orderedtiles)} # ADM make_mtl() expects zcats to be in Table form. allzcat = Table(allzcat) # ADM a merged target list to track and record the final states. mtl = Table(unobs) # ADM to hold the final list of updates per-tile. donemtl = [] # ADM loop through the tiles in order and update the MTL state. for tileid in orderedtiles: # ADM the timestamp for this tile. timestamp = timestamps[tileid] # ADM restrict to the observations on this tile. zcatmini = allzcat[allzcat["ZTILEID"] == tileid] # ADM check there are only unique TARGETIDs on each tile! if len(set(zcatmini["TARGETID"])) != len(zcatmini): msg = "There are duplicate TARGETIDs on tile {}".format(tileid) log.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # ADM update NUMOBS in the zcat using previous MTL totals. mii, zii = match(mtl["TARGETID"], zcatmini["TARGETID"]) zcatmini["NUMOBS"][zii] = mtl["NUMOBS"][mii] + 1 # ADM restrict to just objects in the zcat that match an UNOBS # ADM target (i,e that match something in the MTL)."Processing {}/{} observations from zcat on tile {}...t={:.1f}s" .format(len(zii), len(zcatmini), tileid, time()-t0))"(i.e. removed secondaries-if-running-primaries or vice versa)") zcatmini = zcatmini[zii] # ADM ------ # ADM NOTE: We could use trimtozcat=False without matching, and # ADM just continually update the overall mtl list. But, make_mtl # ADM doesn't track NUMOBS just NUMOBS_MORE, so we need to add # ADM complexity somewhere, hence trimtozcat=True/matching-back. # ADM ------ # ADM push the observations on this tile through MTL. zmtl = make_mtl(mtl, oc, zcat=zcatmini, trimtozcat=True, trimcols=True) # ADM match back to overall merged target list to update states. mii, zii = match(mtl["TARGETID"], zmtl["TARGETID"]) # ADM update the overall merged target list. for col in mtl.dtype.names: mtl[col][mii] = zmtl[col][zii] # ADM also update the TIMESTAMP for changes on this tile. mtl["TIMESTAMP"][mii] = timestamp # ADM trimtozcat=True discards BAD observations. Retain these. tidmiss = list(set(zcatmini["TARGETID"]) - set(zmtl["TARGETID"])) tii = match_to(zcatmini["TARGETID"], tidmiss) zbadmiss = zcatmini[tii] # ADM check all of the missing observations are, indeed, bad. if np.any(zbadmiss["ZWARN"] & zwarn_mask.mask(Mxbad) == 0): msg = "Some objects skipped by make_mtl() on tile {} are not BAD!!!" msg = msg.format(tileid) log.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg)"Adding back {} bad observations from zcat...t={:.1f}s" .format(len(zbadmiss), time()-t0)) # ADM update redshift information in MTL for bad observations. mii, zii = match(mtl["TARGETID"], zbadmiss["TARGETID"]) # ADM update the overall merged target list. # ADM Never update NUMOBS or NUMOBS_MORE using bad observations. for col in set(zbadmiss.dtype.names) - set(["NUMOBS", "NUMOBS_MORE"]): mtl[col][mii] = zbadmiss[col][zii] # ADM also update the TIMESTAMP for changes on this tile. mtl["TIMESTAMP"][mii] = timestamp # ADM record the information to add to the output ledgers... donemtl.append(mtl[mtl["ZTILEID"] == tileid]) # ADM if this tile was actually reprocessed (rather than being a # ADM later overlapping tile) record the TIMESTAMP... if tileid in reproctiles: timedict[tileid] = timestamp # ADM collect the results. mtl = Table(np.concatenate(donemtl)) # ADM re-collect everything on pixels for writing to ledgers. nside = _get_mtl_nside() theta, phi = np.radians(90-mtl["DEC"]), np.radians(mtl["RA"]) pixnum = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) # ADM loop through the pixels and update the ledger, depending # ADM on whether we're working with .fits or .ecsv files. ender = get_mtl_ledger_format() for pix in set(pixnum): # ADM grab the targets in the pixel. ii = pixnum == pix mtlpix = mtl[ii] # ADM the correct filenames for this pixel number. fn = fileform.format(pix) overfn = overrideff.format(pix) # ADM if an override ledger exists, update it and recover its # ADM relevant MTL entries. if os.path.exists(overfn): overmtl = process_overrides(overfn) # ADM add any override entries TO THE END OF THE LEDGER. mtlpix = vstack([mtlpix, overmtl]) # ADM if we're working with .ecsv, simply append to the ledger. if ender == 'ecsv': f = open(fn, "a") ascii.write(mtlpix, f, format='no_header', formats=mtlformatdict) f.close() # ADM otherwise, for FITS, we'll have to read in the whole file. else: ledger, hd =, extname="MTL", header=True) done = np.concatenate([ledger, mtlpix.as_array()]) fitsio.write(fn+'.tmp', done, extname='MTL', header=hd, clobber=True) os.rename(fn+'.tmp', fn) return timedict
[docs]def update_ledger(hpdirname, zcat, targets=None, obscon="DARK", numobs_from_ledger=False): """ Update relevant HEALPixel-split ledger files for some targets. Parameters ---------- hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to a directory containing an MTL ledger that has been partitioned by HEALPixel (i.e. as made by `make_ledger`). zcat : :class:`~astropy.table.Table`, optional Redshift catalog table with columns ``TARGETID``, ``NUMOBS``, ``Z``, ``ZWARN``, ``ZTILEID``, and ``msaddcols`` at the top of the code for the Main Survey. targets : :class:`~numpy.array` or `~astropy.table.Table`, optional A numpy rec array or astropy Table with at least the columns ``RA``, ``DEC``, ``TARGETID``, ``DESI_TARGET``, ``NUMOBS_INIT``, and ``PRIORITY_INIT``. If ``None``, then assume the `zcat` includes ``RA`` and ``DEC`` and look up `targets` in the ledger. obscon : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "DARK" A string matching ONE obscondition in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (i.e. in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "DARK" Governs how priorities are set using "obsconditions". Basically a check on whether the files in `hpdirname` are as expected. numobs_from_ledger : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then inherit the number of observations so far from the ledger rather than expecting it to have a reasonable value in the `zcat.` Returns ------- Nothing, but relevant ledger files are updated. """ # ADM find the general format for the ledger files in `hpdirname`. # ADM also returning the obsconditions. fileform, oc = io.find_mtl_file_format_from_header(hpdirname, returnoc=True) # ADM this is the format for any associated override ledgers. overrideff = io.find_mtl_file_format_from_header(hpdirname, forceoverride=True) # ADM check the obscondition is as expected. if obscon != oc: msg = "File is type {} but requested behavior is {}".format(oc, obscon) log.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # ADM if targets wasn't sent, that means the zcat includes # ADM coordinates and we can read relevant targets from the ledger. if targets is None: nside = _get_mtl_nside() theta, phi = np.radians(90-zcat["DEC"]), np.radians(zcat["RA"]) pixnum = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) pixnum = list(set(pixnum)) # ADM we'll read in too many targets, here, but that's OK as # ADM make_mtl(trimtozcat=True) only returns the updated targets. targets = io.read_mtl_in_hp(hpdirname, nside, pixnum, unique=True) # ADM if requested, use the previous values in the ledger to set # ADM NUMOBS in the zcat. if numobs_from_ledger: # ADM match the zcat to the targets. tii, zii = match(targets["TARGETID"], zcat["TARGETID"]) # ADM update NUMOBS in the zcat for matches. zcat["NUMOBS"][zii] = targets["NUMOBS"][tii] + 1 # ADM run MTL, only returning the targets that are updated. mtl = make_mtl(targets, oc, zcat=zcat, trimtozcat=True, trimcols=True) # ADM this is redundant if targets wasn't sent, but it's quick. nside = _get_mtl_nside() theta, phi = np.radians(90-mtl["DEC"]), np.radians(mtl["RA"]) pixnum = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) # ADM loop through the pixels and update the ledger, depending # ADM on whether we're working with .fits or .ecsv files. ender = get_mtl_ledger_format() for pix in set(pixnum): # ADM grab the targets in the pixel. ii = pixnum == pix mtlpix = mtl[ii] # ADM sorting on TARGETID is neater (although not strictly # ADM necessary when using io.read_mtl_ledger(unique=True)). mtlpix = mtlpix[np.argsort(mtlpix["TARGETID"])] # ADM the correct filenames for this pixel number. fn = fileform.format(pix) overfn = overrideff.format(pix) # ADM if an override ledger exists, update it and recover its # ADM relevant MTL entries. if os.path.exists(overfn): overmtl = process_overrides(overfn) # ADM add any override entries TO THE END OF THE LEDGER. mtlpix = vstack([mtlpix, overmtl]) # ADM if we're working with .ecsv, simply append to the ledger. if ender == 'ecsv': f = open(fn, "a") ascii.write(mtlpix, f, format='no_header', formats=mtlformatdict) f.close() # ADM otherwise, for FITS, we'll have to read in the whole file. else: ledger, hd =, extname="MTL", header=True) done = np.concatenate([ledger, mtlpix.as_array()]) fitsio.write(fn+'.tmp', done, extname='MTL', header=hd, clobber=True) os.rename(fn+'.tmp', fn) return
[docs]def match_ledger_to_targets(mtl, targets): """Add a full set of target columns to an MTL array. Parameters ---------- mtl : :class:`~numpy.array` or `~astropy.table.Table` A Merged Target List in array or Table form. Must contain the column "TARGETID". targets : :class:`str` An array of DESI targets, as made by, e.g., `select_targets`. Must contain the column "TARGETID". Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` The passed MTL array with all target columns added. Notes ----- - See also :func:`~desitarget.mtl.inflate_ledger()`. - All TARGETIDs in the `mtl` must be present in `targets`, otherwise an exception is thrown. - Speed-ups to inflate_ledger() suggested by Anand Raichoor. """ # ADM match the mtl back to the targets on TARGETID. ii = match_to(targets["TARGETID"], mtl["TARGETID"]) # ADM sanity check that everything in the mtl is in the targets. if len(ii) != len(mtl): msg = "MTL contains {} objects, but only {} match targets".format( len(mtl), len(ii)) log.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) # ADM extract just the targets that match the mtl. targets = targets[ii] # AR now turning to Table, and removing TARGETID. t = Table(targets) t.remove_column("TARGETID") # ADM warn about duplicate columns. dupcols = set(t.columns).intersection(set(mtl.dtype.names)) if len(dupcols) > 0: msg = "{} columns will be duplicated in output array.".format(dupcols) msg += " Target columns are denoted by _1 and mtl columns by _2." log.warning(msg) # AR starting with the added columns to preserve the same column # AR ordering as in inflate_ledger(). done = Table(mtl) # AR putting TARGETID first, for the same reason. keys = ["TARGETID"] + [key for key in done.dtype.names if key != "TARGETID"] done = done[keys] # AR and stacking horizontally. done = hstack([t, done]) done = done.as_array() return done
[docs]def inflate_ledger(mtl, hpdirname, columns=None, header=False, strictcols=False, quick=False): """Add a fuller set of target columns to an MTL array. Parameters ---------- mtl : :class:`~numpy.array` or `~astropy.table.Table` A Merged Target List in array or Table form. Must contain the columns "RA", "DEC" and "TARGETID" hpdirname : :class:`str` Full path to a directory containing targets that have been partitioned by HEALPixel (i.e. as made by `select_targets` with the `bundle_files` option). columns : :class:`list` or :class:`str`, optional Only return these target columns. If ``None`` or not passed then return all of the target columns. header : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then also return the header of the last file read from the `hpdirname` directory. strictcols : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then strictly return only the columns in `columns`, otherwise, inflate the ledger with the new columns. Ignored if `columns` is set to ``None``. quick : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, assume the fidelity of the data model. This is much faster but makes fewer error checks. If `quick` is ``True`` then `strictcols` is ignored and any columns shared by `mtl` and the target files in `hpdirname` are BOTH returned using the astropy Table convention. e.g., if "RA" is in both the target files and `mtl`, the returned array will have "RA_1" for the added column from the target files and "RA_2" for the original `mtl` column. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` The original MTL with the fuller set of columns. Notes ----- - For most uses, you WILL want to pass `quick`=``True``. - Will run more quickly if the targets in `mtl` are clustered. - "TARGETID" is ALWAYS returned, even if it isn't in `columns`, unless `strictcols`==``True``. - All TARGETIDs in the `mtl` must be present in the `hpdirname`, directory, otherwise an exception is thrown. - If `quick`=``False`` then any column in `mtl` that is also in `columns` will be OVERWRITTEN. So (for `quick`=``False``), be careful not to pass `columns=None` if you only intend to ADD columns to `mtl` rather than also SUBSTITUTING some columns. """ # ADM if a table was passed convert it to a numpy array. if isinstance(mtl, Table): mtl = mtl.as_array() # ADM if a string was passed for the columns, convert it to a list. if isinstance(columns, str): columns = [columns] # ADM we have to have TARGETID, even if it wasn't a passed column. if columns is not None: origcols = columns.copy() if "TARGETID" not in columns: columns.append("TARGETID") # ADM look up the optimal nside for reading targets. if quick: fns = iglob(os.path.join(hpdirname, "*fits")) fn = next(fns) # ADM grab the FILENSID from one of the files. nside = fitsio.read_header(fn, 1)["FILENSID"] else: nside, _ = io.check_hp_target_dir(hpdirname) # ADM which pixels do we need to read. theta, phi = np.radians(90-mtl["DEC"]), np.radians(mtl["RA"]) pixnums = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) pixlist = list(set(pixnums)) # ADM read in targets in the required pixels. targs = io.read_targets_in_hp(hpdirname, nside, pixlist, columns=columns, header=header, quick=quick) if header: targs, hdr = targs if quick: # ADM the quick code ignores column parsing/the strictcols input. done = match_ledger_to_targets(mtl, targs) else: # ADM match the mtl back to the targets on TARGETID. ii = match_to(targs["TARGETID"], mtl["TARGETID"]) # ADM sanity check that everything in the mtl is in the targets. if len(ii) != len(mtl): msg = "MTL contains {} objects, but only {} match targets".format( len(mtl), len(ii)) # ADM extract just the targets that match the mtl. targs = targs[ii] # ADM create an array to contain the fuller set of target columns. # ADM start with the data model for the target columns. dt = targs.dtype.descr # ADM add the unique columns from the mtl. xtracols = [nam for nam in mtl.dtype.names if nam not in targs.dtype.names] for col in xtracols: dt.append((col, mtl[col].dtype.str)) # ADM remove columns from the data model that weren't requested. if columns is not None and strictcols: dt = [(name, form) for name, form in dt if name in origcols] # ADM create the output array. done = np.empty(len(mtl), dtype=dt) # ADM populate the output array with the fuller target columns. for col in targs.dtype.names: if col in done.dtype.names: done[col] = targs[col] # ADM populate the output array with the unique MTL columns. for col in xtracols: if col in done.dtype.names: done[col] = mtl[col] if header: return done, hdr return done
[docs]def tiles_to_be_processed(zcatdir, mtltilefn, obscon, survey, reprocess=False): """Find tiles that are "done" but aren't yet in the MTL tile record. Parameters ---------- zcatdir : :class:`str` Full path to the directory that hosts redshift catalogs. mtltilefn : :class:`str` Full path to the file of tiles that have been processed by MTL. obscon : :class:`str` A string matching ONE obscondition in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (i.e. in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "DARK" Governs how priorities are set when merging targets. survey : :class:`str` Used to look up the correct ledger, in combination with `obscon`. Options are ``'main'`` and ``'svX``' (where X is 1, 2, 3 etc.) for the main survey and different iterations of SV, respectively. reprocess : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` find reprocessed tiles (tiles with an ARCHIVEDATE in the tiles-specstatus file later than their TIMESTAMP in the mtl-done-tiles file) instead of tiles that are newly done. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` An array of tiles that are yet to be processed and written to the mtl tile file. Notes ----- - If `survey` is `'main'` the code assumes the file with zdone for spectro tiles is `mtltilefn`/../../ops/tiles-specstatus.ecsv (i.e. it is in the ops directory parallel to the mtl directory). If `survey` is `'svX'` the code assumes it is `zcatdir`/tiles.csv. """ # ADM read in the ZTILE file. ztilefn = get_ztile_file_name(survey=survey) # ADM directory structure used to be different for sv and main. if survey[:2] == 'sv' or survey == 'main': if os.path.dirname(mtltilefn)[-3:] == 'mtl': opsdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mtltilefn)[:-3], 'ops') else: opsdir = os.path.dirname(mtltilefn) ztilefn = os.path.join(opsdir, ztilefn) else: msg = "Allowed 'survey' inputs are sv(X) or main, not {}".format(survey) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) tilelookup = # ADM the ZDONE column is a string, convert to a Boolean. zdone = np.array(["true" in row for row in tilelookup["ZDONE"]]) # ADM redshift processing must be complete. ii = zdone if survey == "main": # ADM tile must have been archived. ii &= tilelookup["ARCHIVEDATE"] > 0 alltiles = tilelookup[ii] # ADM read in the MTL tile file, guarding against it not having being # ADM created yet. donetiles = None if os.path.isfile(mtltilefn): donetiles = io.read_mtl_tile_file(mtltilefn) # ADM check loop from ZTILES to MTL_DONE_TILES isn't out-of-sync. ncheck = len(set(donetiles["TILEID"]) - set(alltiles["TILEID"])) if ncheck > 0: msg = "{} tile(s) that have been processed by MTL".format(ncheck) msg += " are missing from the ZTILES file!!!" log.warning(msg) msg = "This might be because some zdone=true tiles have been set to " msg += "false in tiles-specstatus.ecsv for reprocessing. Tiles are:"["TILEID"]) - set(alltiles["TILEID"])) # ADM extract the updated tiles. if donetiles is None: # ADM first time through, all tiles have yet to be processed... tiles = alltiles elif reprocess: # ADM match the done tiles to tiles-specstatus file on TILEID. aii, dii = match(alltiles["TILEID"], donetiles["TILEID"]) # ADM quick check that we've matched everything. if len(donetiles) != len(dii): msg = "{} tiles in {} only matched to {} tiles in {}!!!".format( len(donetiles), mtltilefn, len(dii), ztilefn) log.warning(msg) msg = "Again, this might be as some zdone=true tiles have been set " msg += "to false for further reprocessing (see above)." matchedtiles, donetiles = alltiles[aii], donetiles[dii] # ADM convert the TIMESTAMP for the done tiles to a DESI night. donenight = utc_date_to_night(donetiles["TIMESTAMP"]) # ADM check for tiles that were archived on a date later than # ADM their most recent timestamp. ii = matchedtiles["ARCHIVEDATE"] > donenight tiles = matchedtiles[ii] else: # ADM ...else, we want tiles that uniquely appear in the combined # ADM "alltiles" and "donetiles" (as they aren't in "donetiles"). newtids = set(alltiles["TILEID"]) - set(donetiles["TILEID"]) ii = np.array([tid in newtids for tid in alltiles["TILEID"]]) tiles = alltiles[ii] # ADM restrict the tiles to be processed to the correct survey... ii = tiles["SURVEY"] == survey # ADM ...and the correct lower- or upper-case program (OBSCON). ii &= ((tiles["FAPRGRM"] == obscon.lower()) | (tiles["FAPRGRM"] == obscon.upper())) tiles = tiles[ii] # ADM initialize the output array and add the tiles. newtiles = np.zeros(len(tiles), dtype=mtltilefiledm.dtype) newtiles["TILEID"] = tiles["TILEID"] # ADM look up the time. newtiles["TIMESTAMP"] = get_utc_date(survey=survey) # ADM add the version of desitarget. newtiles["VERSION"] = dt_version # ADM add the program/obscon. newtiles["PROGRAM"] = obscon # ADM the final processed date for the redshifts. newtiles["ZDATE"] = tiles["LASTNIGHT"] # ADM the date the tile was archived. newtiles["ARCHIVEDATE"] = tiles["ARCHIVEDATE"] # ADM sort on TILEID, just in case. ii = np.argsort(newtiles["TILEID"]) newtiles = newtiles[ii] return newtiles
[docs]def make_zcat(zcatdir, tiles, obscon, survey, allow_overlaps=False): """Make a catalog of redshifts used to inform the MTL loop. Parameters ---------- zcatdir : :class:`str` Full path to the "daily" directory that hosts redshift catalogs. tiles : :class:`~numpy.array` Numpy array of tiles to be processed. Must contain at least: * TILEID - unique tile identifier. * ZDATE - final night processed to complete the tile (YYYYMMDD). obscon : :class:`str` A string matching ONE obscondition in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (i.e. `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "DARK". Governs how ZWARN is updated using `DELTACHI2` when `survey` is "sv3" (in :func:`~desitarget.mtl.make_zcat_rr_backstop()`). survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "main" Used to update `ZWARN` using `DELTACHI2` for a given survey type. Options are ``'main'`` and ``'svX``' (where X is 1, 2, 3 etc.) for the main survey and different iterations of SV, respectively. allow_overlaps : :class`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then allow the zcat to contain duplicate TARGETIDs. Duplicate TARGETIDs should not exist for the "standard" MTL loop, because tiles should never overlap, but could be a feature of reprocessing tiles. Returns ------- :class:`~astropy.table.Table` A zcat in the official format (`zcatdatamodel`) compiled from the `tiles` in `zcatdir`. Notes ----- - For surveys prior to "main" this is just a wrapper on :func:`~desitarget.mtl.make_zcat_rr_backstop()`. """ if survey != "main": return make_zcat_rr_backstop(zcatdir, tiles, obscon, survey) # ADM the root directory in the data model. rootdir = os.path.join(zcatdir, "tiles", "archive") # ADM for each tile, read in the spectroscopic and targeting info. allzs = [] for tile in tiles: # ADM build the correct directory structure. tiledir = os.path.join(rootdir, str(tile["TILEID"])) ymdir = os.path.join(tiledir, str(tile["ARCHIVEDATE"])) # ADM explicitly check if the directory has been created. if not os.path.isdir(ymdir): msg = "{} is pointed to in the tiles-specstatus.ecsv".format(ymdir) msg += " file but does not exist!!!" log.critical(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) # ADM and retrieve the zmtl catalog (orig name zqso/lyazcat) qsozcatfns = sorted(glob(os.path.join(ymdir, "zmtl*fits"))) for qsozcatfn in qsozcatfns: zz =, "ZMTL") allzs.append(zz) # ADM check the correct TILEID was written in the fibermap. if set(zz["ZTILEID"]) != set([tile["TILEID"]]): msg = "Directory and fibermap don't match for tile".format(tile) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) zs = np.concatenate(allzs) # ADM remove -ve TARGETIDs which should correspond to sky fibers. zs = zs[zs["TARGETID"] >= 0] # ADM check the TARGETIDs are unique. If they aren't the likely # ADM explanation is that overlapping tiles (which could include # ADM duplicate targets) are being processed. if not allow_overlaps: if len(zs) != len(set(zs["TARGETID"])): msg = "a target is duplicated!!! You are likely trying to process " msg += "overlapping tiles when one of these tiles should already " msg += "have been processed and locked in mtl-done-tiles.ecsv" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM write out the zcat as a file with the correct data model. dm = survey_data_model(zcatdatamodel, survey=survey) qsozcat = Table(np.zeros(len(zs), dtype=dm.dtype)) for col in qsozcat.dtype.names: qsozcat[col] = zs[col] return qsozcat
[docs]def make_zcat_rr_backstop(zcatdir, tiles, obscon, survey): """Make a simple zcat using only redrock outputs. Parameters ---------- zcatdir : :class:`str` Full path to the "daily" directory that hosts redshift catalogs. tiles : :class:`~numpy.array` Numpy array of tiles to be processed. Must contain at least: * TILEID - unique tile identifier. * ZDATE - final night processed to complete the tile (YYYYMMDD). obscon : :class:`str` A string matching ONE obscondition in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (i.e. `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "DARK". Governs how ZWARN is updated using `DELTACHI2`. survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "main" Used to update `ZWARN` using `DELTACHI2` for a given survey type. Options are ``'main'`` and ``'svX``' (where X is 1, 2, 3 etc.) for the main survey and different iterations of SV, respectively. Returns ------- :class:`~astropy.table.Table` A zcat in the official format (`zcatdatamodel`) compiled from the `tiles` in `zcatdir`. Notes ----- - How the `zcat` is constructed could certainly change once we have the final schema in place. """ # ADM the root directory in the data model. rootdir = os.path.join(zcatdir, "tiles", "cumulative") # ADM for each tile, read in the spectroscopic and targeting info. allzs = [] allfms = [] for tile in tiles: # ADM build the correct directory structure. tiledir = os.path.join(rootdir, str(tile["TILEID"])) ymdir = os.path.join(tiledir, str(tile["ZDATE"])) # ADM and retrieve the redshifts. zbestfns = sorted(glob(os.path.join(ymdir, "zbest*"))) for zbestfn in zbestfns: zz =, "ZBEST") allzs.append(zz) # ADM read in all of the exposures in the fibermap. fm =, "FIBERMAP") # ADM in the transition between SV3 and the Main Survey, the # ADM fibermap data model changed. New columns may need to be # ADM removed to concatenate old- and new-style fibermaps. if "PLATE_RA" in fm.dtype.names: fm = rfn.drop_fields(fm, ["PLATE_RA", "PLATE_DEC"]) # ADM recover the information for unique targets based on the # ADM first entry for each TARGETID. _, ii = np.unique(fm['TARGETID'], return_index=True) allfms.append(fm[ii]) # ADM check the correct TILEID was written in the fibermap. if set(fm["TILEID"]) != set([tile["TILEID"]]): msg = "Directory and fibermap don't match for tile".format(tile) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) zs = np.concatenate(allzs) fms = np.concatenate(allfms) # ADM remove -ve TARGETIDs which should correspond to sky fibers. zs = zs[zs["TARGETID"] >= 0] fms = fms[fms["TARGETID"] >= 0] # ADM check the TARGETIDs are unique. If they aren't the likely # ADM explanation is that overlapping tiles (which could include # ADM duplicate targets) are being processed. if len(zs) != len(set(zs["TARGETID"])): msg = "a target is duplicated!!! You are likely trying to process " msg += "overlapping tiles when one of these tiles should already have " msg += "been processed and locked in mtl-done-tiles.ecsv" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM currently, the spectroscopic files aren't coadds, so aren't # ADM unique. We therefore need to look up (any) coordinates for # ADM each z in the fibermap. zid = match_to(fms["TARGETID"], zs["TARGETID"]) # ADM write out the zcat as a file with the correct data model. zcatdm = survey_data_model(zcatdatamodel, survey=survey) zcat = Table(np.zeros(len(zs), dtype=zcatdm.dtype)) zcat["RA"] = fms[zid]["TARGET_RA"] zcat["DEC"] = fms[zid]["TARGET_DEC"] zcat["ZTILEID"] = fms[zid]["TILEID"] zcat["NUMOBS"] = zs["NUMTILE"] for col in set(zcat.dtype.names) - set(['RA', 'DEC', 'NUMOBS', 'ZTILEID']): zcat[col] = zs[col] # ADM Finally, flag the ZWARN bit if DELTACHI2 is too low (for sv3). if survey == "sv3": from desitarget.sv3.sv3_targetmask import desi_mask desi_target = fms[zid]["SV3_DESI_TARGET"] # ADM set ZWARN flag for everything with DELTACHI2 < 25. lodc2 = zs["DELTACHI2"] < 25 zcat["ZWARN"] |= lodc2*zwarn_mask["LOW_DEL_CHI2"] if obscon == "BRIGHT": lodc2 = zs["DELTACHI2"] < 40 bgs = desi_target & desi_mask["BGS_ANY"] != 0 lodc2bgs = bgs & lodc2 zcat["ZWARN"] |= lodc2bgs*zwarn_mask["LOW_DEL_CHI2_BGS"] return zcat
[docs]def loop_ledger(obscon, survey='main', zcatdir=None, mtldir=None, numobs_from_ledger=True, secondary=False, reprocess=False): """Execute full MTL loop, including reading files, updating ledgers. Parameters ---------- obscon : :class:`str` A string matching ONE obscondition in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (i.e. in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "DARK" Governs how priorities are set when merging targets. survey : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to "main" Used to look up the correct ledger, in combination with `obscon`. Options are ``'main'`` and ``'svX``' (where X is 1, 2, 3 etc.) for the main survey and different iterations of SV, respectively. zcatdir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Full path to the directory that hosts redshift catalogs. If this is ``None``, look up the redshift catalog directory from the $ZCAT_DIR environment variable. mtldir : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to ``None`` Full path to the directory that hosts the MTL ledgers and the MTL tile file. If ``None``, then look up the MTL directory from the $MTL_DIR environment variable. numobs_from_ledger : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True`` then inherit the number of observations so far from the ledger rather than expecting it to have a reasonable value in the `zcat.` secondary : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then process secondary targets instead of primaries for passed `survey` and `obscon`. reprocess : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` find reprocessed tiles (tiles with an ARCHIVEDATE in the tiles-specstatus file later than their TIMESTAMP in the mtl-done-tiles file) instead of tiles that are newly done and process using special reprocessing logic. Returns ------- :class:`str` The directory containing the ledger that was updated. :class:`str` The name of the MTL tile file that was updated. :class:`str` Name of ZTILE file used to link TILEIDs to observing conditions to determine if tiles were "done" (that they had zdone=True). :class:`~numpy.array` Information for the tiles that were processed. Notes ----- - Assumes all of the relevant ledgers have already been made by, e.g., :func:`~desitarget.mtl.make_ledger()`. - If `survey` is `'main'` the code assumes the file with the zdone status for spectro tiles is `mtldir`/../ops/tiles-specstatus.ecsv (i.e. it is in the ops directory parallel to the mtl directory). If `survey` is `'svX'` the code assumes it is `zcatdir`/tiles.csv. """ # ADM first grab all of the relevant files. # ADM grab the MTL directory (in case we're relying on $MTL_DIR). mtldir = get_mtl_dir(mtldir) # ADM construct the full path to the mtl tile file. mtltilefn = os.path.join(mtldir, get_mtl_tile_file_name(secondary=secondary)) # ADM construct the relevant sub-directory for this survey and # ADM set of observing conditions.. form = get_mtl_ledger_format() resolve = True msg = "running on {} ledger with obscon={} and survey={}" if secondary:"SECONDARY", obscon, survey)) resolve = None else:"PRIMARY", obscon, survey)) hpdirname = io.find_target_files(mtldir, flavor="mtl", resolve=resolve, survey=survey, obscon=obscon, ender=form) # ADM grab the zcat directory (in case we're relying on $ZCAT_DIR). zcatdir = get_zcat_dir(zcatdir) # ADM grab an array of tiles that are yet to be processed. tiles = tiles_to_be_processed(zcatdir, mtltilefn, obscon, survey, reprocess=reprocess) # ADM contruct the ZTILE filename, for logging purposes. ztilefn = get_ztile_file_name(survey=survey) # ADM directory structure used to be different for sv and main. if survey[:2] == 'sv' or survey == 'main': if os.path.dirname(mtltilefn)[-3:] == 'mtl': opsdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(mtltilefn)[:-3], 'ops') else: opsdir = os.path.dirname(mtltilefn) ztilefn = os.path.join(opsdir, ztilefn) # ADM stop if there are no tiles to process. if len(tiles) == 0: return hpdirname, mtltilefn, ztilefn, tiles # ADM create the catalog of updated redshifts. Remember # ADM that we could have duplicate TARGETIDs if reprocessing. zcat = make_zcat(zcatdir, tiles, obscon, survey, allow_overlaps=reprocess) # ADM insist that for an MTL loop with real observations, the zcat # ADM must conform to the data model. In particular, it must include # ADM ZTILEID, and other columns added for the Main Survey. These # ADM columns may not be needed for non-ledger simulations. # ADM Note that the data model differs with survey type. zcatdm = survey_data_model(zcatdatamodel, survey=survey) if zcat.dtype.descr != zcatdm.dtype.descr: msg = "zcat data model must be {} not {}!".format( zcatdm.dtype.descr, zcat.dtype.descr) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM useful to know how many targets were updated. _, _, _, _, sky, _ = decode_targetid(zcat["TARGETID"]) ntargs, nsky = np.sum(sky == 0), np.sum(sky) msg = "Update state for {} targets".format(ntargs) msg += " (the zcats also contain {} skies with +ve TARGETIDs)".format(nsky) # ADM update the appropriate ledgers. if reprocess: timedict = reprocess_ledger(hpdirname, zcat, obscon=obscon) else: update_ledger(hpdirname, zcat, obscon=obscon, numobs_from_ledger=numobs_from_ledger) # ADM for the main survey "holding pen" method, ensure the TIMESTAMP # ADM in the mtl-done-tiles file is always later than in the ledgers. if survey == "main": # ADM when re-processing, a delay was already added, so get the # ADM TIMESTAMP from the dictionary returned by reprocess_ledger. if reprocess: tiles["TIMESTAMP"] = [timedict[tid] for tid in tiles["TILEID"]] # ADM sort tiles chronologically when reprocessing. tiles = tiles[np.argsort(tiles["TIMESTAMP"])] else: sleep(1) tiles["TIMESTAMP"] = get_utc_date(survey=survey) # ADM write the processed tiles to the MTL tile file. io.write_mtl_tile_file(mtltilefn, tiles) return hpdirname, mtltilefn, ztilefn, tiles