Source code for desitarget.sv2.sv2_cuts


Target Selection for DESI Survey Validation derived from `the SV2 wiki`_.

A collection of helpful (static) methods to check whether an object's
flux passes a given selection criterion (*e.g.* LRG, ELG or QSO).

.. _`the Gaia data model`:
.. _`the SV2 wiki`:
import warnings
from time import time
import os.path

import numbers
import sys

import fitsio
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn
from importlib import import_module

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.table import Table, Row

from desitarget import io
from desitarget.internal import sharedmem
from desitarget.gaiamatch import match_gaia_to_primary, find_gaia_files_hp
from desitarget.gaiamatch import pop_gaia_coords, pop_gaia_columns, unextinct_gaia_mags
from desitarget.gaiamatch import gaia_dr_from_ref_cat, is_in_Galaxy, gaia_psflike
from desitarget.targets import finalize, resolve
from desitarget.geomask import bundle_bricks, pixarea2nside, sweep_files_touch_hp
from desitarget.geomask import box_area, hp_in_box, is_in_box, is_in_hp
from desitarget.geomask import cap_area, hp_in_cap, is_in_cap, imaging_mask

# ADM set up the DESI default logger
from desiutil.log import get_logger
log = get_logger()

# ADM start the clock
start = time()

[docs]def shift_photo_north(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None): """Convert fluxes in the northern (BASS/MzLS) to the southern (DECaLS) system. Parameters ---------- gflux, rflux, zflux : :class:`array_like` or `float` The flux in nano-maggies of g, r, z bands. Returns ------- The equivalent fluxes shifted to the southern system. Notes ----- - see also;filename=Raichoor_DESI_05Dec2017.pdf;version=1 - Update for DR9 """ # ADM if floats were sent, treat them like arrays. flt = False if _is_row(gflux): flt = True gflux = np.atleast_1d(gflux) rflux = np.atleast_1d(rflux) zflux = np.atleast_1d(zflux) # ADM only use the g-band color shift when r and g are non-zero gshift = gflux * 10**(-0.4*0.004) w = np.where((gflux != 0) & (rflux != 0)) gshift[w] = (gflux[w] * 10**(-0.4*0.004) * (gflux[w]/rflux[w])**complex(-0.059)).real # ADM only use the r-band color shift when r and z are non-zero # ADM and only use the z-band color shift when r and z are non-zero w = np.where((rflux != 0) & (zflux != 0)) rshift = rflux * 10**(0.4*0.003) zshift = zflux * 10**(0.4*0.013) rshift[w] = (rflux[w] * 10**(0.4*0.003) * (rflux[w]/zflux[w])**complex(-0.024)).real zshift[w] = (zflux[w] * 10**(0.4*0.013) * (rflux[w]/zflux[w])**complex(+0.015)).real if flt: return gshift[0], rshift[0], zshift[0] return gshift, rshift, zshift
[docs]def isGAIA_STD(ra=None, dec=None, galb=None, gaiaaen=None, pmra=None, pmdec=None, parallax=None, parallaxovererror=None, ebv=None, gaiabprpfactor=None, gaiasigma5dmax=None, gaiagmag=None, gaiabmag=None, gaiarmag=None, gaiadupsource=None, gaiaparamssolved=None, primary=None, test=False, nside=2): """Standards based solely on Gaia data. Parameters ---------- ebv : :class:`array_like` E(B-V) values from the SFD dust maps. test : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, then we're running unit tests and don't have to find and read every possible Gaia file. nside : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 2 (NESTED) HEALPix nside, if targets are being parallelized. The default of 2 should be benign for serial processing. Returns ------- :class:`array_like` ``True`` if the object is a bright "GAIA_STD_FAINT" target. :class:`array_like` ``True`` if the object is a faint "GAIA_STD_BRIGHT" target. :class:`array_like` ``True`` if the object is a white dwarf "GAIA_STD_WD" target. Notes ----- - Current version (03/09/21) is version 1 on `the SV2 wiki`_. - See :func:`~desitarget.cuts.set_target_bits` for other parameters. """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(gaiagmag, dtype='?') # ADM restrict all classes to dec >= -30. primary &= dec >= -30. std = primary.copy() # ADM the regular "standards" codes need to know whether something has # ADM a Gaia match. Here, everything is a Gaia match. gaia = np.ones_like(gaiagmag, dtype='?') # ADM determine the Gaia-based white dwarf standards. std_wd = isMWS_WD( primary=primary, gaia=gaia, galb=galb, astrometricexcessnoise=gaiaaen, pmra=pmra, pmdec=pmdec, parallax=parallax, parallaxovererror=parallaxovererror, photbprpexcessfactor=gaiabprpfactor, astrometricsigma5dmax=gaiasigma5dmax, gaiagmag=gaiagmag, gaiabmag=gaiabmag, gaiarmag=gaiarmag ) # ADM apply the Gaia quality cuts for standards. std &= isSTD_gaia(primary=primary, gaia=gaia, astrometricexcessnoise=gaiaaen, pmra=pmra, pmdec=pmdec, parallax=parallax, dupsource=gaiadupsource, paramssolved=gaiaparamssolved, gaiagmag=gaiagmag, gaiabmag=gaiabmag, gaiarmag=gaiarmag) # ADM restrict to point sources. ispsf = gaia_psflike(gaiaaen, gaiagmag) std &= ispsf # ADM de-extinct the magnitudes before applying color cuts. gd, bd, rd = unextinct_gaia_mags(gaiagmag, gaiabmag, gaiarmag, ebv) # ADM apply the Gaia color cuts for standards. bprp = bd - rd gbp = gd - bd std &= bprp > 0.2 std &= bprp < 0.9 std &= gbp > -1.*bprp/2.0 std &= gbp < 0.3-bprp/2.0 # ADM remove any sources that have neighbors in Gaia within 3.5"... # ADM for speed, run only sources for which std is still True."Isolating Gaia-only standards...t={:.1f}s".format(time()-start)) ii_true = np.where(std)[0] if len(ii_true) > 0: # ADM determine the pixels of interest. theta, phi = np.radians(90-dec), np.radians(ra) pixlist = list(set(hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True))) # ADM read in the necessary Gaia files. fns = find_gaia_files_hp(nside, pixlist, neighbors=True) gaiaobjs = [] gaiacols = ["RA", "DEC", "PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG", "PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG"] for i, fn in enumerate(fns): if i % 25 == 0:"Read {}/{} files for Gaia-only standards...t={:.1f}s" .format(i, len(fns), time()-start)) try: gaiaobjs.append(, columns=gaiacols)) except OSError: if test: pass else: msg = "failed to find or open the following file: (ffopen) " msg += fn log.critical(msg) raise OSError gaiaobjs = np.concatenate(gaiaobjs) # ADM match the standards to the broader Gaia sources at 3.5". matchrad = 3.5*u.arcsec cstd = SkyCoord(ra[ii_true]*, dec[ii_true]* cgaia = SkyCoord(gaiaobjs["RA"]*, gaiaobjs["DEC"]* idstd, idgaia, d2d, _ = cgaia.search_around_sky(cstd, matchrad) # ADM remove source matches with d2d=0 (i.e. the source itself!). idgaia, idstd = idgaia[d2d > 0], idstd[d2d > 0] # ADM remove matches within 5 mags of a Gaia source. badmag = ( (gaiagmag[ii_true][idstd] + 5 > gaiaobjs["PHOT_G_MEAN_MAG"][idgaia]) | (gaiarmag[ii_true][idstd] + 5 > gaiaobjs["PHOT_RP_MEAN_MAG"][idgaia])) std[ii_true[idstd][badmag]] = False # ADM add the brightness cuts in Gaia G-band. std_bright = std.copy() std_bright &= gaiagmag >= 16 std_bright &= gaiagmag < 18 std_faint = std.copy() std_faint &= gaiagmag >= 16 std_faint &= gaiagmag < 19 return std_faint, std_bright, std_wd
[docs]def isBACKUP(ra=None, dec=None, gaiagmag=None, primary=None): """BACKUP targets based on Gaia magnitudes. Parameters ---------- ra, dec: :class:`array_like` or :class:`None` Right Ascension and Declination in degrees. gaiagmag: :class:`array_like` or :class:`None` Gaia-based g MAGNITUDE (not Galactic-extinction-corrected). (same units as `the Gaia data model`_). primary : :class:`array_like` or :class:`None` ``True`` for objects that should be passed through the selection. Returns ------- :class:`array_like` ``True`` if and only if the object is a bright "BACKUP" target. :class:`array_like` ``True`` if and only if the object is a faint "BACKUP" target. :class:`array_like` ``True`` if and only if the object is a very faint "BACKUP" target. Notes ----- - Current version (03/09/21) is version 1 on `the SV2 wiki`_. """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(gaiagmag, dtype='?') # ADM restrict all classes to dec >= -30. primary &= dec >= -30. isbackupbright = primary.copy() isbackupfaint = primary.copy() isbackupveryfaint = primary.copy() # ADM determine which sources are close to the Galaxy. in_gal = is_in_Galaxy([ra, dec], radec=True) # ADM bright targets are 10 < G < 16. isbackupbright &= gaiagmag >= 10 isbackupbright &= gaiagmag < 16 # ADM faint targets are 16 < G < 18. isbackupfaint &= gaiagmag >= 16 isbackupfaint &= gaiagmag < 18. # ADM and are "far from" the Galaxy. isbackupfaint &= ~in_gal # ADM very faint targets are 18. < G < 19. isbackupveryfaint &= gaiagmag >= 18. isbackupveryfaint &= gaiagmag < 19 # ADM and are "far from" the Galaxy. isbackupveryfaint &= ~in_gal return isbackupbright, isbackupfaint, isbackupveryfaint
[docs]def isLRG(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, w2flux=None, zfiberflux=None, rfluxivar=None, zfluxivar=None, w1fluxivar=None, gaiagmag=None, gnobs=None, rnobs=None, znobs=None, maskbits=None, primary=None, south=True): """ Parameters ---------- south: boolean, defaults to ``True`` Use cuts appropriate to the Northern imaging surveys (BASS/MzLS) if ``south=False``, otherwise use cuts appropriate to the Southern imaging survey (DECaLS). Returns ------- :class:`array_like` ``True`` if and only if the object is an LRG target. Notes ----- - Current version (03/09/21) is version 1 on `the SV2 wiki`_. - See :func:`~desitarget.cuts.set_target_bits` for other parameters. """ # ADM LRG targets. if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(rflux, dtype='?') lrg = primary.copy() # ADM basic quality cuts. lrg &= notinLRG_mask( primary=primary, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, zfiberflux=zfiberflux, gnobs=gnobs, rnobs=rnobs, znobs=znobs, rfluxivar=rfluxivar, zfluxivar=zfluxivar, w1fluxivar=w1fluxivar, gaiagmag=gaiagmag, maskbits=maskbits ) # ADM color-based selection of LRGs. lrg &= isLRG_colors( gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, zfiberflux=zfiberflux, south=south, primary=primary ) return lrg
[docs]def notinLRG_mask(primary=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, zfiberflux=None, gnobs=None, rnobs=None, znobs=None, rfluxivar=None, zfluxivar=None, w1fluxivar=None, gaiagmag=None, maskbits=None): """See :func:`~desitarget.cuts.isLRG` for details. Returns ------- :class:`array_like` ``True`` if and only if the object is NOT masked for poor quality. """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(rflux, dtype='?') lrg = primary.copy() # ADM to maintain backwards-compatibility with mocks. if zfiberflux is None: log.warning('Setting zfiberflux to zflux!!!') zfiberflux = zflux.copy() lrg &= (rfluxivar > 0) & (rflux > 0) # ADM quality in r. lrg &= (zfluxivar > 0) & (zflux > 0) & (zfiberflux > 0) # ADM quality in z. lrg &= (w1fluxivar > 0) & (w1flux > 0) # ADM quality in W1. lrg &= (gaiagmag == 0) | (gaiagmag > 18) # remove bright GAIA sources # ADM observed in every band. lrg &= (gnobs > 0) & (rnobs > 0) & (znobs > 0) # ADM default mask bits from the Legacy Surveys not set. lrg &= imaging_mask(maskbits) return lrg
[docs]def isLRG_colors(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, zfiberflux=None, ggood=None, w2flux=None, primary=None, south=True): """(see, e.g., :func:`~desitarget.cuts.isLRG`). Notes: - the `ggood` and `w2flux` inputs are an attempt to maintain backwards-compatibility with the mocks. """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(rflux, dtype='?') lrg = primary.copy() # ADM to maintain backwards-compatibility with mocks. if zfiberflux is None: log.warning('Setting zfiberflux to zflux!!!') zfiberflux = zflux.copy() gmag = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(gflux.clip(1e-7)) # ADM safe as these fluxes are set to > 0 in notinLRG_mask. rmag = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(rflux.clip(1e-7)) zmag = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(zflux.clip(1e-7)) w1mag = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(w1flux.clip(1e-7)) zfibermag = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(zfiberflux.clip(1e-7)) if south: lrg &= zmag - w1mag > 0.8 * (rmag-zmag) - 0.6 # non-stellar cut. lrg &= ( (((gmag - rmag) > 0.3 * (rmag - w1mag)+0.9) & ((gmag - rmag) > -1.55*(rmag - w1mag)+3.13)) | (rmag - w1mag > 1.8) # low-z cut. ) lrg &= rmag - w1mag > (w1mag - 17.27) * 1.8 # double sliding cut 1. lrg &= rmag - w1mag > (w1mag - 16.37) * 1. # double sliding cut 2. else: lrg &= zmag - w1mag > 0.8 * (rmag-zmag) - 0.6 # non-stellar cut. lrg &= ( (((gmag - rmag) > 0.3 * (rmag - w1mag)+0.9) & ((gmag - rmag) > -1.55*(rmag - w1mag)+3.23)) | (rmag - w1mag > 1.8) # low-z cut. ) lrg &= rmag - w1mag > (w1mag - 17.23) * 1.8 # double sliding cut 1. lrg &= rmag - w1mag > (w1mag - 16.33) * 1. # double sliding cut 2. lrg &= zfibermag < 21.5 # faint limit. return lrg
[docs]def isELG(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, w2flux=None, gfiberflux=None, gsnr=None, rsnr=None, zsnr=None, gnobs=None, rnobs=None, znobs=None, maskbits=None, south=True, primary=None): """Definition of ELG target classes. Returns a boolean array. (see :func:`~desitarget.cuts.set_target_bits` for parameters). Notes: - Current version (03/16/21) is version 5 on `the SV2 wiki`_. """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(rflux, dtype='?') elg = primary.copy() elg &= notinELG_mask(maskbits=maskbits, gsnr=gsnr, rsnr=rsnr, zsnr=zsnr, gnobs=gnobs, rnobs=rnobs, znobs=znobs, primary=primary) elg &= isELG_colors(gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, gfiberflux=gfiberflux, south=south, primary=primary) return elg
[docs]def notinELG_mask(maskbits=None, gsnr=None, rsnr=None, zsnr=None, gnobs=None, rnobs=None, znobs=None, primary=None): """Standard set of masking cuts used by all ELG target selection classes. (see :func:`~desitarget.cuts.set_target_bits` for parameters). """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(maskbits, dtype='?') elg = primary.copy() # ADM good signal-to-noise in all bands. elg &= (gsnr > 0) & (rsnr > 0) & (zsnr > 0) # ADM observed in every band. elg &= (gnobs > 0) & (rnobs > 0) & (znobs > 0) # ADM default mask bits from the Legacy Surveys not set. elg &= imaging_mask(maskbits) return elg
[docs]def isELG_colors(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, w2flux=None, gfiberflux=None, south=True, primary=None): """Color cuts for ELG target selection classes (see, e.g., :func:`~desitarget.cuts.set_target_bits` for parameters). """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(rflux, dtype='?') elg = primary.copy() # ADM work in magnitudes instead of fluxes. NOTE THIS IS ONLY OK AS # ADM the snr masking in ALL OF g, r AND z ENSURES positive fluxes. g = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(gflux.clip(1e-16)) r = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(rflux.clip(1e-16)) z = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(zflux.clip(1e-16)) gfib = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(gfiberflux.clip(1e-16)) # ADM cuts shared by the northern and southern selections. elg &= g > 20 # bright cut. elg &= r - z > 0.15 # blue cut. # elg &= r - z < 1.6 # red cut. elg &= g - r < -1.2*(r - z) + 1.6 # OII flux cut. # ADM cuts that are unique to the north or south. Identical for sv2 # ADM but keep the north/south formalism in case we use it for sv3. if south: elg &= gfib < 24.1 # faint cut. elg &= g - r < 0.5*(r - z) + 0.1 # remove stars and low-z galaxies. else: elg &= gfib < 24.1 # faint cut. elg &= g - r < 0.5*(r - z) + 0.1 # remove stars and low-z galaxies. return elg
[docs]def isSTD_colors(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, w2flux=None, primary=None, south=True): """Select STD stars based on Legacy Surveys color cuts. Returns a boolean array. Args: gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux, w2flux: array_like The flux in nano-maggies of g, r, z, w1, and w2 bands. primary: array_like or None Set to ``True`` for objects to initially consider as possible targets. Defaults to everything being ``True``. south: boolean, defaults to ``True`` Use color-cuts based on photometry from the "south" (DECaLS) as opposed to the "north" (MzLS+BASS). Returns: mask : boolean array, True if the object has colors like a STD star target Notes: - Current version (03/09/21) is version 1 on `the SV2 wiki`_. """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(gflux, dtype='?') std = primary.copy() # Clip to avoid warnings from negative numbers. # ADM we're pretty bright for the STDs, so this should be safe. gflux = gflux.clip(1e-16) rflux = rflux.clip(1e-16) zflux = zflux.clip(1e-16) # ADM optical colors for halo TO or bluer. grcolor = 2.5 * np.log10(rflux / gflux) rzcolor = 2.5 * np.log10(zflux / rflux) # Currently no difference in north vs south color-cuts. if south: std &= rzcolor < 0.2 std &= grcolor > 0. std &= grcolor < 0.35 else: std &= rzcolor < 0.2 std &= grcolor > 0. std &= grcolor < 0.35 return std
[docs]def isSTD_gaia(primary=None, gaia=None, astrometricexcessnoise=None, pmra=None, pmdec=None, parallax=None, dupsource=None, paramssolved=None, gaiagmag=None, gaiabmag=None, gaiarmag=None): """Gaia quality cuts used to define STD star targets. Args: primary: array_like or None Set to ``True`` for objects to initially consider as possible targets. Defaults to everything being ``True``. gaia: boolean array_like or None True if there is a match between this object in `the Legacy Surveys`_ and in Gaia. astrometricexcessnoise: array_like or None Excess noise of the source in Gaia (as in `the Gaia data model`_). pmra, pmdec, parallax: array_like or None Gaia-based proper motion in RA and Dec and parallax (same units as the Gaia data model). dupsource: array_like or None Whether the source is a duplicate in Gaia (as in `the Gaia data model`_). paramssolved: array_like or None How many parameters were solved for in Gaia (as in `the Gaia data model`_). gaiagmag, gaiabmag, gaiarmag: array_like or None Gaia-based g, b and r MAGNITUDES (not Galactic-extinction-corrected). (same units as `the Gaia data model`_). Returns: mask : boolean array, True if the object passes Gaia quality cuts. Notes: - Current version (03/09/21) is version 1 on `the SV2 wiki`_. """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(gflux, dtype='?') std = primary.copy() # ADM Bp and Rp are both measured. std &= ~np.isnan(gaiabmag - gaiarmag) # ADM no obvious issues with the astrometry solution. std &= astrometricexcessnoise < 1 std &= paramssolved == 31 # ADM finite proper motions. std &= np.isfinite(pmra) std &= np.isfinite(pmdec) # ADM a parallax smaller than 1 mas. std &= parallax < 1. # ADM calculate the overall proper motion magnitude # ADM inexplicably I'm getting a Runtimewarning here for # ADM a few values in the sqrt, so I'm catching it. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") pm = np.sqrt(pmra**2. + pmdec**2.) # ADM a proper motion larger than 2 mas/yr. std &= pm > 2. # ADM fail if dupsource is not Boolean, as was the case for the 7.0 sweeps # ADM otherwise logic checks on dupsource will be misleading. if not (dupsource.dtype.type == np.bool_): log.error('GAIA_DUPLICATED_SOURCE (dupsource) should be boolean!') raise IOError # ADM a unique Gaia source. std &= ~dupsource return std
[docs]def isSTD(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, primary=None, gfracflux=None, rfracflux=None, zfracflux=None, gfracmasked=None, rfracmasked=None, zfracmasked=None, gnobs=None, rnobs=None, znobs=None, gfluxivar=None, rfluxivar=None, zfluxivar=None, objtype=None, gaia=None, astrometricexcessnoise=None, paramssolved=None, pmra=None, pmdec=None, parallax=None, dupsource=None, gaiagmag=None, gaiabmag=None, gaiarmag=None, bright=False, usegaia=True, maskbits=None, south=True): """Select STD targets using color cuts and photometric quality cuts (PSF-like and fracflux). See isSTD_colors() for additional info. Args: gflux, rflux, zflux: array_like The flux in nano-maggies of g, r, z bands. primary: array_like or None Set to ``True`` for objects to initially consider as possible targets. Defaults to everything being ``True``. gfracflux, rfracflux, zfracflux: array_like Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources divided by the total flux in g, r and z bands. gfracmasked, rfracmasked, zfracmasked: array_like Fraction of masked pixels in the g, r and z bands. gnobs, rnobs, znobs: array_like The number of observations (in the central pixel) in g, r and z. gfluxivar, rfluxivar, zfluxivar: array_like The flux inverse variances in g, r, and z bands. objtype: array_like or None The TYPE column of the catalogue to restrict to point sources. gaia: boolean array_like or None True if there is a match between this object in `the Legacy Surveys`_ and in Gaia. astrometricexcessnoise: array_like or None Excess noise of the source in Gaia. paramssolved: array_like or None How many parameters were solved for in Gaia. pmra, pmdec, parallax: array_like or None Gaia-based proper motion in RA and Dec and parallax dupsource: array_like or None Whether the source is a duplicate in Gaia. gaiagmag, gaiabmag, gaiarmag: array_like or None Gaia-based g-, b- and r-band MAGNITUDES. bright: boolean, defaults to ``False`` if ``True`` apply magnitude cuts for "bright" conditions; otherwise, choose "normal" brightness standards. Cut is performed on `gaiagmag`. usegaia: boolean, defaults to ``True`` if ``True`` then call :func:`~desitarget.cuts.isSTD_gaia` to set the logic cuts. If Gaia is not available (perhaps if you're using mocks) then send ``False``, in which case we use the LS r-band magnitude as a proxy for the Gaia G-band magnitude (ignoring---incorrectly---that we have already corrected for Galactic extinction.) south: boolean, defaults to ``True`` Use color-cuts based on photometry from the "south" (DECaLS) as opposed to the "north" (MzLS+BASS). Returns: mask : boolean array, True if the object has colors like a STD star. Notes: - Gaia-based quantities are as in `the Gaia data model`_. - Current version (03/09/21) is version 1 on `the SV2 wiki`_. """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(gflux, dtype='?') std = primary.copy() # ADM apply the Legacy Surveys (optical) magnitude and color cuts. std &= isSTD_colors(primary=primary, zflux=zflux, rflux=rflux, gflux=gflux, south=south) # ADM apply the Gaia quality cuts. if usegaia: std &= isSTD_gaia(primary=primary, gaia=gaia, astrometricexcessnoise=astrometricexcessnoise, pmra=pmra, pmdec=pmdec, parallax=parallax, dupsource=dupsource, paramssolved=paramssolved, gaiagmag=gaiagmag, gaiabmag=gaiabmag, gaiarmag=gaiarmag) # ADM apply type=PSF cut std &= _psflike(objtype) # ADM don't target standards in Legacy Surveys mask regions. std &= imaging_mask(maskbits, mwsmask=True) # ADM apply fracflux, S/N cuts and number of observations cuts. fracflux = [gfracflux, rfracflux, zfracflux] fluxivar = [gfluxivar, rfluxivar, zfluxivar] nobs = [gnobs, rnobs, znobs] fracmasked = [gfracmasked, rfracmasked, zfracmasked] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') # fracflux can be Inf/NaN for bandint in (0, 1, 2): # g, r, z std &= fracflux[bandint] < 0.01 std &= fluxivar[bandint] > 0 std &= nobs[bandint] > 0 std &= fracmasked[bandint] < 0.6 # ADM brightness cuts in Gaia G-band if bright: gbright = 16. gfaint = 18. else: gbright = 16. gfaint = 19. if usegaia: std &= gaiagmag >= gbright std &= gaiagmag < gfaint else: # Use LS r-band as a Gaia G-band proxy. gaiamag_proxy = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(rflux.clip(1e-16)) std &= gaiamag_ >= gbright std &= gaiamag_ < gfaint return std
[docs]def isMWS_main(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, w2flux=None, gnobs=None, rnobs=None, gfracmasked=None, rfracmasked=None, pmra=None, pmdec=None, parallax=None, parallaxerr=None, obs_rflux=None, objtype=None, gaia=None, gaiagmag=None, gaiabmag=None, gaiarmag=None, gaiaaen=None, gaiadupsource=None, paramssolved=None, primary=None, south=True, maskbits=None): """Set bits for main ``MWS`` targets. Args: see :func:`~desitarget.cuts.set_target_bits` for parameters. Returns: mask1 : array_like. ``True`` if and only if the object is a ``MWS_BROAD`` target. mask2 : array_like. ``True`` if and only if the object is a ``MWS_MAIN_RED`` target. mask3 : array_like. ``True`` if and only if the object is a ``MWS_MAIN_BLUE`` target. Notes: - Current version (03/09/21) is version 1 on `the SV2 wiki`_. """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(gaia, dtype='?') mws = primary.copy() # ADM currently no difference between N/S for MWS, so easiest # ADM just to use one selection # if south: mws &= notinMWS_main_mask(gaia=gaia, gfracmasked=gfracmasked, gnobs=gnobs, gflux=gflux, rfracmasked=rfracmasked, rnobs=rnobs, rflux=rflux, gaiadupsource=gaiadupsource, primary=primary, maskbits=maskbits) # ADM pass the mws that pass cuts as primary, to restrict to the # ADM sources that weren't in a mask/logic cut. mws, red, blue = isMWS_main_colors( gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, pmra=pmra, pmdec=pmdec, parallax=parallax, parallaxerr=parallaxerr, obs_rflux=obs_rflux, objtype=objtype, gaiagmag=gaiagmag, gaiabmag=gaiabmag, gaiarmag=gaiarmag, gaiaaen=gaiaaen, paramssolved=paramssolved, primary=mws, south=south ) return mws, red, blue
[docs]def notinMWS_main_mask(gaia=None, gfracmasked=None, gnobs=None, gflux=None, rfracmasked=None, rnobs=None, rflux=None, maskbits=None, gaiadupsource=None, primary=None): """Standard set of masking-based cuts used by MWS target selection classes (see, e.g., :func:`~desitarget.cuts.isMWS_main` for parameters). """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(gaia, dtype='?') mws = primary.copy() # ADM don't target MWS-like targets in Legacy Surveys mask regions. mws &= imaging_mask(maskbits, mwsmask=True) # ADM apply the mask/logic selection for all MWS-MAIN targets # ADM main targets match to a Gaia source mws &= gaia mws &= (gfracmasked < 0.5) & (gflux > 0) & (gnobs > 0) mws &= (rfracmasked < 0.5) & (rflux > 0) & (rnobs > 0) mws &= ~gaiadupsource return mws
[docs]def isMWS_main_colors(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, w2flux=None, pmra=None, pmdec=None, parallax=None, parallaxerr=None, obs_rflux=None, objtype=None, paramssolved=None, gaiagmag=None, gaiabmag=None, gaiarmag=None, gaiaaen=None, primary=None, south=True): """Set of color-based cuts used by MWS target selection classes (see, e.g., :func:`~desitarget.cuts.isMWS_main` for parameters). """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(rflux, dtype='?') mws = primary.copy() # ADM main targets are point-like based on DECaLS morphology # ADM and GAIA_ASTROMETRIC_NOISE. mws &= _psflike(objtype) mws &= gaiaaen < 3.0 # ADM main targets are 16 <= r < 19 mws &= rflux > 10**((22.5-19.0)/2.5) mws &= rflux <= 10**((22.5-16.0)/2.5) # ADM main targets are robs < 20 mws &= obs_rflux > 10**((22.5-20.0)/2.5) # ADM calculate the overall proper motion magnitude # ADM inexplicably I'm getting a Runtimewarning here for # ADM a few values in the sqrt, so I'm catching it with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") pm = np.sqrt(pmra**2. + pmdec**2.) # ADM make a copy of the main bits for a red/blue split red = mws.copy() blue = mws.copy() # ADM MWS-BLUE is g-r < 0.7 blue &= rflux < gflux * 10**(0.7/2.5) # (g-r)<0.7 # ADM Turn off any NaNs for astrometric quantities to suppress # ADM warnings. Won't target these, using cuts on paramssolved # ADM (or will explicitly target them based on paramsssolved). ii = paramssolved != 31 parallax = parallax.copy() parallax[ii], pm[ii] = 0., 0. # ADM MWS-RED and MWS-BROAD have g-r >= 0.7 red &= rflux >= gflux * 10**(0.7/2.5) # (g-r)>=0.7 broad = red.copy() # ADM MWS-RED also has parallax < max(3parallax_err,1)mas # ADM and proper motion < 7 # ADM and all astrometric parameters are measured. red &= parallax < np.maximum(3*parallaxerr, 1) red &= pm < 7. red &= paramssolved == 31 # ADM MWS-BROAD has parallax > max(3parallax_err,1)mas # ADM OR proper motion > 7. # ADM OR astrometric parameters not measured. broad &= ((parallax >= np.maximum(3*parallaxerr, 1)) | (pm >= 7.) | (paramssolved != 31)) return broad, red, blue
[docs]def isMWS_nearby(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, w2flux=None, objtype=None, gaia=None, primary=None, paramssolved=None, pmra=None, pmdec=None, parallax=None, parallaxerr=None, obs_rflux=None, gaiagmag=None, gaiabmag=None, gaiarmag=None): """Set bits for NEARBY Milky Way Survey targets. Args: see :func:`~desitarget.cuts.set_target_bits` for parameters. Returns: mask : array_like. True if and only if the object is a MWS-NEARBY target. Notes: - Current version (03/09/21) is version 1 on `the SV2 wiki`_. """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(gaia, dtype='?') mws = primary.copy() # ADM do not target any objects for which entries are NaN # ADM and turn off the NaNs for those entries nans = np.isnan(gaiagmag) | np.isnan(parallax) w = np.where(nans)[0] if len(w) > 0: # ADM make copies as we are reassigning values parallax, gaiagmag = parallax.copy(), gaiagmag.copy() parallax[w], gaiagmag[w] = 0., 0. mws &= ~nans'{}/{} NaNs in file...t = {:.1f}s' .format(len(w), len(mws), time()-start)) # ADM apply the selection for all MWS-NEARBY targets # ADM must be a Legacy Surveys object that matches a Gaia source mws &= gaia # ADM Gaia G mag of less than 20 mws &= gaiagmag < 20. # APC Gaia G mag of more than 16 mws &= gaiagmag > 16. # ADM all astrometric parameters are measured. mws &= paramssolved == 31 # ADM parallax cut corresponding to 100pc mws &= (parallax + parallaxerr) > 10. # NB: "+" is correct return mws
[docs]def isMWS_bhb(primary=None, objtype=None, gaia=None, gaiaaen=None, gaiadupsource=None, gaiagmag=None, gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, w1snr=None, maskbits=None, gnobs=None, rnobs=None, znobs=None, gfracmasked=None, rfracmasked=None, zfracmasked=None, parallax=None, parallaxerr=None): """Set bits for BHB Milky Way Survey targets Parameters ---------- see :func:`~desitarget.cuts.set_target_bits` for other parameters. Returns ------- mask : array_like. True if and only if the object is a MWS-BHB target. Notes ----- - Criteria supplied by Sergey Koposov - gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux have been corrected for extinction (unlike other MWS selections, which use obs_flux). - Current version (03/09/21) is version 1 on `the SV2 wiki`_. """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(gaia, dtype='?') mws = primary.copy() # ADM do not target any objects for which entries are NaN # ADM and turn off the NaNs for those entries nans = np.isnan(gflux) | np.isnan(rflux) | np.isnan(zflux) | np.isnan(w1flux) | np.isnan(parallax) | np.isnan(gaiagmag) w = np.where(nans)[0] if len(w) > 0: # ADM make copies as we are reassigning values rflux, gflux, zflux, w1flux = rflux.copy(), gflux.copy(), zflux.copy(), w1flux.copy() parallax = parallax.copy() gaigmag = gaiagmag.copy() rflux[w], gflux[w], zflux[w], w1flux[w] = 0., 0., 0., 0. parallax[w] = 0. gaiagmag[w] = 0. mws &= ~nans'{}/{} NaNs in file...t = {:.1f}s' .format(len(w), len(mws), time()-start)) gmag = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(gflux.clip(1e-7)) rmag = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(rflux.clip(1e-7)) zmag = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10(zflux.clip(1e-7)) gmr = gmag-rmag rmz = rmag-zmag # ADM don't target MWS-like targets in Legacy Surveys mask regions. mws &= imaging_mask(maskbits, mwsmask=True) # APC must be a Legacy Surveys object that matches a Gaia source mws &= gaia # APC type must be PSF mws &= _psflike(objtype) # APC no sources brighter than Gaia G = 10 mws &= gaiagmag > 10. # APC exclude nearby sources by parallax mws &= parallax <= 0.1 + 3*parallaxerr mws &= (gfracmasked < 0.5) & (gflux > 0) & (gnobs > 0) mws &= (rfracmasked < 0.5) & (rflux > 0) & (rnobs > 0) mws &= (zfracmasked < 0.5) & (zflux > 0) & (znobs > 0) # APC no gaia duplicated sources mws &= ~gaiadupsource # APC gaia astrometric excess noise < 3 mws &= gaiaaen < 3.0 # APC BHB extinction-corrected color range -0.35 <= gmr <= -0.02 mws &= (gmr >= -0.35) & (gmr <= -0.02) # Coefficients from Sergey Koposov bhb_sel = rmz - (1.07163*gmr**5 - 1.42272*gmr**4 + 0.69476*gmr**3 - 0.12911*gmr**2 + 0.66993*gmr - 0.11368) mws &= (bhb_sel >= -0.05) & (bhb_sel <= 0.05) # APC back out the WISE error = 1/sqrt(ivar) from the SNR = flux*sqrt(ivar) w1fluxerr = w1flux/(w1snr.clip(1e-7)) w1mag_faint = 22.5 - 2.5 * np.log10((w1flux-3*w1fluxerr).clip(1e-7)) # APC WISE cut (Sergey Koposov) mws &= rmag - 2.3*gmr - w1mag_faint < -1.5 # APC Legacy magnitude limits mws &= (rmag >= 16.) & (rmag <= 20.) return mws
[docs]def isMWS_WD(primary=None, gaia=None, galb=None, astrometricexcessnoise=None, pmra=None, pmdec=None, parallax=None, parallaxovererror=None, photbprpexcessfactor=None, astrometricsigma5dmax=None, gaiagmag=None, gaiabmag=None, gaiarmag=None, paramssolved=None): """Set bits for WHITE DWARF Milky Way Survey targets. Args: see :func:`~desitarget.cuts.set_target_bits` for parameters. Returns: mask : array_like. True if and only if the object is a MWS-WD target. Notes: - Current version (03/09/21) is version 1 on `the SV2 wiki`_. """ if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(gaia, dtype='?') mws = primary.copy() # ADM do not target any objects for which entries are NaN # ADM and turn off the NaNs for those entries. if photbprpexcessfactor is not None: nans = (np.isnan(gaiagmag) | np.isnan(gaiabmag) | np.isnan(gaiarmag) | np.isnan(parallax) | np.isnan(photbprpexcessfactor)) else: nans = (np.isnan(gaiagmag) | np.isnan(gaiabmag) | np.isnan(gaiarmag) | np.isnan(parallax)) w = np.where(nans)[0] if len(w) > 0: parallax, gaiagmag = parallax.copy(), gaiagmag.copy() gaiabmag, gaiarmag = gaiabmag.copy(), gaiarmag.copy() if photbprpexcessfactor is not None: photbprpexcessfactor = photbprpexcessfactor.copy() # ADM safe to make these zero regardless of cuts as... photbprpexcessfactor[w] = 0. parallax[w] = 0. gaiagmag[w], gaiabmag[w], gaiarmag[w] = 0., 0., 0. # ADM ...we'll turn off all bits here. mws &= ~nans #'{}/{} NaNs in file...t = {:.1f}s' # .format(len(w), len(mws), time()-start)) # ADM apply the selection for all MWS-WD targets # ADM must be a Legacy Surveys object that matches a Gaia source mws &= gaia # ADM and all astrometric parameters are measured. mws &= paramssolved == 31 # ADM Gaia G mag of less than 20 mws &= gaiagmag < 20. # ADM Galactic b at least 20o from the plane mws &= np.abs(galb) > 20. # ADM gentle cut on parallax significance mws &= parallaxovererror > 1. # ADM Color/absolute magnitude cuts of (defining the WD cooling sequence): # ADM Gabs > 5 # ADM Gabs > 5.93 + 5.047(Bp-Rp) # ADM Gabs > 6(Bp-Rp)3 - 21.77(Bp-Rp)2 + 27.91(Bp-Rp) + 0.897 # ADM Bp-Rp < 1.7 Gabs = gaiagmag+5.*np.log10(parallax.clip(1e-16))-10. br = gaiabmag - gaiarmag mws &= Gabs > 5. mws &= Gabs > 5.93 + 5.047*br mws &= Gabs > 6*br*br*br - 21.77*br*br + 27.91*br + 0.897 mws &= br < 1.7 # ADM Finite proper motion to reject quasars # ADM Inexplicably I'm getting a Runtimewarning here for # ADM a few values in the sqrt, so I'm catching it with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") pm = np.sqrt(pmra**2. + pmdec**2.) mws &= pm > 2. # ADM As of DR7, photbprpexcessfactor and astrometricsigma5dmax are not in the # ADM imaging catalogs. Until they are, ignore these cuts if photbprpexcessfactor is not None: # ADM remove problem objects, which often have bad astrometry mws &= photbprpexcessfactor < 1.7 + 0.06*br*br if astrometricsigma5dmax is not None: # ADM Reject white dwarfs that have really poor astrometry while # ADM retaining white dwarfs that only have relatively poor astrometry mws &= ((astrometricsigma5dmax < 1.5) | ((astrometricexcessnoise < 1.) & (parallaxovererror > 4.) & (pm > 10.))) return mws
[docs]def isMWSSTAR_colors(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, w2flux=None, primary=None, south=True): """A reasonable range of g-r for MWS targets. Returns a boolean array. Args: gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux, w2flux: array_like The flux in nano-maggies of g, r, z, w1, and w2 bands. primary: array_like or None Set to ``True`` for objects to initially consider as possible targets. Defaults to everything being ``True``. south: boolean, defaults to ``True`` Use color-cuts based on photometry from the "south" (DECaLS) as opposed to the "north" (MzLS+BASS). Returns: mask : boolean array, True if the object has colors like an old stellar population, which is what we expect for the main MWS sample Notes: The full MWS target selection also includes PSF-like and fracflux cuts and will include Gaia information; this function is only to enforce a reasonable range of color/TEFF when simulating data. """ # ----- Old stars, g-r > 0 if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(gflux, dtype='?') mwsstar = primary.copy() # - colors g-r > 0 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') grcolor = 2.5 * np.log10(rflux / gflux) # Assume no difference in north vs south color-cuts. if south: mwsstar &= (grcolor > 0.0) else: mwsstar &= (grcolor > 0.0) return mwsstar
[docs]def _check_BGS_targtype(targtype): """Fail if `targtype` is not one of the strings 'bright', 'faint' or 'wise'. """ targposs = ['faint', 'bright', 'wise'] if targtype not in targposs: msg = 'targtype must be one of {} not {}'.format(targposs, targtype) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]def isBGS(rfiberflux=None, gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, w2flux=None, gnobs=None, rnobs=None, znobs=None, gfracmasked=None, rfracmasked=None, zfracmasked=None, gfracflux=None, rfracflux=None, zfracflux=None, gfracin=None, rfracin=None, zfracin=None, gfluxivar=None, rfluxivar=None, zfluxivar=None, maskbits=None, Grr=None, refcat=None, w1snr=None, gaiagmag=None, objtype=None, primary=None, south=True, targtype=None): """Definition of BGS target classes. Returns a boolean array. Args ---- targtype: str, optional, defaults to ``faint`` Pass ``bright`` to use colors appropriate to the ``BGS_BRIGHT`` selection or ``faint`` to use colors appropriate to the ``BGS_FAINT`` selection or ``wise`` to use colors appropriate to the ``BGS_WISE`` selection. Returns ------- :class:`array_like` ``True`` if and only if the object is a BGS target of type ``targtype``. Notes ----- - Current version (03/09/21) is version 1 on `the SV2 wiki`_. - See :func:`~desitarget.cuts.set_target_bits` for other parameters. """ _check_BGS_targtype(targtype) # ------ Bright Galaxy Survey if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(rflux, dtype='?') bgs = primary.copy() bgs &= notinBGS_mask(gnobs=gnobs, rnobs=rnobs, znobs=znobs, primary=primary, gfracmasked=gfracmasked, rfracmasked=rfracmasked, zfracmasked=zfracmasked, gfracflux=gfracflux, rfracflux=rfracflux, zfracflux=zfracflux, gfracin=gfracin, rfracin=rfracin, zfracin=zfracin, w1snr=w1snr, gfluxivar=gfluxivar, rfluxivar=rfluxivar, zfluxivar=zfluxivar, Grr=Grr, gaiagmag=gaiagmag, maskbits=maskbits, targtype=targtype) bgs &= isBGS_colors(rfiberflux=rfiberflux, gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, south=south, targtype=targtype, primary=primary) bgs |= isBGS_lslga(gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, refcat=refcat, maskbits=maskbits, south=south, targtype=targtype) return bgs
[docs]def notinBGS_mask(gnobs=None, rnobs=None, znobs=None, primary=None, gfracmasked=None, rfracmasked=None, zfracmasked=None, gfracflux=None, rfracflux=None, zfracflux=None, gfracin=None, rfracin=None, zfracin=None, w1snr=None, gfluxivar=None, rfluxivar=None, zfluxivar=None, Grr=None, gaiagmag=None, maskbits=None, targtype=None): """Standard set of masking cuts used by all BGS target selection classes (see, e.g., :func:`~desitarget.cuts.isBGS` for parameters). """ _check_BGS_targtype(targtype) if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(gnobs, dtype='?') bgs = primary.copy() bgs &= (gnobs >= 1) & (rnobs >= 1) & (znobs >= 1) bgs &= (gfracmasked < 0.4) & (rfracmasked < 0.4) & (zfracmasked < 0.4) bgs &= (gfracflux < 5.0) & (rfracflux < 5.0) & (zfracflux < 5.0) bgs &= (gfracin > 0.3) & (rfracin > 0.3) & (zfracin > 0.3) bgs &= (gfluxivar > 0) & (rfluxivar > 0) & (zfluxivar > 0) # ADM geometric masking cuts from the Legacy Surveys. bgs &= imaging_mask(maskbits) if targtype == 'bright': bgs &= ((Grr > 0.6) | (gaiagmag == 0)) elif targtype == 'faint': bgs &= ((Grr > 0.6) | (gaiagmag == 0)) elif targtype == 'wise': bgs &= Grr < 0.4 bgs &= Grr > -1 bgs &= w1snr > 5 return bgs
[docs]def isBGS_colors(rfiberflux=None, gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, w2flux=None, south=True, targtype=None, primary=None): """Standard set of color-based cuts used by all BGS target selection classes (see, e.g., :func:`~desitarget.cuts.isBGS` for parameters). """ _check_BGS_targtype(targtype) # ADM to maintain backwards-compatibility with mocks. if rfiberflux is None: log.warning('Setting rfiberflux to rflux!!!') rfiberflux = rflux.copy() if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(rflux, dtype='?') bgs = primary.copy() fmc = np.zeros_like(rflux, dtype='?') if south: bgs &= rflux > gflux * 10**(-1.0/2.5) bgs &= rflux < gflux * 10**(4.0/2.5) bgs &= zflux > rflux * 10**(-1.0/2.5) bgs &= zflux < rflux * 10**(4.0/2.5) else: bgs &= rflux > gflux * 10**(-1.0/2.5) bgs &= rflux < gflux * 10**(4.0/2.5) bgs &= zflux > rflux * 10**(-1.0/2.5) bgs &= zflux < rflux * 10**(4.0/2.5) g = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(gflux.clip(1e-16)) r = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(rflux.clip(1e-16)) z = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(zflux.clip(1e-16)) rfib = 22.5 - 2.5*np.log10(rfiberflux.clip(1e-16)) # Fibre Magnitude Cut (FMC) -- This is a low surface brightness cut # with the aim of increase the redshift success rate. fmc |= ((rfib < (2.9 + 1.2 + 1.0) + r) & (r < 17.8)) fmc |= ((rfib < 22.9) & (r < 20.0) & (r > 17.8)) fmc |= ((rfib < 2.9 + r) & (r > 20)) bgs &= fmc if targtype == 'bright': bgs &= rflux > 10**((22.5-19.5)/2.5) elif targtype == 'faint': bgs &= rflux > 10**((22.5-20.0)/2.5) bgs &= rflux <= 10**((22.5-19.5)/2.5) elif targtype == 'wise': bgs &= rflux > 10**((22.5-20.0)/2.5) bgs &= w1flux*gflux > (zflux*rflux)*10**(-0.2) return bgs
[docs]def isBGS_lslga(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, refcat=None, maskbits=None, south=True, targtype=None): """Module to recover the LSLGA objects in all BGS target selection classes (see, e.g., :func:`~desitarget.cuts.isBGS` for parameters). """ _check_BGS_targtype(targtype) bgs = np.zeros_like(rflux, dtype='?') # the LSLGA galaxies. LX = bgs.copy() # ADM Could check on "L2" for DR8, need to check on "LX" post-DR8. if refcat is not None: rc1d = np.atleast_1d(refcat) if isinstance(rc1d[0], str): LX = [(rc[0] == "L") if len(rc) > 0 else False for rc in rc1d] else: LX = [(rc.decode()[0] == "L") if len(rc) > 0 else False for rc in rc1d] if np.ndim(refcat) == 0: LX = np.array(LX[0], dtype=bool) else: LX = np.array(LX, dtype=bool) bgs |= LX # ADM geometric masking cuts from the Legacy Surveys. bgs &= imaging_mask(maskbits, bgsmask=True) if targtype == 'bright': bgs &= rflux > 10**((22.5-19.5)/2.5) elif targtype == 'faint': bgs &= rflux > 10**((22.5-20.0)/2.5) bgs &= rflux <= 10**((22.5-19.5)/2.5) elif targtype == 'wise': bgs &= rflux > 10**((22.5-20.0)/2.5) bgs &= w1flux*gflux > (zflux*rflux)*10**(-0.2) return bgs
[docs]def isQSO_cuts(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, w2flux=None, w1snr=None, w2snr=None, deltaChi2=None, maskbits=None, gnobs=None, rnobs=None, znobs=None, release=None, objtype=None, primary=None, optical=False, south=True): """Definition of QSO target classes from color cuts. Returns a boolean array. Parameters ---------- optical : :class:`boolean`, defaults to ``False`` Apply just optical color-cuts. south : :class:`boolean`, defaults to ``True`` Use cuts appropriate to the Northern imaging surveys (BASS/MzLS) if ``south=False``, otherwise use cuts appropriate to the Southern imaging survey (DECaLS). Returns ------- :class:`array_like` ``True`` for objects that pass the quasar color/morphology/logic cuts. Notes ----- - Current version (03/09/21) is version 1 on `the SV2 wiki`_. - See :func:`~desitarget.cuts.set_target_bits` for other parameters. """ if not south: gflux, rflux, zflux = shift_photo_north(gflux, rflux, zflux) qso = isQSO_colors(gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, optical=optical, south=south) if south: qso &= w1snr > 4 qso &= w2snr > 2 else: qso &= w1snr > 4 qso &= w2snr > 3 # ADM observed in every band. qso &= (gnobs > 0) & (rnobs > 0) & (znobs > 0) # ADM default to RELEASE of 6000 if nothing is passed. if release is None: release = np.zeros_like(gflux, dtype='?')+6000 qso &= ((deltaChi2 > 40.) | (release >= 5000)) if primary is not None: qso &= primary if objtype is not None: qso &= _psflike(objtype) # ADM default mask bits from the Legacy Surveys not set. qso &= imaging_mask(maskbits) return qso
[docs]def isQSO_colors(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, w1flux=None, w2flux=None, optical=False, south=True): """Tests if sources have quasar-like colors in a color box. (see, e.g., :func:`~desitarget.cuts.isQSO_cuts`). """ # ----- Quasars # Create some composite fluxes. wflux = 0.75*w1flux + 0.25*w2flux grzflux = (gflux + 0.8*rflux + 0.5*zflux) / 2.3 qso = np.ones_like(gflux, dtype='?') qso &= rflux < 10**((22.5-17.5)/2.5) # r>17.5 qso &= rflux > 10**((22.5-22.7)/2.5) # r<22.7 qso &= grzflux < 10**((22.5-17)/2.5) # grz>17 qso &= rflux < gflux * 10**(1.3/2.5) # (g-r)<1.3 qso &= zflux > rflux * 10**(-0.4/2.5) # (r-z)>-0.4 qso &= zflux < rflux * 10**(1.1/2.5) # (r-z)<1.1 if not optical: if south: qso &= w2flux > w1flux * 10**(-0.4/2.5) # (W1-W2)>-0.4 else: qso &= w2flux > w1flux * 10**(-0.3/2.5) # (W1-W2)>-0.3 qso &= wflux * gflux > zflux * grzflux * 10**(-1.0/2.5) # (grz-W)>(g-z)-1.0 # Harder cut on stellar contamination mainseq = rflux > gflux * 10**(0.20/2.5) # g-r>0.2 # Clip to avoid warnings from negative numbers raised to fractional powers. rflux = rflux.clip(0) zflux = zflux.clip(0) mainseq &= rflux**(1+1.53) > gflux * zflux**1.53 * 10**((-0.100+0.20)/2.5) mainseq &= rflux**(1+1.53) < gflux * zflux**1.53 * 10**((+0.100+0.20)/2.5) if not optical: mainseq &= w2flux < w1flux * 10**(0.3/2.5) qso &= ~mainseq return qso
[docs]def isQSO_randomforest(gflux=None, rflux=None, zflux=None, maskbits=None, w1flux=None, w2flux=None, objtype=None, release=None, gnobs=None, rnobs=None, znobs=None, deltaChi2=None, primary=None, ra=None, dec=None, south=True, return_probs=False): """Define QSO targets from a Random Forest. Returns a boolean array. Parameters ---------- south : :class:`boolean`, defaults to ``True`` If ``False``, shift photometry to the Northern (BASS/MzLS) imaging system. return_probs : :class:`boolean`, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, return the QSO/high-z QSO probabilities in addition to the QSO target booleans. Only coded up for DR8 or later of the Legacy Surveys. Will return arrays of zeros for earlier DRs. Returns ------- :class:`array_like` ``True`` for objects that are Random Forest quasar targets. :class:`array_like` ``True`` for objects that are high-z RF quasar targets. :class:`array_like` The (float) probability that a target is a quasar. Only returned if `return_probs` is ``True``. :class:`array_like` The (float) probability that a target is a high-z quasar. Only returned if `return_probs` is ``True``. Notes ----- - Current version (03/16/21) is version 8 on `the SV2 wiki`_. - See :func:`~desitarget.cuts.set_target_bits` for other parameters. """ # ADM Primary (True for anything to initially consider as a possible target). if primary is None: primary = np.ones_like(gflux, dtype=bool) # RELEASE # ADM default to RELEASE of 5000 if nothing is passed. if release is None: release = np.zeros_like(gflux, dtype='?') + 5000 release = np.atleast_1d(release) # Build variables for random forest nFeatures = 11 # Number of attributes describing each object to be classified by the rf nbEntries = rflux.size if not south: gflux, rflux, zflux = shift_photo_north(gflux, rflux, zflux) colors, r, photOK = _getColors(nbEntries, nFeatures, gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux, w2flux) r = np.atleast_1d(r) # For the last version of QSO target selection we add a cut on the Band W1 and W2! limitInf = 1.e-04 w1flux, w2flux = w1flux.clip(limitInf), w2flux.clip(limitInf) W1 = np.atleast_1d(np.where(w1flux > limitInf, 22.5-2.5*np.log10(w1flux), 0.)) W2 = np.atleast_1d(np.where(w2flux > limitInf, 22.5-2.5*np.log10(w2flux), 0.)) W1_cut, W2_cut = 22.3, 22.3 # Preselection to speed up the process rMax = 23.0 # r < 23.0 rMin = 17.5 # r > 17.5 preSelection = (r < rMax) & (r > rMin) & photOK & primary # ADM targets have to be observed in every band. preSelection &= (gnobs > 0) & (rnobs > 0) & (znobs > 0) if objtype is not None: preSelection &= _psflike(objtype) if deltaChi2 is not None: deltaChi2 = np.atleast_1d(deltaChi2) preSelection[release < 5000] &= deltaChi2[release < 5000] > 30. # ADM Reject objects in masks. # ADM BRIGHT BAILOUT GALAXY CLUSTER (1, 10, 12, 13) bits not set. # ALLMASK_G | ALLMASK_R | ALLMASK_Z (5, 6, 7) bits not set. # Now only 1, 12, 13 if maskbits is not None: # ADM default mask bits from the Legacy Surveys not set. preSelection &= imaging_mask(maskbits) # "qso" mask initialized to "preSelection" mask. qso = np.copy(preSelection) # ADM to specifically store the selection from the "HighZ" RF. qsohiz = np.copy(preSelection) # ADM these store the probabilities, should they need returned. pqso = np.zeros_like(qso, dtype='>f4') pqsohiz = np.zeros_like(qso, dtype='>f4') if np.any(preSelection): from desitarget.myRF import myRF # Data reduction to preselected objects colorsReduced = colors[preSelection] releaseReduced = release[preSelection] r_Reduced = r[preSelection] W1_Reduced, W2_Reduced = W1[preSelection], W2[preSelection] colorsIndex = np.arange(0, nbEntries, dtype=np.int64) colorsReducedIndex = colorsIndex[preSelection] # Path to random forest files pathToRF = resource_filename('desitarget', 'data') # rf filenames rf_DR3_fileName = pathToRF + '/rf_model_dr3.npz' rf_DR7_fileName = pathToRF + '/rf_model_dr7.npz' rf_DR7_HighZ_fileName = pathToRF + '/rf_model_dr7_HighZ.npz' rf_DR8_fileName = pathToRF + '/rf_model_dr8.npz' rf_DR8_HighZ_fileName = pathToRF + '/rf_model_dr8_HighZ.npz' rf_DR9_fileName = pathToRF + '/rf_model_dr9_final.npz' tmpReleaseOK = releaseReduced < 5000 if np.any(tmpReleaseOK): # rf initialization - colors data duplicated within "myRF" rf_DR3 = myRF(colorsReduced[tmpReleaseOK], pathToRF, numberOfTrees=200, version=1) # rf loading rf_DR3.loadForest(rf_DR3_fileName) # Compute rf probabilities tmp_rf_proba = rf_DR3.predict_proba() tmp_r_Reduced = r_Reduced[tmpReleaseOK] # Compute optimized proba cut pcut = np.where(tmp_r_Reduced > 20.0, 0.95 - (tmp_r_Reduced - 20.0) * 0.08, 0.95) # Add rf proba test result to "qso" mask qso[colorsReducedIndex[tmpReleaseOK]] = tmp_rf_proba >= pcut # ADM no high-z selection for DR3. qsohiz &= False tmpReleaseOK = (releaseReduced >= 5000) & (releaseReduced < 8000) if np.any(tmpReleaseOK): # rf initialization - colors data duplicated within "myRF" rf = myRF(colorsReduced[tmpReleaseOK], pathToRF, numberOfTrees=500, version=2) rf_HighZ = myRF(colorsReduced[tmpReleaseOK], pathToRF, numberOfTrees=500, version=2) # rf loading rf.loadForest(rf_DR7_fileName) rf_HighZ.loadForest(rf_DR7_HighZ_fileName) # Compute rf probabilities tmp_rf_proba = rf.predict_proba() tmp_rf_HighZ_proba = rf_HighZ.predict_proba() # Compute optimized proba cut tmp_r_Reduced = r_Reduced[tmpReleaseOK] pcut = np.where(tmp_r_Reduced > 20.8, 0.83 - (tmp_r_Reduced - 20.8) * 0.025, 0.83) pcut[tmp_r_Reduced > 21.5] = 0.8125 - 0.15 * (tmp_r_Reduced[tmp_r_Reduced > 21.5] - 21.5) pcut[tmp_r_Reduced > 22.3] = 0.6925 - 0.70 * (tmp_r_Reduced[tmp_r_Reduced > 22.3] - 22.3) pcut_HighZ = np.where(tmp_r_Reduced > 20.5, 0.55 - (tmp_r_Reduced - 20.5) * 0.025, 0.55) # Add rf proba test result to "qso" mask qso[colorsReducedIndex[tmpReleaseOK]] = \ (tmp_rf_proba >= pcut) | (tmp_rf_HighZ_proba >= pcut_HighZ) # ADM populate a mask specific to the "HighZ" selection. qsohiz[colorsReducedIndex[tmpReleaseOK]] = \ (tmp_rf_HighZ_proba >= pcut_HighZ) tmpReleaseOK = (releaseReduced >= 8000) & (releaseReduced < 9000) if np.any(tmpReleaseOK): # rf initialization - colors data duplicated within "myRF" rf = myRF(colorsReduced[tmpReleaseOK], pathToRF, numberOfTrees=500, version=2) rf_HighZ = myRF(colorsReduced[tmpReleaseOK], pathToRF, numberOfTrees=500, version=2) # rf loading rf.loadForest(rf_DR8_fileName) rf_HighZ.loadForest(rf_DR8_HighZ_fileName) # Compute rf probabilities tmp_rf_proba = rf.predict_proba() tmp_rf_HighZ_proba = rf_HighZ.predict_proba() # Compute optimized proba cut tmp_r_Reduced = r_Reduced[tmpReleaseOK] pcut = 0.88 - 0.03*np.tanh(tmp_r_Reduced - 20.5) pcut_HighZ = 0.55 # Add rf proba test result to "qso" mask qso[colorsReducedIndex[tmpReleaseOK]] = \ (tmp_rf_proba >= pcut) | (tmp_rf_HighZ_proba >= pcut_HighZ) # ADM populate a mask specific to the "HighZ" selection. qsohiz[colorsReducedIndex[tmpReleaseOK]] = \ (tmp_rf_HighZ_proba >= pcut_HighZ) # ADM store the probabilities in case they need returned. pqso[colorsReducedIndex[tmpReleaseOK]] = tmp_rf_proba # ADM populate a mask specific to the "HighZ" selection. pqsohiz[colorsReducedIndex[tmpReleaseOK]] = tmp_rf_HighZ_proba tmpReleaseOK = releaseReduced >= 9000 if np.any(tmpReleaseOK): # rf initialization - colors data duplicated within "myRF" rf = myRF(colorsReduced[tmpReleaseOK], pathToRF, numberOfTrees=500, version=2) # rf loading rf.loadForest(rf_DR9_fileName) # Compute rf probabilities tmp_rf_proba = rf.predict_proba() # Compute optimized proba cut tmp_r_Reduced = r_Reduced[tmpReleaseOK] tmp_W1_Reduced, tmp_W2_Reduced = W1_Reduced[tmpReleaseOK], W2_Reduced[tmpReleaseOK] # NO SECOND RF ! ==> keep the structure but no impact on the selection tmp_rf_HighZ_proba, pcut_HighZ = np.zeros(tmp_r_Reduced.size), 1.1 if not south: # threshold selection for North footprint. pcut = 0.88 - 0.04*np.tanh(tmp_r_Reduced - 20.5) else: pcut = np.ones(tmp_rf_proba.size) is_des = (gnobs[preSelection][tmpReleaseOK] > 4) &\ (rnobs[preSelection][tmpReleaseOK] > 4) &\ (znobs[preSelection][tmpReleaseOK] > 4) &\ ((ra[preSelection][tmpReleaseOK] >= 320) | (ra[preSelection][tmpReleaseOK] <= 100)) &\ (dec[preSelection][tmpReleaseOK] <= 10) # threshold selection for DES footprint. pcut[is_des] = 0.7 - 0.05*np.tanh(tmp_r_Reduced[is_des] - 20.5) # threshold selection for South footprint. pcut[~is_des] = 0.84 - 0.04*np.tanh(tmp_r_Reduced[~is_des] - 20.5) # Add rf proba test result to "qso" mask qso[colorsReducedIndex[tmpReleaseOK]] = \ (tmp_rf_proba >= pcut) & (tmp_W1_Reduced <= W1_cut) & (tmp_W2_Reduced <= W2_cut) # (NO IMPACT) ADM populate a mask specific to the "HighZ" selection. qsohiz[colorsReducedIndex[tmpReleaseOK]] = \ (tmp_rf_HighZ_proba >= pcut_HighZ) # ADM store the probabilities in case they need returned. pqso[colorsReducedIndex[tmpReleaseOK]] = tmp_rf_proba # (NO IMPACT) ADM populate a mask specific to the "HighZ" selection. pqsohiz[colorsReducedIndex[tmpReleaseOK]] = tmp_rf_HighZ_proba # In case of call for a single object passed to the function with # scalar arguments. Return "numpy.bool_" instead of "~numpy.ndarray". if nbEntries == 1: qso = qso[0] qsohiz = qsohiz[0] pqso = pqso[0] pqsohiz = pqsohiz[0] # ADM if requested, return the probabilities as well. if return_probs: return qso, qsohiz, pqso, pqsohiz return qso, qsohiz
[docs]def _psflike(psftype): """ If the object is PSF """ # ADM explicitly checking for NoneType. I can't see why we'd ever want to # ADM run this test on empty information. In the past we have had bugs where # ADM we forgot to pass objtype=objtype in, e.g., isSTD if psftype is None: raise ValueError("NoneType submitted to _psfflike function") psftype = np.asarray(psftype) # ADM in Python3 these string literals become byte-like # ADM so to retain Python2 compatibility we need to check # ADM against both bytes and unicode # ADM, also 'PSF' for; 'PSF ' for fitsio (sigh) psflike = ((psftype == 'PSF') | (psftype == b'PSF') | (psftype == 'PSF ') | (psftype == b'PSF ')) return psflike
[docs]def _isonnorthphotsys(photsys): """ If the object is from the northen photometric system """ # ADM explicitly checking for NoneType. I can't see why we'd ever want to # ADM run this test on empty information. In the past we have had bugs where # ADM we forgot to populate variables before passing them if photsys is None: raise ValueError("NoneType submitted to _isonnorthphotsys function") psftype = np.asarray(photsys) # ADM in Python3 these string literals become byte-like # ADM so to retain Python2 compatibility we need to check # ADM against both bytes and unicode northern = ((photsys == 'N') | (photsys == b'N')) return northern
def _getColors(nbEntries, nfeatures, gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux, w2flux): limitInf = 1.e-04 gflux = gflux.clip(limitInf) rflux = rflux.clip(limitInf) zflux = zflux.clip(limitInf) w1flux = w1flux.clip(limitInf) w2flux = w2flux.clip(limitInf) g = np.where(gflux > limitInf, 22.5-2.5*np.log10(gflux), 0.) r = np.where(rflux > limitInf, 22.5-2.5*np.log10(rflux), 0.) z = np.where(zflux > limitInf, 22.5-2.5*np.log10(zflux), 0.) W1 = np.where(w1flux > limitInf, 22.5-2.5*np.log10(w1flux), 0.) W2 = np.where(w2flux > limitInf, 22.5-2.5*np.log10(w2flux), 0.) photOK = (g > 0.) & (r > 0.) & (z > 0.) & (W1 > 0.) & (W2 > 0.) colors = np.zeros((nbEntries, nfeatures)) colors[:, 0] = g-r colors[:, 1] = r-z colors[:, 2] = g-z colors[:, 3] = g-W1 colors[:, 4] = r-W1 colors[:, 5] = z-W1 colors[:, 6] = g-W2 colors[:, 7] = r-W2 colors[:, 8] = z-W2 colors[:, 9] = W1-W2 colors[:, 10] = r return colors, r, photOK
[docs]def _is_row(table): """Return True/False if this is a row of a table instead of a full table. supports numpy.ndarray,, and astropy.table.Table """ import import astropy.table.row if isinstance(table, (, astropy.table.row.Row)) or \ np.isscalar(table): return True else: return False
[docs]def set_target_bits(photsys_north, photsys_south, obs_rflux, gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux, w2flux, gfiberflux, rfiberflux, zfiberflux, gfibertotflux, rfibertotflux, zfibertotflux, objtype, release, ra, dec, gfluxivar, rfluxivar, zfluxivar, w1fluxivar, gnobs, rnobs, znobs, gfracflux, rfracflux, zfracflux, gfracmasked, rfracmasked, zfracmasked, gfracin, rfracin, zfracin, gallmask, rallmask, zallmask, gsnr, rsnr, zsnr, w1snr, w2snr, deltaChi2, dchisq, gaia, pmra, pmdec, parallax, parallaxovererror, parallaxerr, gaiagmag, gaiabmag, gaiarmag, gaiaaen, gaiadupsource, gaiaparamssolved, gaiabprpfactor, gaiasigma5dmax, galb, tcnames, qso_optical_cuts, qso_selection, maskbits, Grr, refcat, primary, resolvetargs=True): """Perform target selection on parameters, return target mask arrays. Parameters ---------- photsys_north, photsys_south : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` ``True`` for objects that were drawn from northern (MzLS/BASS) or southern (DECaLS) imaging, respectively. obs_rflux : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` `rflux` but WITHOUT any Galactic extinction correction. gflux, rflux, zflux, w1flux, w2flux : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The flux in nano-maggies of g, r, z, W1 and W2 bands. Corrected for Galactic extinction. gfiberflux, rfiberflux, zfiberflux : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Predicted fiber flux from object in 1 arcsecond seeing in g/r/z. Corrected for Galactic extinction. gfibertotflux, rfibertotflux, zfibertotflux : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Predicted fiber flux from ALL sources at object's location in 1 arcsecond seeing in g/r/z. NOT corrected for Galactic extinction. objtype, release : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` `The Legacy Surveys`_ imaging ``TYPE`` and ``RELEASE`` columns. gfluxivar, rfluxivar, zfluxivar, w1fluxivar: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The flux inverse variances in g, r, z and W1 bands. gnobs, rnobs, znobs: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The number of observations (in the central pixel) in g, r and z. gfracflux, rfracflux, zfracflux: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources divided by the total flux in g, r and z bands. gfracmasked, rfracmasked, zfracmasked: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Fraction of masked pixels in the g, r and z bands. gallmask, rallmask, zallmask: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Bitwise mask set if the central pixel from all images satisfy each condition in g, r, z. gsnr, rsnr, zsnr, w1snr, w2snr: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Signal-to-noise in g, r, z, W1 and W2 defined as the flux per band divided by sigma (flux x sqrt of the inverse variance). deltaChi2: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` chi2 difference between PSF and SIMP, dchisq_PSF - dchisq_SIMP. dchisq: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Difference in chi2 between successively more-complex model fits. Columns are model fits, in order, of PSF, REX, EXP, DEV, COMP. gaia: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` ``True`` if there is a match between this object in `the Legacy Surveys`_ and in Gaia. pmra, pmdec, parallax, parallaxovererror: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Gaia-based proper motion in RA and Dec, and parallax and error. gaiagmag, gaiabmag, gaiarmag: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Gaia-based g-, b- and r-band MAGNITUDES. gaiaaen, gaiadupsource, gaiaparamssolved: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Gaia-based measures of Astrometric Excess Noise, whether the source is a duplicate, and how many parameters were solved for. gaiabprpfactor, gaiasigma5dmax: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Gaia_based BP/RP excess factor and longest semi-major axis of 5-d error ellipsoid. galb: :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Galactic latitude (degrees). tcnames : :class:`list`, defaults to running all target classes A list of strings, e.g. ['QSO','LRG']. If passed, process only only those specific target classes. A useful speed-up for tests. Options include ["ELG", "QSO", "LRG", "MWS", "BGS", "STD"]. qso_optical_cuts : :class:`boolean` defaults to ``False`` Apply just optical color-cuts when selecting QSOs with ``qso_selection="colorcuts"``. qso_selection : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to `'randomforest'` The algorithm to use for QSO selection; valid options are `'colorcuts'` and `'randomforest'` maskbits: boolean array_like or None General `Legacy Surveys mask`_ bits. Grr: array_like or None Gaia G band magnitude minus observational r magnitude. primary : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` ``True`` for objects that should be considered when setting bits. survey : :class:`str`, defaults to ``'main'`` Specifies which target masks yaml file and target selection cuts to use. Options are ``'main'`` and ``'svX``' (X is 1, 2, etc.) for the main survey and different iterations of SV, respectively. resolvetargs : :class:`boolean`, optional, defaults to ``True`` If ``True``, if only northern (southern) sources are passed then only apply the northern (southern) cuts to those sources. ra, dec : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The Ra, Dec position of objects Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` (desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target) where each element is an ndarray of target selection bitmask flags for each object. Notes ----- - Gaia quantities have units as for `the Gaia data model`_. """ from desitarget.sv2.sv2_targetmask import desi_mask, bgs_mask, mws_mask # ADM if resolvetargs is set, limit to only sending north/south objects # ADM through north/south cuts. south_cuts = [False, True] if resolvetargs: # ADM if only southern objects were sent this will be [True], if # ADM only northern it will be [False], else it wil be both. south_cuts = list(set(np.atleast_1d(photsys_south))) # ADM default for target classes we WON'T process is all False. tcfalse = primary & False # ADM initially set everything to arrays of False for the LRG selection # ADM the zeroth element stores the northern targets bits (south=False). lrg_classes = [tcfalse, tcfalse] if "LRG" in tcnames: for south in south_cuts: lrg_classes[int(south)] = isLRG( primary=primary, gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, zfiberflux=zfiberflux, gnobs=gnobs, rnobs=rnobs, znobs=znobs, rfluxivar=rfluxivar, zfluxivar=zfluxivar, w1fluxivar=w1fluxivar, gaiagmag=gaiagmag, maskbits=maskbits, south=south ) lrg_north, lrg_south = lrg_classes # ADM combine LRG target bits for an LRG target based on any imaging. lrg = (lrg_north & photsys_north) | (lrg_south & photsys_south) # ADM initially set everything to arrays of False for the ELG selection # ADM the zeroth element stores the northern targets bits (south=False). elg_classes = [tcfalse, tcfalse] if "ELG" in tcnames: for south in south_cuts: elg_classes[int(south)] = isELG( primary=primary, gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, gfiberflux=gfiberflux, gsnr=gsnr, rsnr=rsnr, zsnr=zsnr, gnobs=gnobs, rnobs=rnobs, znobs=znobs, maskbits=maskbits, south=south ) elg_north, elg_south = elg_classes # ADM combine ELG target bits for an ELG target based on any imaging. elg = (elg_north & photsys_north) | (elg_south & photsys_south) # ADM initially set everything to arrays of False for the QSO selection # ADM the zeroth element stores the northern targets bits (south=False). qso_classes = [[tcfalse, tcfalse], [tcfalse, tcfalse]] if "QSO" in tcnames: for south in south_cuts: if qso_selection == 'colorcuts': # ADM determine quasar targets in the north and the south separately # ADM the [0] here is critical as isQSO_cuts only returns one bit # ADM and the other bit (which is the "high-z" bit from the Random # ADM Forest needs to be set to all "False". qso_classes[int(south)][0] = isQSO_cuts( primary=primary, zflux=zflux, rflux=rflux, gflux=gflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, deltaChi2=deltaChi2, maskbits=maskbits, gnobs=gnobs, rnobs=rnobs, znobs=znobs, objtype=objtype, w1snr=w1snr, w2snr=w2snr, release=release, optical=qso_optical_cuts, south=south ) elif qso_selection == 'randomforest': # ADM determine quasar targets in the north and the south separately qso_classes[int(south)] = isQSO_randomforest( primary=primary, zflux=zflux, rflux=rflux, gflux=gflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, deltaChi2=deltaChi2, maskbits=maskbits, gnobs=gnobs, rnobs=rnobs, znobs=znobs, objtype=objtype, release=release, ra=ra, dec=dec, south=south ) else: raise ValueError('Unknown qso_selection {}; valid options are {}'.format( qso_selection, qso_selection_options)) qso_north, qso_hiz_north = qso_classes[0] qso_south, qso_hiz_south = qso_classes[1] # ADM combine QSO targeting bits for a QSO selected in any imaging. qso = (qso_north & photsys_north) | (qso_south & photsys_south) qsohiz = (qso_hiz_north & photsys_north) | (qso_hiz_south & photsys_south) # ADM initially set everything to arrays of False for the BGS selection # ADM the zeroth element stores the northern targets bits (south=False). bgs_classes = [[tcfalse, tcfalse, tcfalse], [tcfalse, tcfalse, tcfalse]] # ADM set the BGS bits if "BGS" in tcnames: for south in south_cuts: bgs_store = [] for targtype in ["bright", "faint", "wise"]: bgs_store.append( isBGS( rfiberflux=rfiberflux, gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w2flux=w2flux, gnobs=gnobs, rnobs=rnobs, znobs=znobs, gfracmasked=gfracmasked, rfracmasked=rfracmasked, zfracmasked=zfracmasked, gfracflux=gfracflux, rfracflux=rfracflux, zfracflux=zfracflux, gfracin=gfracin, rfracin=rfracin, zfracin=zfracin, gfluxivar=gfluxivar, rfluxivar=rfluxivar, zfluxivar=zfluxivar, maskbits=maskbits, Grr=Grr, refcat=refcat, w1snr=w1snr, gaiagmag=gaiagmag, objtype=objtype, primary=primary, south=south, targtype=targtype ) ) bgs_classes[int(south)] = bgs_store bgs_bright_north, bgs_faint_north, bgs_wise_north = bgs_classes[0] bgs_bright_south, bgs_faint_south, bgs_wise_south = bgs_classes[1] # ADM combine BGS targeting bits for a BGS selected in any imaging. bgs_bright = (bgs_bright_north & photsys_north) | (bgs_bright_south & photsys_south) bgs_faint = (bgs_faint_north & photsys_north) | (bgs_faint_south & photsys_south) bgs_wise = (bgs_wise_north & photsys_north) | (bgs_wise_south & photsys_south) # ADM 10% of the BGS_FAINT sources need the BGS_FAINT_HIP bit set. # ADM form a seed using RA/Dec in case we parallelized by HEALPixel. # SJB seeds must be within 0 - 2**32-1 # SJB np1.18 scalar vs. vector support, but note that HIP won't be # set identically for vector vs. calling scalar N times. uniqseed = int(np.mean(zflux)*1e5) % (2**32 - 1) np.random.seed(uniqseed) hip = None if np.isscalar(bgs_faint): if bgs_faint: nbgsf = 1 hip = np.random.uniform(0, 1) < 0.1 else: w = np.where(bgs_faint)[0] nbgsf = len(w) if nbgsf > 0: hip = np.random.choice(w, nbgsf//10, replace=False) # ADM initially set everything to arrays of False for the MWS selection # ADM the zeroth element stores the northern targets bits (south=False). mws_classes = [[tcfalse, tcfalse, tcfalse], [tcfalse, tcfalse, tcfalse]] mws_nearby = tcfalse mws_bhb = tcfalse if "MWS" in tcnames: mws_nearby = isMWS_nearby( gaia=gaia, gaiagmag=gaiagmag, parallax=parallax, parallaxerr=parallaxerr, paramssolved=gaiaparamssolved ) mws_bhb = isMWS_bhb( primary=primary, objtype=objtype, gaia=gaia, gaiaaen=gaiaaen, gaiadupsource=gaiadupsource, gaiagmag=gaiagmag, gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, zflux=zflux, w1flux=w1flux, w1snr=w1snr, gnobs=gnobs, rnobs=rnobs, znobs=znobs, gfracmasked=gfracmasked, rfracmasked=rfracmasked, zfracmasked=zfracmasked, parallax=parallax, parallaxerr=parallaxerr, maskbits=maskbits ) # ADM run the MWS target types for (potentially) both north and south. for south in south_cuts: mws_classes[int(south)] = isMWS_main( gaia=gaia, gaiaaen=gaiaaen, gaiadupsource=gaiadupsource, gflux=gflux, rflux=rflux, obs_rflux=obs_rflux, objtype=objtype, gnobs=gnobs, rnobs=rnobs, gfracmasked=gfracmasked, rfracmasked=rfracmasked, pmra=pmra, pmdec=pmdec, parallax=parallax, parallaxerr=parallaxerr, maskbits=maskbits, paramssolved=gaiaparamssolved, primary=primary, south=south ) mws_broad_n, mws_red_n, mws_blue_n = mws_classes[0] mws_broad_s, mws_red_s, mws_blue_s = mws_classes[1] # ADM treat the MWS WD selection specially, as we have to run the # ADM white dwarfs for standards and MWS science targets. mws_wd = tcfalse if "MWS" in tcnames or "STD" in tcnames: mws_wd = isMWS_WD( gaia=gaia, galb=galb, astrometricexcessnoise=gaiaaen, pmra=pmra, pmdec=pmdec, parallax=parallax, parallaxovererror=parallaxovererror, paramssolved=gaiaparamssolved, photbprpexcessfactor=gaiabprpfactor, astrometricsigma5dmax=gaiasigma5dmax, gaiagmag=gaiagmag, gaiabmag=gaiabmag, gaiarmag=gaiarmag ) # ADM initially set everything to False for the standards. std_faint, std_bright, std_wd = tcfalse, tcfalse, tcfalse if "STD" in tcnames: # ADM run the MWS_MAIN target types for both faint and bright. # ADM Make sure to pass all of the needed columns! At one point we stopped # ADM passing objtype, which meant no standards were being returned. std_classes = [] for bright in [False, True]: std_classes.append( isSTD( primary=primary, zflux=zflux, rflux=rflux, gflux=gflux, maskbits=maskbits, gfracflux=gfracflux, rfracflux=rfracflux, zfracflux=zfracflux, gfracmasked=gfracmasked, rfracmasked=rfracmasked, objtype=objtype, zfracmasked=zfracmasked, gnobs=gnobs, rnobs=rnobs, znobs=znobs, gfluxivar=gfluxivar, rfluxivar=rfluxivar, zfluxivar=zfluxivar, gaia=gaia, astrometricexcessnoise=gaiaaen, paramssolved=gaiaparamssolved, pmra=pmra, pmdec=pmdec, parallax=parallax, dupsource=gaiadupsource, gaiagmag=gaiagmag, gaiabmag=gaiabmag, gaiarmag=gaiarmag, bright=bright ) ) std_faint, std_bright = std_classes # ADM the standard WDs are currently identical to the MWS WDs. std_wd = mws_wd # ADM combine the north/south MWS bits. mws_broad = (mws_broad_n & photsys_north) | (mws_broad_s & photsys_south) mws_blue = (mws_blue_n & photsys_north) | (mws_blue_s & photsys_south) mws_red = (mws_red_n & photsys_north) | (mws_red_s & photsys_south) # Construct the targetflag bits for DECaLS (i.e. South). desi_target = lrg_south * desi_mask.LRG_SOUTH desi_target |= elg_south * desi_mask.ELG_SOUTH desi_target |= qso_south * desi_mask.QSO_SOUTH # Construct the targetflag bits for MzLS and BASS (i.e. North). desi_target |= lrg_north * desi_mask.LRG_NORTH desi_target |= elg_north * desi_mask.ELG_NORTH desi_target |= qso_north * desi_mask.QSO_NORTH # Construct the targetflag bits combining north and south. desi_target |= lrg * desi_mask.LRG desi_target |= elg * desi_mask.ELG desi_target |= qso * desi_mask.QSO desi_target |= qsohiz * desi_mask.QSO_HIZ # ADM Standards. desi_target |= std_faint * desi_mask.STD_FAINT desi_target |= std_bright * desi_mask.STD_BRIGHT desi_target |= std_wd * desi_mask.STD_WD # BGS targets, south. bgs_target = bgs_bright_south * bgs_mask.BGS_BRIGHT_SOUTH bgs_target |= bgs_faint_south * bgs_mask.BGS_FAINT_SOUTH # ADM turn off BGS_WISE until we're sure we'll use it. # bgs_target |= bgs_wise_south * bgs_mask.BGS_WISE_SOUTH # BGS targets, north. bgs_target |= bgs_bright_north * bgs_mask.BGS_BRIGHT_NORTH bgs_target |= bgs_faint_north * bgs_mask.BGS_FAINT_NORTH # ADM turn off BGS_WISE until we're sure we'll use it. # bgs_target |= bgs_wise_north * bgs_mask.BGS_WISE_NORTH # BGS targets, combined. bgs_target |= bgs_bright * bgs_mask.BGS_BRIGHT bgs_target |= bgs_faint * bgs_mask.BGS_FAINT # ADM turn off BGS_WISE until we're sure we'll use it. # bgs_target |= bgs_wise * bgs_mask.BGS_WISE # ADM set 10% of the BGS_FAINT targets to BGS_FAINT_HIP. if hip is not None: if hip is True: bgs_target |= bgs_mask.BGS_FAINT_HIP else: bgs_target[hip] |= bgs_mask.BGS_FAINT_HIP # ADM MWS main, nearby, and WD. mws_target = mws_broad * mws_mask.MWS_BROAD mws_target |= mws_wd * mws_mask.MWS_WD mws_target |= mws_nearby * mws_mask.MWS_NEARBY mws_target |= mws_bhb * mws_mask.MWS_BHB # ADM MWS main north/south split. mws_target |= mws_broad_n * mws_mask.MWS_BROAD_NORTH mws_target |= mws_broad_s * mws_mask.MWS_BROAD_SOUTH # ADM MWS main blue/red split. mws_target |= mws_blue * mws_mask.MWS_MAIN_BLUE mws_target |= mws_blue_n * mws_mask.MWS_MAIN_BLUE_NORTH mws_target |= mws_blue_s * mws_mask.MWS_MAIN_BLUE_SOUTH mws_target |= mws_red * mws_mask.MWS_MAIN_RED mws_target |= mws_red_n * mws_mask.MWS_MAIN_RED_NORTH mws_target |= mws_red_s * mws_mask.MWS_MAIN_RED_SOUTH # Are any BGS or MWS bit set? Tell desi_target too. desi_target |= (bgs_target != 0) * desi_mask.BGS_ANY desi_target |= (mws_target != 0) * desi_mask.MWS_ANY return desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target