Source code for desitarget.targets


Presumably this defines targets.

.. _`DocDB 2348`:
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn
from importlib import import_module

from astropy.table import Table

from desitarget.targetmask import desi_mask, bgs_mask, mws_mask
from desitarget.targetmask import scnd_mask, targetid_mask
from desitarget.targetmask import obsconditions

# ADM set up the DESI default logger.
from desiutil.log import get_logger
log = get_logger()

# ADM common redshift that defines a Lyman-Alpha QSO.
zcut = 2.1
# ADM common redshift that defines a QSO to be reobserved for
# ADM the Gontcho a Gontcho and Weiner et al. secondary programs.
midzcut = 1.6

[docs]def encode_targetid(objid=None, brickid=None, release=None, mock=None, sky=None, gaiadr=None): """Create the DESI TARGETID from input source and imaging info. Parameters ---------- objid : :class:`int` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional The OBJID from Legacy Surveys imaging or the row within a Gaia HEALPixel file in $GAIA_DIR/healpix if `gaia` is not ``None``. brickid : :class:`int` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional The BRICKID from Legacy Surveys imaging. or the Gaia HEALPixel chunk number for files in $GAIA_DIR/healpix if `gaia` is not ``None``. release : :class:`int` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional The RELEASE from Legacy Surveys imaging. Or, if < 1000, the secondary target class bit flag number from 'data/targetmask.yaml'. Or, if < 1000 and `sky` is not ``None``, the HEALPixel processing number for SUPP_SKIES. mock : :class:`int` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional 1 if this object is a mock object (generated from mocks or from a random catalog, not from real survey data), 0 otherwise sky : :class:`int` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional 1 if this object is a blank sky object, 0 otherwise gaiadr : :class:`int` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional The Gaia Data Release number (e.g. send 2 for Gaia DR2). A value of 1 does NOT mean DR1. Rather it has the specific meaning of a DESI first-light commissioning target. Returns ------- :class:`int` or `~numpy.ndarray` The TARGETID for DESI, encoded according to the bits listed in :meth:`desitarget.targetid_mask`. If an integer is passed, then an integer is returned, otherwise an array is returned. Notes ----- - Has maximum flexibility so that mixes of integers and arrays can be passed, in case some value like BRICKID or SKY is the same for a set of objects. Consider, e.g.: print( targets.decode_targetid( targets.encode_targetid(objid=np.array([234,12]), brickid=np.array([234,12]), release=4000, sky=[1,0])) ) (array([234,12]), array([234,12]), array([4000,4000]), array([0,0]), array([1,0]), array([0, 0])) - See also `DocDB 2348`_. """ # ADM a flag that tracks whether the main inputs were integers. intpassed = True # ADM the names of the bits with RESERVED removed. bitnames = targetid_mask.names() if "RESERVED" in bitnames: bitnames.remove("RESERVED") # ADM determine the length of passed values that aren't None. # ADM default to an integer (length 1). nobjs = 1 inputs = [objid, brickid, release, mock, sky, gaiadr] goodpar = [param is not None for param in inputs] firstgoodpar = np.where(goodpar)[0][0] if isinstance(inputs[firstgoodpar], np.ndarray): nobjs = len(inputs[firstgoodpar]) intpassed = False # ADM set parameters that weren't passed to zerod arrays # ADM set integers that were passed to at least 1D arrays for i, param in enumerate(inputs): if param is None: inputs[i] = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype='int64') else: inputs[i] = np.atleast_1d(param) # ADM check passed parameters don't exceed their bit-allowance # ADM and aren't negative numbers. for param, bitname in zip(inputs, bitnames): msg = 'Invalid range when making targetid: {} '.format(bitname) if not np.all(param < 2**targetid_mask[bitname].nbits): msg += 'cannot exceed {}'.format(2**targetid_mask[bitname].nbits - 1) if not np.all(param >= 0): msg += 'cannot be negative' if 'cannot' in msg: log.critical(msg) raise IOError(msg) # ADM set up targetid as an array of 64-bit integers. targetid = np.zeros(nobjs, ('int64')) # ADM populate TARGETID. Shift to type integer 64 to avoid casting. for param, bitname in zip(inputs, bitnames): targetid |= param.astype('int64') << targetid_mask[bitname].bitnum # ADM if the main inputs were integers, return an integer. if intpassed: return targetid[0] return targetid
[docs]def decode_targetid(targetid): """break a DESI TARGETID into its constituent parts. Parameters ---------- :class:`int` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The TARGETID for DESI, encoded according to the bits listed in :meth:`desitarget.targetid_mask`. Returns ------- :class:`int` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The OBJID from Legacy Surveys imaging or the row within a Gaia HEALPixel file in $GAIA_DIR/healpix if `gaia` is not ``None``. :class:`int` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The BRICKID from Legacy Surveys imaging. or the Gaia HEALPixel chunk number for files in $GAIA_DIR/healpix if `gaia` is not ``None``. :class:`int` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The RELEASE from Legacy Surveys imaging. Or, if < 1000, the secondary target class bit flag number from 'data/targetmask.yaml'. Or, if < 1000 and `sky` is not ``None``, the HEALPixel processing number for SUPP_SKIES. :class:`int` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` 1 if this object is a mock object (generated from mocks or from a random catalog, not from real survey data), 0 otherwise :class:`int` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` 1 if this object is a blank sky object, 0 otherwise :class:`int` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The Gaia Data Release number (e.g. will be 2 for Gaia DR2). A value of 1 does NOT mean DR1. Rather it has the specific meaning of a DESI first-light commissioning target. Notes ----- - if a 1-D array is passed, then an integer is returned. Otherwise an array is returned. - see also `DocDB 2348`_. """ # ADM the names of the bits with RESERVED removed. bitnames = targetid_mask.names() if "RESERVED" in bitnames: bitnames.remove("RESERVED") # ADM retrieve each value by left-shifting by the number of bits # ADM that comprise the value, to the left-end of the value, and # ADM then right-shifting to the right-end. outputs = [] for bitname in bitnames: bitnum = targetid_mask[bitname].bitnum val = (targetid & (2**targetid_mask[bitname].nbits - 1 << targetid_mask[bitname].bitnum)) >> bitnum outputs.append(val) return outputs
[docs]def encode_negative_targetid(ra, dec, group=1): """ Create negative 64-bit TARGETID from (ra,dec) unique to ~1.2 milliarcsec Parameters ---------- ra : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Right Ascension in degrees 0 <= ra <= 360 dec : :class:`float` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Declination in degrees -90 <= dec <= 90 group : int, optional (default 1) group number 1-15 to encode Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.int64` or :class:`~numpy.ndarray` negative TARGETID derived from (ra,dec) """ # Hardcode number of bits. nbits_ra = 30 nbits_dec = 29 nbits_group = 4 # Check input dimensionality. scalar_input = np.isscalar(ra) if np.isscalar(ra) != np.isscalar(dec): raise TypeError('ra and dec must both be scalars or both be arrays') if not (1 <= group <= 15): raise ValueError(f'group {group} must be within 1-15') group = np.int8(group) # Convert to arrays to enable things like .astype(int). ra = np.atleast_1d(ra) dec = np.atleast_1d(dec) assert np.all((0.0 <= ra) & (ra <= 360.0)) assert np.all((-90.0 <= dec) & (dec <= 90.0)) # encode ra in bits 30-59 and dec in bits 0-29. ra_bits = ((2**nbits_ra - 1) * (ra/360.0)).astype(int) dec_bits = ((2**nbits_dec - 1) * ((dec+90.0)/180.0)).astype(int) group_bitshift = nbits_dec + nbits_ra ra_bitshift = nbits_dec targetid = -((group << group_bitshift) + (ra_bits << ra_bitshift) + dec_bits) # return value has dimensionality of inputs. if scalar_input: return targetid[0] else: return targetid
[docs]def decode_negative_targetid(targetid): """ TODO: document """ # Hardcode number of bits. nbits_ra = 30 nbits_dec = 29 nbits_group = 4 dec_mask = 2**nbits_dec - 1 ra_mask = 2**nbits_ra - 1 group_mask = 2**nbits_group - 1 group_bitshift = nbits_dec + nbits_ra ra_bitshift = nbits_dec dec_bits = (-targetid) & dec_mask ra_bits = ((-targetid) >> ra_bitshift) & ra_mask group = ((-targetid) >> group_bitshift) & group_mask ra = ra_bits / (2**nbits_ra - 1) * 360.0 dec = dec_bits / (2**nbits_dec - 1) * 180.0 - 90.0 return ra, dec, group
[docs]def switch_main_cmx_or_sv(revamp, archetype): """change the data model of a set of targets to match another. Parameters ---------- revamp : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of targets generated by, e.g., :mod:`~desitarget.cuts` must include columns `DESI_TARGET`, `MWS_TARGET` and `BGS_TARGET` or the corresponding commissioning or SV columns. archetype : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Like `revamp` but with a different flavor of `DESI_TARGET`, `MWS_TARGET` and `BGS_TARGET` columns. For instance, `revamp` might have the Main Survey columns and `archetype` might have the SV1 columns. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` `revamp` but with the flavor of `DESI_TARGET`, `MWS_TARGET` and `BGS_TARGET` updated to match that of `archetype` """ # ADM change the SCND_TARGET-like column too, if it exists. scnd = np.any(["SCND_TARGET" in i for i in revamp.dtype.names]) # ADM what are the column names in the file to be changed? oldcols, _, _ = main_cmx_or_sv(revamp, scnd=scnd) # ADM what are the column names to change to? newcols, _, _ = main_cmx_or_sv(archetype, scnd=scnd) # ADM update the column names. renamer = {oldcol: newcol for oldcol, newcol in zip(oldcols, newcols)} renamed = rfn.rename_fields(revamp, renamer) # ADM guard against commissioning files. if "CMX_TARGET" in newcols: renamed = rfn.drop_fields(renamed, oldcols) return renamed
[docs]def main_cmx_or_sv(targets, rename=False, scnd=False): """whether a target array is main survey, commissioning, or SV. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of targets generated by, e.g., :mod:`~desitarget.cuts` must include at least (all of) the columns `DESI_TARGET`, `MWS_TARGET` and `BGS_TARGET` or the corresponding commissioning or SV columns. rename : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then also return a copy of `targets` with the input `_TARGET` columns renamed to reflect the main survey format. scnd : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True``, add the secondary target information to the output. Returns ------- :class:`list` A list of strings corresponding to the target columns names. For the main survey this would be [`DESI_TARGET`, `BGS_TARGET`, `MWS_TARGET`], for commissioning it would just be [`CMX_TARGET`], for SV1 it would be [`SV1_DESI_TARGET`, `SV1_BGS_TARGET`, `SV1_MWS_TARGET`]. Also includes, e.g. `SCND_TARGET`, if `scnd` is passed as ``True``. :class:`list` A list of the masks that correspond to each column from the relevant main/cmx/sv yaml file. Also includes the relevant SCND_MASK, if `scnd` is passed as True. :class:`str` The string 'main', 'cmx' or 'svX' (where X = 1, 2, 3 etc.) for the main survey, commissioning and an iteration of SV. Specifies which type of file was sent. :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, optional, if `rename` is ``True`` A copy of the input targets array with the `_TARGET` columns renamed to `DESI_TARGET`, and (if they exist) `BGS_TARGET`, `MWS_TARGET`. """ # ADM default to the main survey. maincolnames = ["DESI_TARGET", "BGS_TARGET", "MWS_TARGET", "SCND_TARGET"] outcolnames = maincolnames.copy() masks = [desi_mask, bgs_mask, mws_mask, scnd_mask] survey = 'main' # ADM set survey to correspond to commissioning or SV if those columns exist # ADM and extract the column names of interest. incolnames = np.array(targets.dtype.names) notmain = np.array(['SV' in name or 'CMX' in name for name in incolnames]) if np.any(notmain): outcolnames = list(incolnames[notmain]) survey = outcolnames[0].split('_')[0].lower() if survey[:2] == 'sv': outcolnames = ["{}_{}".format(survey.upper(), col) for col in maincolnames] # ADM retrieve the correct masks, depending on the survey type. if survey == 'cmx': from desitarget.cmx.cmx_targetmask import cmx_mask masks = [cmx_mask] elif survey[:2] == 'sv': try: targmask = import_module("desitarget.{}.{}_targetmask".format( survey, survey)) except ModuleNotFoundError: msg = 'Bitmask yaml does not exist for survey type {}'.format(survey) log.critical(msg) raise ModuleNotFoundError(msg) masks = [targmask.desi_mask, targmask.bgs_mask, targmask.mws_mask, targmask.scnd_mask] elif survey != 'main': msg = "input target file must be 'main', 'cmx' or 'sv', not {}!!!".format(survey) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if not scnd: outcolnames = outcolnames[:3] masks = masks[:3] # ADM if requested, rename the columns. if rename: mapper = {} for i, col in enumerate(outcolnames): mapper[col] = maincolnames[i] return outcolnames, masks, survey, rfn.rename_fields(targets, mapper) return outcolnames, masks, survey
[docs]def set_obsconditions(targets, scnd=False): """set the OBSCONDITIONS mask for each target bit. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of targets generated by, e.g., :mod:`~desitarget.cuts`. Must include at least (all of) the columns `DESI_TARGET`, `BGS_TARGET`, `MWS_TARGET` or corresponding cmx or SV columns. scnd : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then make all of the comparisons on the `SCND_TARGET` column instead of `DESI_TARGET`, `BGS_TARGET` and `MWS_TARGET`. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The OBSCONDITIONS bitmask for the passed targets. Notes ----- - the OBSCONDITIONS for each target bit is in the file, e.g. data/targetmask.yaml. It can be retrieved using, for example, `obsconditions.mask(desi_mask["ELG"].obsconditions)`. """ colnames, masks, _ = main_cmx_or_sv(targets, scnd=scnd) # ADM if we requested secondary targets, the needed information # ADM was returned as the last part of each array. if scnd: colnames, masks = colnames[-1:], masks[-1:] n = len(targets) from desitarget.mtl import mtldatamodel as mtldm obscon = np.zeros(n, dtype=mtldm["OBSCONDITIONS"].dtype) for mask, xxx_target in zip(masks, colnames): for name in mask.names(): # ADM which targets have this bit for this mask set? ii = (targets[xxx_target] & mask[name]) != 0 # ADM under what conditions can that bit be observed? if np.any(ii): obscon[ii] |= obsconditions.mask(mask[name].obsconditions) return obscon
[docs]def initial_priority_numobs(targets, scnd=False, obscon="DARK|GRAY|BRIGHT|BACKUP|TWILIGHT12|TWILIGHT18"): """highest initial priority and numobs for an array of target bits. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of targets generated by, e.g., :mod:`~desitarget.cuts`. Must include at least (all of) the columns `DESI_TARGET`, `BGS_TARGET`, `MWS_TARGET` or corresponding cmx or SV columns. scnd : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then make all of the comparisons on the `SCND_TARGET` column instead of `DESI_TARGET`, `BGS_TARGET` and `MWS_TARGET`. obscon : :class:`str`, optional, defaults to almost all OBSCONDITIONS A combination of strings that are in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (specifically in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`). Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of integers corresponding to the highest initial priority for each target consistent with the constraints on observational conditions imposed by `obscon`. :class:`~numpy.ndarray` An array of integers corresponding to the largest number of observations for each target consistent with the constraints on observational conditions imposed by `obscon`. Notes ----- - the initial priority for each target bit is in the file, e.g., data/targetmask.yaml. It can be retrieved using, for example, `desi_mask["ELG"].priorities["UNOBS"]`. - the input obscon string can be converted to a bitmask using `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions.mask(blat)`. """ colnames, masks, _ = main_cmx_or_sv(targets, scnd=scnd) # ADM if we requested secondary targets, the needed information # ADM was returned as the last part of each array. if scnd: colnames, masks = colnames[-1:], masks[-1:] # ADM set up the output arrays. Remember calibs have NUMOBS of -1. # ADM Such calibs will be passed over as they don't have UNOBS set. outpriority = np.zeros(len(targets), dtype='int')-1 outnumobs = np.zeros(len(targets), dtype='int')-1 # ADM convert the passed obscon string to bits. obsbits = obsconditions.mask(obscon) # ADM loop through the masks to establish all bitnames of interest. for colname, mask in zip(colnames, masks): # ADM first determine which bits actually have priorities. bitnames = [] for name in mask.names(): try: _ = mask[name].priorities["UNOBS"] # ADM also only consider bits with correct OBSCONDITIONS. obsforname = obsconditions.mask(mask[name].obsconditions) if (obsforname & obsbits) != 0: bitnames.append(name) except KeyError: pass # ADM loop through the relevant bits updating with the highest # ADM priority and the largest value of NUMOBS. for name in bitnames: # ADM indexes in the DESI/MWS/BGS_TARGET column that have this bit set istarget = (targets[colname] & mask[name]) != 0 # ADM for each index, determine where this bit is set and the priority # ADM for this bit is > than the currently stored priority. w = np.where((mask[name].priorities['UNOBS'] >= outpriority) & istarget)[0] # ADM where a larger priority trumps the stored priority, update the priority if len(w) > 0: outpriority[w] = mask[name].priorities['UNOBS'] # ADM for each index, determine where this bit is set and whether NUMOBS # ADM for this bit is > than the currently stored NUMOBS. w = np.where((mask[name].numobs >= outnumobs) & istarget)[0] # ADM where a larger NUMOBS trumps the stored NUMOBS, update NUMOBS. if len(w) > 0: outnumobs[w] = mask[name].numobs return outpriority, outnumobs
[docs]def calc_numobs_more(targets, zcat, obscon): """ Calculate target NUMOBS_MORE from masks, observation/redshift status. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` numpy structured array or astropy Table of targets. Must include the columns `DESI_TARGET`, `BGS_TARGET`, `MWS_TARGET` (or their SV/cmx equivalents) `TARGETID` and `NUMOBS_INIT`. For Main Survey targets, must also contain `PRIORITY` if this isn't the first time through MTL (used to "lock in" the state of Ly-Alpha QSOs). zcat : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` numpy structured array or Table of redshift info. Must include `Z`, `ZWARN`, `NUMOBS` and `TARGETID` and BE SORTED ON TARGETID to match `targets` row-by-row. May also contain `NUMOBS_MORE` if this isn't the first time through MTL and `NUMOBS > 0`. obscon : :class:`str` A combination of strings that are in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (specifically in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "DARK". Governs the behavior of how priorities are set based on "obsconditions" in the desitarget bitmask yaml file. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` Integer array of number of additional observations (NUMOBS_MORE). Notes ----- - Will automatically detect if the passed targets are main survey, commissioning or SV and behave accordingly. - Most targets are updated to NUMOBS_MORE = NUMOBS_INIT-NUMOBS. Special case for the main survey is QSOs below the midz, which get 1 extra observation. """ # ADM check input arrays are sorted to match row-by-row on TARGETID. assert np.all(targets["TARGETID"] == zcat["TARGETID"]) # ADM determine whether the input targets are main survey, cmx or SV. colnames, masks, survey = main_cmx_or_sv(targets, scnd=True) # ADM the target bits/names should be shared between main survey and SV. if survey != 'cmx': desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target, scnd_target = colnames desi_mask, bgs_mask, mws_mask, scnd_mask = masks else: cmx_mask = masks[0] # ADM main case, just decrement by NUMOBS. numobs_more = np.maximum(0, targets['NUMOBS_INIT'] - zcat['NUMOBS']) # ADM apply special QSO behavior, but only in dark time and after # ADM some observations have occurred. if survey == 'main' and np.any(zcat["NUMOBS"] > 0): if (obsconditions.mask(obscon) & obsconditions.mask("DARK")) != 0: # ADM A QSO target that is confirmed to have a redshift at # ADM z < midzcut will need to drop by 2 total observations # ADM (midzcut is defined at the top of this module). isqso = targets[desi_target] & desi_mask.QSO != 0 # ADM "lock in" the numobs state for existing Ly-Alpha QSOs. lya = targets["PRIORITY"] == desi_mask["QSO"].priorities["MORE_ZGOOD"] # ADM the mocks may not include the secondary targets. if scnd_target in targets.dtype.names: for scxname in scnd_mask.names(): if scnd_mask[scxname].flavor == "QSO": isqso |= targets[scnd_target] & scnd_mask[scxname] != 0 # ADM the definition used for "not-LyA" in calc_priority. midz = (zcat['Z'] < zcut) & ((zcat['Z_QN'] < zcut) | (zcat["IS_QSO_QN"] != 1)) # ADM the likely low-z sources get fewer (2) observations. loz = ((zcat['Z'] < midzcut) | (zcat['Z_QN'] < midzcut) | (zcat["IS_QSO_QN"] != 1)) ii = isqso & midz & loz & ~lya numobs_more[ii] = np.maximum(0, numobs_more[ii] - 2) return numobs_more
[docs]def calc_priority(targets, zcat, obscon, state=False): """ Calculate target priorities from masks, observation/redshift status. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` numpy structured array or astropy Table of targets. Must include the columns `DESI_TARGET`, `BGS_TARGET`, `MWS_TARGET` (or their SV/cmx equivalents) and `TARGETID`. For Main Survey targets, must also contain `PRIORITY` if this isn't the first time through MTL, which is used to "lock in" the state of Lyman-Alpha quasars. zcat : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` numpy structured array or Table of redshift info. Must include `Z`, `ZWARN`, `NUMOBS` and `TARGETID` and BE SORTED ON TARGETID to match `targets` row-by-row. May also contain `NUMOBS_MORE` if this isn't the first time through MTL and `NUMOBS > 0`. obscon : :class:`str` A combination of strings that are in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (specifically in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "DARK|GRAY". Governs the behavior of how priorities are set based on "obsconditions" in the desitarget bitmask yaml file. state : :class:`bool` If ``True`` then also return a string denoting the state that was set. The state is a string combining the observational state (e.g. "DONE", "MORE_ZGOOD") from the targeting yaml file and the target type (e.g. "ELG", "LRG"). Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.array` integer array of priorities. :class:`~numpy.array` string array of states. Only returned if `state`=``True`` Notes ----- - If a target passes multiple selections, highest priority wins. - Will automatically detect if the passed targets are main survey, commissioning or SV and behave accordingly. """ # ADM check input arrays are sorted to match row-by-row on TARGETID. assert np.all(targets["TARGETID"] == zcat["TARGETID"]) # ADM determine whether the input targets are main survey, cmx or SV. colnames, masks, survey = main_cmx_or_sv(targets, scnd=True) # ADM the target bits/names should be shared between main survey and SV. if survey != 'cmx': desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target, scnd_target = colnames desi_mask, bgs_mask, mws_mask, scnd_mask = masks else: cmx_mask = masks[0] # Default is 0 priority, i.e. do not observe. priority = np.zeros(len(targets), dtype='i8') # ADM set up a string to record the state of each target. from desitarget.mtl import mtldatamodel target_state = np.zeros(len(targets), dtype=mtldatamodel["TARGET_STATE"].dtype) # Determine which targets have been observed. unobs = (zcat["NUMOBS"] == 0) log.debug('calc_priority has %d unobserved targets' % (np.sum(unobs))) if np.all(unobs): done = np.zeros(len(targets), dtype=bool) zgood = np.zeros(len(targets), dtype=bool) zwarn = np.zeros(len(targets), dtype=bool) lya = np.zeros(len(targets), dtype=bool) else: nmore = zcat["NUMOBS_MORE"] assert np.all(nmore >= 0) done = ~unobs & (nmore == 0) zgood = ~unobs & (nmore > 0) & (zcat['ZWARN'] == 0) zwarn = ~unobs & (nmore > 0) & (zcat['ZWARN'] != 0) if survey == 'main': # ADM used to "lock in" the state of LyA QSOs... lya = targets["PRIORITY"] == desi_mask["QSO"].priorities["MORE_ZGOOD"] # ADM ...once they're observed... lya &= ~unobs # ADM ... and until they're done. lya &= ~done # zgood, zwarn, done, and unobs should be mutually exclusive and cover all # targets. assert not np.any(unobs & zgood) assert not np.any(unobs & zwarn) assert not np.any(unobs & done) assert not np.any(zgood & zwarn) assert not np.any(zgood & done) assert not np.any(zwarn & done) assert np.all(unobs | done | zgood | zwarn) # DESI dark time targets. if survey != 'cmx': if desi_target in targets.dtype.names: # ADM set initial state of CALIB for potential calibration targets. names = ('SKY', 'BAD_SKY', 'SUPP_SKY', 'STD_FAINT', 'STD_WD', 'STD_BRIGHT') for name in names: # ADM only update states for passed observing conditions. pricon = obsconditions.mask(desi_mask[name].obsconditions) if (obsconditions.mask(obscon) & pricon) != 0: ii = (targets[desi_target] & desi_mask[name]) != 0 target_state[ii] = "CALIB" names = ('ELG_VLO', 'ELG_LOP', 'ELG_HIP', 'LRG') # ADM for sv3 the ELG guiding columns were ELG and ELG_HIP. if survey == 'sv3': names = ('ELG_LOP', 'ELG_HIP', 'LRG') for name in names: # ADM only update priorities for passed observing conditions. pricon = obsconditions.mask(desi_mask[name].obsconditions) if (obsconditions.mask(obscon) & pricon) != 0: ii = (targets[desi_target] & desi_mask[name]) != 0 for sbool, sname in zip( [unobs, done, zgood, zwarn], ["UNOBS", "DONE", "MORE_ZGOOD", "MORE_ZWARN"] ): # ADM update priorities and target states. Mxp = desi_mask[name].priorities[sname] # ADM tiered system in SV3. Decrement MORE_ZWARN # ADM priority using the bit's zwarndecrement. if survey == "sv3" and sname == "MORE_ZWARN": zwd = desi_mask[name].priorities["ZWARN_DECREMENT"] Mxp -= zwd * zcat[ii & sbool]["NUMOBS"] # ADM update states BEFORE changing priorities. ts = "{}|{}".format(name, sname) target_state[ii & sbool] = np.where( priority[ii & sbool] < Mxp, ts, target_state[ii & sbool]) priority[ii & sbool] = np.where( priority[ii & sbool] < Mxp, Mxp, priority[ii & sbool]) # QSO could be Lyman-alpha or Tracer. name = 'QSO' # ADM only update priorities for passed observing conditions. pricon = obsconditions.mask(desi_mask[name].obsconditions) if (obsconditions.mask(obscon) & pricon) != 0: ii = (targets[desi_target] & desi_mask[name]) != 0 # ADM LyA QSOs require more observations. # ADM (zcut is defined at the top of this module). # ADM Main Survey decisions are made using QN/Redrock. if survey == "main": good_hiz = (zcat['Z'] >= zcut) | ((zcat['Z_QN'] >= zcut) & (zcat["IS_QSO_QN"] == 1)) # ADM all non-LyA-QSOs need more low-priority passes # ADM in the Main Survey. The mid-z QSOs get 4 passes # ADM at this lower priority, as requested by some # ADM secondaries, which is set in calc_numobs_more. good_midz = (zcat['Z'] < zcut) & ((zcat['Z_QN'] < zcut) | (zcat["IS_QSO_QN"] != 1)) # ADM good_hiz & good_midz should never occur in # ADM the Main Survey as they're complements. assert not np.any(good_hiz & good_midz) # ADM flip to the done state if we've reached it. good_hiz &= ~done good_midz &= ~done # ADM Main Survey QSOs have no zwarn priority state # ADM but do have a Lyman-alpha (lya) "locked-in" state. sbools = [unobs, done, good_hiz, good_midz, ~good_hiz & ~good_midz, lya] snames = ["UNOBS", "DONE", "MORE_ZGOOD", "MORE_MIDZQSO", "DONE", "MORE_ZGOOD"] # ADM In SV decisions were made without QN. elif survey == "sv3": good_hiz = zgood & (zcat['Z'] >= zcut) # ADM SV3 specified mid-z QSOs required more passes. good_midz = zgood & (zcat['Z'] >= midzcut) & (zcat['Z'] < zcut) # ADM in SV3 we had a zwarn priority state for QSOs. sbools = [unobs, done, good_hiz, good_midz, ~good_hiz & ~good_midz, zwarn] snames = ["UNOBS", "DONE", "MORE_ZGOOD", "MORE_MIDZQSO", "DONE", "MORE_ZWARN"] else: good_hiz = zgood & (zcat['Z'] >= zcut) good_midz = zgood & (zcat['Z'] < zcut) sbools = [unobs, done, good_hiz, good_midz, ~good_hiz & ~good_midz, zwarn] snames = ["UNOBS", "DONE", "MORE_ZGOOD", "MORE_MIDZQSO", "DONE", "MORE_ZWARN"] for sbool, sname in zip(sbools, snames): # ADM update priorities and target states. Mxp = desi_mask[name].priorities[sname] # ADM tiered system in SV3. Decrement MORE_ZWARN # ADM priority using the bit's zwarndecrement. if survey == "sv3" and sname == "MORE_ZWARN": zwd = desi_mask[name].priorities["ZWARN_DECREMENT"] Mxp -= zwd * zcat[ii & sbool]["NUMOBS"] # ADM update states BEFORE changing priorities. ts = "{}|{}".format(name, sname) target_state[ii & sbool] = np.where( priority[ii & sbool] < Mxp, ts, target_state[ii & sbool]) priority[ii & sbool] = np.where( priority[ii & sbool] < Mxp, Mxp, priority[ii & sbool]) # BGS targets. if bgs_target in targets.dtype.names: for name in bgs_mask.names(): # ADM only update priorities for passed observing conditions. pricon = obsconditions.mask(bgs_mask[name].obsconditions) if (obsconditions.mask(obscon) & pricon) != 0: ii = (targets[bgs_target] & bgs_mask[name]) != 0 for sbool, sname in zip( [unobs, done, zgood, zwarn], ["UNOBS", "DONE", "MORE_ZGOOD", "MORE_ZWARN"] ): # ADM update priorities and target states. Mxp = bgs_mask[name].priorities[sname] # ADM tiered system in SV3. Decrement MORE_ZWARN # ADM priority using the bit's zwarndecrement. if survey == "sv3" and sname == "MORE_ZWARN": zwd = bgs_mask[name].priorities["ZWARN_DECREMENT"] Mxp -= zwd * zcat[ii & sbool]["NUMOBS"] # ADM update states BEFORE changing priorities. ts = "{}|{}".format(name, sname) target_state[ii & sbool] = np.where( priority[ii & sbool] < Mxp, ts, target_state[ii & sbool]) priority[ii & sbool] = np.where( priority[ii & sbool] < Mxp, Mxp, priority[ii & sbool]) # MWS targets. if mws_target in targets.dtype.names: # ADM set initial state of CALIB for potential calibration targets. stdnames = ('GAIA_STD_FAINT', 'GAIA_STD_WD', 'GAIA_STD_BRIGHT') for name in mws_mask.names(): # ADM only update priorities for passed observing conditions. pricon = obsconditions.mask(mws_mask[name].obsconditions) if (obsconditions.mask(obscon) & pricon) != 0: ii = (targets[mws_target] & mws_mask[name]) != 0 # ADM standards have no priority. if name in stdnames: target_state[ii] = "CALIB" else: for sbool, sname in zip( [unobs, done, zgood, zwarn], ["UNOBS", "DONE", "MORE_ZGOOD", "MORE_ZWARN"] ): # ADM update priorities and target states. Mxp = mws_mask[name].priorities[sname] # ADM tiered system in SV3. Decrement MORE_ZWARN # ADM priority using the bit's zwarndecrement. if survey == "sv3" and sname == "MORE_ZWARN": zwd = mws_mask[name].priorities["ZWARN_DECREMENT"] Mxp -= zwd * zcat[ii & sbool]["NUMOBS"] # ADM update states BEFORE changing priorities. ts = "{}|{}".format(name, sname) target_state[ii & sbool] = np.where( priority[ii & sbool] < Mxp, ts, target_state[ii & sbool]) priority[ii & sbool] = np.where( priority[ii & sbool] < Mxp, Mxp, priority[ii & sbool]) # ADM Secondary targets. if scnd_target in targets.dtype.names: # APC Secondaries only drive updates for specific DESI_TARGET # APC bits ( # APC Default behaviour is that targets with SCND_ANY bits set will # APC ONLY be updated based on their secondary targetmask parameters IF # APC they have NO primary target bits set (hence == on next line). scnd_update = targets[desi_target] == desi_mask['SCND_ANY']'{} scnd targets to be updated as secondary-only'.format( scnd_update.sum())) # APC The exception to the rule above is that a subset of bits flagged # APC with updatemws=True in the targetmask can drive updates for a # APC subset of primary bits corresponding to MWS targets and # APC standards. We first create a bitmask of those permitted seconday # APC bits. permit_scnd_bits = 0 for name in scnd_mask.names(): if survey == 'main': # updatemws only defined for main survey targetmask. if scnd_mask[name].updatemws: permit_scnd_bits |= scnd_mask[name] else: # Before updatemws was introduced, all scnd bits # were permitted to update MWS targets. permit_scnd_bits |= scnd_mask[name] # APC Now we flag any target combining the permitted secondary bits # APC and the restricted set of primary bits. permit_scnd = (targets[scnd_target] & permit_scnd_bits) != 0 # APC Allow changes to primaries to be driven by the status of # APC their matched secondary bits if the DESI_TARGET bitmask has any # APC of the following bits set, but not any other bits. update_from_scnd_bits = ( desi_mask['SCND_ANY'] | desi_mask['MWS_ANY'] | desi_mask['STD_BRIGHT'] | desi_mask['STD_FAINT'] | desi_mask['STD_WD']) permit_scnd &= ((targets[desi_target] & ~update_from_scnd_bits) == 0)'{} more scnd targets allowed to update MWS primaries'.format( (permit_scnd & ~scnd_update).sum())) # APC Updateable targets are either pure secondary or explicitly permitted scnd_update |= permit_scnd'{} scnd targets to be updated in total'.format( scnd_update.sum())) if np.any(scnd_update): for name in scnd_mask.names(): # ADM only update priorities for passed observing conditions. pricon = obsconditions.mask(scnd_mask[name].obsconditions) if (obsconditions.mask(obscon) & pricon) != 0: ii = (targets[scnd_target] & scnd_mask[name]) != 0 ii &= scnd_update # ADM scnd LyA QSOs may require more observations. # ADM (zcut is defined at the top of this module). # ADM Main Survey decisions are made using QN/Redrock. if survey == "main": good_hiz = (zcat['Z'] >= zcut) | ((zcat['Z_QN'] >= zcut) & (zcat["IS_QSO_QN"] == 1)) # ADM all non-LyA-QSOs need more low-priority passes # ADM in the Main Survey. The mid-z QSOs get 4 passes # ADM at this lower priority, as requested by some # ADM secondaries, which is set in calc_numobs_more. good_midz = (zcat['Z'] < zcut) & ((zcat['Z_QN'] < zcut) | (zcat["IS_QSO_QN"] != 1)) # ADM good_hiz & good_midz should never occur in # ADM the Main Survey as they're complements. assert not np.any(good_hiz & good_midz) # ADM flip to the done state if we've reached it. good_hiz &= ~done good_midz &= ~done # ADM In SV decisions were made without QN. elif survey == "sv3": good_hiz = zgood & (zcat['Z'] >= zcut) # ADM SV3 specified mid-z QSOs required more passes. good_midz = zgood & (zcat['Z'] >= midzcut) & (zcat['Z'] < zcut) else: good_hiz = zgood & (zcat['Z'] >= zcut) good_midz = zgood & (zcat['Z'] < zcut) # ADM secondary QSOs need processed like primary QSOs. if scnd_mask[name].flavor == "QSO": if survey == "main": # ADM Main Survey QSOs have no zwarn priority state # ADM but do have a Lyman-alpha (lya) "locked-in" state. sbools = [unobs, done, good_hiz, good_midz, ~good_hiz & ~good_midz, lya] snames = ["UNOBS", "DONE", "MORE_ZGOOD", "MORE_MIDZQSO", "DONE", "MORE_ZGOOD"] else: sbools = [unobs, done, good_hiz, good_midz, ~good_hiz & ~good_midz, zwarn] snames = ["UNOBS", "DONE", "MORE_ZGOOD", "MORE_MIDZQSO", "DONE", "MORE_ZWARN"] else: sbools = [unobs, done, zgood, zwarn] snames = ["UNOBS", "DONE", "MORE_ZGOOD", "MORE_ZWARN"] for sbool, sname in zip(sbools, snames): # ADM update priorities and target states. Mxp = scnd_mask[name].priorities[sname] # ADM tiered system in SV3. Decrement MORE_ZWARN # ADM priority using the bit's zwarndecrement. # if survey == "sv3" and sname == "MORE_ZWARN": # zwd = scnd_mask[name].priorities["ZWARN_DECREMENT"] # Mxp -= zwd * zcat[ii & sbool]["NUMOBS"] # ADM update states BEFORE changing priorities. ts = "{}|{}".format(name, sname) target_state[ii & sbool] = np.where( priority[ii & sbool] < Mxp, ts, target_state[ii & sbool]) priority[ii & sbool] = np.where( priority[ii & sbool] < Mxp, Mxp, priority[ii & sbool]) # Special case: IN_BRIGHT_OBJECT means priority=-1 no matter what. ii = (targets[desi_target] & desi_mask.IN_BRIGHT_OBJECT) != 0 priority[ii] = -1 target_state[ii] = "IN_BRIGHT_OBJECT" # ADM Special case: SV-like commissioning targets. if 'CMX_TARGET' in targets.dtype.names: priority = _cmx_calc_priority(targets, priority, obscon, unobs, done, zgood, zwarn, cmx_mask, obsconditions) if state: return priority, target_state return priority
[docs]def _cmx_calc_priority(targets, priority, obscon, unobs, done, zgood, zwarn, cmx_mask, obsconditions): """Special-case logic for target priorities in CMX. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` numpy structured array or astropy Table of targets. Must include the column `CMX_TARGET`. priority : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Initial priority values set, in calc_priorities(). obscon : :class:`str` A combination of strings that are in the desitarget bitmask yaml file (specifically in `desitarget.targetmask.obsconditions`), e.g. "DARK|GRAY". Governs the behavior of how priorities are set based on "obsconditions" in the desitarget bitmask yaml file. unobs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Boolean flag on targets indicating state UNOBS. done : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Boolean flag on targets indicating state DONE. zgood : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Boolean flag on targets indicating state ZGOOD. zwarn : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Boolean flag on targets indicating state ZWARN. cmx_mask : :class:`~desiutil.bitmask.BitMask` The CMX target bitmask. obscondtions : :class:`~desiutil.bitmask.BitMask` The CMX obsconditions bitmask. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The updated priority values. Notes ----- - Intended to be called only from within calc_priority(), where any pre-processing of the target state flags (uobs, done, zgood, zwarn) is handled. """ # Build a permitted list of targets to update names_to_update = ['SV0_' + label for label in ('STD_FAINT', 'STD_BRIGHT', 'BGS', 'MWS', 'WD', 'MWS_FAINT', 'MWS_CLUSTER', 'MWS_CLUSTER_VERYBRIGHT')] names_to_update.extend(['BACKUP_BRIGHT', 'BACKUP_FAINT']) for name in names_to_update: pricon = obsconditions.mask(cmx_mask[name].obsconditions) if (obsconditions.mask(obscon) & pricon) != 0: ii = (targets['CMX_TARGET'] & cmx_mask[name]) != 0 priority[ii & unobs] = np.maximum(priority[ii & unobs], cmx_mask[name].priorities['UNOBS']) priority[ii & done] = np.maximum(priority[ii & done], cmx_mask[name].priorities['DONE']) priority[ii & zgood] = np.maximum(priority[ii & zgood], cmx_mask[name].priorities['MORE_ZGOOD']) priority[ii & zwarn] = np.maximum(priority[ii & zwarn], cmx_mask[name].priorities['MORE_ZWARN']) return priority
[docs]def resolve(targets): """Resolve which targets are primary in imaging overlap regions. Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Rec array of targets. Must have columns "RA" and "DEC" and either "RELEASE" or "PHOTSYS" or "TARGETID". Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The original target list trimmed to only objects from the "northern" photometry in the northern imaging area and objects from "southern" photometry in the southern imaging area. """ # ADM retrieve the photometric system from the RELEASE. from import release_to_photsys, desitarget_resolve_dec if 'PHOTSYS' in targets.dtype.names: photsys = targets["PHOTSYS"] else: if 'RELEASE' in targets.dtype.names: photsys = release_to_photsys(targets["RELEASE"]) else: _, _, release, _, _, _ = decode_targetid(targets["TARGETID"]) photsys = release_to_photsys(release) # ADM a flag of which targets are from the 'N' photometry. from desitarget.cuts import _isonnorthphotsys photn = _isonnorthphotsys(photsys) # ADM grab the declination used to resolve targets. split = desitarget_resolve_dec() # ADM determine which targets are north of the Galactic plane. As # ADM a speed-up, bin in ~1 sq.deg. HEALPixels and determine # ADM which of those pixels are north of the Galactic plane. # ADM We should never be as close as ~1o to the plane. from desitarget.geomask import is_in_gal_box, pixarea2nside nside = pixarea2nside(1) theta, phi = np.radians(90-targets["DEC"]), np.radians(targets["RA"]) pixnum = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True) # ADM find the pixels north of the Galactic plane... allpix = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside)) theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, allpix, nest=True) ra, dec = np.degrees(phi), 90-np.degrees(theta) pixn = is_in_gal_box([ra, dec], [0., 360., 0., 90.], radec=True) # ADM which targets are in pixels north of the Galactic plane. galn = pixn[pixnum] # ADM which targets are in the northern imaging area. arean = (targets["DEC"] >= split) & galn # ADM retain 'N' targets in 'N' area and 'S' in 'S' area. keep = (photn & arean) | (~photn & ~arean) return targets[keep]
[docs]def finalize(targets, desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target, sky=False, randoms=False, survey='main', darkbright=False, gaiadr=None, gdr=None, targetid=None, forcerelease=False): """Return new targets array with added/renamed columns Parameters ---------- targets : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` numpy structured array of targets. desi_target : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` 1D array of target selection bit flags. bgs_target : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` 1D array of target selection bit flags. mws_target : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` 1D array of target selection bit flags. sky : :class:`bool`, defaults to ``False`` Pass ``True`` for sky targets, ``False`` otherwise. randoms : :class:`bool`, defaults to ``False`` ``True`` if `targets` is a random catalog, ``False`` otherwise. survey : :class:`str`, defaults to `main` Specifies which target masks yaml file to use. Options are `main`, `cmx` and `svX` (where X = 1, 2, 3 etc.) for the main survey, commissioning and an iteration of SV. darkbright : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If sent, then split `NUMOBS_INIT` and `PRIORITY_INIT` into `NUMOBS_INIT_DARK`, `NUMOBS_INIT_BRIGHT`, `PRIORITY_INIT_DARK` and `PRIORITY_INIT_BRIGHT` and calculate values appropriate to "BRIGHT" and "DARK|GRAY" observing conditions. gaiadr : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to ``None`` If passed and not ``None``, then build the `TARGETID` from the "GAIA_OBJID" and "GAIA_BRICKID" columns in the passed `targets`, and set the `gaiadr` part of `TARGETID` to whatever is passed. "RELEASE" is set to zero. gdr : :class:`int`, defaults to ``None`` An alternate version of `gaiadr` where the "OBJID", "BRICKID" and "RELEASE" columns are used as normal, but `gdr` is sent to :func:`desitarget.targets.encode_targetid` as the gaiadr bit. targetid : :class:`int64`, optional, defaults to ``None`` In the mocks we compute `TARGETID` outside this function. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` new targets structured array with the following additions: * renaming OBJID -> BRICK_OBJID (it is only unique within a brick). * renaming TYPE -> MORPHTYPE (used downstream in other contexts). * Adding new columns: - TARGETID: unique ID across all bricks or Gaia files. - DESI_TARGET: dark time survey target selection flags. - MWS_TARGET: bright time MWS target selection flags. - BGS_TARGET: bright time BGS target selection flags. - PRIORITY_INIT: initial priority for observing target. - SUBPRIORITY: a placeholder column that is set to zero. - NUMOBS_INIT: initial number of observations for target. - OBSCONDITIONS: bitmask of observation conditions. Notes ----- - SUBPRIORITY is the only column that isn't populated. This is because it's easier to populate it in a reproducible fashion when collecting targets rather than on a per-brick basis when this function is called. It's set to all zeros. - Only one of `gaiadr` and `gdr` can be input. """ if gaiadr is not None and gdr is not None: msg = "only one of gaiadr and gdr can be input (and not None)" log.critical(msg) raise IOError(msg) ntargets = len(targets) assert ntargets == len(desi_target) assert ntargets == len(bgs_target) assert ntargets == len(mws_target) # - OBJID in tractor files is only unique within the brick; rename and # - create a new unique TARGETID targets = rfn.rename_fields(targets, {'OBJID': 'BRICK_OBJID', 'TYPE': 'MORPHTYPE'}) # allow TARGETID to be passed as an input (specifically for the mocks). if targetid is None: if gaiadr is not None: targetid = encode_targetid(objid=targets['GAIA_OBJID'], brickid=targets['GAIA_BRICKID'], release=0, mock=int(randoms), sky=int(sky), gaiadr=gaiadr) else: targetid = encode_targetid(objid=targets['BRICK_OBJID'], brickid=targets['BRICKID'], release=targets['RELEASE'], mock=int(randoms), sky=int(sky), gaiadr=gdr) assert ntargets == len(targetid) nodata = np.zeros(ntargets, dtype='int')-1 subpriority = np.zeros(ntargets, dtype='float') # ADM new columns are different depending on SV/cmx/main survey. if survey == 'main': colnames = ['DESI_TARGET', 'BGS_TARGET', 'MWS_TARGET'] elif survey == 'cmx': colnames = ['CMX_TARGET'] elif survey[:2] == 'sv': colnames = ["{}_{}_TARGET".format(survey.upper(), tc) for tc in ["DESI", "BGS", "MWS"]] else: msg = "survey must be 'main', 'cmx' or 'svX' (X=1,2..etc.), not {}!" \ .format(survey) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM the columns to write out and their values and formats. cols = ["TARGETID"] + colnames + ['SUBPRIORITY', 'OBSCONDITIONS'] vals = [targetid] + [desi_target, bgs_target, mws_target][:len(colnames)] \ + [subpriority, nodata] forms = ['>i8'] + ['>i8', '>i8', '>i8'][:len(colnames)] + ['>f8', '>i8'] # ADM set the initial PRIORITY and NUMOBS. if darkbright: # ADM populate bright/dark if splitting by survey OBSCONDITIONS. ender = ["_DARK", "_BRIGHT", "_BACKUP"] obscon = ["DARK|GRAY", "BRIGHT", "BACKUP"] else: ender, obscon = [""], ["DARK|GRAY|BRIGHT|BACKUP|TWILIGHT12|TWILIGHT18"] for edr, oc in zip(ender, obscon): cols += ["{}_INIT{}".format(pn, edr) for pn in ["PRIORITY", "NUMOBS"]] vals += [nodata, nodata] forms += ['>i8', '>i8'] # ADM write the output array. newdt = [dt for dt in zip(cols, forms)] done = np.array(np.zeros(len(targets)), dtype=targets.dtype.descr+newdt) for col in targets.dtype.names: done[col] = targets[col] for col, val in zip(cols, vals): done[col] = val # ADM add PRIORITY/NUMOBS columns. for edr, oc in zip(ender, obscon): pc, nc = "PRIORITY_INIT"+edr, "NUMOBS_INIT"+edr done[pc], done[nc] = initial_priority_numobs(done, obscon=oc) # ADM set the OBSCONDITIONS. done["OBSCONDITIONS"] = set_obsconditions(done) # ADM some final checks that the targets conform to expectations... # ADM check that each target has a unique ID. if len(done["TARGETID"]) != len(set(done["TARGETID"])): msg = 'TARGETIDs are not unique!' log.critical(msg) raise AssertionError(msg) # ADM check all LRG targets have LRG_1PASS/2PASS set. # ADM we've moved away from LRG PASSes so deprecate this for now. # if survey == 'main': # lrgset = done["DESI_TARGET"] & desi_mask.LRG != 0 # pass1lrgset = done["DESI_TARGET"] & desi_mask.LRG_1PASS != 0 # pass2lrgset = done["DESI_TARGET"] & desi_mask.LRG_2PASS != 0 # if not np.all(lrgset == pass1lrgset | pass2lrgset): # msg = 'Some LRG targets do not have 1PASS/2PASS set!' # log.critical(msg) # raise AssertionError(msg) return done