Source code for desitarget.uratmatch

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Useful `URAT`_ matching and manipulation routines.

.. _`URAT`:
import os
import numpy as np
import fitsio
import requests
import pickle

from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from time import time
from import ascii
from glob import glob
import healpy as hp

from desitarget.internal import sharedmem
from desimodel.footprint import radec2pix
from desitarget.geomask import add_hp_neighbors, radec_match_to
from desitarget import io

# ADM set up the DESI default logger
from desiutil.log import get_logger
log = get_logger()

# ADM start the clock
start = time()

# ADM columns contained in our version of the URAT fits files.
uratdatamodel = np.array([], dtype=[
    ('URAT_ID', '>i8'), ('RA', '>f8'), ('DEC', '>f8'),
    ('APASS_G_MAG', '>f4'), ('APASS_G_MAG_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('APASS_R_MAG', '>f4'), ('APASS_R_MAG_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('APASS_I_MAG', '>f4'), ('APASS_I_MAG_ERROR', '>f4'),
    ('PMRA', '>f4'), ('PMDEC', '>f4'), ('PM_ERROR', '>f4')

[docs]def get_urat_dir(): """Convenience function to grab the URAT environment variable. Returns ------- :class:`str` The directory stored in the $URAT_DIR environment variable. """ # ADM check that the $URAT_DIR environment variable is set. uratdir = os.environ.get('URAT_DIR') if uratdir is None: msg = "Set $URAT_DIR environment variable!" log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return uratdir
[docs]def _get_urat_nside(): """Grab the HEALPixel nside to be used throughout this module. Returns ------- :class:`int` The HEALPixel nside number for URAT file creation and retrieval. """ nside = 32 return nside
[docs]def scrape_urat(url="", nfiletest=None): """Retrieve the binary versions of the URAT files. Parameters ---------- url : :class:`str` The web directory that hosts the archived binary URAT files. nfiletest : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to ``None`` If an integer is sent, only retrieve this number of files, for testing. Returns ------- Nothing But the archived URAT files are written to $URAT_DIR/binary. Notes ----- - The environment variable $URAT_DIR must be set. - Runs in about 50 minutes for 575 URAT files. """ # ADM check that the URAT_DIR is set and retrieve it. uratdir = get_urat_dir() # ADM construct the directory to which to write files. bindir = os.path.join(uratdir, 'binary') # ADM the directory better be empty for the wget! if os.path.exists(bindir): if len(os.listdir(bindir)) > 0: msg = "{} should be empty to wget URAT binary files!".format(bindir) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM make the directory, if needed. else:'Making URAT directory for storing binary files') os.makedirs(bindir) index = requests.get(url) # ADM retrieve any file name that starts with z. # ADM the [1::2] pulls back just the odd lines from the split list. garbled = index.text.split("z")[1::2] filelist = ["z{}".format(g[:3]) for g in garbled] # ADM if nfiletest was passed, just work with that number of files. test = nfiletest is not None if test: filelist = filelist[:nfiletest] nfiles = len(filelist) # ADM loop through the filelist. start = time() for nfile, fileinfo in enumerate(filelist): # ADM make the wget command to retrieve the file and issue it. cmd = 'wget -q {} -P {}'.format(os.path.join(url, fileinfo), bindir) os.system(cmd) if nfile % 25 == 0 or test: elapsed = time() - start rate = nfile / elapsed '{}/{} files; {:.1f} files/sec; {:.1f} total mins elapsed' .format(nfile+1, nfiles, rate, elapsed/60.) )'Done...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-start)) return
[docs]def urat_binary_to_csv(): """Convert files in $URAT_DIR/binary to files in $URAT_DIR/csv. Returns ------- Nothing But the archived URAT binary files in $URAT_DIR/binary are converted to CSV files in the $URAT_DIR/csv. Notes ----- - The environment variable $URAT_DIR must be set. - Relies on the executable urat/fortran/v1dump, which is only tested at NERSC and might need compiled by the user. - Runs in about 40 minutes for 575 files. """ # ADM check that the URAT_DIR is set. uratdir = get_urat_dir() # ADM a quick check that the csv directory is empty before writing. csvdir = os.path.join(uratdir, 'csv') if os.path.exists(csvdir): if len(os.listdir(csvdir)) > 0: msg = "{} should be empty to make URAT files!".format(csvdir) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM make the directory, if needed. else:'Making URAT directory for storing CSV files') os.makedirs(csvdir)'Begin converting URAT files to CSV...t={:.1f}s' .format(time()-start)) # ADM check the v1dump executable has been compiled. readme = resource_filename('desitarget', 'urat/fortran/README') cmd = resource_filename('desitarget', 'urat/fortran/v1dump') if not (os.path.exists(cmd) and os.access(cmd, os.X_OK)): msg = "{} must have been compiled (see {})".format(cmd, readme) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM execute v1dump. os.system(cmd)'Done...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-start)) return
[docs]def urat_csv_to_fits(numproc=5): """Convert files in $URAT_DIR/csv to files in $URAT_DIR/fits. Parameters ---------- numproc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 5 The number of parallel processes to use. Returns ------- Nothing But the archived URAT CSV files in $URAT_DIR/csv are converted to FITS files in the directory $URAT_DIR/fits. Also, a look-up table is written to $URAT_DIR/fits/hpx-to-files.pickle for which each index is an nside=_get_urat_nside(), nested scheme HEALPixel and each entry is a list of the FITS files that touch that HEAPixel. Notes ----- - The environment variable $URAT_DIR must be set. - if numproc==1, use the serial code instead of the parallel code. - Runs in about 10 minutes with numproc=25 for 575 files. """ # ADM the resolution at which the URAT HEALPix files should be stored. nside = _get_urat_nside() # ADM check that the URAT_DIR is set. uratdir = get_urat_dir()"running on {} processors".format(numproc)) # ADM construct the directories for reading/writing files. csvdir = os.path.join(uratdir, 'csv') fitsdir = os.path.join(uratdir, 'fits') # ADM make sure the output directory is empty. if os.path.exists(fitsdir): if len(os.listdir(fitsdir)) > 0: msg = "{} should be empty to make URAT FITS files!".format(fitsdir) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM make the output directory, if needed. else:'Making URAT directory for storing FITS files') os.makedirs(fitsdir) # ADM construct the list of input files. infiles = sorted(glob("{}/*csv*".format(csvdir))) nfiles = len(infiles) # ADM the critical function to run on every file. def _write_urat_fits(infile): """read an input name for a csv file and write it to FITS""" outbase = os.path.basename(infile) outfilename = "{}.fits".format(outbase.split(".")[0]) outfile = os.path.join(fitsdir, outfilename) # ADM astropy understands without specifying format='csv'. fitstable = # ADM map the ascii-read csv to typical DESI quantities. nobjs = len(fitstable) done = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype=uratdatamodel.dtype) # ADM have to do this one-by-one, given the format. done["RA"] = fitstable['col1']/1000./3600. done["DEC"] = fitstable['col2']/1000./3600. - 90. done["PMRA"] = fitstable['col16']/10. done["PMDEC"] = fitstable['col17']/10. done["PM_ERROR"] = fitstable['col18']/10. done["APASS_G_MAG"] = fitstable['col36']/1000. done["APASS_R_MAG"] = fitstable['col37']/1000. done["APASS_I_MAG"] = fitstable['col38']/1000. done["APASS_G_MAG_ERROR"] = fitstable['col41']/1000. done["APASS_R_MAG_ERROR"] = fitstable['col42']/1000. done["APASS_I_MAG_ERROR"] = fitstable['col43']/1000. done["URAT_ID"] = fitstable['col46'] fitsio.write(outfile, done, extname='URATFITS') # ADM return the HEALPixels that this file touches. pix = set(radec2pix(nside, done["RA"], done["DEC"])) return [pix, os.path.basename(outfile)] # ADM this is just to count processed files in _update_status. nfile = np.zeros((), dtype='i8') t0 = time() def _update_status(result): """wrapper function for the critical reduction operation, that occurs on the main parallel process""" if nfile % 25 == 0 and nfile > 0: rate = nfile / (time() - t0) elapsed = time() - t0 '{}/{} files; {:.1f} files/sec; {:.1f} total mins elapsed' .format(nfile, nfiles, rate, elapsed/60.) ) nfile[...] += 1 # this is an in-place modification return result # - Parallel process input files... if numproc > 1: pool = sharedmem.MapReduce(np=numproc) with pool: pixinfile =, infiles, reduce=_update_status) # ADM ...or run in serial. else: pixinfile = list() for file in infiles: pixinfile.append(_update_status(_write_urat_fits(file))) # ADM create a list for which each index is a HEALPixel and each # ADM entry is a list of files that touch that HEALPixel. npix = hp.nside2npix(nside) pixlist = [[] for i in range(npix)] for pixels, file in pixinfile: for pix in pixels: pixlist[pix].append(file) # ADM write out the HEALPixel->files look-up table. outfilename = os.path.join(fitsdir, "hpx-to-files.pickle") outfile = open(outfilename, "wb") pickle.dump(pixlist, outfile) outfile.close()'Done...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-t0)) return
[docs]def urat_fits_to_healpix(numproc=5): """Convert files in $URAT_DIR/fits to files in $URAT_DIR/healpix. Parameters ---------- numproc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 5 The number of parallel processes to use. Returns ------- Nothing But the archived URAT FITS files in $URAT_DIR/fits are rearranged by HEALPixel in the directory $URAT_DIR/healpix. The HEALPixel sense is nested with nside=_get_urat_nside(), and each file in $URAT_DIR/healpix is called healpix-xxxxx.fits, where xxxxx corresponds to the HEALPixel number. Notes ----- - The environment variable $URAT_DIR must be set. - if numproc==1, use the serial code instead of the parallel code. - Runs in about 10 minutes with numproc=25. """ # ADM the resolution at which the URAT HEALPix files should be stored. nside = _get_urat_nside() # ADM check that the URAT_DIR is set. uratdir = get_urat_dir() # ADM construct the directories for reading/writing files. fitsdir = os.path.join(uratdir, 'fits') hpxdir = os.path.join(uratdir, 'healpix') # ADM make sure the output directory is empty. if os.path.exists(hpxdir): if len(os.listdir(hpxdir)) > 0: msg = "{} should be empty to make URAT HEALPix files!".format(hpxdir) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # ADM make the output directory, if needed. else:'Making URAT directory for storing HEALPix files') os.makedirs(hpxdir) # ADM read the pixel -> file look-up table. infilename = os.path.join(fitsdir, "hpx-to-files.pickle") infile = open(infilename, "rb") pixlist = pickle.load(infile) npixels = len(pixlist) # ADM include the pixel number explicitly in the look-up table. pixlist = list(zip(np.arange(npixels), pixlist)) # ADM the critical function to run on every file. def _write_hpx_fits(pixlist): """from files that touch a pixel, write out objects in each pixel""" pixnum, files = pixlist # ADM only proceed if some files touch a pixel. if len(files) > 0: # ADM track if it's our first time through the files loop. first = True # ADM Read in files that touch a pixel. for file in files: filename = os.path.join(fitsdir, file) objs = # ADM only retain objects in the correct pixel. pix = radec2pix(nside, objs["RA"], objs["DEC"]) if first: done = objs[pix == pixnum] first = False else: done = np.hstack([done, objs[pix == pixnum]]) # ADM construct the name of the output file. outfilename = io.hpx_filename(pixnum) outfile = os.path.join(hpxdir, outfilename) # ADM write out the file. hdr = fitsio.FITSHDR() hdr['HPXNSIDE'] = nside hdr['HPXNEST'] = True fitsio.write(outfile, done, extname='URATHPX', header=hdr) return # ADM this is just to count processed files in _update_status. npix = np.zeros((), dtype='i8') t0 = time() def _update_status(result): """wrapper function for the critical reduction operation, that occurs on the main parallel process""" if npix % 500 == 0 and npix > 0: rate = npix / (time() - t0) elapsed = time() - t0 '{}/{} files; {:.1f} files/sec; {:.1f} total mins elapsed' .format(npix, npixels, rate, elapsed/60.) ) npix[...] += 1 # this is an in-place modification return result # - Parallel process input files... if numproc > 1: pool = sharedmem.MapReduce(np=numproc) with pool: _ =, pixlist, reduce=_update_status) # ADM ...or run in serial. else: for pix in pixlist: _update_status(_write_hpx_fits(pix))'Done...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-t0)) return
[docs]def make_urat_files(numproc=5, download=False): """Make the HEALPix-split URAT files in one fell swoop. Parameters ---------- numproc : :class:`int`, optional, defaults to 5 The number of parallel processes to use. download : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then wget the URAT binary files from Vizier. Returns ------- Nothing But produces: - URAT DR1 binary files in $URAT_DIR/binary (if download=True). - URAT CSV files with all URAT columns in $URAT_DIR/csv. - FITS files with columns from `uratdatamodel` in $URAT_DIR/fits. - FITS files reorganized by HEALPixel in $URAT_DIR/healpix. The HEALPixel sense is nested with nside=_get_urat_nside(), and each file in $URAT_DIR/healpix is called healpix-xxxxx.fits, where xxxxx corresponds to the HEALPixel number. Notes ----- - The environment variable $URAT_DIR must be set. - if numproc==1, use the serial, instead of the parallel, code. - Runs in about 2 hours with numproc=25 if download is ``True``. - Runs in about 1 hour with numproc=25 if download is ``False``. """ t0 = time()'Begin making URAT files...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-t0)) # ADM check that the URAT_DIR is set. uratdir = get_urat_dir() # ADM a quick check that the fits and healpix directories are empty # ADM before embarking on the slower parts of the code. csvdir = os.path.join(uratdir, 'csv') fitsdir = os.path.join(uratdir, 'fits') hpxdir = os.path.join(uratdir, 'healpix') for direc in [csvdir, fitsdir, hpxdir]: if os.path.exists(direc): if len(os.listdir(direc)) > 0: msg = "{} should be empty to make URAT files!".format(direc) log.critical(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if download: scrape_urat()'Retrieved URAT files from Vizier...t={:.1f}s' .format(time()-t0)) urat_binary_to_csv()'Converted binary files to CSV...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-t0)) urat_csv_to_fits(numproc=numproc)'Converted CSV files to FITS...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-t0)) urat_fits_to_healpix(numproc=numproc)'Rearranged FITS files by HEALPixel...t={:.1f}s'.format(time()-t0)) return
[docs]def find_urat_files(objs, neighbors=True, radec=False): """Find full paths to URAT healpix files for objects by RA/Dec. Parameters ---------- objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Array of objects. Must contain the columns "RA" and "DEC". neighbors : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``True`` Also return all pixels that touch the files of interest to prevent edge effects (e.g. if a URAT source is 1 arcsec away from a primary source and so in an adjacent pixel). radec : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then the passed `objs` is an [RA, Dec] list instead of a rec array that contains "RA" and "DEC". Returns ------- :class:`list` A list of all URAT files to read to account for objects at the passed locations. Notes ----- - The environment variable $URAT_DIR must be set. """ # ADM the resolution at which the URAT HEALPix files are stored. nside = _get_urat_nside() # ADM check that the URAT_DIR is set and retrieve it. uratdir = get_urat_dir() hpxdir = os.path.join(uratdir, 'healpix') # ADM remember to pass "strict", as URAT doesn't cover the whole sky. return io.find_star_files(objs, hpxdir, nside, strict=True, neighbors=neighbors, radec=radec)
[docs]def match_to_urat(objs, matchrad=1., radec=False): """Match objects to URAT healpix files and return URAT information. Parameters ---------- objs : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` Must contain at least "RA" and "DEC". matchrad : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 1 arcsec The radius at which to match in arcseconds. radec : :class:`bool`, optional, defaults to ``False`` If ``True`` then the passed `objs` is an [RA, Dec] list instead of a rec array. Returns ------- :class:`~numpy.ndarray` The matching URAT information for each object. The returned format is as for desitarget.uratmatch.uratdatamodel with an extra column "URAT_SEP" which is the matching distance in ARCSECONDS. Notes ----- - For objects that do NOT have a match in URAT, the "URAT_ID" and "URAT_SEP" columns are -1, and other columns are zero. - Retrieves the CLOSEST match to URAT for each passed object. - Because this reads in HEALPixel split files, it's (far) faster for objects that are clumped rather than widely distributed. """ # ADM parse whether a structure or coordinate list was passed. if radec: ra, dec = objs else: ra, dec = objs["RA"], objs["DEC"] # ADM set up an array of URAT information for the output. nobjs = len(ra) done = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype=uratdatamodel.dtype) # ADM objects without matches should have URAT_ID, URAT_SEP of -1. done["URAT_ID"] = -1 urat_sep = np.zeros(nobjs) - 1 # ADM determine which URAT files need to be scraped. uratfiles = find_urat_files([ra, dec], radec=True) nfiles = len(uratfiles) # ADM catch the case of no matches to URAT. if nfiles > 0: # ADM loop through the URAT files and find matches. for ifn, fn in enumerate(uratfiles): if ifn % 500 == 0 and ifn > 0:'{}/{} files; {:.1f} total mins elapsed' .format(ifn, nfiles, (time()-start)/60.)) urat = idurat, idobjs, dist = radec_match_to( [urat["RA"], urat["DEC"]], [ra, dec], sep=matchrad, radec=True, return_sep=True) # ADM update matches whenever we have a CLOSER match. ii = (urat_sep[idobjs] == -1) | (urat_sep[idobjs] > dist) done[idobjs[ii]] = urat[idurat[ii]] urat_sep[idobjs[ii]] = dist[ii] # ADM add the separation distances to the output array. dt = uratdatamodel.dtype.descr + [("URAT_SEP", ">f4")] output = np.zeros(nobjs, dtype=dt) for col in uratdatamodel.dtype.names: output[col] = done[col] output["URAT_SEP"] = urat_sep return output